Mary Unapologetic



Mary Unapologetic is a podcast about motherhood, relationships, and current events. Im a mother of three beautiful kids so juggling between can be chaotic. This is one part of my life that I learned to embrace. We all should accept and embrace it. In addition, I am fascinated with human relationships, therefore I will be talking about this as well. Lastly, current events are something I follow daily. Its been a habit of mine because I love history and politics.


  • 12: Let's Talk Business!

    23/06/2020 Duração: 01h18min

    This episode is about ideas of creating wealth, the right strategy, using social media, and mergers and acquisitions. The possibilities to create wealth or income in business are endless. Originality in business screams growth and success! 

  • 11: MTE in Las Vegas is still On this year!

    09/06/2020 Duração: 01h15min

    MTE in Las Vegas is still going to happen, and they are moving forward with the August show.  Kevin Halewood shared some nuggets of information regarding MTE.  Come, listen and find out what's the same and what's new with the Vegas-Mobile Tech Expo. The show must go on whether you are there or not, be part of history and talk about it for years to come.  

  • 10: Pandemic Economy: College Grads Staying Positive with their Careers and the Future.

    26/05/2020 Duração: 01h05min

    College graduates have worries about their future of finding a job in this lousy economy.  Their fears validated because of the high unemployment rate, businesses are not hiring, and the strain that the pandemic did to our economy.  Graduates during this crisis have the potential to offer employers one vital advantage...that is Resilience!

  • 9: Self-Reflection is a must

    14/05/2020 Duração: 54min

    Self-reflection is something that everyone should do if one wants to grow as a person.  Personal growth is not hard if you have an open mind to learning and discovering. With that being said, find out what are lessons in life we should know at an early age.

  • 8: Overcoming Adversity as a Burn Survivor, this is my story by Maria Kallenbach

    28/04/2020 Duração: 01h21min

    What makes a person overcome adversity? Is it the way we think, or is it our spirituality or maybe both? As a burn survivor, Maria wants to share with us her painful experienced and what got her through the whole thing and her process of healing. She knows that talking about it and re-living the accident is painful, but it is also her road to recovery. She hopes that by sharing her story, she can help someone. Maria is one courageous woman that conquered her adversity and found the new meaning of life. Special thanks to this beautiful soul, Maria Kallenbach, for going candid with us.

  • 7: What is the secret of working w/your spouse.

    16/04/2020 Duração: 54min

    They say working with someone is already hard, then to work with your spouse is even harder.  Find out some of the things that you can use to help you work better with your spouse without killing each other.       

  • 6: Maneuvering in the New Normal ( Covid-19 crisis)

    02/04/2020 Duração: 44min

    Embracing the new normal during the Coronavirus crisis can be very challenging.  We, humans are creatures of habit so making changes at last minute is the last thing we want to do.  But maneuvering in the new normal is a must!   I'll share with you how we are dealing with "Social Distancing".  Also, how we are gonna keep our small business afloat in times like this. Links to check out.

  • 5: Picky Eater | Kids that are Picky Eaters

    28/04/2016 Duração: 19min

    Kids that are picky eater is hard to deal with. Therefore I invited my cousin, Pia to give us ideas that will help.  Pia Puertollano has a master degree in nutrition.  She's a nutritionist and currently work for a school district in VA.  In this episode, we talked about different ways of preparing healthy food for picky kids.

  • 4: How to communicate with your spouse (part 2)

    21/04/2016 Duração: 19min

    In this episode, Myke Toledo talked about his communication with his wife, Mary.  They talked about the good and the bad of it. 

  • 3: Do you find it hard to communicate with your spouse or partner?

    10/04/2016 Duração: 22min

    Communicating with your spouse is already a challenge but to be misunderstood is a doorway to drama.

  • 2: When do you Talk to Your Kids About the Birds and the Bees

    09/04/2016 Duração: 26min

    Husband and wife's different views of when they should talk to their children about the birds and the bees.  They have different opinions about the appropriate age as well as what content of the topic should be discussed.  They also talked about how much information they should feed the kids as well as the sensitivity of the children's readiness.

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