Healing Conversations With Mildred Lynn



Real life. Real stories. Real people.Searching for a powerful way to feel good about yourself and the world? Let the uplifting energy of our Internet radio shows and podcasts be the spark that changes your life. Get inspired!


  • Episode 3. 9 Tips to Sustain A Healthy Sense Of Community

    22/02/2016 Duração: 24min

    Walk The Talk to Health Episode 3. Are you part of a community? If yes, is it a good fit for you or are you simply going through the motions? If these questions make you squint your eyes and pause for a moment, then perhaps it is a good time to examine how community shows up in your life ... and how you show up for your community. In this episode, Mildred Lynn and Dr Glenna will share nine reflective questions they use on a regular basis to help them decide if a community is right for them (or not). In addition, they will also generously offer their personal experiences, learnings, and pitfalls based on these nine key questions. Here are the questions: What do you value in community? Do you identify with your community? How much do you contribute to the community? How do you monitor your participation? How do you adjust your role? How do you deal with changes in community focus? Do you have clear boundaries? What is the best way to use your voice in community? When is it time to leave your community? T

  • Episode 7. Do you Find It Hard to Trust Yourself?

    13/02/2016 Duração: 25min

    Two Owls Having A Hoot Episode 7. Peg O’Connor, Ph.D., published an article in Psychology Today that tackles the soul sapping impact of continually breaking promises to yourself. She likens this cycle of not trusting self to an addiction; an addiction to self-sabotage. In this episode, we’ll look at four aspects of SELF-TRUST: What is self-trust? How is breaking promises to yourself (over and over again) limiting the quality of your life? What are the practical and soul-supporting benefits of trusting self? Where do we find the courage to nurture self-trust everyday? Your hosts, Mildred Lynn McDonald and Madonna MacInnis, will also share personal vignettes from their sincere and ever evolving relationship with self-trust. You’ll love it! Two Owls Having a Hoot! airs the THIRD WEDNESDAY of the month @4:30am PST, so mark your calendars. If you find this episode useful, please pass this link along to others. Looking for more podcasts like this one? Check out our new Podcast Directory. STREAM or DOWNLO

  • Episode 37. How to "Achieve What Seems Impossible, But is Merely Difficult" with Kimberly Wiefling

    04/02/2016 Duração: 41min

    Healing Conversations Episode 37. How to "Achieve What Seems Impossible, But is Merely Difficult" with Kimberly Wiefling If I was going to select someone to personify the word "scrappy", it would be California-based Kimberly Wiefling. Entrepreneur, global thinker, author, mentor, rebel and all around great human being, Kimberly uses her unique skill set to help teams of people all over the world "achieve what seems impossible, but is merely difficult.” Join us as Kimberly generously shares: her personal journey, what she has learned about building trust in professional and personal relationships, how she helps people reframe impossible challenges, her highly effective communication style, and the magical ingredients required to be a great mentor. In addition to the above, this high energy fireball, readily admits that she is "obsessed with transforming Planet Earth for the better”. You guessed it, she also has some intriguing perspectives on how she plans to do just that! Kimberly Weilfing is the rea

  • Episode 6. Understanding How to Hold Space for Yourself and Others

    30/11/2015 Duração: 30min

    Two Owls Having a Hoot Episode 6. Heather Plett wrote a beautiful piece about holding space called “What it means to ‘hold space’ for people, plus eight tips on how to do it well”. It was sensationally popular with far reaching impact because it was honest, true, insightful … and straight from the heart. In this episode, Mildred Lynn McDonald and Madonna MacInnis will skillfully build on the universal concept of holding space by exploring four key attributes: 1. Letting go of judgement 2. Opening your heart 3. Allowing another to have whatever experience that are having in the moment 4. Giving your complete undivided attention to the situation or other person In addition, they will generously share their personal thoughts, foibles and learnings about the art and discipline of “holding space”. You’ll love it! Plus, if you are interested in listening to a one-hour podcast of Heather Plett talking about Holding Space, please check out Healing Conversations with Mildred Lynn (Episode 33). I’ve put the link in th

  • Episode 5. Are you a Scanner?

