Breakthrough With A.j. Barrera



Psychic Medium & Intuitive Counselor A.J. Barrera continues to captivate audiences through numerous radio and television appearances across the U.S & Internationally. His validating messages of hope awakens the soul, providing the ultimate spiritual journey of the after life."Breakthrough with A.J. Barrera" features world renowned experts in the mind-body-spirit fields, authors, celebrities, conversations about personal life issues in today's society & intuitive readings by A.J. Barrera and his guests. It's a show for positive thinking, intuitive living, finding guidance & making a breakthrough!


  • EP16: Introduction to Freemasonry & The Illuminati with Guest Jennifer Shaffer

    28/09/2015 Duração: 29min

    Introduction to Freemasonry & The Illuminati with Guest Jennifer Shaffer The Illuminati* was an 18th Century Enlightenment-era secret society in Bavaria, in what is now Germany, and it has long been defunct. Its goals at the time were pro-enlightenment - to oppose superstition, religious influence, the abuse of state power, etc. "Three may keep a secret if two of them are dead." Freemasonry is a fraternal organisation (or rather, various fraternal organisations) which originated in the 14th Century concept of trade guilds. Individual lodges are internally very structured and it isn't easy to become a Freemason. But different lodges are said to be very different from each other, so it is hard to generalise. The Eye of Providence (or the all-seeing eye of God) is a symbol showing an eye often surrounded by rays of light or a glory and usually enclosed by a triangle. It is sometimes interpreted as representing the eye of God watching over humankind (or divine providence). In the modern era, the most not

  • EP15: The Mystery of Elisa Lam & The Cecil Hotel w/ guest Jennifer Shaffer:

    24/09/2015 Duração: 35min

    The death of Canadian tourist Elisa Lam, whose body was found in a water tank atop a Los Angeles hotel, has inspired the plot of a Hollywood horror movie. Lam, 21, was found dead in a water tank on the roof of the Cecil Hotel on Feb. 21, 2013. Her odd behavior in the hours before her disappearance sparked fears and conspiracy theories about how she died. Deadline Hollywood reported that Sony Pictures Entertainment and Matt Tolmach Productions acquired rights to the screenplay “The Bringing,” speculatively written by Brandon and Phillip Murphy, which focuses on a detective's mysterious encounters as he investigates Lam’s death. Sources confirmed details of the project to The Times. Before Lam's body was found she had been missing for weeks. Los Angeles police released video from a hotel elevator that showed her acting strangely in the hours before her disappearance. She can be seen stepping into the elevator and pressing multiple buttons, then peeking outside. Later, she steps out of the elevator and waves

  • EP14: Remote Viewing & Psychic Forensics - with Guest Psychic Investigator Jennifer Shaffer

    20/09/2015 Duração: 42min

    Remote Viewing is an ability used by psychics in civil and criminal cases used to aid law enforcement agencies in collecting information about unsolved criminal cases. Guest Jennifer Shaffer is a Psychic Forensics Detective and criminal case profiler for law enforcement and the FBI. Join us for more information on the different types of remote viewing and the ways we all can use this intuitive tool. Find out how the use of disciplined "mental martial arts" can lead us to a discovery of viewing objects and information that exist beyond time and space. "ARE YOU READY FOR A BREAKTHROUGH?" www.Periscope.TV/AJBarrera

  • EP13: Are You Living Your Life's Purpose? - Soul Consciousness & Graduating from Earth School

    17/09/2015 Duração: 28min

    While we are here on this earth plane, our souls experience many different types of experiences and intense emotions. And from those situations, relationships, etc. it is inevitable that we can learn a lesson from them. If you are wondering why you are here, what should you be doing, or are if you're on the right path, join us to learn more about why our experiences are critically important for the growth of our souls before we graduate from this lifetime. "ARE YOU READY FOR A BREAKTHROUGH?" www.Periscope.TV/AJBarrera

