Jeff Shackelford's Podcast




  • History is History

    01/08/2016 Duração: 52min

    When you live your life, we typically live for ourselves. When people talk about us, it is usually all about us. However, as we see in Act 13:13-32, the history account that Paul shares is not about him but it is all about God! It is History! Yes, history and HisStory! Pray that you and I can live life's that are about History in us lived out of us!

  • God's Mission - Search and Save

    24/07/2016 Duração: 51min

    We see that the Holy Spirit is continuing to spread the gospel and people are coming to faith in Christ. We also see again in Acts 13, Saul (Paul) and Barnabas encounter struggles after being sent by the Holy Spirit, commissioned by the believers/church in Antioch to go on a Search and Save mission for God.We also see how they confronted the adversary and how the adversary desired to twist the truth and divert the focus of others and yet, just like with Peter and Cornelius, the Holy Spirit prepares the governor's heart and he comes to faith in Christ.We must remember to not be in maintenance mode but on Mission for God.

  • Prayers Answered in Miraculous Ways

    17/07/2016 Duração: 41min

    We see that despite the horrible situation that Peter was in, the death of James, the persecution of the early church followers of Jesus, the prayers of His people are answered.The Lord responds to the prayers of His people and not only was Peter released, the early church witnessed the answer to their prayers.As we look at Acts 12, watch how the Lord moves, response and reveals His plan. When the Lord works, it is for His glory and we are able to be the participants in His plan.

  • Glad Over Grace

    10/07/2016 Duração: 36min

    When we as believers begin to realize that the Lord's plans and ways are right, the result is phenomenal. When God was increasing the early church, Acts 11:19-30, we see that it was done through His grace for His glory.As the apostles and disciples shared the gospel message of Jesus, people came to faith. Lives were changed and cities were reached.The spreading of the good news of Jesus starts with just one person that know the power and beauty of GRACE! Then, they share their story and life and others see it and want it too. Will you share His story and His life through yours so that others will see His grace?

  • Freedom In Christ

    03/07/2016 Duração: 27min

    When we think of our walk with Jesus, we are give the ability to be free of all the things that have enslaved us. We need to live in the freedom that was given to us on our behalf by our Lord. As we reflect this weekend on the freedoms that we enjoy in our country, may we not forget that the freedom of a nation and our freedom in Christ isn't free, it cost everything.Thankful for the Lord's willingness to give His life for us. Thankful to for the men and women who have sacrificed for the freedom's we have in the US.

  • God's Plan and Purpose

    26/06/2016 Duração: 37min

    When God is involved in life, He has a plan, a purpose and a way. He takes in Acts 10 and moves a man that knew of Him and feared Him and purposed that he would KNOW God personally.Moving in unexpected and socially unexpected ways, God uses a Peter from a whole different lifestyle and culture to bring the Gospel of Jesus to man, his family and friends.Despite our circumstances and our lack of skills, God can move in ways that we would never expect to His Glory.Follow movement of the Holy Spirit drawing and preparing Cornelius and Peter as well. Their lives were diverse and different and yet, God's plan was to breakdown the walls and bring them together. His purpose was fulfilled in both men. And in the end, God receives the Glory.

  • God's Calmness in the midst of Chaos

    19/06/2016 Duração: 35min

    When Saul in Act 9:23-43 finds himself as the Hunter now the Hunted is in the midst of chaos. The paralytic and the disciple Tabitha's death puts others in chaos, God moves in and in the eye of the storm brings peace and growth. The gospel message moved in the regions just as Jesus said it would and it came in the midst of chaos then calmness! When you find your life is in chaos, focus on the eye of the storm and rest in the hands of the God who is in total and complete control.

  • Jesus The Son of God

    13/06/2016 Duração: 51min

    As we see Saul's conversion take place, in Acts 9, we now see the same man radically changed. The transformation in his life took root and grew to the point that the synagogue he was going to go to and create a mess as well as the new followers of Jesus would be taken, jailed and possibly killed were hearing the truth of the Son of God being told by him. How does this happen, a true encounter with God via His Son. Luke describes this in Act 9:19-22. Grab your Bible and join us from there as we see who Jesus is! Also, be ready to navigate to other scriptures we look at in the message tonight.

  • No Possible Way!

    06/06/2016 Duração: 46min

    When we see people around us that are horrific in their lifestyle, we often say there is no possible way that God would save them. Whether a mass murder, rapist, terrorist or whomever, we often write them off. God however, hasn't and doesn't write them off. He love all as we see in John 3:16 and has made a way to have a personal relationship with them. Just like He wants or has with you.As we examine Acts 9:1-19 we will see this in the life of the "chief sinner" of all. Saul receives a personal invitation to know God and to receive His mercy and grace.

