Pretend Wizards: A D&d Podcast



Six friends play D&D (Dungeons and Dragons), and do their best as a mercenary company in the Country-City Atla. Will they become the greatest warriors who ever swung a pointed bit of metal? How long can they last uncursed and with all their limbs? You'll probably have to listen to find out.


  • Episode 34 – Secret Sights


    Our heroes race to find Pal, as discover a disaster waiting to happen. But everything is not as it seems. Who will discover the truth, and will they share their knowledge?

  • Episode 33 – Fake Names


    Escaping Pal’s illusion, the players waltz right into another. But is this another trick, or something more? And what do Pal and Friends have planned?

  • Episode 32 – Going Home


    With our heroes victorious it’s time for the triumphant return home, to money, baths, and rest. Wait, what do you mean they have to figure out a way out? And who’s that?!

  • Episode 31 – Whale Explosion


    The finale of Smuggler’s Cove, but can our heroes finish in one piece? Vertical wind tunnels, angry kings, explosions, and way too many fish stand between our heroes and victory!

  • Episode 30 – Final Answer


    It’s time to decide what’s really going on. Our heroes visit the various people they’ve encountered on their desperate adventure, and discuss what they think is happening. After all, you need to be confident before...

  • Episode 29 – Signing is Hard


    After a vicious fight with the remaining water striders, the mystery of the tower begins looming over the team. Will their pokes and prods yield the answer, or will it mangle them, violently and horribly?

  • Episode 28 – Too Spooky


    The source of the blue is discovered, as is it’s guardians. Can our heroes win, or will they be too creeped out to swing their swords?

  • Episode 27 – Dental Work


    What mysteries lie in the depths and heights of the church tower? What are the partygoers, what happens when you stab them a whole bunch, and what’s that guy’s full name? Can the heroes figure...

  • Episode 26 – Boatcheeks


    It’s time to right the ship! What will happen as the winches are triggered? And what might happen if, just if, someone rolled a 1 during it? And while whatever catastrophe that might be rages,...

  • Episode 25 – Meat Klub


    Odette’s in trouble! Will they, can they, rescue her from certain doom at the hands of screaming monsters, or will they take the strait shot to the church now that the way is clear?

  • Episode 24 – Joint Hugging Rights


    The mining ship explodes with kelpie! Can the players escape to the apothecary with their fantasy C4 without grievously injuring eachother? Gosh I hope not!

  • Episode 23 – Battle Swaddle


    After taking council from a crazed, semi-lucid conspiracy theorist, the players finally make a concrete plan, and begin searching the various shipwrecks for tools to aid them.

  • Episode 22 – Super Salt


    Those who escape mount a rescue for those captured, and try to figure out what to do next in the face of impossible odds. It’s not all plans and strategy though, experiments are conducted, new...

  • Episode 21 – Diplomacy Magic


    When trying to communicate with a strange, unseen, but seemingly all-powerful force, you should probably not start throwing money in it’s face or peeing on it. Just a friendly tip should you find yourself in...

  • Episode 20 – Emergency Baptism


    When presented with strange cultists born from blood, trapped in an indefensible tavern, and moments from being overwhelmed by a army of crazed, screaming enemies, it’s important to keep your priorities strait. Because the most...

  • Episode 19 – MURDERPARTY


    Who knows what awaits the player’s in the darkness of the sewers? Who knows where the quest to find blue water will lead them? What darkness, what horrors, await them in Smuggler’s Cove?! Oh wait,...

  • Episode 18 – Adventure Game Logic


    A short meeting with the illustrious Robespierre` nets our Heroes access to the sewers, along with some unwelcome accompaniment. Can they ditch their chaperones long enough to find out the truth under the city? Can...

  • Episode 17 – #BootyClub


    Before our heroes can journey into the depths of the sewers, they need to journey to The Tower of Commerce, and seek an audience with the illustrious Prefect Robespierre. And they might as well stop...

  • Episode 16 – Bird Charming


    Escaping from the magical doll house, the heroes continue on to their employer. The quest to find out why water is blue will be a treacherous one, filled with strange otherworldly rivals, talking birds, magical...

  • Episode 15 – Revenge of The Toy Store


    A rift is created in the group on how to deal with the surprise marionette, and Shira storms out in anger. While the rest of the group decides what their first paying job is gonna...

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