    03/11/2015 Duração: 27min

    Two Owls Having a Hoot Episode 5. In her book, Refuse to Choose award-winning author Barbara Sher talks about “scanners”; people who have so many interests that they’re unable to choose only one. According to Sher, scanners aren’t dilettantes or undisciplined, and they don’t change interests because of A.D.D. or a fear of success. “They seem to be highly intelligent, multi-talented people who need to have more interests than the average person.” As you can imagine, this topic really hit a nerve with people when the book was published and caused a huge sigh of relief from many wonderful individuals struggling to make sense if their scanner-wired life (gasp!). Join your hosts, Mildred Lynn and Madonna MacInnis as they share their personal insights and real life stories about the amazing world of scanners (or to use another term “multi-potential-ites”). You’ll also enjoy their heart-centered exploration of three key questions: “What is a scanner?”, “What isn’t a scanner?”, and “How do you navigate life (feel g

  • Episode 1. Lead with Your Heart and Your Life will Follow

    25/10/2015 Duração: 32min

    Walk the Talk to Health Episode 1. At some point along life's journey, most people wake up and ask themselves "Am I following my heart or leading with my head?" The answer might be quite startling for some and comforting for others. In this episode, we'll explore this question as it relates to how you can get yourself to a place that nourishes your soul; a sweet spot where the inner voice leads and external voices are muted (or at least put in proper perspective). We'll also discuss how to acheive balance between the heart and head, how it feels to follow your heart, how it feels to not follow your heart, plus share our personal experiences. Tips, tools and resources that helped us navigate our way when faced with the choice of listening to our heart or staying in our head (gasp!) will also be offered, for your consideration. On a bright note, this 30-minute episode is #1 in a six episode series. We hope that you will join us for all six shows and share the knowledge, wisdom and positive energy with othe

  • Episode 36. One Poem That Saved A Forest | Honor/Truth

    02/10/2015 Duração: 55min

    Healing Conversations Episode 36. A little while ago, I came across an article in Yes! Magazine that stopped me in my tracks. It was called One Poem that Saved A Forest: How the friendship between a poet and a timber baron kept a grove of California redwoods from clear-cutting by Jacqueline Suskin. Upon talking with Jacqueline, I discovered that she also made a living as a poet at The Poem Store by composing one-of-a-kind poems on a manual typewriter, in exchange for a donation (your subject, your price). Plus, she has written two books; Go Ahead & Like It and The Collected … and her work concept has been profiled in the New York Times and the LA Times. Join us as we talk about her poetry, The Poem Store project, her compassion and humanity, and how to come together to successfully tackle projects (like saving a forest grove) for the greater good of all. As a special treat, I'll pick a subject and Jacqueline will write a poem for us … right on the spot. You’ll love it! WEEKLY ROUND TABLE with HiC Luttmer

  • Episode 4. Where is Your Home?

    27/09/2015 Duração: 28min

    Two Owls Having a Hoot Episode 4. Is your sense of home connected to an external space such as a specific geographic location, an internal space like a spiritual life purpose or blueprint … hmm, or is your sense of home wrapped up in a warm feeling of being “at home” with yourself? The good news is that if you are able to discern the role of each of the above in your day-to-day life, you might be able to identify your unique and true sense of HOME that will nurture, nourish and complete you. Join your hosts, Mildred Lynn McDonald and Madonna MacInnis as they share their personal insights and life experience about “Where is Your Home?". You’ll also enjoy their heart-centered exploration of two key questions: “How do you feel when you are not at home?” and "How do you feel when you are at home?” You’ll love it!

  • Episode 3. What Is An Animal Totem Or An Animal Spirit Guide

    01/09/2015 Duração: 26min

    Two Owls Having a Hoot Episode 3. Did you know that there are hidden qualities and forces of Nature that we can access if we are attuned to the natural forces around us? It is true. Personal power animals and the connection to animals and their wisdom are found throughout the world in many cultures. From cave paintings, ornate jewelry and carvings to countless stories and legends. Animal Totems or Animal Spirit Guides express the spirit nature of that species and exemplify qualities we can learn from. They are psychological and spiritual symbols that convey to us the qualities that we need in our daily lives. In essence, they are a mirror of us reflecting our own innate qualities to help ourselves better understand our connection to all things. In this show, we’ll learn some of the natural language the animal kingdom is sharing with us by exploring the following questions: 1. What are Animal Totems or Animal Spirit Guides? 2. How do they work? 3. Why use them in your daily life? 4. Where can you find on-li

  • Episode 2. Tapping into the Spiritual Guidance with Oracle Cards

    04/08/2015 Duração: 30min

    Two Owls Having a Hoot Episode 2. There are times in life when we stand at a crossroad full of apprehension and unsure of which way to turn (gasp!). To help descern direction, provide inspiration and offer clarity and hope, people sometimes turn to beautiful and supportive divination tools like ORACLE CARDS. During our time together, host Mildred Lynn McDonald and special co-host Madonna MacInnis will soulfully explore the following questions with humour and ease: What are Oracle cards? How do they work? Why use them? What types are available? What are your favorite oracle cards? In addition, they will also give examples of how they use oracle cards in their own lives to help them tap into their inner compass or guidance system to discern which "turn" might be in their highest interest. You’ll love it!

