Falls Presbyterian Church (OPC)



The latest feed from Falls Presbyterian Church (OPC) on SermonAudio.com.


  • The Woman who Rightly Valued Jesus

    24/06/2024 Duração: 29min

    One believing woman showed how there should be no holding back in valuing Jesus and giving our hearts in worship. -1. Her surprising, extravagant, and beautiful anointing of Jesus. -v.3--2. An ugly reaction- worshipping Jesus is a waste of money-- -v.4-5--3. A rare addition to the worldwide story- her action illustrated the gospel by breaking-pouring out one's greatest treasure- -v.6-9--What are the various ways that people react to Jesus---In what way did Jesus become poor-- 2 Corinthians 8-9-What is the contrast of this woman with Judas-- Mark 14-21-Why does a servant of Christ not need man's approval-- Gal. 1-10

  • Skills are Worthless Without Love

    24/06/2024 Duração: 31min

    A fundamental truth never to be forgotten about Spiritual gifts, is that they are worthless without love.-1. When you don't have love. -v.1-3--2. When you do have love. -v.4-7--3. Of all the spiritual gifts-skills, love is simply the best. -v.8-13--What is the context of this chapter---Who loved us first-- 1 John 3-16 and 4-19 -What is the model of love for us to imitate-- Ephesians 4-32-5-2-Which commands of God are top priority-- Matthew 22-35-40

  • The Plot to Kill Jesus

    17/06/2024 Duração: 29min

    They had the plot to kill Jesus, but God had the plot to have Jesus executed in order to pass over us. -1. Who would seek to kill Jesus-- -v.1a--2. How would they kill Jesus-- -v.1b--3. When would they kill Jesus-- -v.2--As we think over this, what are we to learn, believe, and do---What's the meaning of The Passover-- Ex. 12-1-20, Col 2-13-14-How long had they planned to kill Jesus-- Mk. 3-6, 12-7, 1 Cor. 5-7-Why was Jesus delivered up at the feast-- Mt. 26-1-5 vs. Mk 14-2

  • We Need Each Other

    17/06/2024 Duração: 31min

    Christ is our head, and we are His body, which means that all believers need each other.-1. The beauty of needing each other. -v. 12-13- -2. Ridiculous, damaging illusions that we do not need each other. -v.14-26--3. How we recover the truth and beauty that we need each other. -v. 27-31--Which people in the church do you think you do not need-- Why---What pictures of the church did God give us-- 1 Peter 2-5-Which people are not to receive baptism-- Matthew 28-18-20-How are gifts linked to the 'still more excellent way'-- 1 Cor. 14-1

  • Stay Spiritually Awake

    10/06/2024 Duração: 34min

    Stay spiritually awake and serving- we keep on viewing all of our living now in the light of then -whenever Jesus returns-.-1. Dual truths- we do not know when Jesus will return, but we are certain that Jesus will return. -v.32-33--2. Our lives are shaped by these dual truths, like servants constantly waiting for the master to return at any moment. -v.34-36--3. Our lives are governed by our staying spiritually awake and ever watching for the return of Jesus. -v.37--What is the application of these truths to our lives---For whom were all things created-- Colossians 1-15-16-While we remain alert, what are we to do-- Eph. 5-14, Titus 2-12-13-Those who have hope in God always do what-- 1 John 3-2-3

  • Everyone Benefits

    10/06/2024 Duração: 29min

    Everyone benefits from the gifts that God gives to the church.-1. Pure gifts- not deserved, rather given-under the Lordship of Christ. -v.1-6--2. Group gifts- distributed to each person, yet for the common good. -v.7--3. Various gifts- assorted abilities apportioned individually, as God wills. -v.8-11--What is in it for us---Who can take away the gifts God gives us-- Romans 11-29-Is there anyone without a spiritual gift-- 1 Peter 4-10-11-Where can we go to get these gifts-- Acts 8-18-19

  • The Lesson of The Fig Tree

    04/06/2024 Duração: 32min

    The fig tree lesson- because we have Christ coming soon, and we have His Word, we truly worship God and we bear spiritual fruit now.-1. No fruit means not becoming the true worshippers that God designed us to be. -11-12-14--2. We are designed to be worshippers who believe God and forgive others- all our fruits come from these roots. -11-20-25--3. In worship, we remain aware of the nearness of Christ and the trustworthiness of His Word, and we live accordingly. -13-28-31--What is the main lesson we supposed to learn---What is the fruit for Christians-- Galatians 5-22-Who are fruitless trees-- Jude 1-12-How should we respond to doubts-- Heb. 11-6 James 1-6

  • Communing Together

    03/06/2024 Duração: 33min

    Communing together with Christ and each other shows the unity of the people of God.-1. Misuses of the Lord's table lead to divisions. -v. 17-22- -2. The correct focus of The Lord's Supper heals divisions. -v.23-26--3. Care must be taken to properly partake together. -v. 27-31--What is one of the symbols of church unity---Who is the bread of life- what happens to those who eat-- Jn 6-35-58-When is the next time Jesus will drink the wine-- Matthew 26-26-29-Why is unity so important in the church-- 1 Peter 3-8

