Shift The Story Podcast



A podcast designed to inspire, question, explore, and celebrate the idea that there is more to life than what appears on the surface. For those who yearn to understand, and are willing to think, not only out of the box, but without a box in view. As you listen you will become more skilled at clarifying and simplifying your story in order to focus on what is important. The next step will be to rewrite, delete, or update in order to thrive in the life you were meant to live. Send your questions and feedback to or call (330) 856 3690. Find Beca at and


  • When You Know The World Likes You - STS74 with Cynthia Dagnal-Myron - Shift The Story Podcast

    07/11/2016 Duração: 24min

    Thou shalt not hold me back. Cynthia Dagnal-Myron made this her life statement. Using it, she has achieved the kind of life that is important to her, And it also helped her to survive life's hardships including a serious illness. I was inspired and moved by Cynthia's shift stories, especially her recent conversion to Catholicism. Cynthia shares her awareness that life loves her and what a difference that knowledge has made in her life. It's a beautiful shift choice for all of us.

  • A Super Simple Way To Get Things Done - STS73 with Dave Mooring - Shift The Story Podcast

    31/10/2016 Duração: 23min

    David Mooring took what he knew, merged it with where he wanted to go, and made the big leap to being his own boss. How did he do it, and with a young family to support! A few hints: Don’t compare. Break work into chunk size pieces. Make what you want a daily habit. Listen to the podcast for more tips from Dave.

  • Let Passion Lead Your Heart - STS72 With Kara Gott Warner - Shift The Story Podcast

    24/10/2016 Duração: 24min

    Kara Gott Warner loves her job so much she can’t believe that she gets paid for doing it. Isn’t that something we all want to experience? For as long as I can remember I have been obsessed with the idea that perception and choices determine what we experience. So, what perception and choices did Kara choose? What job is she doing that she loves so much? It just might be one that you like!

  • What Reality Do You Live In Really - Two - STS71 - Shift The Story Podcast

    17/10/2016 Duração: 01h01min

    As I listened to this podcast to prepare it for its re-release, I was caught up again in the simplicity of consciously choosing the reality we want to experience. Of course, it means we have to know ourselves well enough to make that shift, but we always have the right, and ability to do so. The why of its importance is sometimes so obvious we forget, and that’s what I think this series does - reminds us of the reasons, and the outcome. Once again, Del and I cover a multitude of subjects, including hypnotism, struggle, states of perception, and what happens when we shift. What changes? It’s a subtle but important answer. Since we do get to choose the reality we perceive, let’s bring ourselves to the point of view of the best reality we can imagine. In this way, we might touch the edge of big R Reality, and experience some of the infinite of its care for all of its expressions, unlimited and consistent care.

  • When You Have ToLet Go Of Something You Love - STS70 With Karen Poirier Brode - Shift The Story Podcast

    10/10/2016 Duração: 21min

    Have you ever heard someone say something from across a table, and you wanted to know more? That’s what happened when I heard my guest Karen Poirier-Brode speak. I heard enough to be intrigued. Karen was an OBGYM, and now she is doing a podcast on scrapbooking? How? Why? Karen has a wonderful shift story about choosing to say yes in order to move on from something she loved to something else. Did she find joy? How hard was it? Sometimes we get to choose our shift, and sometimes it chooses us. It’s what we do next that counts.

  • If You Are Afraid, It's Probably Important - STS69 with Raubi Perilli - Shift The Story Podcast

    03/10/2016 Duração: 21min

    Although sometimes I build websites for clients, it’s on a small scale, so I wanted to find someone I could refer people to that I trusted and could work with. The day I decide to look for someone, I received a business email and one of the links in the information was to Raubi Perilli. I was delighted when I saw that Raubi was doing exactly what I would do if my primary business was putting small businesses online. I wrote to her, she wrote right back, we talked, and the rest is history. No, this podcast is not about building websites. It is about starting somewhere and allowing the steps to take you towards a life that expresses who you are.