  • Divine Appointments

    01/06/2016 Duração: 29min

    I apologize that the end of the sermon did not get recorded. With at said, we are looking at the way God directs us to follow in obedience to His call and His leading. The way we do this is to be immersed in Him, His Word and to listen to the still small voice that He speaks with inside each person that follows Jesus fully.We see how Philip listened and the Ethiopian did as well. Looking into Acts 8:25-40 this account is full of the wonder and power of God setting divine appointments for the Glory of the Lord. May you be blessed as you examine this text with us and on your own.

  • A Serious Warning

    22/05/2016 Duração: 44min

    Often times we skirt around the issue of true faith in Jesus as well as the matters of the battle in the supernatural realm.In Acts 8 we see Simon the sorcerer seeing the full power of God and wants it for personal and selfish reasons/motives. His heart was not right and his motive was off base.He has a non-saving faith and also a wow factor believe/amazement at the power of the Holy Spirit.Peter boldly calls him out and challenges him to repent and follow Christ.Trust you will find some challenges and areas to surrender and yield to the Lord. May His Word bless and keep you.

  • Got Persecution?

    16/05/2016 Duração: 39min

    In the early church, they encountered difficulties and joyous times. We are also going to or already experiencing that. As we see, joy is in the suffering, the pain, the hurt and the struggle when we go through it with God.As you look at His Word in this message, may you find strength, courage and endurance to go through whatever you are going through. I pray for you, your life, your family, your marriage, your job and all you are in that you will seek God and the Holy Spirit to sustain you through the hard times.In Him, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!Acts 8:1-8

  • His Story

    09/05/2016 Duração: 30min

    As we look at Act 7 we see that Stephen prove that God is who He said He was, is and His promises. His story is one of Truth and Grace and it woven through out the Old and New Testament. Stephen respectfully tells God's story, ones these religious leaders knew very well as the evidence of who God is. Not wanting to hear the truth as they couldn't handle the truth, they have Stephen put to death at their own hands. God's love and grace comes out on Stephen and his testimony was evidence enough that God is real.Do you know He is real? You can know He is and experience Him in your life today.

  • Passion and that a crime?

    02/05/2016 Duração: 34min

    Stephen we see in Acts 6 is selected as a deacon. Then he serves, many come to faith in Jesus and the leaders then drag him in on false trumped up charges.Stephen faces a mock trial like that of the Jesus. He never waivers and never falters from the truth. Stephen remains constant, passionate and holds on to the truth.Quote...Working hard for something we don't care about is stress, Working for something we love is called passion!What is your passion? Who is your passion?

  • How Can I Help?

    25/04/2016 Duração: 27min

    When we look at Acts 6:1-7 we see there was a need to be met. God used Godly men filled with the Holy Spirit and full of wisdom to meet the need. He also used everyone in the body as they gave of their time, gifts, talents and possessions.We have to ask ourselves, "How Can I Help?" and What can I do? When it comes to serving in the body of Christ, we need everyone to ask the Spirit to help them know where to serve and how to serve.One way to serve the body is through prayer! Ask God to prompt you to find a few people you can intercede on their behalf and watch what He does in your life and theirs as you pray.

  • When God Says DO IT!

    18/04/2016 Duração: 36min

    We look at a review of the first 12 verses in Acts 5. Then we delve into the nitty gritty of the struggles that come from obedience and following God. No matter the issues, the struggles, the challenges and trials, we can trust that the Father has a plan and the end result is for His Glory.The apostles met with major demands and situations that were overcome able by the Hand of the Father. What are you facing that seems huge and difficult? Trust Him and in full obedience, just do it!

  • One for All, All for One

    10/04/2016 Duração: 33min

    When we are in the family of God, He desires for us to be one with Him and one with the family of God. Part of that is being completely committed to Him, His plan and His will in our lives. As the early church was, there was a need...they met it! What a blessing to be a part of a body that is that way. Acts 4:32-37

  • Celebrating An Empty Grave

    27/03/2016 Duração: 36min

    As we look at Luke 24:1-12 we see that the Father's plan was to glorify Himself through the Son. Even in the cruel death of Jesus, the Father was glorified. In His resurrection, the Father was glorified. Now, even in our lives, we need to glorify the Father. The empty grave gives us victory over our sin and death! The promise of the ONE that came to save! He is Risen Indeed!

  • Be Big and Bold

    25/03/2016 Duração: 38min

    When it is tough around us and we encounter struggles, trials, hardships, disappointments and all life can throw at us, we are given the opportunity to Be Big and Bold in and through the Name of Jesus! Look at Peter and John as they battled tough times as we look at Acts 4:1-31. PTL

  • The Perfect Church Part 2

    29/02/2016 Duração: 45min

    Looking at the early church that starts declaring the truth of who Jesus was and is. Peter declares to the masses that are there. He gives his first sermon proofing Jesus is the Messiah and at the end of his sermon, 3000 come to follow Jesus. The model for us today, Acts 2:42, devoted to teaching of His Word, fellowship, communion and prayer. Also, share boldly the truth of who Jesus was and is and let others know how to know Him.

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