Watermark Audio: The Porch Channel



This podcast is a production of Watermark Community Church in Dallas, Texas, USA. Watermark exists to be and make more fully devoted followers of Christ, looking to God's Word as our only authority, conscience and guide.


  • Jesus, Friend of Sinners


    Before we approach God, we can feel like we need to clean ourselves up or do enough good works. We tend to put ourselves on the "sin scale" and hope the good outweighs the bad, but that’s not how salvation works. In this message, we look at Luke 19 and the story of Zacchaeus to see how Jesus is a friend of sinners.

  • Know God, No Fear


    Everyone fears something, but what do we do when that fear starts to direct our steps? In this message we see how God can take us from fearful to fearing less.

  • Lonely


    Despite the fact that our generation is more connected than any other before it, we’re the most lonely. Why is that and how do we stop feeling lonely? In this message, we talk about how to battle loneliness.

  • Angry


    Although anger itself isn’t necessarily a bad thing, there are good and bad ways to handle your anger. Anger doesn’t always look like outbursts of rage, it can often reveal itself through more subtle self-destructive behaviors. In this message, we discuss the source of anger, it’s side effects, and ways to overcome it.

  • Grateful


    Being grateful is a mood changer. It’s been proven that increasing your gratefulness increases your happiness, but often we don’t realize how having a lack of gratefulness affects our lives. In this message, we take a look at what the Bible has to say about being grateful and how we can make it our mood.

  • Shame


    Shame is one of those emotions that affects all of us but it’s hard to identify. If we don't recognize shame and move past it, it will lead to other negative emotions and take us out. In this message, we discover the path off of the shame cycle.

  • Anxious


    Being anxious is a common human experience. Simply between trying to decide what to do with the rest of your life and just trying to balance what’s already on your plate, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. In this message, we talk about how to handle the feeling of anxiety and what The Bible has to say about it.

  • Joyful


    People often spend their lives looking for happiness and joy. Are you looking for it in the right places? In this message, we uncover the source of joy and how to access it.

  • In Your Feelings


    Feelings don't always tell you what’s true, but they do tell you what's true about you. Being emotionally intelligent will help you in all areas of life - relationships, work, friendships, etc. In this message, we discuss emotions, how to view them, and their purpose in our lives.

  • Who You’re Becoming


    You reap what you sow, and the decisions you make today will shape your future. In this message, we look to the Proverbs for wisdom instead of learning things the hard way.

  • How to Lose Weight


    A lot of us have extra weight we’re carrying around, but it’s not necessarily physical, it’s spiritual. We carry around past hurts, regrets, and hidden sins that can cause anxiety and affect our lives. In this week’s message, we talk about how to lose that “soul weight” and live in freedom.

  • Romantic Realities


    Love stories are all around us. From romantic comedies, to love songs, and our Instagram feeds, we are told what to look for when it comes to love - but is that realistic? In this message, we look to a true love story that took place in the era of Judges to learn what to look for when it comes to real love.

  • Exit Signs in Dating


    Often times in dating relationships it’s easy to follow our feelings and ignore red flags. In the book of Judges, the story of Sampson is an example of what happens when we do what FEELS right instead of what IS right. Spoiler alert: it never ends well. In this message, we talk about the warning signs for when you should exit a relationship.

  • What The Church Can’t Lose


    When Jesus started the church, he had something specific in mind. But if we aren’t careful, we can drift toward something else entirely. In this message, we take on a few things that the church has to keep...at least if it still wants to be the church.

  • Battling Insecurity


    Being comfortable in your own skin is a nice concept, but most of us either don’t feel that way or are confident for the wrong reasons. Insecurity will rob us from all that God wants us to become and hinder us from living out our purpose. In this message, we see how Gideon fought insecurity and how we can have confidence that comes from God.

  • Sweet Like Honey, Stings Like a Bee


    In some ways, not much has changed since the days of Judges. When evil is around you, are you ready to speak truth in love and stand up for what is right? In this message, we look to the historical story of Deborah to see what it looks like to be a strong woman and stand for truth in a chaotic culture.

  • King of Hearts


    Throughout history, governments were put into place to attempt to bring law and order to society. What happens when there is no objective truth and everyone does what seems right to them? In this message, we open up the book of Judges and see what happens when people become the King of their own hearts.

  • The Drains of Our Lives


    There are so many things fighting for our attention. As we're hustling through life, we can feel drained and in need of self-care, but how do we recharge in a way that actually works? In this message, we talk about the things that drain us and how to overcome them.

  • Habits That Bring Freedom


    Your habits are shaping who you are. What habits are you forming and how do you make sure you’re becoming who you want to be? In this message, we talk about the ways we can care for ourselves through small decisions every day.

  • Body Worship


    Our bodies were built for worship, not to be worshiped, so how do we navigate the complexities of stewarding our bodies well without getting caught up in the comparison game? Join us this week as we take a biblical look at Self Care for the body.

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