  • The Coming of The Son of Man

    28/05/2024 Duração: 32min

    Watch out- By listening to what Jesus revealed, His disciples know that The Son of Man will come to gather His people.-1. His signs. -v.24-25--2. His powers. -v.26--3. His gathering. -v.27--What are things for which we must keep watch---Who will come to bring our redemption-- Luke 21-28-What else is revealed when Jesus is revealed-- 1 Thess. 1-7-How does the Bible describe the role of angels-- Heb. 1-14

  • Don't Distract From Worship

    27/05/2024 Duração: 32min

    Since we worship in order to glorify God, we must not distract by our traditions and practices of what we wear or what we do in church. -1. Voluntary submission in our worship -wife to husband, husband to Christ, Christ to God the Father- reflects headship in function within the created order, and does not indicate inferiority of value of any persons. -v.2-10--2. God-glorifying worship includes both eternally valid principles -headship, image-glory of God, modesty- and culturally time-stamped principles -our customs, choice of clothing, type of greetings-. -v.11-12--3. Reasonable and spiritual worship requires that we use our minds to discern and distinguish what is proper from what is immoral, finding unity in our worship practices in the churches of God. -v.13-16--Why does it matter what we wear to church---Jesus is equal with God- yet submits, - God gets glory- Phil 2-6,11-In what way is the kiss of greeting a similar issue-- 2 Cor. 13-12-We present our bodies- it is spiritual worship. Why-- Rom.12-1-2

  • Let The Reader Understand

    22/05/2024 Duração: 31min

    Watch out- By listening to what Jesus revealed, His disciples understand, take right actions, and avoid being led astray.-1. God provided a way to understand. -v.14--2. Jesus gave action steps to do, based on that understanding. -v.14b-18--3. Jesus forewarned His followers how to avoid being led astray. -v.19-23--With instructions from Jesus, how can one still be led astray---Where do we get spiritual understanding-- Dan. 1-17, 2-21-23, 12-10-What is an abomination of desolation-- Dan. 9-27, 11-31, 12-11-How could a miracle be false-- Deut. 13-1-2, 2 Thess. 2-3-10

  • The Biggest Gift

    21/05/2024 Duração: 31min

    After Christ ascended, He gave us the biggest gift - the Spirit--1. Know about the grand event, and celebrate. -v.1-4--2. Learn about the power, and be amazed. -v.5-12--3. Understand Peter's explanation, and call on God. -v.14-21--How does this apply to us---What do you know about the power of the Spirit-- Ezekiel 37-9-14-Who may call on the name of the Lord-- Romans 10-9-13-Who says not to harden your heart-- Hebrews 3-7-12

  • Psalm 10 lesson

    21/05/2024 Duração: 36min
  • Watch Out, Do Not Be Led Astray

    14/05/2024 Duração: 33min

    Watch Out- do not be led astray into speculating when the world will end, but rather trust Jesus, enjoy His good news, testify, and endure to the end.-1. Watch out- do not be led astray- -by buildings, persons, events- The end is not yet- -v.1-8--2. Watch yourselves- -spread gospel, testify, trust-. -v.9-11--3. Endure to the end- -family may oppose you, people may hate you for Jesus' sake-. -v.12-13--What tempts us to be anxious about the end of the world---What is our motivation for enduring all things-- 1 Cor. 13-7-What are our 3 stock approaches to troubles-- Romans 12-12-How is Christ an example of enduring-- Hebrews 12-2

  • Living For a Purpose

    14/05/2024 Duração: 39min

    Everything we do - even eating and drinking - are for a purpose.-1. living for the good of ourselves and the good of neighbors. -v.23-30--2. living for the glory of God. -v.31--3. living for the salvation of others. -v.32-ch.11-1--Why do Christians do what we do---Can we love neighbors, if we don't love ourselves-- Mark 12-31-What is our one main driving purpose-- 1 Thessalonians 2-12-Who can be saved, according to Jesus-- Matthew 19-25-26

  • Psalm 9 lesson

    14/05/2024 Duração: 49min
  • The Cup of Blessing

    07/05/2024 Duração: 29min

    Since we belong to Christ in loyalty, we must not participate in false worship anytime, anywhere.-1. Participating leads to fellowshipping. -v.15-16-2. Participating leads to identifying. -v.17-18--3. Participating leads to provoking the Lord- -v.19-22--Why is this cup called the cup of blessing---Why is the number so important-- One bread, one body-- Eph. 4-4-6-Where does loyalty enter The Lord's Supper-- Rom 8-5-9-If we drink a demon's cup, how does God respond-- Deut. 32-15-18

  • Hymn intro - Teach Me Thy Way, O Lord

    07/05/2024 Duração: 01min

    Trinity Hymnal -606, Teach Me Thy Way, O Lord

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