  • Shine Light On What You Want To Do - STS68 with Christine Bajorek - Shift The Story Podcast

    26/09/2016 Duração: 22min

    I WATCHED AS Christine Bajorek uplifted a whole room by simply walking into it. When I asked her to be a guest on this podcast, her only worry was would she bring enough value to the listeners. I laughed. You will hear me laugh a lot in this podcast because Christine does what seems impossible […]

  • Say Yes To The Move From Average To Amazing - STS67 - With Daniel J. Lewis - Shift The Story Podcast

    19/09/2016 Duração: 20min

    BEFORE I EVEN STARTED the recording of this podcast, Daniel J. Lewis had given me a tip that will make every podcast I do from this point on better. And at the end, he gave me another. That’s what he does. He takes podcasts from average to amazing. Moving from average to amazing is not just about podcasting, it is about life. And, of course, there is a story behind this. Because Daniel didn’t start out being a podcaster, and along the way, he made some hard choices about what was right for him and his stress level. He learned how to say no to something to say yes to something better. We all could use this advice. So, let's listen to what Daniel has to say.

  • How To Create A Joyful Life With Yoga And Faith - STS66 - With Kate Potter - Shift The Story Podcast

    12/09/2016 Duração: 26min

    One day I heard that internal voice tell me to find Kate Potter. That was easy; her Namaste Yoga has been my go to practice since it first appeared on a TV show about ten years ago. What was much harder for me was asking her to be a guest on this podcast? Why would she say yes? I have adored her work, and therefore her, for years. But she did, and her story is even more incredible than I expected - which is saying A LOT! Kate shares her shift. It’s lovely, profound, and in the end deeply inspiring. If you haven’t yet heard of Kate, you are in for a treat. If you already know who she is, well, you wish I would just let Kate talk. Okay, here you go!

  • Choosing To Be Of Service In Life with Chel Hamilton - Shift The Story Podcast

    05/09/2016 Duração: 27min

    FOLLOWING THE INSTRUCTIONS in my registration package at a podcasting conference not to eat lunch alone, I spoke up and asked the beautiful woman getting ready to sit alone, if she would like to have lunch with me. For the next hour, Chel Hamilton and I shared some of our life stories and discovered that we had a common passion for shifting stories and sharing stories. Chel tells an amazing life story, and in this podcast, she shares many of the tools and ideas that she has used to turn her life around. know you will find them inspiring and life-changing.

  • Be Willing To Surrender To Change With Nancy Christie - Shift The Story Podcast

    29/08/2016 Duração: 23min

    DOES CHANGE ALWAYS BRING a gift? What if it is an unwanted change? Writer Nancy Christie answered that question for herself, and her answer will help all of us as we experience changes we would not have chosen for ourselves. In this podcast Nancy explains how she dealt with the anger she felt when she found out her mother had cancer. As a result, a new writing career opened up for her. That meant she had to find a way to overcome her shyness. Listen to how she not overcame it and found the blessing in change.

  • What Reality Do You Live In Really – One – STS63 – with Delbert Piper and Beca Lewis - Shift The Story Podcast


    This is one of my favorite reality shift podcasts. We were a little ahead of the podcast movement because we recorded this in 2008, but re-releasing it only makes me love it more. The question, what reality do you live in really is huge! And Del and I attempt to answer not only the question but provoke us all into choosing the reality we want to live within. We ask the question - what if this is a game? What would that mean? What kind of game is it? Is there a way out? We explore ideas ranging from quantum physics, nature studies, spirituality, and Native American wisdom. It’s the first in a two-part series - all about shifting perception and thereby shifting the reality you live in, with the intent of shifting to Big R Reality, the reality of the infinite.

  • A Mistake We Make About Money – STS62 with Deborah Williams - Shift The Story Podcast


    WHEN WE STARTED TALKING about money and perception, we immediately bonded. Deborah Williams as a CPA and me, as a used-to-be Certified Financial Planner discovered our shared point of view; the mistakes people make about money. About life. About day to day living because we forget what comes first. In this Podcast, Deb shares her […]

  • Say Yes To Ideas with Richard O. Jones - Shift The Story Podcast

    08/08/2016 Duração: 19min

    RICHARD JONES SAID YES to ideas that completely changed his life, bringing it full circle into a life that he is thoroughly enjoying. He doesn’t only just say yes; he pro-actively asks if he can share. And that’s how I met him. I asked a Facebook group of podcasters if anyone had a story they wanted to share. Richard said yes he did - and I agreed! Here's what Richard told me: I recently had to make a major shift in my life. I worked for my hometown newspaper for 25 years. Things changed greatly in that time, and the job I thought I would have at this point in my career no longer exists as the newspaper got more corporate and eventually became managed out of town. So when they offered me a buyout two and a half years ago, I jumped at it. Since it came about suddenly, I had no idea what to do next. It's a story of how one thing leads to another, and how my interest in local history led me to develop the podcast, True Crime Historian, where I now have an international audience.