  • EP12: How Can You Develop Your Psychic Abilities? - Fine Tuning Your Intuition

    14/09/2015 Duração: 33min

    Tune into today's show as A.J. explains a basic approach to helping those interested in developing psychic senses, intuition (The Clair's') by giving examples to understanding how to tap into your psychic senses via meditation, grounding, intention, and awareness. Think of your psychic senses as energy. Think of energy as the "Be all, end all" of human existence. Now, think of electricity. Once you know the power is on, you'll never question the molecular components of how it turns on, once you flip the switch. www.Periscope.TV/AJBarrera

  • EP11: United We Stand - Practicing Peace in Times of War with Guest David Ricca (9/11 WTC-T2 Survivor)

    11/09/2015 Duração: 01h26min

    Tune in as guests Patricia Calandra of Long Island, NY and David Ricca of Clifton City NJ, living in NYC at the time of September 11th attack, recount the terrifying moments & chain of events leading up to the state of emergency (9-1-1) of New York City's World Trade Center on September 11th, 2001. Ricca, a Morgan Stanley Financial Advisor, survived the collapse of the WTC South Tower-2. After the collapse, a disheartening experience with his mother ultimately lead to his resignation on Wall Street. Could it be? That the irony in surviving the collapse and terrorist attack of 9/11, actually gave him a second chance to reevaluate his choices that led to reigniting his passion for professional soccer and a second chance at living a life of purpose? David Ricca, is now the Managing Director of Maximum Sports Center ( "ARE YOU READY FOR A BREAKTHROUGH?" www.Periscope.TV/AJBarrera

  • EP10: Mental versus Physical Mediumship - with Guest Medium Ellen Marron (Part II)

    10/09/2015 Duração: 35min

    Mediumship falls into two main categories mental and physical. In the modern culture, mental & physical mediumship is a hallmark of Spiritualism and concerns communication with the dead. Tune in to today's episode with A.J. & Ellen to hear them the explain the characteristic differences between the two. "ARE YOU READY FOR A BREAKTHROUGH?" www.Periscope.TV/AJBarrera

  • EP09: The New Generation of Mediums - with Guest Monica Ten-Kate (ABC Family's Monica the Medium)

    08/09/2015 Duração: 29min

    Monica Ten-Kate, a 21-year old Junior in college is the newest generation of mediums to be featured on ABC Family's television series called 'Monica the Medium' who realized she had intuitive abilities when she was in high-school. Tune in to find out if Monica can get through a entire day without giving readings, what happens when spirit has a negative or bad message to deliver, and hear what happens on her drive home with an Uber driver! Plus! Monica and A.J. answer questions from fans Anjelia, Lynn and Debbie! "ARE YOU READY FOR A BREAKTHROUGH?" www.Periscope.TV/AJBarrera

  • EP08: The Mentor - On Science, Art & Mediumship with Guest Ellen Marron (Part I)

    03/09/2015 Duração: 34min

    Marron believes "Everyone is Intuitive." Join us on the journey of her love of teaching Science & the Arts to high school students and how that ultimately lead to opening the door to mentoring her own student, A.J. Barrera (over fifteen years ago) on learning more about his very own mediumship abilities! Caller, Flor Michelle, receives intuitive guidance in dealing with the loss of her mother; and learns how to open herself up to understanding the signs & signals (she may be overlooking) to communicate with her mother in the afterlife. "ARE YOU READY FOR A BREAKTHROUGH?" www.Periscope.TV/AJBarrera

  • EP07: Do You Know Your Truth? - Discovering & Living Your Own Truth

    31/08/2015 Duração: 55min

    Do you think everyone knows and accepts their truth? Join us for a discussion about finding your truth, knowing your truth, and owning your truth. Also, an honest conversation about lying, cheating, & being a person that leads an integral life in order to have a better understanding of our own identity. Are you living your own truth? "ARE YOU READY FOR A BREAKTHROUGH?" www.Periscope.TV/AJBarrera

