John Hayward / Doctor Zero Podcasts

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Our freedom is not for sale, and we reserve the right to defend it from theft -- Audio Podcasts by Joe Koday


  • The China Family


    It has long been my practice to write a horror story on Halloween, and share it with my friends. I posted last year’s effort at Hot Air, along with an essay about horror entitled The Very Witching Time of Night. I thought I would share this year’s story as well. Happy Halloween! Click here to […]

  • Remember the 111th


    The 111th Congress began by dropping a trillion dollars in debt on the American taxpayer. The money disappeared in a wild spending spree, buying $2 million jobs in Los Angeles, and evaporating into nonexistent zip codes. Billions of dollars remain clogged in the filthy pipes of government, producing nothing but more debt through accumulated interest […]

  • Impertinent Questions: How Much Stimulus Do We Need?


    You know what America really needs? More stimulus spending! We’ve got double-digit unemployment and a moribund economy after President Obama’s first trillion-dollar stimulus bill. Obviously we need more. Click here to download / listen to the podcast Click here to read the entire essay

  • Punish Your Enemies


    In a radio interview for Latino audiences, President Obama laid bare the ugly reality of statist government: “If Latinos sit out the election instead of saying, ‘We’re going to punish our enemies and we’re gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us,’ if they don’t see that kind […]

  • Impertinent Questions: What Are The Resources Of The State?


    The central idea behind every form of collectivism is the belief that the State is better able to address most social problems than free-willed individuals. The government is morally and intellectually superior to its citizens. It can be trusted to act in their best interests, while greedy private corporations will only try to take advantage […]

  • Bumping In The Night


    It’s almost Halloween, which means it’s time to harvest the fall crop of horror movies. The most memorable scary movies are those which echo the fears of the moment. The Exorcist arrived at a time of tension between science and spirituality, pitting a very modern single mom and her daughter against an ancient terror. Halloween […]

  • Juan Williams And The Preference Cascade


    Everyone has their pet theories about National Public Radio’s stunning decision to fire Juan Williams, and most of those theories are probably correct. Williams is reliably liberal in most of his views, but he’s too friendly with conservatives, and his presence smears a bit too much liberal credibility on the dry right-wing toast of Fox […]

  • The Crisis of Confidence


    In the first decade of the new millennium, a great crisis of confidence shook the United States of America. This crisis has cultural and international dimensions. The election of a supposedly “post-racial” black President was meant to achieve a level of racial harmony the public had wearily concluded it could not reach on its own. […]

  • Restoring Sanity


    Comedian and fake news host Jon Stewart has announced a “Rally to Restore Sanity” on October 30 in Washington, D.C. Nervous at being almost completely eclipsed by Glenn Beck, Stewart decided to stage a rally that would be presented as a satire of Beck’s immense “Restoring Honor” rally in August. Of course, Stewart wants to […]

  • Impertinent Questions: Who Is Peddling Fear and Frustration?


    Back in September, we were astonished by the spectacle of John Kerry lurching before the cameras to call the voters stupid and ignorant. He dismissed the rising tide of resistance to the Democrat agenda by saying, “We have an electorate that doesn’t always pay that much attention to what’s going on so people are influenced […]

  • Blind Giants


    Watching the polls in tight races fluctuate over the last few days conjures an image of frightened people racing around the feet of a blind giant. Blind giants are dangerous. They cause massive amounts of random destruction as they flail around. It’s very hard to convince them to change course, when they plod toward certain […]

  • Life Triumphant


    A billion people watched the rescue of the trapped Chilean miners begin on Tuesday night. It was a remarkable moment of triumph for life over death. The human race does itself credit by celebrating. Click here to download / listen to the podcast Click here to read the entire essay

  • Impertinent Questions: Who Wants The Government To Create Jobs?


    Linda McMahon is still behind in the Connecticut Senate race, but she absolutely destroyed her Democrat opponent, Dick Blumenthal, in a recent debate. Blumenthal proved to have a hilariously vague, childlike idea of how jobs are created, stammering something about “creative policies” right before his head exploded, showering the audience with bone fragments. Wait, sorry, […]

  • Shadows On The Water


    It’s been ten years since al-Qaeda terrorists blew a hole in the USS Cole, murdering 17 American sailors and injuring 39 more. Our government is not doing enough to honor their memory today. Uniformed soldiers are civilization’s answer to savagery. On October 12, 2000, the bloody frontier of barbarism rolled past the Cole as she […]

  • Competitors and Enemies


    The Democrats have suddenly begun attacking the Chamber of Commerce with bizarre vigor. It’s odd for them to shout so loudly about foreign campaign contributions, when President Obama set records for collecting them through his circus funhouse of a Web site in 2008, and every move this Administration makes showers B-movie villain George Soros with […]

  • Let The Right Movie In


    Vampires are drawing big audiences on movie and TV screens these days. The “Twilight” series and HBO’s True Blood have become pop-culture phenomena. For my money, the best vampire tale in recent years was Let the Right One In, a 2008 Swedish film based on a John Ajvide Lindqvist novel. Although it’s only a few […]

  • Impertinent Questions: Why Take Elections Seriously?


    There’s really no reason to take elections seriously. I’m not talking about voters. We need to take them very seriously indeed. A large portion of our lives has come under political control. Voting the wrong way can cause the industry you work for to be bankrupted, or nationalized. The damage caused by a poor choice […]

  • The Failed State


    The problem with this government isn’t just its staggering price tag, or continued offenses against liberty. It’s also a complete failure. Americans are preparing to vote against something previously found only in Third World hell holes: a failed state. Click here to download / listen to the podcast Click here to read the entire essay

  • Chumponomics


    The tale of Gene Cranick’s house fire provides a fascinating opportunity to study the intersection of market economics and government action. Cranick is a resident of Obion County, Tennessee, a rural area that does not have its own fire department. Instead, residents pay a $75 fee for fire protection from the city of South Fulton. […]

  • Impertinent Questions: The Human Remainder


    You’ve probably seen the “No Pressure” ad from the global warming scam artists at 10:10 by now. The video is all over the Internet, although the 10:10 organization has been trying to suppress its incredibly stupid mistake… which, as Jim Treacher at the Daily Caller points out, roughly one hundred people made simultaneously. Click here […]

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