WebPreach Ministries



The latest feed from WebPreach Ministries on SermonAudio.com.


  • Final Notice

    04/06/2016 Duração: 23min
  • The Wandering

    29/05/2016 Duração: 23min

    There is a great wandering of the people of God, a wandering of faith and commitment, a wandering from the true foundations and the Word of God. It is a great wandering from the old paths onto a new way and a new road that seems to fulfill the desires of the flesh but only leaves you wanting more and more.----Proverbs 4-19 The way of the wicked is as darkness- they know not at what they stumble.----Mankind has now wandered to the point of not being satisfied with the gender that they were born as. The homosexual crowd has now pushed their agenda so far that now they want the same rights as everyone else. We now have the right to choose what gender we want to be identified as, and our countries leader has backed the homosexual crowd up in this matter. Public schools can now lose their government funds if they don-t allow multi gendered restrooms.

  • 5/15/16 Sunday Morning Service

    15/05/2016 Duração: 45min

    This is the Sunday Morning Service for the Ambassadors of Jesus Christ Church of Star Prairie, WI on May 15th, 2016.

  • Unexpected Coming

    14/05/2016 Duração: 27min

    The world has gone mad. Everything is upside down. Right is wrong and bad is good and it seems that the darkness is spreading everywhere. ----The truth is that the darkness is spreading everywhere.----Take a look at the condition of the world. The moral degradation of society has become a reproach to a Holy God and to you if you call yourself one of His children.----Those who practice homosexuality and choose that lifestyle now have the same rights as everyone else when it comes to benefits and even marriage.----What does the lukewarm sleepwalking Christian say about it- Nothing-

  • Ear Shot

    10/04/2016 Duração: 19min

    Isaiah 42-23 Who among you will give ear to this- who will hearken and hear for the time to come-----A couple of weeks ago we celebrated the life death and resurrection of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Many churches were most likely filled with regular attending congregants and many visitors based on the holiday and traditions of attending church on one of the two most popular days that are celebrated here in the United States, which would be Christmas and Easter. Countless were told the story of how Jesus Christ was accepted and exalted by many, how he had healed, fed thousands from little and rose from the dead and as the gospel of John says in-.----John 21-25 And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen.----John says Jesus did so many things that this world could not contain the books if it was all documented. Think about that-.----Jesus Christ did and

  • God's Power

    27/03/2016 Duração: 15min

    Romans 1-16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ- for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth- to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.--If you-re here tonight and you-re not Jewish then you are a Greek and as the bible calls it you are a Gentile, and if you have chosen to pick up your cross and follow Jesus Christ then you are grafted into the spiritual vine and qualify for all of the promises of God.----There-s a power that cannot be understood by the human mind. ----It-s a power that is able to create something out of nothing.----It-s a power that is able to give life.----It-s a power that is seen and unseen by the eyes of mankind. ----It-s a power that is rejected by the masses and is received by few.----It-s a power that must be received by faith.

  • Standing In The Fire

    21/03/2016 Duração: 29min

    The following is a recording from this week's service at the church I am starting in rural New Richmond, WI. If you want any info about the church contact me at webpreach.com

  • Abomination - WebPreach Ministries with Dan Roller

    14/02/2016 Duração: 16min

    Years ago I was lost in sin and running with the Devil. I could remember the Word of God and it was constantly convicting me and troubling me. I was walking through life with a guilty conscience, and I knew I was living wrong and I needed to repent. ----I had an addiction, an addiction to pornography an addiction to a fowl mouth, an addiction to an adulterous heart, an addiction to smoking and drinking, and an addiction to drugs. ----I was lying cheating and stealing. Stealing time and love from those who were giving it to me pouring out their mercy and God-s mercy on me. My heart was hard and I had hated, and I was resentful and had murderous at heart. ----I was weighed down by the pressures of this life, and all the wants of the material things and prominence of this life. My goals were for the things of this world, and all of my concerns were about me and what I wanted for me.----I was high minded and my thoughts were constricted to my own selfish will and desires. I was operating in the lust of the flesh,

  • Gone Fishing - WebPreach.com with Dan Roller

    24/01/2016 Duração: 12min

    We live in times that are very discouraging for the believer in Jesus Christ. The darkness that has covered the land seems to have dimmed the light of Jesus Christ in the world. Many believers are discouraged and overwhelmed with what they-re seeing in society today, and even within the houses of God.----Many believers have become comfortably numb with the state of the church and the condition of their environment, and even their own relationship with the Lord. I know what I see going on hear in America, churches filled with entertainment and the doctrine of anything goes-----I hear the cry of many wanting a leader to lead them and challenge them spiritually-----I tell you to wake up out of your slumber and self-righteousness, and look to the only One Jesus Christ. Lift Him up in all things-

  • The Alternate Route To Hell - WebPreach.com With Dan Roller

    10/01/2016 Duração: 06min

    Many believers in Jesus Christ are on a road that will eventually lead them to Hell. These professing followers of Jesus Christ are unaware and have deceived themselves into believing that they are okay in their relationship with the Lord. ----They make excuses for their sins. They make excuses as to why they don-t have to live a life that is a living sacrifice to the Lord. They will continue to claim to God-s promises and covenants but will not evaluate their own lives to see if their will lines up with scripture.----The deception of compromise in the House of God has caused His presence to cease. The unbelief of His power has restricted the Holy Ghost from moving in our lives, and week after week the congregations return to the church obedient to a religion and disobedient to their God. ----They are content without the presence of God moving in their lives. They are asleep to the reality of the Lords soon return, and His impending judgment that is underway, while millions continue to enter into that wide ga

