Family Designs For The Golden Age - Elizabeth Clare Prophet



An inspiring and hopeful series that will help you bring your family back into a more spiritual state, restoring joyand peace into your everyday family life. The relevant and timeless ascended master teachings imparted in theFamily Designs for Golden Age podcasts will transform your view of the family and karma, marriage, twin flames,soul mates and spiritual parenting. Elizabeth Clare Prophet is modern mystic and pioneer in New Thought spirituality.


  • Episode 19: Your Marriage Made on Earth (part 7 of 7)

    28/11/2011 Duração: 17min

    Marriage in Everyday Life * Marriages of mixed religions * A violet flame responsibility * Marriage or celibacy * Children, abortion and birth control * Circumcision * Decisions from the Lords of Karma * Avatars Quote:      "When life is holy, all of life is holy.  Don't allow yourself to enter into an alliance with someone who is committed to darkness, committed to materialism, committed to his ego or her ego.  It will never work, and such a union will never be the foundation for bringing forth of souls of light."  -- Elizabeth Clare Prophet MORE from FAMILY DESIGNS PODCAST: BUY MP3 Audio CD "Family Designs for the Golden Age":  Better understand  yourself as a spiritual parent and create your family environment to unlock your children’s genius.  Lectures by Elizabeth Clare Prophet include: "Karma, Reincarnation, and the Family, " "Your Marriage Made in Heaven, " "Your Marriage Made on Earth," "Charting the Cycles of Your

  • Episode 18: Your Marriage Made on Earth (part 6 of 7)

    15/11/2011 Duração: 16min

    The Worthiness of Love * Women - the womb of time and space * Men - holder of a sacred covenant with God * Worthiness as a defining quality * Story of a woman who just missed meeting her twin flame * Questions and answers about twin flames Quote:      "When life is holy, all of life is holy.  Don't allow yourself to enter into an alliance with someone who is committed to darkness, committed to materialism, committed to his ego or her ego.  It will never work, and such a union will never be the foundation for bringing forth of souls of light."  -- Elizabeth Clare Prophet MORE from FAMILY DESIGNS PODCAST: BUY MP3 Audio CD "Family Designs for the Golden Age":  Better understand  yourself as a spiritual parent and create your family environment to unlock your children’s genius.  Lectures by Elizabeth Clare Prophet include: "Karma, Reincarnation, and the Family, " "Your Marriage Made in Heaven, " "Your Marriage Made on Earth," "Cha

  • Episode 17: Your Marriage Made on Earth (part 5 of 7)

    08/11/2011 Duração: 18min

    Marriage: The Divine Masculine and Feminine * What is the underlying cause of divorce? * How to spiritualize marriage? * What is the purpose of marriage? * The masculine and feminine rays Quote:      "Marriage is only a beginning.  And when you take the vow for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, it means that you are making a vow to share your karma.  You each carry your karma on your back; now it becomes a joint load.  The weakness of your spouse is transmuted by your strength. Your own weaknesses are transmuted by his or her strength.  That's what marriage is for--bearing a common load together."  --  Elizabeth Clare Prophet MORE from FAMILY DESIGNS PODCAST: BUY MP3 Audio CD "Family Designs for the Golden Age":  Better understand  yourself as a spiritual parent and create your family environment to unlock your children’s genius.  Lectures by Elizabeth Cla

  • Episode 16: Your Marriage Made on Earth (part 4 of 7)

    12/10/2011 Duração: 15min

    Joy in the Life of the Spirit * How to ultimately attract the perfect union * Attraction - spiritual, physical, emotional, mental * How to stop making the same relationship mistakes * Definitions of twin flames and soul mates * How to test a relationship to see if it's worth keeping Quote:      "You have to be the magnet of the thing that you desire, because the law is unfailing.  If you allow lust and the dissipation of energy to be in a forcefield around you, you're going to attract that kind of a person."  -- Elizabeth Clare Prophet MORE from FAMILY DESIGNS PODCAST: BUY MP3 Audio CD "Family Designs for the Golden Age":  Better understand  yourself as a spiritual parent and create your family environment to unlock your children’s genius.  Lectures by Elizabeth Clare Prophet include: "Karma, Reincarnation, and the Family, " "Your Marriage Made in Heaven, " "Your Marriage Made on Earth," "Charting the Cycles of Your Family," "The Key

  • Episode 15: Your Marriage Made on Earth (part 3 of 7)

