In Life Now Radio



In Life Now Radio is your premier talk media and empowerment platform bringing you "conversations that matter"! Our host, Toresa M. Blakely aka "Coach TMB" keeps you engaged in entertaining, informative conversations with guests from around the world. Share our show(s) on your social media platforms with your friends!


  • Standing Strong In Midst of A Storm with Lorenzo Pierson

    19/07/2013 Duração: 01h11min

    Ladies and Gentlemen... Family! Listen, we are in for a dynamic treat tonight as we welcome our very special guest Author and Speaker, Mr. Lorenzo Pierson to In Life Now Radio. Lorenzo has a phenomenal story to share with the world about how he went from living life the way he wanted to live it to finding himself literally behind bars doing time in prison to coming out having his life being transformed through all of his experiences, which caused him to have more insight on how to live life to it's fullest by penning a wonderful heartwrenching book entitled, "Standing Strong In the Midst of The Storm." This is a show you do not want to miss!!!  Please help me welcome Mr. Lorenzo Pierson!!!

  • The Butterfly Effect w/Tamara Gooch Surviving The Abuse

    16/07/2013 Duração: 01h10min

    Well family our special guest is no stranged to In Life Now Radio as she has shared the mic with Coach TMB before in times past... I am so excited to be bringing our special guest Author & Speaker Tamara Gooch back to the show with us on this episode of In Life Now Radio. Tamara Gooch, is an author, empowerment speaker and life, image and etiquette coach who through her own life-altering experiences, learned how to reclaim her uniqueness, power, purpose and true passion. She attributes her transformation to her faith in God as she recognizes that it was no one but God who brought her through the many trials and tribulations she faced over many years. Victorious and abuse-free, Tamara now uses her story and passion to empower other individuals. Ladies & Gentlemen get ready for an empowering time with the one and only Tamara Gooch!!!

  • Passing The Trash with Dr. Charles Hobson Part 2

    14/07/2013 Duração: 01h11min

    Family tonight on In Life Now Radio, we continue with  part 2 of our series with my special guest Dr. Charles Hobson who has penned an informative but yet challenging book for us entitled, Passing The Trash-A Parent's Guide To Combat Sexual Abuse/Harrassment of Their Children. I felt the need to bring this topic of discussion to you family since there has been such an uprising of criminal sexual abuse of our children not only in our schools but in alot of places of authority where we have entrusted the adults to watch over and protect our children, only to discover that some of them have been the very one's who have taken advantage of our nations children while we were unaware! Dr. Hobson is a voice of advocacy who has spent many years researching this topic and working with those who have committed these crimes as well as being there for the vicitms who were on the receiving end of this tragic act. In this two part series to be aired on this broadcast and again on Sunday July 14th, Dr. Hobson is goi

  • A City Within A City with Author Todd E. Robinson

    12/07/2013 Duração: 01h16min

    Well Family I am stoked to be bringing you this show tonight because we will have the opportunity to hear from our very special guest Author, Educator, and Speaker Mr. Todd E. Robinson all the way from Las Vegas, Nevada who has penned a very informative, candid story about the city of Grand Rapids, Michigan entitled, "A City Within A City-The Black Freedom Struggle In Grand Rapids, Michigan..." Need I say more?  This book is spot on and will help many undertand what's really happening and has been going on since the 1920's beneath the surface.  He will also define and help us understand how he came up with the phrase he has coined "managerial racism."  This is definitely a show  you do not want to miss especially to all of my Michigan audience! "A City Within a City is a case study of the civil rights era as it happened in smaller cities, focusing specifically on the struggles involving school integration and bureaucratic reforms in Grand Rapids, Michigan. The efforts to dismantle structures of racial in

  • The Motivator of The Millennium with Keith L. Brown

    09/07/2013 Duração: 01h13min

    Well Family! I need all of you to get ready for an inspiring time tonight with our special guest all the way from Atlanta, Georgia in the form of the phenomenal, Mr. Keith L. Brown who has been coined with the title that describes him as, "the motivator of the milennium!" This show is tailor made for everyone who has been labled with he/she can't... or he/she will never... And the biggest one is he/she has...  I am excited tonight to have this opportunity to speak with Mr. Brown because he is someone who received labeling from his childhood and through it all with his determination and persistance overcame every label that people and the doctors tried to pronounce him to be. “not impossible- I’M POSSIBLE! The messenger is here. The time has come!!! Early in life, Keith L. Brown, “Motivator of the Millennium,” was identified as a “Special Ed” and “At Risk” student primarily because he talked too much, was too hyper, and wanted to give “all the answers;” ironically, these are a few of the same traits that