  • EP06: Spirit Animals & Totem Guides - The New Age Jungle Book Spirit Messengers

    27/08/2015 Duração: 47min

    "Celebrating the Spirt of Animals" - A tribute to our beloved family pets now guiding us in spirit. Find out what the top-ten totem animals are, what our friends and guides from the animal kingdom represent and what they might be trying to tell us! Do you feel a special connection with certain animals? Do you feel hummingbirds and butterflies are your loved ones in the afterlife? Have you ever heard a LIVE! Impersonation of a Pterodactyl?! You don't want to miss this! Plus! More stories from our animal encounters from us to you! AKA: A.J. -"The Hawk," Producer Wade "The Dire Wolfe," and Jennifer "The Chimpanzee." "ARE YOU READY FOR A BREAKTHROUGH?" www.Periscope.TV/AJBarrera

  • EP05: Shamanism & Spiritual Mediumship with Guest Austyn Wells

    25/08/2015 Duração: 40min

    Shaman are spiritual beings with the ability to heal, work with energies and 'see' visions. The essential characteristics of shaman are mastery of energy. Shamans have been credited with the ability to control the weather, divination, the interpretation of dreams, astral projection, and traveling to upper and lower worlds. Tune in to hear more about the abilities of a shaman and how to nurture the seeds of your soul with our guest Shaman Austyn Wells aka: "The Soul Gardener." "ARE YOU READY FOR A BREAKTHROUGH?" www.Periscope.TV/AJBarrera

  • EP04: Many Paths One Truth - with Guest Spiritual Medium Rebecca Rosen

    20/08/2015 Duração: 38min

    A very special guest Rebecca Rosen (Spiritual Medium & Teacher, Best Selling Author and Motivational Speaker) joins A.J. Barrera to share her personal story about being a 20-year old college student struggling with depression, an eating disorder, and the aftermath of suicide. Tune in to hear more about how her Grandma Babe gave her a crash-course in automatic writing and a lesson in the awakening of her own consciousness. "ARE YOU READY FOR A BREAKTHROUGH?" www.Periscope.TV/AJBarrera

  • EP03: Trusting the Universe - Does the Universe (Really) Have Your Back?

    17/08/2015 Duração: 41min

    What happens when we let go of our fears? How do we manifest all the things we want in life? How do we surrender, relax, and let go? The Universe teaches us to have faith and trust that, the divinity of God is always guiding us. The life path we are destined to take is the road we are already on. Caller, Emily, asks A.J. a life question about whether or not she will ever become financially-independent, and what she can do to manage her overwhelming feelings of doubt and guilt of being a burden on her family. Tune in to hear more! "ARE YOU READY FOR A BREAKTHROUGH?" www.Periscope.TV/AJBarrera

  • EP02: An Introduction to Intuition - Recognizing Your Signs & Symbols

    05/08/2015 Duração: 41min

    Join us for laughs & for conversation on God, prophetic-numbers, women's intuition, logic versus psychic sensing, and more! PLUS! Here's what you can look forward to on future episodes; a preview of our "unqualified bonus-discussion" of Gremlins, Ewok's, Sasquatch, Yeti's, RuPaul, & Celia Cruise. How do the following things relate to anything intuitive?! Tune in to find out! "ARE YOU READY FOR A BREAKTHROUGH?" www.Periscope.TV/AJBarrera

  • EP01: Are You the Black Sheep In The Family? - A.J. Barrera Shares His Story

    05/08/2015 Duração: 47min

    A.J. shares his experiences growing up from a young age with psychic-mediumship abilities and how it changed his perspective in life. Caller Jill, gets more insight into her nine-year-old son's unique experiences of sensing, feeling, and seeing auras, people and pets that no one else can see... "ARE YOU READY FOR A BREAKTHROUGH?" www.Periscope.TV/AJBarrera

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