Don Woods



Don is a great singer/songwriter who always has an ingenious take on a situation.Don has been a correspondent with Vince for many years. He is a member of the .Merseycats and on Wirral 'The Cheshirecats' bringing the musicians from the Merseybeat era together each week to get money for childrens' charities. Visit the Cheshire Cats website5th September Don tells us about the Police farce, Tony's Book and remembers Gerry Marsden Don Woods 2012Click picture to get Don's WebsiteDon has some wonderful items on his website and is a past master at creating unusual songs and making videos and DVDs. Please drop by and enjoy his work


  • Trains and Boats and Planes


    The bill for the Royals travel expenses has just been published….6.5 million...The most expensive one is The Grand Old Duke of York….225K….by jove Andy really is good value…considering we never see him…and I wonder what he does? ...and apparently the Royal Train is used a lot which costs a fortune.....

  • Hosepipe Ban Lifted....Hallelujah!


    The hosepipe ban has been lifted as the nation travels in kayaks.......the ;politicians are claiming the Olympics are coming in under budget but which figures are being used? wary of thieves if you're travelling and dresses are out on approval......

  • Water, Water, Everywhere Ma'am


    .A soaking for the Queen and Duke, the Jubilee concert , the Bovver Boys in the Ukraine and parking in flood stricken Aberystywyth

  • The Eurovision Disaster-an inquest


    The Eurovision disaster...The Olympic torch........bribing the children to study....the church on Anglesey called Llangwyfan

  • Eurovision Song Contest


    Rolf Harris, swimming, car insurance and thieves help Don get his feelings ready for the evening's Eurovision song contest

  • Prince Philip and the Zip


    Don is chatting up the lady at the house of Charles Darwin in Shrewsbury.........the drinks are too pricey in London and Prince Philip has been offending the PC brigade by chatting up the girl with the zip!

  • Litter Louts


    A brilliant way top conquer the problems of are having their clocks put back to deceive buyers and .........a progrmme on TV featured my friend Ricky Vallance

  • Water..Bedding Women..Anglesey..Respect


    They can’t afford more reservoirs but they can fork out for the Olympics....has announced he has bedded 1000 women.....go down to Moelfre to pay my respects to the late Dick Evans.....another piece of England’s heritage bites the dust.....finally…..there were headlines in the paper skitting at Roy Hodgson’s speech impediment

  • Fort Perch Rock


    Don's met some interesting people at Fort Perch Rock and the booze is still a problem in Britain. Never mind...there's always the weather...

  • The Liverpool Waterfront....of the future


    It's not as cold on the Wirral as Winter bites the UK. There are some fabulous plans ahead for the Liverpool waterfront and Billy Connolly has won an award

  • Don loves Una Stubbs


    Don professes his love for Una Stubbs on You Tube and looks at the ships on the Mersey.....

  • Don and the Royal Yacht


    21st January 2012 ....Hang on....a new yacht for the Queen? Aren't we in the middle of a recession? The stricken luxury cruiser is in the news and the Captain is taking the blame. What is Don's take on this?

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