  • Why You Need To Say Yes To Your Gifts – STS60 – with Beca Lewis - Shift The Story Podcast


    LISTEN TO THREE short stories about saying yes to your gifts. Find out why we accept, live, and share our gifts. Why we must say yes to them. We told one of these stories to a group of women. Learn why they came up with the saying “Say yes to the tomato” as a reminder […]

  • Why You Can Be Excited About Change with Les Roberts - Shift The Story Podcast

    25/07/2016 Duração: 26min

    I met my guest Les Roberts at a writers retreat. An author with thirty-three books to his name, he was there to teach us how to write good characters. But, he did more than that. He shared marvelous stories that captured us all as we listened. He even played the piano one night while another writer sang beautifully.Les shares how he writes, why he writes, and the how and why of the shift he made to move from a successful career in Los Angeles to choosing to moving to Cleveland, Ohio. If you have ever thought about making a shift or two in your life, and worried about what the outcome might be … listen to Les, as we shift the story, together.

  • The Truth About Your Money -STS58- A Shift Shuttle with Beca Lewis - Shift The Story Podcast


    This is about the perception and actuality of money. So many of us are confused and confounded by it. It’s no wonder. We have been trained that we need to get it and keep it, and yet the worldview game is set up to stop most of us from having it. Obviously we need to shift our perception about wealth. And that is what we are going to do on this shift shuttle. The wider the river, the bigger the flood. Let’s open the floodgates of wealth, Let’s be bold and follow our dreams, enjoying the process. Let’s be willing to pay attention to the little things and be grateful for what is already present. Let’s choose our money AND our life!

  • Make Being Happy The Guide Post For Your Life with Amy Harrison - Shift The Story Podcast

    11/07/2016 Duração: 25min

    THE MOMENT I started listening to my guest Amy Harrison’s podcast I started smiling, and it never stopped. I became an immediate fan of her advice and her outlook on life. Amy lives and shares her creative ideas and joy as a copywriter, but it is so much more than that. Her life has taken many twists and turns but creativity and being happy are the guideposts. I bet you won’t be able to take the smile off of your face either as you listen to the wisdom and inspiration Amy shares as we shift the story together.

  • A Simple Key To Success - Be Authentic with Dave Kaminski - Shift The Story Podcast

    04/07/2016 Duração: 21min

    Years ago, when Del and I started thinking about making video’s for his business and then put them up on his website we were both completely stumped. We had absolutely no idea how to do it. So I did the obvious thing, I googled it, and was lucky enough to find my guest today who really, really, really knew how to do it. Not only that, he knows how to explain it. Who is this magic person? It’s Dave Kaminski, the founder of Web Video University. But, this podcast is not about making videos, it is about shifting stories, and Dave’s story about he built the life he wants to live can be applied to whatever you want to do. The primary key that he shares? Do it, and be it, with authenticity. No matter what kind of life you are designing for yourself, the tips Dave shares are powerfully effective!

  • Bring Heaven Closer To Earth With God Writing With Gloria Wendroff - Shift The Story Podcast

    27/06/2016 Duração: 24min

    Have you heard of Heaven Letters? If not, you will want to know all about them after listening to my guest today, Gloria Wendroff. Gloria and I have been internet friends for over 18 years so it was a great pleasure to hear her voice and her stories, and I know you will feel the same after listening to her. You’ll learn how she started writing heaven letters and teaching god writing. She even shares things that god wants us to know - that are incredibly powerful and freeing. You’ll have to listen to the very end to hear what God says about karma and forgiveness! It is most likely not what you expect. Sometimes you may have to listen very closely to hear Gloria, but it will be worth it. I promise.

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