  • Passing The Trash with Charles Hobson Ph. D. Part 1

    07/07/2013 Duração: 01h12min

    Family tonight as we open up the month of July on In Life Now Radio, we begin with one of a two part series with my special guest Dr. Charles Hobson who has penned an informative but yet challenging book for us entitled, Passing The Trash-A Parent's Guide To Combat Sexual Abuse/Harrassment of Their Children. I felt the need to bring this topic of discussion to you family since there has been such an uprising of criminal sexual abuse of our children not only in our schools but in alot of places of authority where we have entrusted the adults to watch over and protect our children, only to discover that some of them have been the very one's who have taken advantage of our nations children while we were unaware! Dr. Hobson is a voice of advocacy who has spent many years researching this topic and working with those who have committed these crimes as well as being there for the vicitms who were on the receiving end of this tragic act. In this two part series to be aired on this broadcast and again on Sunday Ju

  • Jonathan Jelks & Azizi Jasper Discuss State of Black America

    18/06/2013 Duração: 01h06min

    What is the future of the black community let alone black america? This is a very intense and thought provoking question isn't it? Well tonite on this episode of In Life Now with Coach TMB we will have the honor and priviledge of talking very frankly with two of Grand Rapids, Michigan's premier voices in the community discuss openly about what they see! Azizi Jasper & Jonathan Jelks, who are heading up this discussion amongst our youth and with our older generations as they head up a movement entitled, "Empower Michigan." Ladies & Gents you want to make sure you have the sound turned up on this one because I promise you will be inspired, empowered, and challenged as we listen to these two men talk to us tonight on what they see as "the state of black america..."

  • The Collaborative Affect with Chanel Woods & Kanika Starr

    14/06/2013 Duração: 01h16min

    Get ready family because tonight we are in for a fun, imformative, challenging, and empowering treat as In Life Now Radio welcomes back to the show for the first time together two of Grand Rapids rare gems in the form of, Chanel Malone Woods and Kanika Starr Reynolds. Tonight's show is gonna be as hot as the title sounds... The Collaborative Affect!  On this episode we are going to give you the best that we got as we talk about a little bit of everything from womanhood, spirituality, being a fashion diva on a dime to discussing relationships, and soooo much more! So you wanna make sure that you can hear loud and clear on this broadcast because Chanel, Kanika, and Coach TMB are going to have you rolling off your seats as we keep it absolutely 100% real on this show! In Life Now Radio is your premier platform in inspirational lifestyle talk radio...  Make sure you are paying attention because we will be offering some great products and/or services to you only on this broadcast. htt

  • Lifequest with Jerry Bishop

    11/06/2013 Duração: 01h23min

    In Life Now Radio is proud to have Pastor Jerry Bishop grace us with his presence on this broadcast. Bishop is the Founder and Pastor of the place he has coined as a "church without walls" for urban young men to help meet the spiritual needs of under-performing young men outside the current grasp of the traditional church. Coach TMB is excited to have this opportunity to speak up close with Jerry Bishop because he is another one of Grand Rapids representatives who his doing his part to empower those who come in direct contact with him.  Jerry is real, to the point, and not scared to speak his "truth.!" So sit back and listen closely as we hear the one and only Jerry Bishop.

  • Set Your Stage with Coach TMB

    09/06/2013 Duração: 31min

    Well Family, the coach is up once again and this time she is starting us out in the month of June!  She is going to be sharing somewords of wisdom  with you on this broadcast of In Life Now Radio. This show is entitled Set Your Stage because Coach TMB has been given a message to share with all of you to help prepare you and to help you lay the foundation of your life as you begin to put all of the pieces together so that you can see the big picture concerning you and the biggest performance of you have ever done. Before you step to the mic for the performance of your life you must Set Your Stage!