  • Episode 35. Mind Body Spirit Integration | Integrity

    01/08/2015 Duração: 01h34s

    Healing Conversations Episode 35. Recently, I had a great chat with New Zealand-based author, Body-Brain Reformer, Speaker, and founder of Connective Embodiment™, Trilby D. Johnson. To say that Trilby has a unique perspective and a burning passion for mind-body-spirit integration would be an understatement, so I invited Trilby to share her message with us! In Trilby’s words, she “mentors people from all around the world and all walks of life who suffer from chronic emotional and/or physical pain to transmute their energy and rewire their brain, so they can release their limiting patterns and the chronic pain with it. Thus, their life can be free of pain, suffering, stress and self-limiting beliefs”. How does she do this? Are there skills and tools that she can share with us? Stories and real life examples to inspire us? Please join us as we learn about Body-Brain Reform, Vibrational Integration, and Connective Embodiment™ … all wrapped up in Trilby’s warm sense of humour and ready laughter. Trilby will also

  • Episode 34. Reclaiming the Wild Soul | Generosity

    03/07/2015 Duração: 01h12min

    Healing Conversations Episode 34. Reclaiming the Wild Soul: How Earth’s Landscapes Restore Us to Wholeness with special guest MARY REYNOLDS THOMPSON Mary is an author, facilitator of poetry and journal therapy, and certified life coach who helps people discover and live their WILD SOUL STORY so they can bridge the false divide between outer and inner nature, Earth and Self, and become full creative, connected and alive. Join us as she introduces her new book RECLAIMING THE WILD SOUL and takes us on a fascinating journey into Earth’s five great landscapes — deserts, forests, oceans and rivers, mountains, and grasslands — as they reveal timeless aspects of our deeper, wilder selves. Luxuriate in the Earth's wild beauty and fierce challenges. See how deserts model simplicity and silence, how forests help us make peace with uncertainty, how rivers and oceans reveal the power of flow, how mountains inspire our highest purpose, and how grasslands teach us about giving back. Discover how Mary's work connects peop

  • Episode 1. Pondering the Promise of the Pendulum

    30/06/2015 Duração: 27min

    Two Owls Having a Hoot Episode 1. As human beings who walk the Earth at this time, we are subject to countless messages. Some information is good and some is not so good. In the course of the day, with so many messages bombarding our consciousness, how do we ensure that we hear the important ones? Hmm, you know the ones we’re talking about … the messages or intuitions that that our bodies give us … that nature gives us … that our higher selves give us? Join Mildred Lynn McDonald and Kathleen MacNeil as they explore the practice of using a pendulum to help tap into innate intuition; to access the life enhancing, empowering, healing messages that exists at a subconscious level of our Inner Being. They will also share down-to-Earth, humorous stories about how they learned to use this age-old dousing tool as they took their first unsteady steps into energy medicine. You’ll love it!

  • Episode 33. Holding the Space for Others | Conflict

    06/06/2015 Duração: 01h15min

    Healing Conversations Episode 33. What it means to HOLD SPACE for people with special guest HEATHER PLETT Many of us have heard the expression to "hold the space” for someone, but until now, I haven’t come across much information on what holding the space actually looks like, especially when caring for a loved one who is transitioning into the last stages of life. Enter Manitoba-based teacher, writer, coach, retreat host, and facilitator, HEATHER PLETT. When I read Heather’s blog, I realized that she was able to lovingly articulate key concepts about the gift of "holding space" gleaned through her own life experience, specifically, the passing of her mother. During our time together, Heather will explore eight life lessons that she has learned from the amazing people who have held the space for her. They include: 1. Giving people permission to trust their own intuition and wisdom. 2. Giving people only as much information as they can handle. 3. Not taking power away. 4. Keeping your own ego out of it. 5

  • Episode 32. Dealing with Dementia | 20-year-old Self

    23/05/2015 Duração: 01h22min

    Healing Conversations Episode 32. “According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the total number of people with DEMENTIA worldwide in 2015 is estimated at 47.5 million. The total number of new cases of dementia each year worldwide is nearly 7.7 million, implying 1 new case every 4 seconds. The number of people with dementia is expected to increase to 75.6 million in 2030 and 135.5 million in 2050”. Think about it. These are BIG numbers and most of us, in one way or another, will be impacted by dementia in our lifetime. To help us to help us understand what these numbers mean to us and our loves ones on a community level, we have invited CATHERINE SHEPHERD, Cape Breton – Education and Outreach, Alzheimer’s Society of Nova Scotia, to the table. I first met Catherine about two months ago when my family was trying to deal with a loved one’s diagnosis of dementia. Quite honestly, we were afraid and looking for guidance and support. From the get go, Catherine stepped into the fire, met us where we were, and

