Colette Marie Stefan



The Truth is Funny - Wednesdays 8 am Pacific 11 am Eastern Now hear every 1st WednesdayColette's Guest Host Phil FreeEvery 3rd Wednesday Colette's Guest Host Karen Campbell Betten The Truth is Funny is an entertaining vehicle for providing energetic shifts and sharing information gathered from my life experiences and the experiences of others that have dared to think out of the box and step into their infinite potential. The majority of humans throughout history have failed to rise to their ...


  • Power of Presence – How the Sacred Lives in the Silence with Christina Stathopoulos


    The soul is skittish. It takes the discipline of waiting, staying present, and getting quiet to allow our truths to emerge. Lets explore how to listen to the space within each of us where the divine residesthat space where a knowing beyond what our minds know lives. We love hearing from you - call 1-800-930-2819! Watch LIVE on FB! Go to:

  • Tails From the Vector with Colette - MISSED OPPORTUNITIES!


    MISSED OPPORTUNITIES! Many people go through life oblivious to the fact that they are creating more karma for themselves and others because they are torn between their desire for comfort and oblivion. For the average person, ninety-five percent of the actions they take and words they choose are re-actions to sensations stimulated by the sub-conscious and un-conscious mind. The sub-conscious forms thoughts from physical, mental, and emotional conditioning up to the age of seven. The unconscious mind, the thoughts from all dimensions, existences, realities, realms, planes throughout the Vector of Space-Time. The average person uses his or her conscious mind only five percent of the time, spending the vast majority of his or her existence on automatic pilot, re-acting and re-solving life experiences instead of investing himself or herself in taking action towards resolution. People have been taught to think problems through, with a think before you act mentality. This causes many people to become sheep-le rat

  • Nuggets of Wizdom From the Vector - EXTERNAL FORCES


    External forces are positive and negative life experiences that enter our reality and alter our perception. We can compare external forces to snowflakes in a snowstorm to better understand how they affect the collective as well as the individual. Snowflakes, like people come in all shapes and sizes. Every flake is unique, yet all of them have fundamental structures in common because every snowflake has six sides. If you compare external forces to snowflakes, they seem insignificant on their own because anyone can put up with a flake or two; however, they gain weight as they accumulate. If they become too heavy for the roof, they can eventually weaken and collapse a persons house. Anyone who has survived winter on the prairies of Canada will be able to relate. Some people look forward to the first arrival of snow while others absolutely dread it. If you enjoy winter sports, the snow is equated with fun; however, if a person is focusing on icy roads, scary driving conditions, the trials, and tribulations of dea

  • Anger As A Tool for Transformation with Alison Wesley


    Anyone feeling a lot of ANGER arising lately? Let's dive in deep + see what we can discover. Could anger be something that actually supports us? What is its role in our body mind? Can it impact us in a positive and negative way? What parts of the body are most designed to help us handle it? Let's explore powerful tools to integrate this emotion + move it through so it serves not just us, but our community at large.

  • Energizing Your Financial Potential During Challenging Times with Julie Steelman


    Join Colette and her guest Julie Steelman, who dives into the eye of the storm about how money and finances are greatly misunderstood in volatile times. Consider how you might pivot and rewrite your money story to move out of stress and into financial power. Discover the energetic laws of flow and how you can become a more empowered co-creator and have access to your full financial potential.We LOVE hearing from you! Call 1.800.930.2819Watch LIVE on FB - Go to:

  • Tails From The Vector: TRAUMA QUEEN - Fight or Flight


    Join Colette and her dragons today! We love hearing from you - call 1-800-930-2819!Watch LIVE on FB! Go to: TRAUMA QUEEN LXII FIGHT OR FLIGHT There are five fundamental traumas that are most often re-enacted throughout peoples lives; abandonment, abuse, betrayal, denial, and rejection. Trauma is not necessarily trauma that people have experienced from someone else. It can also bring up residual memories of traumatizing others, of witnessing traumatic scenarios, and even of encouraging someone else to traumatize self Insignificant events such as a smell, a siren, a visit to the doctor or dentist, accountant, lawyer, principal, being stopped for a traffic violation by a police officer, etc. can re-open a can of worms. Even watching television broadcasts of natural disasters as well as man-made disasters, via the news, movies, commercials, etc., can trigger deep, long-held traumas to rise to the surface. If you are bothered by someone (something) place this

  • Get Your Shift Together! with "Queen of Shift" Colette Marie Stefan


    Do you feel caught behind the eight ball and want to win the game? Keep your eye on the ball! It is time to get your shift together!Join Colette and Dr. Pat and other ambitious souls who are determined to play the game, despite the unprecedented challenges we are facing in our current situation. Call in 1.800.930.2819 and let's make some shift happen!Watch LIVE on FB! Go to:

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