Tanner-price Ame Church



Tanner-Price AME Church


  • Bible Study: Developing the Leader Within - Audio

    19/06/2009 Duração: 4646h00s

    Leadership is sorely lacking in the Church today, not just in the local assembly, but in the body of Christ at large. Not only have there been numerous reports of “front-liners” of the faith going through divorce, getting caught up in scandals of extramarital infidelity, and being investigated for misappropriation of funds, but congregations at large are unable to thrive, or sometimes, even survive, if their leader is removed, assigned elsewhere, or passes. These concerns, combined with other internal issues, lead to a lack of continuity or consistency in the local church. Moreover, the young people in our churches are suffering spiritually, and much of the reason for that is our inability to project Jesus to them in a palatable way. All of these factors point to a dying need to redefine and understand leadership. By discussing our own ideas of leadership, viewing church leadership models, discerning individual leadership styles, and looking at what the Bible has to say about lead

  • Redefining Victory - Audio

    07/06/2009 Duração: 1888h00s

    The world system has taught us that the way of aggressiveness is the way to success. Jesus demands something different from us, though. His life showed us that, contrary to popular belief, life is not about who's the most aggressive and most cunning, but it's about who's strongest in patience, endurance, and suffering. The Lamb-Lion paradox of Revelation 5 shows us that our godly suffering, more than anything else, is the weapon we need to be victorious in fighting the enemy.

  • Church, We Have a Problem! - Audio

    31/05/2009 Duração: 1724h00s

    The true, miraculous power of Pentecost was NOT tongue speaking, but it was the change that took place in Peter. The power of the Holy Spirit changed Peter's speech from that of brash talk to that of purposeful communication, and such a change is very instructive for us as a church. It's about time that the AME Church begins recognizing Pentecost for the monumentally important Christian holiday that it is!

  • Redefining Success - Audio

    24/05/2009 Duração: 1910h00s

    One of the biggest impediments to spiritual growth is the discouragement that takes place when one considers the oftentimes marked difference between his/her Sunday deliverance and his/her Monday reality. A key step to moving forward is realizing that your attitude must change before your situation changes. People say that prayer changes things, but, in actuality, prayer changes people and people change things. Habakkuk's attitude shows he realizes this important fact.

  • Moving Forward - Audio

    17/05/2009 Duração: 1958h00s

    Habakkuk is a prophet in a lengthy list of those in that office who provide us excellent examples of what it means to lament productively. Examining his attitude and disposition of obedience and preparedness after complaining to God about his people's situation, we are taught of a correct disposition of forward thinking. To get to where we need to go as a church, we must learn how to lament the past, while, at the same time, looking, with confidence to the future.

  • A Living Legacy in a Dying World - Audio

    03/05/2009 Duração: 2364h00s

    It's never too early to begin thinking about your legacy. Everything you do should be to ensure the future success of your offspring. If you live your entire life and die having done nothing to help anyone besides yourself, then what worth has your life been?

  • Bible Study: Developing 21st Century Leaders (Preview) - Audio

    30/04/2009 Duração: 3462h00s

    Join Pastor Cylar as he gives a preview to a vital series on effective leadership in this century, examining the scriptural examples of some of God's greatest leaders.

  • Just Keep it Real! - Audio

    26/04/2009 Duração: 1263h00s

    With all of the news we've heard over recent years of people in the Body of Christ getting caught up in shady dealings, it's more important now than ever to live lives that are above reproach and represent our God the way He is supposed to be represented. The best way we do that is by striving for authenticity in everything we do. Just keep it real!

  • Bible Study: Core Values #5 & 6 - Audio

    23/04/2009 Duração: 4449h00s

    Next to believing in your heart and confessing with your mouth that Jesus is Lord (Romans 10:9-10), the most important step to living a truly committed Christian life is knowing what you know, i.e. having a firm handle on the fundamental tenets of the Christian faith. One common attack on Christians over the years is that we have such a poor command over the word of God and over the most basic points of doctrine extracted from it that people of other religions know what we are supposed to know better than we do and are thus able to not only refute what we say, but also take what they learn from our faith to trick us into believing what they believe. These basic beliefs that all Christians should know and apply comprise what is called a biblical worldview. Having a biblical worldview, in addition to helping us withstand the schemes of those trying to get us to believe something other than the gospel of Jesus Christ, actually helps clarify every area of our lives and impacts every decisio

  • Unlocking the Power and Purpose of Revelation - Audio

    19/04/2009 Duração: 2328h00s

    Our fear of, or inexperience with a particular scripture should not keep us from tackling the parts of the Bible we don't deal with that often. When we overcome our preconceived notions about Revelation, we can truly unlock the treasure of this great book and discover its message of encouragement in the face of persecution, rather than simple fear of death. Exploring the true meaning of the message to the church at Laodicea shows us just that.