  • Satan Thinks In Black and White with Ronald Jimmerson

    16/05/2013 Duração: 01h11min

    Well folks we are in for a very challenging and informative show on this episode of In Life Now with Coach TMB as we listen to the passionate Mr. Ronald B. Jimmerson discuss his newly released book entitled, "Satan Thinks In Black and White-Racism in the congregations of America. "This book is not an attack on the true Churches of Jesus Christ, but those false pastors, preachers, priests, teachers and Ministries that teach false doctrine, and spend more time in merchandising Gods people. They are more concerned with the number of members, and the amount of tithes, rather than developing disciples. They have become so conformed to this World systems, that they are blinded to the truth, and this is one of the reasons that racism has remain in many congregations. They do what is Politically Correct, rather than what is Biblically Sound. Many will be upset as they view the cover of this book, because we have lived in a National System that promotes a Superiority (Whites) and Inferiority (Blacks) belief system. T

  • The Power In Waiting with Carla Cannon

    14/05/2013 Duração: 01h12min

    Family listen to this... "While some know her as a phenomenal minister and teacher, others know her as a personal HIScoach (Christian Coach), encouraging women worldwide to embrace their destiny and purpose. Some may recognize her as the CEO and Founder of Women of Standard magazine, a Christian lifestyle, global publication that inspires subscribers across the nation. Whether you meet her while she is speaking at a conference or you bump into her at the local Starbucks, who she is speaks loud and clear: a woman of power, of purpose and of the people. Her lively persona and determined charisma has catapulted her into a success in various areas of her life. In October of 2011, she formed Women of Standard magazine, pushing readers worldwide to set the standard of life higher, and not settle for any form of compromise. In March of 2013, she launched her debut book, The Power in Waiting, where she offers advice to readers on what to do during the process of waiting on what God said to manifest. Openly sharing

  • Live from The Dream Big Fair with Della Marie

    12/05/2013 Duração: 01h01min

    Well family yesterday Saturday May 11th, right here in the city of Grand Rapids, MI a phenomenal lady by the name of Della Marie hosted a great gathering of women called, "The Dream Big Fair." Ms. Della Marie is the founder of this event which showcases minority business owners of color  from all walks of life.  These entrepreneurs are not simply business owners but they represent some of the greatest women of the city who are all the CEO's of their own companies. Coach TMB was in attendance of this great event hosted by Della, which was carried out with so much finesse and every person in the building seemed to have enjoyed themselves because I am sure they got more than they bargained for at the Dream Big Fair. Sit back and relax for a little while as you listen to some of the live coverage from this event as I had the humbling experience of interviewing some of these great business women, as well as the founder and host Ms. Della Marie as they shared their big dream business at The Dream Big Sister Circ

  • Early Learning Neighborhood Collaborative & Proud Fathers

    09/05/2013 Duração: 01h09min

    Well family on this episode of In Life Now with Coach TMB we are proud to bring to you one of Grand Rapids premiere learning organizations for our community's children.  Ladies and gentlemen all around the world please help me welcome The Early Learning Neighborhood Collaborative and one of their representatives by the name of Joshua who is going to be talking in detail tonight with us about what this organization is all about along with a new intitiative entitled, "Proud Fathers," which is shceduled to debut Monday May 13th 2013. Make sure you have the volumne turned up an have your pen and paper ready to jot down some important information that you will receive on this episode of In Life Now with Coach TMB and the Ealrly Learning Neighborhood Collaborative.

  • Gilda's Club Grand Rapids with President & CEO Leanne Arkema

    07/05/2013 Duração: 01h10min

    In Life Now with Coach TMB is super excited to bring this episode to you tonight as I have the awe inspiring opportunity to interview the President and CEO of Gildas Club in Grand Rapids' Leanne Arkema! "Gilda's Club became more of a passion than a job for Arkema, and she became attached to the beauty of the club and the good that it does for people. She muses that a lot of people are emotionally unhealthy, especially when big things happen to them, and part of becoming emotionally healthy is learning to laugh. Gilda Radner, the namesake of Gilda's Club, had the same opinion. The engaging comedienne and original SNL cast member was diagnosed with cancer in 1986 and passed away in 1989. While initially losing the ability to be funny, Radner eventually wrote in her book, It's Always Something, "My job was to find what was funny about whatever was going on. So I began to think that I should do the same thing with cancer." Ladies and gentleman all around the world, I hope you are ready to hear this amazing lad

