Vertical Life Church Podcasts



Vertical Life Church welcomes you to our weekly podcast. We are located at 263 E Paulding Dr, Dallas, GA 30157 and meet every Sunday at 9am and 11am. Check us out at for more information.


  • Taking Ground #5: The Lord's Battle

    11/07/2021 Duração: 39min

    Through the Battle of Jericho, we are reminded that Jesus has already defeated everything we may come against in this life. As we follow God in obedience, we can take heart and rest in the fact that the battle belongs to the Lord! Every victory is HIS! TAKING GROUND // As followers of Jesus, we want to constantly be taking ground for the Kingdom of God as He leads us through life. Join us as we look at the how God led Joshua and the nation of Israel into the land He promised them.

  • Taking Ground #4: Conquered

    04/07/2021 Duração: 37min

    Before Israel could conquer any of the promised land, they had to first be conquered by God. But He takes no one by force. To be "conquered" by God is to willingly submit yourself every day, out of love and obedience. TAKING GROUND // As followers of Jesus, we want to constantly be taking ground for the Kingdom of God as He leads us through life. Join us as we look at the how God led Joshua and the nation of Israel into the land He promised them.

  • Taking Ground #3: Memorial Stones

    27/06/2021 Duração: 38min

    God calls us to a life of obedience, but He is always most concerned with the state of our hearts, more than just our behavior. As we follow Jesus into L I F E, the unnatural steps become more and more natural as we acknowledge His presence with us and see the watch the waters part in front of us. TAKING GROUND // As followers of Jesus, we want to constantly be taking ground for the Kingdom of God as He leads us through life. Join us as we look at the how God led Joshua and the nation of Israel into the land He promised them.

  • Taking Ground #2: Faith Steps

    20/06/2021 Duração: 37min

    "Faith is being sure of what we hope for, and certain of what we cannot see." The author of the book of Hebrews intentionally mentions a woman named Rahab and the faith that she had in the One True God. Who was she? And what made her faith so remarkable? Could it be true that God really can turn anyone's ashes into beauty? TAKING GROUND // As followers of Jesus, we want to constantly be taking ground for the Kingdom of God as He leads us through life. Join us as we look at the how God led Joshua and the nation of Israel into the land He promised them.

  • Taking Ground #1: Preparation

    13/06/2021 Duração: 41min

    TAKING GROUND // As followers of Jesus, we want to constantly be taking ground for the Kingdom of God as He leads us through life. Join us as we look at the how God led Joshua and the nation of Israel into the land He promised them.

  • 9th Anniversary Sunday!

    06/06/2021 Duração: 40min

    "Go, make disciples." - Jesus On VLC's 9th Anniversary, we assess how we are living up to this calling as a church and as individuals, and celebrate everything God has done through VLC. // We believe everyone was made to Love, Grow, and Go, and that we best fulfill this calling when we live as Fully Connected Disciples.

  • Called By Name - Stand Alone Message

    30/05/2021 Duração: 33min

    Names ascribe essence, purpose, and calling. The enemy wants us to go through life nameless, faceless, and aimless, living out of our pride and fear. It's only in JESUS that we find out who we are and why we are alive!

  • Written in Stone #7: "I Am Your Salvation"

    23/05/2021 Duração: 38min

    Salvation is a PROMISE of God, made possible by what Jesus has accomplished through his death and resurrection. You could never earn what He has offered to you! Through faith, we are transformed to become more like Jesus as we follow him. WRITTEN IN STONE // It can be really easy to live distracted lives, haunted by worry and confused about what to expect from God. What exactly has Jesus promised us? Are there things we can depend on no matter what comes? Join us as we discover 7 undying, unchanging promises of God.

  • Written in Stone #6: "I Am Your Power"

    16/05/2021 Duração: 33min

    How can a person experience the power of God in their life? By waiting on the Lord. Jesus promises that those who choose to trust him for their strength will find mental/emotional power that isn’t based on circumstances, as well as the power to act and follow him into fullness of life. WRITTEN IN STONE // It can be really easy to live distracted lives, haunted by worry and confused about what to expect from God. What exactly has Jesus promised us? Are there things we can depend on no matter what comes? Join us as we discover 7 undying, unchanging promises of God.

  • Written in Stone #5: "I Am Your Wisdom"

    09/05/2021 Duração: 31min

    There is a way that seems right to us, but true wisdom comes from knowing God and understanding that we don't have all the answers. God promises to give wisdom willingly and generously to those who humbly ask in faith. WRITTEN IN STONE // It can be really easy to live distracted lives, haunted by worry and confused about what to expect from God. What exactly has Jesus promised us? Are there things we can depend on no matter what comes? Join us as we discover 7 undying, unchanging promises of God.