  • Episode 31. Intuitive Reader | Chakra & Crystal Expert | Strength

    04/04/2015 Duração: 01h27min

    Healing Conversations Episode 31. For the last twelve years, I have been an advocate of the healing benefits of Energy Work, so when I come across someone who is in integrity, shining their light and doing a beautiful job in this this arena, I become eager to learn more about their area of expertise … and then share it with others. Enter KRYSTAL STARR. An Intuitive Reader, Crystal, Chakra, Feng Shui Expert and owner of Krystal’s Intuitive Center in Mountain View, California, who designs wonderful healing programs to help people get rid of negative energy in their lives. During our time together, Krystal will share her unique perspective on working with Life Force Energy energy through the seven Charkas, explore questions that her clients often ask her, acknowledge her personal sources of inspiration, speak to her concerns about the future of our children, and share intuitive insights on how we can seize opportunities (everyday!) to move forward in a positive direction for the highest interest for ourselves,

  • Episode 30. Discover Divine Style Makeovers | Frustration

    27/02/2015 Duração: 01h32min

    Healing Conversations Episode 30. They say that “beauty is in the eyes of the beholder”. But, what if the “beholder” is you … and you feel that your inner “beauty” is not reflected in how you present yourself to the world. What do you do? Where do you go? Enter Ronnie McCullough and Kathryn Heflin, two vibrant California gals who have combined their knowledge, passion and talent to create DIVINE STYLE MAKEOVERS, a consulting practice specializing in the "Outward Expression of Your Inner Spirit”. During our time together, Ronnie and Kathryn will generously share their unique perspective, guidelines and tips, plus lessons learned by helping numerous women (and men) experience the joy of revealing their true selves to the world! They will delight you with real-life stories of how they helped accomplish amazing transformations with a compassionate, caring process that focuses on the magic of colour, creative dressing, personalized shopping, wardrobe building, and embracing the elements of authentic style.

  • Episode 29. Nova Scotia Lost Dog Network | Animal Communication

    06/12/2014 Duração: 02h12min

    Healing Conversations Episode 29. Do you know what to do if your dog goes missing? Do you know how to use the power of the Internet to help locate your dog? A few months ago, I experienced this situation and had the good fortune to connect with JANET CHERNIN, the dedicated, insightful and engaging founder of the NOVA SCOTIA LOST DOG NETWORK. During our show, Janet will share lessons she has learned while doing dog rescue work, invaluable tips on how to find a lost dog, and an overview of how we can best protect animals in our community. Hmm, are you ready to become an animal advocate or activist? This might be life changing! Next, we’ll head to Florida to chat with amazing ANIMAL COMMUNICATOR, SU BURNETT, who brings a wealth of knowledge, intuition, practicality and years of experience in her abilities to clearly communicate with horses, cat and dogs. Her mission? To improve understanding, awareness, cooperation and peace between humans and animals world-wide. You’ll love Su and benefit from her tips on h

  • Epiosode 28. Self-Love | Pain

    31/10/2014 Duração: 01h22min

    Healing Conversations Episode 28. Do you love yourself? Have you ever thought about the sacred connection between self-love and healing? If you are intrigued to learn more, please join us for a facinating conversation with Robin White Turtle Lysne, M.A., M.F.A., Ph.D author/artist/energy healer of five books, including the Handbook to Heart Path, An Energy Medicine Guide, and Poems for the Lost Deer. Since birth, Robin has been able to see energy fields and spiritual presences that live around us. She teaches self-love through the guided imagery processes as well as scanning the energy field and supporting transformation through feedback, support and energetic healing. Her intuitive and mediumistic skills help people come home to the present moment, letting go of the past to embrace their lives more fully. She has worked through East West Bookshop since 2007 as a reader/energy healer and has a private practice around the San Francisco Bay Area and across the country by phone. You'll love what Robin has to sh

  • Episode 27. Aging Well | Letting Go

    04/10/2014 Duração: 01h37min

    Healing Conversations Episode 27. Recently, I had the good fortune to sit down with DR PAULA CREIGHTON, MD, FRCPC in Glace Bay, Nova Scotia, Canada. Dr. Creighton, who specializes in the field of aging or Geriatrics, has a tremendous amount of information to share, on both a professional and personal level, that may alter (in a good way) the way you perceive the aging process. Although aging is a natural part of the human life cycle, many of us shy away from accessing the expertise and support we need to ensure that our “golden years” (or our parent’s golden years) are fulfilling, healthy, balanced and rewarding. These resources may include invaluable diagnostics, key medical advances, coordination of services, and meaningful community connection. After talking with Dr. Creighton, I had two flashes of inspiration: First, “I want to learn more.” and second, “Wow, this would be fantastic information for our listeners.” So, get ready for a empowering conversation about AGING WELL that flows straight from t

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