  • Prescriptions For Women with Dr. Sequeda Sutton

    07/05/2013 Duração: 01h18min

    Well Family, I need you to hold on to your seats tonight because all the way from Pensacola, Florida In Life Now with Coach TMB has the honor and priviledge to talk up close and personal with Dr. Sequeda Sutton! We are going to be talking about her life, her ministry, and her new book entitled, Prescriptions For Women-A Practical Guide For Letting Go and Living Now. In this debut book Sutton grabs the reader by establishing relationship through truth and genuine concern for the well-being of her readers. With every prescription you will feel yourself getting stronger, and healthier. This book will encourage you to become who you were destined to be through the power of healing, acceptance and release. In “Prescriptions for Women” you will find applicable tools, simple strategies, keeping it real conversations, and easy to swallow prescriptions that will propel you to come out of hiding, and unveil the beauty of who you really are. It’s time to shine. Start reading it and you will soon see what we are saying

  • Bates Place presents Unity In The Community Pig Roast

    29/04/2013 Duração: 01h15min

    Hello In Life Now Family all over the world! I am excited to bring this episode of In Life Now Radio to you this evening as we bring you live coverage from the Unity In The Community Pig Roast sponsored by Bates Place Ministries, which took place this past Saturday April 27th.  It was a beautiful day filled with beautiful people who came out to be a part of this great gathering of people who not only live in the community of Grand Rapids Michigan but it was also attended by those who are leading the city in policing, politics, and our churches. Listen closely as I had an opportunity to interview some of the people who were in attendance who talked to me about what unity in the community means to them, as well as sharing the impact that Bates Place Ministries has had on their life.  We will also talk to the Executive Director Bryan R. Blakely and listen to his heart as he shares his thoughts on why Unity In The Community is so important and learn why he is so passionate about this movement. For more inform

  • He Cheated with Otescia Johnson

    25/04/2013 Duração: 01h10min

    "After a few short years, I learned that infidelity had infiltrated my marriage. I went through a phase of shock that quickly transitioned to extreme anger. During my angry stage I went thorugh every emotion imaginable and made many mistakes that hindered my healing process. A process that could have been over very quickly took me years to get through." Ladies and gentlemen, hold on to your seats because tonight we are talking about cheating, adultery, and affairs with Ms. Otescia Johnson who is the author of He Cheated-A Woman's Guide To Receiving God's Healing After Adultery. Some of us have experienced this or know of someone who is dealing with this painful issue right now. So make sure you let them know to tune in to tonights show as Otescia Johnson has a frank and candid conversation with us on this episode of In Life Now with Coach TMB.

  • GR Now with Josh Depenbrok

    23/04/2013 Duração: 01h02min was founded in 2005 by Josh Depenbrok. After graduating from Calvin College in 2002 with a business degree, Josh earned his Michigan real estate license and began working for a local broker. While building a website to attract home buyers and selleers, he began including some Grand Rapids restaurants and attraction information. As that research continued, he realized that no complete site with all local eateries existed and focused on building a restaurant directory. A short while later the event calendar was added and that combination morphed into GRNow! Ladies and gentlemen all over the world we are certainly in for a dynamic treat tonight as Coach TMB has the opportunity of talking up close and personal with another representative in Grand Rapids who is well respected and has made a great name for himself by the name of Josh Depenbrok who is the founder of GRNow. Make sure you are in a good spot where you can listen to this show without being disturbed because I am telling you folks... Josh has

  • Local First with Elissa Hillary

    22/04/2013 Duração: 01h00s

    Welcome back family!  Did you miss me?  Well I sure hope that you did because I surely missed all of you! Well family we are in for a great new season on the air and we are starting the week out with one of Grand Rapids' own Ms. Elissa Hillary who is the Executive Director of Local First! Author Michael H. Shuman, author of Going Local said, " Going local does not mean walling off the outside world.  It means nurturing locally owned businesses which use local resources sustainnably, employ local workers at decent wages, and serve primarily local consumers."It means becoming more self sufficinet and less dependent on imports.  Control moves from the boardrooms of distant corporations and back into the community where it belongs." This is the ideology our guest Elissa Hillary embraces, so pull up your seats, turn the volumne up, and listen to a great show this evening as we engage in informative conversation with one of the premier leading women in the city of Grand Rapids, the one and only Elissa Hillary!

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