    29/09/2011 Duração: 15min

    Resurrection Mantra and Visualization * A simple mantra to help raise your energies * A visualization for energy rising * A correlation between Egyptian pyramids and the resurrection flame * Misuses of the sacred fire in chakras other than the base chakra * Transfiguring Affirmations - mantras Jesus gave to his disciples for energy flow Quote:      "Remember the law of Life between Alpha and Omega--when we don't have flow we have stagnation, and when we have stagnation we have decay, disintegration, and death. So, to keep the flame of Life flowing through you, you need the flame of the resurrection."  -- Elizabeth Clare Prophet MORE from FAMILY DESIGNS PODCAST: BUY MP3 Audio CD "Family Designs for the Golden Age":  Better understand  yourself as a spiritual parent and create your family environment to unlock your children’s genius.  Lectures by Elizabeth Clare Prophet include: "Karma, Reincarnation, and the Family, " "Your Marriage Made in Hea

  • Episode 14: Your Marriage Made on Earth (part 2 of 7)

    19/09/2011 Duração: 11min

    Honoring Your Twin Flame through Your Relationships * What's the difference between marriages made in heaven and marriages made on earth? * God's energy as sacred fire - sacred energy in motion * Customs and laws of marriage - the higher way * What if you're not ready to make a marriage commitment? * How to raise the energies of the base chakra. Quote: "Freedom is the flame that blazes in the Aquarian age--that freedom can never be interpreted as license for premature relationships and abuses of the sacred fire that are not in keeping with the law." -- Elizabeth Clare Prophet MORE from FAMILY DESIGNS PODCAST: BUY MP3 Audio CD "Family Designs for the Golden Age":  Better understand  yourself as a spiritual parent and create your family environment to unlock your children’s genius.  Lectures by Elizabeth Clare Prophet include: "Karma, Reincarnation, and the Family, " "Your Marriage Made in Heaven, " "Your Marriage Made on Earth," "Charting the Cycles of Your Family," "The Key

  • Episode 13: Your Marriage Made on Earth (part 1 of 7)

    15/09/2011 Duração: 11min

    Marriage for self-mastery * What criteria must be discussed when considering marriage? * What marriages are a waste of time and energy? * Practical help for use of the sacred fire. * How does community relate to marriage? * What is a root race, and who are the Seventh Root Race? Quote:   "The Brotherhood desires to sponsor the Holy Family as the foundation of the Aquarian age and for the bringing in of the seventh root race." -- Elizabeth Clare Prophet MORE from FAMILY DESIGNS PODCAST: BUY MP3 Audio CD "Family Designs for the Golden Age":  Better understand  yourself as a spiritual parent and create your family environment to unlock your children’s genius.  Lectures by Elizabeth Clare Prophet include: "Karma, Reincarnation, and the Family, " "Your Marriage Made in Heaven, " "Your Marriage Made on Earth," "Charting the Cycles of Your Family," "The Key to Unlock the Genius of Your Child," "What It Means to Be a Parent," "New-Age Children—The Coming Avatars." Plus asce

  • Episode 12: Your Marriage Made in Heaven (part 5 of 5)

    08/08/2011 Duração: 18min

    Alchemical Marriage as the Ultimate Purpose * Karma between twin flames over many embodiments * How the violet flame can help bring you closer to your twin flame * Discover how a marriage based on karma can be fruitful * What if your twin flame is ascended? Quote:      "You want to realize God in the very depths of your being. He is already on high. God is in his heaven, but all is not right with the world. The world of the four lower bodies must be infused with God. There is only one way God on high is going to become God below and that is by the use of the name I AM, the name of God, the original fiat of the dot in the center of the circle that you are, that your twin flame is."  -- Elizabeth Clare Prophet MORE from FAMILY DESIGNS PODCAST: BUY MP3 Audio CD "Family Designs for the Golden Age":  Better understand  yourself as a spiritual parent and create your family environment to unlock your children’s genius.  Lectures by Elizabeth Clare Proph

  • Episode 11: Your Marriage Made in Heaven (part 4 of 5)

    04/08/2011 Duração: 14min

    The Sacred Pursuit of Your Twin Flame * How to pursue your twin flame * Elizabeth Clare Prophet's vision of her twin flame * Learn how karma keeps you apart from your twin flame * Discover how a marriage based on karma can be fruitful * What if your twin flame is ascended? Quote:      "And if you meditate now and then (maybe once a week) in this manner upon your twin flame, you will find that wherever that twin flame is--beyond the Pleiades, in China, in Russia, or down the street, the boy next door, the girl next door--you will find that you are one at the level of the flame of the heart. And there is no mistaking that oneness."   -- Elizabeth Clare Prophet MORE from FAMILY DESIGNS PODCAST: BUY MP3 Audio CD "Family Designs for the Golden Age":  Better understand  yourself as a spiritual parent and create your family environment to unlock your children’s genius.  Lectures by Elizabeth Clare Prophet include: "Karma, Reincarnation, and the Family

  • Episode 10: Your Marriage Made in Heaven (part 3 of 5)

