Awakening With Melissa And Grant



Melissa Virtue and Grant Virtue host a weekly discussion on all things spiritual, organic and holistic.


  • Bridgit's Garden: Creating Sacred Space

    05/05/2016 Duração: 31min

    Bridgit's Garden resides in two places in Eire. These are sacred groves, gardens, wells, and spaces. Peru also holds a sacred garden-the Chakra garden. There are many around the world for purposes of healing, manifestation, and connection. Join your hosts, Grant and Melissa Virtue as they discuss these gardens and how they relate to you. They will offer ideas on creating your own sacred space or garden for your home, healing, abundance, and magic. Join in the live chat room or call into the show!

  • Healing with Movement: Your Body as Sacred Instrument

    28/04/2016 Duração: 31min

    You are a Divine Instrument of Love and Light. Your body is a sacred temple, a gift to be honed.  Join your hosts, Grant and Melissa Virtue, as they discuss how simplistic movements can help your heal, manifest, and open to infinite possibilites. Melisa is a retired professional dancer, who has created a form of spiritual dance, SpiralDance®. She also teaches Manifesting with Movement, an online course. Grant, a long time ypga practitioner, incorporates movement for expanding opportunities as well. Come discover simplistic everyday movements to help you open to your highest good.  Join in the live chat room to post questions your hosts will answer during the show.

  • Celtic Tree Wisdom: Alder

    21/04/2016 Duração: 30min

    What do the Alder tree and King Arthur have in common?  Join your hosts, Grant and Melissa Virtue, as the share the teachings, symbolic meanings, and wisdom of the Celtic tree of the month, Alder. Melissa will offer an Alder tree meditation to the audience. Discover why Apollo and King Arthur are associated with Alder. These lessons and stories are applicable to your life.

  • Living in a Technological World: Communication with the Senses

    07/04/2016 Duração: 31min

    Do you think you are a great communicator? Do you listen to loved ones when they talk? Are you living in the moment? Join your hosts, Grant and Melissa Virtue, as they discuss communicating in this world where technoloy is reigning supreme. They will help you assess what kind of communicator you are and how to shift if you need to amp up your communication skills. The tips you will receive during the show will certianly help your relationship communication. You can join in the live chat room to post questions for your hosts to answer during the show. 

  • Forgiveness: Healing with the Angels of Love & Abundance

    31/03/2016 Duração: 31min

    What is forgiveness and how do you truly forgive someone? Join your hosts, Grant and Melissa Virtue, as they discuss forgiveness from their upcoming book, Angels of Love. They will give tips on forgiveness and why is important to self growth and manifestation. Grant and Melissa will discuss the Angels of Abundance and the Angels of Love in relation to forgivenss. Please call in live to the show or join the live chat room. Melissa will take your questions in the chat room.  

  • Abundance with Grant Virtue

    24/03/2016 Duração: 31min

    What is abundance and how can you manifest more into your life? Grant Virtue, author of Angels of Abundance, discusses the ins and outs of abundance. He offers tips and tools on how to take care of abundance in all areas of your life. Please join your hosts, Melissa and Grant Virtue for this informative episode on Abundance. Melissa will offer her Abundance Meditation. Please call into the live show or join the live chat room. 

  • Emerald Isle: Ireland as the Heart Chakra

    17/03/2016 Duração: 30min

    Éire, known to most as Ireland, is a land of abundance, magic, lore, myth-all connected to the heart center.  Join your host, Melissa Virtue, as she discusses ancient and modern Ireland and it's connection to the heart chakra. She will share some stories and mythologies of this vibrant land and the people beneath the hallowed hills.  You can call in live to the show or join in the chat room.

  • Animals: Magical, Everyday, and Atlantean

    10/03/2016 Duração: 30min

    Are unicorns real? Did the cracken exist? Are minators mythological creatures? Why do people relate to or fear certain animals? How does Atlantis fit into animal lore? Who believed cats were gods and goddesses? And why does this all matter? Your host, Melissa Virtue, will walk you through the symbolic natureof animals and their importance to our world. She will discuss the stores and mythologies of some of these creatures. Melissa will discuss animals in nature and dreams.  Join in the chat room or call in live to the show.

  • Celtic Tree Wisdom: Ash, The World Tree

    25/02/2016 Duração: 31min

    Why is the Ask known as the World Tree? Why is there a snake and eagle associated with the Ash? Join your hosts, Melissa and Grant Virtue, as they discuss the historical, mystical, symbolical associations of this month's Celtic Tree, the Ash. Your hosts will also discuss the connection of the Three Cirlces of Beings in relation to this sacred Celtic tree. Join in the live chat room or call into the show. 

  • Angels of Love: Soulmate and Healing Relationships

    18/02/2016 Duração: 31min

    Who are the angels you call upon to heal a relationship? Who are the angels to call upon to find your soulmate? Tha Angels of Love! Discover who and what these Angels of Love are with your hosts, Grant and Melissa Virtue. Grant and Melissa will offer a few tools from their upcoming book, Angels of Love: 5 Heaven-sent Steps to Find and Keep the Perfect Relationship. The Angels of Love are Divine messengers here for you. Join in the live chat room or call in the show.