  • Written in Stone #4: "I Am Your Peace"

    02/05/2021 Duração: 32min

    Are you tired? Feeling burdened? Pressed in from every side? The King is inviting you to trade these things for REST with him! The world offers temporary escape, but true, lasting peace is a GIFT from God! WRITTEN IN STONE // It can be really easy to live distracted lives, haunted by worry and confused about what to expect from God. What exactly has Jesus promised us? Are there things we can depend on no matter what comes? Join us as we discover 7 undying, unchanging promises of God.

  • Written in Stone #3: "I Am Your Answer"

    25/04/2021 Duração: 41min

    Jesus sees you! He hears you when you pray and promises to answer (His way, in His perfect timing, for His glory). As God's children, we pray to stay in touch with our Father, to see His Kingdom come all around us, and to position ourselves to receive every spiritual blessing God has lined up for those who love Him. WRITTEN IN STONE // It can be really easy to live distracted lives, haunted by worry and confused about what to expect from God. What exactly has Jesus promised us? Are there things we can depend on no matter what comes? Join us as we discover 7 undying, unchanging promises of God.

  • Written in Stone #2: "I Am Your Provider"

    18/04/2021 Duração: 31min

    Jesus is ENOUGH. In any season of life, you can trust that, while He may not give you everything you want, God WILL take care of you. The strength you need for today is in His hands! WRITTEN IN STONE // It can be really easy to live distracted lives, haunted by worry and confused about what to expect from God. What exactly has Jesus promised us? Are there things we can depend on no matter what comes? Join us as we discover 7 undying, unchanging promises of God.

  • Written in Stone #1: "I Am With You"

    11/04/2021 Duração: 39min

    The promise of God's presence is more important than anything He promises to DO. When we understand that Jesus is WITH us, worry is silenced, we are comforted in the day-to-day, and we live life knowing that VICTORY is ours! WRITTEN IN STONE // It can be really easy to live distracted lives, haunted by worry and confused about what to expect from God. What exactly has Jesus promised us? Are there things we can depend on no matter what comes? Join us as we discover 7 undying, unchanging promises of God.

  • Planted #3: Glory in the Garden

    04/04/2021 Duração: 26min

    In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus sowed seeds of obedience and was later planted in a garden himself. But as we know, seeds that are planted don't stay in the ground... Death was defeated once and for all by the Master Gardener!! PLANTED // Good things just take a little time. Through every season of life, we can trust that Jesus is making something beautiful, and he always finishes what he starts. Join us as we learn to work the ground of our lives and discover the harvest that God wants to bring!

  • Planted #2: Favored in the Famine

    28/03/2021 Duração: 29min

    We often assume that the favor of God is dependent on what we do for Him, but we know that through Jesus we can experience God's unconditional favor and blessing in every season of our lives. There is always an invitation to come sit at the King's table and feast on His goodness, even in the famine. PLANTED // Good things just take a little time. Through every season of life, we can trust that Jesus is making something beautiful, and he always finishes what he starts. Join us as we learn to work the ground of our lives and discover the harvest that God wants to bring!

  • Planted #1: Planted in the Dark

    21/03/2021 Duração: 26min

    PLANTED // Good things just take a little time. Through every season of life, we can trust that Jesus is making something beautiful, and he always finishes what he starts. Join us as we learn to work the ground of our lives and discover the harvest that God wants to bring!

  • DNA #10: Multiplier

    14/03/2021 Duração: 33min

    This may be the most crucial part of being a Fully-Connected Disciple. Multiplication is about making disciples who make disciples. Multipliers invest their lives into pouring into others, leading people to Jesus and teaching them to do the same to others, all the while relying on the Holy Spirit and trusting God for the harvest! DNA // Our identity as a church is rooted in the belief that everyone was made to Love, Grow, and Go, and that we best fulfill this calling when we are Fully Connected Disciples.

  • DNA #9: Messenger

    07/03/2021 Duração: 37min

    Each of us has been invited into relationship with the King. Because of who Jesus is, and because he has brought us to LIFE, our aim is to reflect him well to a broken world. No matter who you are, you have been given a message of good news to carry!! DNA // Our identity as a church is rooted in the belief that everyone was made to Love, Grow, and Go, and that we best fulfill this calling when we are Fully Connected Disciples.

  • DNA #8: Minister

    28/02/2021 Duração: 40min

    min·is·ter = a distinctive biblical idea that means “to serve” or “service”. In reality, all believers are ministers. We have a message of hope to share with the world! Jesus has made us his ambassadors! We obey God when we serve and care for those He has placed in our path.

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