    26/07/2011 Duração: 23min

    A Meditation for Twin Flames * Does the union of a lower half with another lower half make twin flames? * What is bliss of union with God? * Experience a meditation for twin flames to realize the divine wholeness Quote:      "Now before we go on in our discussion of twin flames, I would like to have a meditation for you and your twin flame, a meditation for you to realize that divine wholeness, that divine polarity which you knew in the beginning."  -- Elizabeth Clare Prophet MORE from FAMILY DESIGNS PODCAST: BUY MP3 Audio CD "Family Designs for the Golden Age":  Better understand  yourself as a spiritual parent and create your family environment to unlock your children’s genius.  Lectures by Elizabeth Clare Prophet include: "Karma, Reincarnation, and the Family, " "Your Marriage Made in Heaven, " "Your Marriage Made on Earth," "Charting the Cycles of Your Family," "The Key to Unlock the Genius of Your Child," "What It Means to Be a Parent," "New

  • Episode 9: Your Marriage Made in Heaven (part 2 of 5)

    15/07/2011 Duração: 14min

    Twin Flames - Why the Longing? * Learn about the process of creation of twin flames * What is the purpose for creating twin flames? * Who is your twin flame? * What is the only way to unite with a twin flame? Quote:      "Suddenly, it is not necessarily yesterday, today, and tomorrow that you are concerned with, but your consciousness can arc back to origin.  And you can see how, through all the experiences of time and space, the weavings of karma have taken us through the labyrinth of all levels of the astral, the mental, the physical planes.  Above and beyond all considerations is the wholeness of being, of God identity."  -- Elizabeth Clare Prophet MORE from FAMILY DESIGNS PODCAST: BUY MP3 Audio CD "Family Designs for the Golden Age":  Better understand  yourself as a spiritual parent and create your family environment to unlock your children’s genius.  Lectures by Elizabeth Clare Prophet include: "Karma, Reincarnation, an

  • Episode 8: Your Marriage Made in Heaven (part 1 of 5)

    27/06/2011 Duração: 14min

    Drama of Creation * The purpose of the allegory of Adam and Eve * How you were created in the Beginning * Who is your I AM Presence and Higher Self * About the ritual of the ascension * What the second death is Quote:      "I think some people think in terms of a mate or a person that God has created especially for them, almost after the fact, as the Lord God took Eve out of the rib of Adam. This allegory in the Book of Genesis did not make sense to me for a long time.  I pondered it as a child and in my youth, and it seemed to me very strange and not quite real because I was looking at it in the literal sense.  And so many things in the Bible are startling and puzzling when we look at them in the literal sense. But as I was meditating in the past years, I came to realize what is being explained in that passage."   --  Elizabeth Clare Prophet MORE from FAMILY DESIGNS PODCAST: BUY MP3 Audio CD "Family Designs for the Golden Age":  Bett

  • Episode 7: Karma, Reincarnation and the Family (part 7 of 7)

    20/06/2011 Duração: 11min

    Karma of Abortion * Why abortion is not birth control * Learn about the personal and national karma of abortion * Spiritual solutions if you have had an abortion * Understand what happens to the soul who has been aborted * Infertility and adoption Quote:      "Today we have slaughtered a whole generation of lightbearers and Christed ones through our abortion laws.   And what will happen in ten or twenty years when the souls who should be there to lead us into the golden age are not there? I cannot tell you. But I am so concerned about this that I am holding this seminar on the family and giving instruction at the Ascended Master University on this subject, because it is so vital." -- Elizabeth Clare Prophet MORE from FAMILY DESIGNS PODCAST: BUY MP3 Audio CD "Family Designs for the Golden Age":  Better understand  yourself as a spiritual parent and create your family environment to unlock your children’s genius.  Lectures by Elizabeth Clare Prophe

  • Episode 6: Karma, Reincarnation and the Family (part 6 of 7)

    14/06/2011 Duração: 10min

    Marriages of Karma, Twin Flames and Soul Mates *  The differences between marriages of karma, twin flames and soul mates *  How intense emotions of love or hate signal records of the past that are now to the fore *  The soul mate marriage is a union of kindred souls *  How karma and reincarnation impacts the children you bring forth in a family *  Spiritual heredity is not simply genes and chromosomes Quote:      "When we talk about reincarnation and karma and the family, we realize that there are marriages that must take place because of karma.  The only way individuals can work out an intense hatred that they have had for one another in past incarnations is through a great ennobling love.  Hatred attracts, and so does love attract.  And sometimes an instantaneous attraction for someone will be love, but it may also be hatred.  And that hatred may turn into love, presenting a dichotomy of circumst

  • Episode 5: Karma, Reincarnation and the Family (part 5 of 7)