  • Atlantis Part 1: Myth, Mystery, Legend

    11/02/2016 Duração: 30min

    A land sunken beneath the seas, lost to time, to memory, which has now turned to legend and myth. Atlantis. What is it? Why are people fascinated by this story and yearn to discover the truth?  Join your host, Melissa Virtue, as she discusses a bit about this captivaing land thought to be lost to the mists of time, but found in many dreams and recent discoveries. Call in love to the show or join the live chat room. 

  • Dreams: Awakening to your Nightly Messages

    04/02/2016 Duração: 31min

    Have you had a crazy dream that you can't understand why you would dreamed such a story? What about a scary dream where you cannot move?  Or what about a dream where you are aware you are dreaming? Join your hosts, Melissa & Grant Virtue as they discuss dream messages and how you can connect to your nighty guidance.  Melissa teached dream interpretation; interprets dreams for clients; and has written several books on dreams as well as created the Angel Dreams Oracle cards. Join in the live chat room or call into the show.  

  • Imbolc: Cleansing & Renewal with St. Brighid

    28/01/2016 Duração: 30min

    Join your hosts, Grant and Melissa Virtue, as they take you through the Fire Season of Imbolc and its importance today. They will not only discuss this ancient celebration, but its connection with the Goddess Brighid also known as St. Brighid. You will walk away with an understanding of how you can invoke the importance of this festival in your life and your connection to St. Brighid. You can call in live or join the live chat room. Melissa will be offering a gift to audience members.

  • Healthy You, Healthy New Year: Fitness and Lifestyle Habits

    14/01/2016 Duração: 31min

    Most people set fitness and healthy habits as part of their New Year's resolutions. Yet, they often quite after the first few weeks or month. Does this sound like familliar? How can you stay healthy, fit, and inspired to not only begin, but continue your healthy lifestyle? Join your hosts, Grant and Melissa Virtue, as they discuss healthy habits to last you throughout the New Year. Grant will discuss his fitness regime and what inspires him to keep going. Melissa will discuss her fitness choices and how she keeps fuled.

  • Celtic Tree Wisdom: Birch, The Lady of the Woods

    07/01/2016 Duração: 30min

    What do cleanliness, Venus, and Eostre have in common? Why is it that birch is the tree of the Last Battle of the World? Come find out!   Join your hosts, Grant and Melissa Virtue, as they ring in the magical new year with Celtic Tree Wisdom-Birch. Disover the myths, lessons, symbols, and healing properties of Birch. Melissa and Grant will disucss how you can use these lessons and healings in your daily life.  You can join in the live chatroom or call in on the phone.  

  • Happy Holidays: Getting through this Magical Season

    17/12/2015 Duração: 31min

    The Magic of this season is upon us! Join your hosts, Grant and Melissa Virtue as they discuss the holiday season. They will offer tip and stories of how to dance your way through the season. This is the end of the year episode.

  • Celtic Tree Wisdom: Elder Tree, Part 2

    11/12/2015 Duração: 17min

    This is the second half of the show. Melissa completes the show with history, legends, myths, medicinal values, and symbolism of Elder. You will also discover the lesson of Elder. Melissa makes some announcements at the conclusion of the show.

  • Celtic Tree Wisdom: Elder Tree

    10/12/2015 Duração: 15min

    Venus, dark green, Midsummer's night, fertility... What do these have in common? The great Earth Mother tree, Elder.  It's time for a new Celtic Tree month! From warding off robbers to making toys, experimenting with electricity, and using for medicine and magic, the Elder tree has long been held sacred. Join your hosts, Melissa and Grant Virtue, as they discuss the importance of reconnecting with this month's Celtic Tree. They will discuss the legend and history as well as the medince and magic of Elder. There is much wisdom to be gleaned and lessons to be learned from this ancient tree. Join in the live chat room or call into the show!  Melissa will offer a special surprise for the audeince so be sure to tune in! 

  • Chocolate: An Ancient Healing Food

    19/11/2015 Duração: 30min

    We love chocolate! This is not a 'guilty' pleasure, it's an ancient healing food! Certain types of chocolate can aid in facilitating certain areas of healing the body, mind, and spirit. Join your hosts, Meliss and Grant Virtue, as they discuss chocolate's fascinating ancient legends and history of healing. Discover why this is considered a Divine food. Melissa and Grant will give easy reciepies so you can discover the benfits of chocolate and decide for yourself.  Melissa will be offering a reading for the audience. You can call in the show live or join in the chatroom.     

  • Angelic Guidance: Everyday Messages

    12/11/2015 Duração: 31min

    Do you seek guidance for love, carrer, health, and abundance? You receive messages everyday from ancient beings beyond our world. Do you realize when you receive them? Or do you know how to discern your messages from the Divine and those from your ego? Join your hosts, Grant and Melissa Virtue, as they discuss how to discern messages from the heavenly helpers. Your hosts will offer some fun tool and techniques for all to utilize. Grant and Melissa will also offer readings on love, money, and health. Join in the live chat room, or phone into the show!

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