Moment Of Clarity With Stefan G.



Join Stefan G. as he offers perspective and insight to life's various experiences. Uncover perspective on Christianity and the Bible and Stefan G. offers a distinct view of life as a follower of Jesus.


  • EPISODE 83 – Where are the Good Men? pt2 (the friend zone)


    Is the friend zone a real place?  Why do women put men there?  In this episode we keep searching for “the good men”.  Our Ladies Night round table continues, focusing on the beloved/dreaded friend zone.

  • EPISODE 82 – Where are the Good Men?


    We FINALLY find an answer to the question so many women are asking…  Where are all the good men?  Well, we’ve found them!!  It’s LADIES NIGHT on this episode of Moment of Clarity.  4 women join Stefan to discuss where to find a good man!

  • EPISODE 81 – A New Kind of Love


    Are you a good lover?  Most of us would automatically answer yes, but have we really taken the time to discover how good we are at this thing called love?  Find out what you can do to take your love life to the next level.  What if we take it a step further and ask…  do [...]

  • EPISODE 80 – What if Jesus were Real??


    Many of us would say we “do our best” to follow God’s Word and be the best followers of Christ that we can possibly be.  But What if Jesus were actually real?  Like, really real?  Would our lives, thoughts, actions change?  Find out what it means to follow a REAL Jesus…

  • EPISODE 79 – Like Everyone Else


    On today’s show we take on the internal struggle so many Christians go through, the struggle of being just like everyone else.  As Christians we’ve allow the world to define, who, how, and what we must be to keep the title of Christian. The idea becomes that we must be the perfect Christian.  This can lead to [...]

  • EPISODE 78 – Shine Orlando


    In the midst of experiencing such a heartbreaking tragedy in our hometown, Stefan, Kym and Mike focus on the Orlando shooting and discuss what a Christian response should look like.  Is there a difference? How can we be light in the middle of this darkness?

  • EPISODE 77 – Limitless


    As a child of God you can do almost anything!!  But we put so many limitations on ourselves based off of false conceptions.  So why do we rarely use the access Christ has given us to change the world or even our own lives?  On today’s show Stefan and Kym talk about how to live your life [...]

  • EPISODE 76 – The Place of Transition


    Transitioning from one phase of life to the next can be scary, overwhelming, confusing, as well as affirming, productive, hopeful and much much more.  Today Stefan, Kym, and Mike outline 5 keys to making it through your transition victoriously!

  • EPISODE 75 – Fear Not


    It’s time to move beyond fear!  Many of us allow fear to paralyze us without even knowing it.  It limits our success, keeps us from our purpose, and restricts God’s ability to move in our lives.  Today Stefan, Kym, and Mike tackle fear.  They share their experiences and give practical strategies for defeating fear in [...]

  • EPISODE 74 – The Journey Continues


    No matter how much you believe you’ve healed, you journey with Christ will continue day by day.  Today Stefan and Kym talk about what can happen when you find yourself in a state of transition with Christ.  They explore “Safe Mode” a state of being where Christ will prepare you for your future, as well as, [...]

  • EPISODE 73 – Finding Love


    We all need love!  So on today’s show Kym, Mike, and Stefan discuss the principles of finding love!  And they FINALLY answer the age old question, “How do I find me a Bae?!?!”  From positioning yourself for love, to listening for the cues and clues, the friend zone, and actually finding the right person, they [...]

  • EPISODE 72 – Purpose & Destiny


    There is something inside each of us that calls out, asking us to be more, and reach higher.  That something is our life’s destiny. If you haven’t found yours, or are unsure of which direction your purpose may take you, listen to this show.  Stefan, Kym, and Mike explore ways to find and pursue the purpose [...]

  • EPISODE 71 – Vulnerability


    Our vulnerability is our true self.  But, there are so many things in life that want to squash our ability to be vulnerable with each other, and with Christ.  Pride, fear, hurt, and so many other things can keep us from being vulnerable, open, and exposed.  In today’s show Stefan, Kym and Mike talk about [...]

  • EPISODE 70 – You Are My Brother


    Possibly the most powerful show we’ve ever had on Moment of Clarity.  Today Kym shares an experience that puts our charge as Christians into real perspective.  Can you love ONLY?  God calls us to love each other as brothers and sisters, with no exceptions. But how many of us are really doing this?  This show [...]

  • EPISODE 69 – Technology


    Mike and Stefan recently discovered how many Christians don’t use the simplest technology, and they were stunned. Where technology is taking us masterful! So many people neglect to utilize technology to its fullest ability. Today we recap some of the biggest tech advancements in the past decade, and take a glance at where technology is going [...]

  • EPISODE 68 – Donald J. Trump for President


    I’ve been trying to be good.  But I can’t hold it in any longer!  I’m listening to numerous people support Trump.  I’m listening to many many people attack Trump.  And it’s finally time for me to chime in.  Kym took the week off, so I’m going to take this chance to give you all exactly [...]

  • EPISODE 67 – Trust and the Truth


    In our faith God calls us to embrace truth. It is the only way to salvation, to believe, to have faith, in the truth of Christ and the Gospel. So why do we avoid truth so much in our everyday lives? Do we have a trust issue? And are there individual truths for each person? [...]

  • EPISODE 66 – Why Men Are Not Getting Married


    An article recently came out that said 70% of men under 35 are not getting married for one specific reason.  And it’s more about what they want in marriage than anything else.  On today’s show Stefan and Kym analyze why men aren’t signing up to get married like in previous generations.

  • EPISODE 65 – Breaking Down Singleness and Relationships


    Learn the truth about your singleness and how to move towards that relationship you desire. On today’s show Stefan and Kym talk about how our singleness grooms us all for the relationship to come. They break down the act of being single and how to take lessons learned into your future relationship to ensure that [...]

  • EPISODE 64 – How to Overcome Worry in Your Life


    Worry overtakes many of us through life’s situations. However there are some clear and easy ways to overcome the worry in your life by understanding it and why it occurs.  On today’s show, Stefan and Kym break down what can cause worry and why we need not worry any longer.

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