    08/06/2011 Duração: 15min

    The True Meaning of Marriage * Discover the true meaning of marriage * Learn about the marriage of your soul to the I AM Presence * Learn about the oneness of twin flames * How to establish a forcefield and an anchoring of energies of oneness * Discover the mystical concept of "becoming one flesh" through the leaping of the flame of the heart Quote:      "We all yearn to be whole and to be one, and this yearning and this desire is translated at many levels of our society.  Freud analyzed it as saying that all energy is sex energy and is diverted into other channels.  But when we are creative and when we follow a calling, it is the energy of the sacred fire coming forth as attainment in preparation for the return, the reunion to the twin flame.  So it's a slightly different slant when you see it from the level of the Masters."  Elizabeth Clare Prophet MORE from FAMILY DESIGNS PODCAST: BUY MP3 Audio CD "Family Designs for the Golden Age": &nbs

  • Episode 4: Karma, Reincarnation and the Family (part 4 of 7)

    31/05/2011 Duração: 14min

    Archetype of the Divine Woman * Why both man and woman must aspire to raise the feminine ray * Visualize the purpose of meditation * Learn about the embodiments of Mary on Atlantis and elsewhere * Discover the science of the immaculate concept practiced by Mary * How to use this science to hold the vision of highest potential for all Quote:      "The fallen ones know that if they can destroy the mystique of motherhood in every one of you, they can destroy your potential to bring forth the Christ in your work, in your education, in whatever you are doing right now..." MORE from FAMILY DESIGNS PODCAST: BUY MP3 Audio CD "Family Designs for the Golden Age":  Better understand  yourself as a spiritual parent and create your family environment to unlock your children’s genius.  Lectures by Elizabeth Clare Prophet include: "Karma, Reincarnation, and the Family, " "Your Marriage Made in Heaven, " "Your Marriage Made on Earth," "Charting the Cycles of Your Family,"

  • Episode 3: Karma, Reincarnation and the Family (part 3 of 7)

    25/05/2011 Duração: 15min

    Destroying the mystique of motherhood * Learn the real meaning of sexual intercourse * Realize how sex is simply energy in motion. * Know that the word "s-e-x" is really a code word for sacred energy in exchange. * Learn how intercourse is for the bringing forth of a new creation--of love, of light, of truth. * Find out about how the sacred ritual between man and woman creates a sphere of love Quote:    "The fallen ones know that if they can destroy the mystique of motherhood in every one of you, they can destroy your potential to bring forth the Christ in your work, in your education, in whatever you are doing right now..." MORE from FAMILY DESIGNS PODCAST: BUY MP3 Audio CD "Family Designs for the Golden Age":  Better understand  yourself as a spiritual parent and create your family environment to unlock your children’s genius.  Lectures by Elizabeth Clare Prophet include: "Karma, Reincarnation, and the Family, " "Your Marriage Made in Heaven, " "Your Marriage Made

  • Episode 2: Karma, Reincarnation and the Family (part 2 of 7)

    16/05/2011 Duração: 16min

    Fetal Experimentation, Atlantis, Noah’s Flood * Discover how scientists on Atlantis experimented with interbreeding humans and animals * Learn the real reason for the flood of Noah on Atlantis. * Find out how the new birth technologies impact the sacredness of life and the spiritual role of motherhood. * How to restore reverence for life and the divine feminine. Quote:      "I don`t think that the people that are religious on this planet are necessarily the churchgoers.  I think religious people are those who perform their life`s work with a sense of devotion and dedication to an ideal, to a principle, to something that goes beyond the mere physical--the desire to ennoble a culture, an art, a science, a technology with something more than just our daily bread and propagation." MORE from FAMILY DESIGNS PODCAST: BUY MP3 Audio CD "Family Designs for the Golden Age":  Better understand  yourself as a spiritual parent and create your family environment to unlo

  • Episode 1: Karma, Reincarnation and the Family (part 1 of 7)

    12/05/2011 Duração: 18min

    Light and Darkness in battle over the family * Discover the origin of the negative energies that oppose the family * Learn where this darkness is focused in the Western Hemisphere * Become more keenly aware of unseen forces that seek to tear down the family * Find out about spiritual retreats of light * Learn how our souls travel to those retreats at night to study Quote:     "Some of you know that there are retreats of the Great White Brotherhood that are anchored in what is called the etheric plane. It is simply a dimension that is above our physical, mental, and emotional world. It's a dimension that is high, close to the octave which we call heaven, or the ascended master octave." MORE from FAMILY DESIGNS PODCAST: BUY MP3 Audio CD "Family Designs for the Golden Age":  Better understand  yourself as a spiritual parent and create your family environment to unlock your children’s genius.  Lectures by Elizabeth Clare Prophet include: "Karma, Reincarnation,

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