  • The True Ministry of the Passion - Audio

    12/04/2009 Duração: 2808h00s

    As awesome as Jesus' sacrifice was, and as much of an impact as it still has in our lives, the true ministry of the crucifixion and everything He did during Passion Week was that we are able to testify today about how we have been resurrected because He was resurrected first. Because of His ministry for us, we can now minister to others.

  • Vertical Vantage Point - Audio

    05/04/2009 Duração: 2349h00s

    Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem at the beginning of the Passion Week, only to be crucified at the end of the same week, underscores the fickle nature of human beings, which is why we must keep our attention focused on a consistent God, rather than an inconsistent people.

  • Bible Study: Core Value #4 - Audio

    26/03/2009 Duração: 3680h00s

    One common attack on Christians over the years is that we have such a poor command over the word of God and over the most basic points of doctrine extracted from it that people of other religions know what we are supposed to know better than we do and are thus able to not only refute what we say, but also take what they learn from our faith to trick us into believing what they believe. These basic beliefs that all Christians should know and apply comprise what is called a biblical worldview. Having a biblical worldview, in addition to helping us withstand the schemes of those trying to get us to believe something other than the gospel of Jesus Christ, actually helps clarify every area of our lives and impacts every decision we make in life. Listen as Pastor Cylar continues an important series on developing a biblical worldview, explaining the core value that all believers are responsible for sharing their faith in Christ with others.

  • Speech Therapy: Get Your Mind Right - Audio

    22/03/2009 Duração: 2546h00s

    God has given us the power of the tongue, not to call down "stuff" from heaven, but to help us shape our lives and propel ourselves into destiny. Listen as Pastor Cylar shares how refining the way we think and talk helps bring a well-needed upgrade to our lives, regardless of our present situations.

  • Bible Study - Core Values #2 & 3 - Audio

    19/03/2009 Duração: 3381h00s

    One common attack on Christians over the years is that we have such a poor command over the word of God and over the most basic points of doctrine extracted from it that people of other religions know what we are supposed to know better than we do and are thus able to not only refute what we say, but also take what they learn from our faith to trick us into believing what they believe. These basic beliefs that all Christians should know and apply comprise what is called a biblical worldview. Having a biblical worldview, in addition to helping us withstand the schemes of those trying to get us to believe something other than the gospel of Jesus Christ, actually helps clarify every area of our lives and impacts every decision we make in life. Listen as Pastor Cylar continues an important series on developing a biblical worldview, explaining the core values that Jesus lived a sinless life on earth and that Satan is real and not symbolic.

  • Stationary, But Not Still - Audio

    16/03/2009 Duração: 717h00s

    There's a distinct difference between idleness and waiting on God; the two are not synonymous. Listen as Evangelist Cylar teaches about the proactive but prayerful posture the Christian needs to take when waiting on God.

  • The Relevance of the Church in the 21st Century - Audio

    08/03/2009 Duração: 2426h00s

    With all the negativity going on in the world right now, the world is in desperate need of the church to provide something different than she's been offering lately. Institutions are falling, people are hurting, and churches are closing, so those of us committed to the church need to change the way we do things to make the church relevant for people in the 21st century.

  • Sneak Preview - Audio

    01/03/2009 Duração: 1682h00s

    At certain points in our lives, God gives us an opportunity to see or experience something that has not yet come to pass, and this is because He's giving us a sneak preview of what He has for us. Moses, however, saw but never entered the Promised Land, despite his years of hard work. The time is now to fully buy in to the vision for Tanner-Price so the sneak preview of greatness He has given us will materialize into a full motion picture!

  • Bible Study - Core Value #1 - Audio

    26/02/2009 Duração: 4485h00s

    One common attack on Christians over the years is that we have such a poor command over the word of God and over the most basic points of doctrine extracted from it that people of other religions know what we are supposed to know better than we do and are thus able to not only refute what we say, but also take what they learn from our faith to trick us into believing what they believe. These basic beliefs that all Christians should know and apply comprise what is called a biblical worldview. Having a biblical worldview, in addition to helping us withstand the schemes of those trying to get us to believe something other than the gospel of Jesus Christ, actually helps clarify every area of our lives and impacts every decision we make in life. Listen as Pastor Cylar begins an important series on developing a biblical worldview, beginning first with the core value that the Bible is accurate in its teachings.

  • Tag Team: Playtime is Over - Audio

    22/02/2009 Duração: 2191h00s

    The world is quickly passing us, the church, by, and if we don't quickly revisit our focus, adjust our motivation, and change our attitude toward ministry, all of the other influences in the world today will render us totally ineffective in this 21st century. Listen and Pastor and Evangelist Cylar expound on making Jesus relevant to the younger generations in 2009 to keep the church growing, rather than declining. There's no more time for games, no more time for tradition for tradition's sake, no more time for timidity--Playtime is Over! (Preached at New St. John AME - Dearborn, MI)

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