  • Returning To The Crossroads | WebPreach With Your Host Dan Roller

    03/01/2016 Duração: 17min

    We-re in a new year. All things from 2015 are behind us now, and we have once again returned to the Cross Roads. We have an excuse and a chance to start all over again, start new, and give this year to the Lord Jesus Christ and make Him King and Lord of our lives once and for all, with all that we have.----No more wavering back and forth like a ship tossed out on a sea. No more lukewarmness like the hypocrites, but standing firm on the foundations that are provided in the Word of God and resisting the desires of the flesh.--The time has come for us to stand against sin and if that means we have to stand alone in this world then that-s what it means.----We have the Holy Ghost of God that we are sealed with and Jesus said he would never forsake us. Although the enemy would like to make us feel like we-re alone, we are not- There is a Heavenly Host that is encamped around the Saints of God-

  • WebPreach Special: Returning Our Hearts To Our King

    27/12/2015 Duração: 36min

    My interview on my wife's podcast -A Virtuous Mother Podcast with Sharon Roller- speaking on turning our hearts to our king.

  • A Message Of Hope

    27/12/2015 Duração: 01min
  • Man-ipulating God | WebPreach With Your Host Dan Roller

    13/12/2015 Duração: 26min

    Definition for Manipulate- --1.To treat or operate with the hands, or by mechanical means with skill.--2. To treat or manage with intellect.--3. To control the action of, by management- as to manipulate a convention- also, to manage artfully or fraudulently.--4. To force, to rig----We have turned our hearts away from God and in a way have become gods ourselves in our thinking. Many Christians today have wondered off the paths of righteousness and have consumed the ideals of the world. We are indulging in the worlds sinful ways and have grown accustom to their methods.----We invite the ways of the world into the church with the attitude that this will bring the world in and everyone will be saved. The truth is that the world and the ways of it are carnal and destructive, and contrast to the holy things of God.

  • Breaking Crosses into Peace Signs

    29/11/2015 Duração: 34min

    Millions of people today are unaware of the endgame consequence that is rapidly approaching. The sleeping church of Laodiceans are totally blind to what is coming on the earth. Countless are deaf and dumb to the iniquity that has been allowed into the houses of God. Christians have become sedated spiritually and many hearts have become hard and callused.----Many once Holy Ghost filled churches and congregants have been overwhelmed by the obstacles and distractions of the world. The Armor of God has been replaced by the gadgets and trends of today-s world and piece by piece the armor of God has been forsaken and lost and disregarded.

  • Waiting For The Lord // WebPreach.com With Your Host Dan Roller

    22/11/2015 Duração: 33min

    Psalm 27-14 Wait on the LORD- be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart- wait, I say, on the LORD. ----Many Christians around the world are fighting the good fight daily continuing in the faith of the Lord Jesus Christ. Persecution is coming to America without the majority of believers even realizing what is soon to come.----Reality has escaped the modern day Laodicean type Christian described in the book of Revelation.

  • Walking With The Darkness // WebPreach.com With Your Host Dan Roller

    09/11/2015 Duração: 23min

    Proverbs 4-19 The way of the wicked is as darkness- they know not at what they stumble.----Those who refuse the Gospel of Jesus Christ choose a life of complete rebellion of the truth. They have turned their backs on the Creator who has given undisputable evidence of His existence.----The world has chosen to move forward with out God in their lives and has placed mankind and false gods on the throne of their hearts.----The multitudes of Christians today have denied the true living God and have created a god of pleasure and entertainment. A god who doesn-t judge them, condemn them or convict them.----They have formed their own opinions of who God is and have given themselves over to lies and deception of the truth.

  • The Haunted House // WebPreach.com With Your Host Dan Roller

    01/11/2015 Duração: 31min

    There are haunted houses all across the United States filled with the walking dead.----Those who call themselves Christians are piled into these so called houses of God that are haunted by the ideal of a time that once was but now has passed away.----They-re the ghost of the past of once Holy Ghost filled churches on fire for the Word of God armed with the boldness of the gospel but are now become forsaken graveyards with lifeless congregants who wander the pews walking in a spiritual slumber. Faith has withered away and the great delusion of the truth has sealed the hard hearts of many believers.----The church has been infected with the disease of compromise. Rhigamortis has set in and the body is decaying. Although everything seems to be okay with the entertaining worship service and the delusion that God is pleased with our pathetic attempt to serve Him with our own ideals.----We have forsaken the path that leads to eternal life to the path that leads straight to the gaits of Hell. We hide in our churches-

  • Salvation Is Not Collective - Interview With Michael Boldea From Hand Of Help

    26/10/2015 Duração: 49min

    My interview with Michael Boldea of Hand Of Help Ministries.----Hand of Help Ministries was founded by Dumitru Duduman in 1986. Brother Duduman was a Romanian pastor who worked many years with Richard Wurmbrandt, Harlan Popoff, and Brother Andrew's ministries smuggling bibles into Romania and Russia before being exiled to America. Brother Duduman and his family, out of obedience to the Lord, eventually returned to their homeland and with the help of American supporters have raised up an effective ministry which continues the work to care for God's people in Romania. Dumitru went on to be with the Lord in 1997.----Michael has seen the presence of God in accomplishing the work that his family was called to. In the face of great persecution and opposition thousands of bibles were given to the Christians of Romania even though it was punishable by imprisonment if caught. His grandfather Dumitru Duduman did suffer greatly being imprisoned for his faith. Under extreme torture he never recanted his faith and stan

  • WebPreach Raw: The Crossroads

    20/10/2015 Duração: 06min
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