Container Podcast



Audio and video project since 2013 based in Rome. Container podcast is a journey through the techno, exploring its sub genres, meeting Italian and international artists.


  • Container Podcast [56] Yuka

    20/07/2015 Duração: 01h27s

    Yuka is a female DJ now based in Moscow (where she has lived since 1998), but who began her career in distant Bratsk, Siberia. The town - a local industrial center - is probably more famous for what it dumps than what it makes; in the recent past it was listed as one of the thirty most polluted cities in the world. It wouldn't take much persuasion for someone to move on... Yuka's preparation for a shift to the capital's nightclubs was lengthy, however, since music had played an important role in her life since the age of 6. Over time, her passions moved in the direction of painting, sculpture, and design - activities she continues to this day. That initial school-day enthusiasm at the piano would eventually win out, though, and dictate her choice of higher education. Her musical training thus led to a degree from the Irkutsk Arts Institute, where she no doubt studied under her real name, Irina Solobutova. Now that she's fully ensconced in Moscow, her music appears regularly through the outlets of four labels:

  • Container Podcast [55] Beat Movement

    13/07/2015 Duração: 01h04min

    CONTAINER PODCAST [55] BEAT MOVEMENT The accuracy of a beginning reversed into the fame of a dance floor. Moreover, if the colours of adventure don't meet the pages that toll the art in the Beat of a complete tape, the notes beat the breathing of the effort. Becoming great is not easy, nowadays, nevertheless, tenacity is always the key for achievement. Making music is like making up a passional virus and waiting for its transmission having the same faith of those who have always believed firmly in what they do. A sound that recalls the old classics of the melancholy Detroit passing gradually in the deep Berlin tone. The distortion on the wave of the UK has led them to conceive an absolutely innovating style, full of the teachings of the Old School, model and example of the fans of the genre. A full confidence in their dream has moved the obstinacy of Beat Movement's boys, who are,today, an active part of one of the main electronic music labels and similar, the analogic recording Blackwater Label. A mix that

  • Container Podcast [54] Silva Rymd

    09/07/2015 Duração: 58min

    CONTAINER PODCAST [54] SILVA RYMD Since the first hour Silva Rymd is resident at ://about blank, Berlin – her "living room" as she calls it. Influenced by labels like Sandwell District or Prologue and the dark and echoing Techno sound of this time, she started DJing in 2009. Today she passionately conjures the events named Ghosts*, Blank Generation and Zeroize and when she's not playing her records at ://about blank you can find Silva DJing at venues like Vicious Club, IFZ (Leipzig), Duplex (Tel Aviv)… @silva-rymd Tracklist: Metsän Sydän _ Ø _ Sähkö Creep _ Stephanie Sykes _ Vent Rubber Soul (Lex Gorrie Rmx) _ Micol Danieli _ Resiliens Ben’s Wolves _ Mod 21 _ Prologue CRC666 _ Nagasaki Nightriders _ Crème Organization Insomnia _ Z.I.P.P.O. _ Enemy Architectural Lie _ Max_M _ M_Rec Ltd Ballorama _ Jeff Derringer _ L.A.G. Equinox (Jonas Kopp Sword Rmx) _ Farron _ Shaw Cuts For Real _ Len Faki _ Ostgut Resin _ Gorgio Gigli

  • Container Podcast [53] Invite

    23/06/2015 Duração: 01h44min

    CONTAINER PODCAST [53] INVITE Carrying well over seventeen years of love for techno and performing experience with him, Invite is one of Holland’s few true household names. A modest perfectionist at heart, he translates his passion and drive into outspoken and highly versatile DJ-sets. Whether it’s opening deep and warm,closing rough and edgy, a small crowd or large setting Invite treats every gig with the same amount of diligence and respect. When given carte blanche and an extended timeslot, something he much prefers, Invite is able to move a crowd like few others can. His career has seen him perform at numerous events including Planet Rose, Imprint, Solid Grooves and Awakenings, festivals such as Awakefest, Free Your Mind and venues like Trouw, Paradiso and Doornroosje, on multiple occasions alongside the likes of Surgeon, Dave Clarke, Ben Sims and Jeff Mills. Invite’s reach doesn’t stop at the border however; he has played in Germany, Croatia, Slovenia, Scotland, Czech Republic, Austria, Estonia, France

  • Container Podcast [52] S.A.F.

    22/05/2015 Duração: 01h01min

    CONTAINER PODCAST [52] S.A.F. (StamcellAlteringFrequency) and Martin are the altered egos of Olle Hoolboom (1995). Olle has been influenced musically from a young age. Although most of his family is active in the Opera industry, from the very young age of 8 he dreamt about some day being an electronic music producer. Mostly after being inspired by producers like Amon Tobin, LFO and Kryptic Minds. However, it wasn’t until age 16 when he actually started producing himself. After fully focussing on his productions after high school, his first release took place in February 2014. His first release was for the Authentic Pew label. Quickly after that, more releases followed on the labels TXTRL and Sueño Artificial. Where the S.A.F. sound is hard hitting and distorted, the Martin altered ego is more deep and very melancholic. Olle currently just about lives in his studio, and there are way more releases coming from this young talent both his altered egos. Booking requests: Soundcloud:

  • Container Podcast [51] Sciahri

    03/05/2015 Duração: 01h02min

    CONTAINER PODCAST [51] SCIAHRI Florence­based Italian dj/producer and Co­founder and part of UNKNOT, Sciahri's approach to music is focused on the craft of a sound that blends the best of his energetic club­oriented influences with his constant experimentation in the sound development stage. Worshipper of the Detroit as well as Berlin, Birmingham and Rome techno scenes, his DJ sets are always a dynamic fusion of old and new school which tries to convey, with the same intent of his studio productions, a vigorous vibe throughout a whole musical experience that isn't a bare soulless banging, but rather a deep introspection into one's primitive musical being.

  • Container podcast [50] Marcus

    29/04/2015 Duração: 58min

    CONTAINER PODCAST [50] MARCUS Parlare di Marco De Paulis, alias di Marcus, significa parlare dello stile puro e inequivocabile della techno berlinese dei giorni d’oggi. Classe 1989, Nato e cresciuto a Roma, è uno di quelli che soltanto una volta lasciata l’Italia è riuscito a trovare uno scopo per la ricerca del suo suono. Catapultato infatti già da qualche anno in una realtà come quella della capitale tedesca, in cui la musica elettronica è parte fondamentale della cultura e della vita di tutti i giorni h24, il suo stile sebbene assorba in parte l’influenza dell’underground che rende bollenti i clubs della città in cui vive, si caratterizza dalla forte carica di energia che rilascia e che traspira in ogni set, travolgendo il pubblico con la carica di uno che è cresciuto sul dancefloor al di là della consolle proprio come chi è li per ascoltarlo

  • Container podcast [49] Max Durante

    25/02/2015 Duração: 44min

    Container podcast [49] Max Durante MAX DURANTE is the best Italian electro/techno DJ/producer, he is the true ELECTRO pioneer since the 80's and one of the creators of the true italian techno, he is one of the hinges of the 90's, of the rave generation. He has performed in the best Italian RAVE from 1990 to 1994. From 1994 to 1998, Max was busy performing his DJ shows around Europe. His sound and his presence have been fundamental for the Italian electro/techno scene. He has regularly played in the best clubs and in the best European festivals since 1992. His shows are famous in Europe and thanks to his technique and to his performances, the press has named him: ''THE WIZARD OF THE DECKS'' the magician of the console. In April he will release new EP on the Sonic Groove records

  • Container Podcast [48] Giulio Maresca

    17/02/2015 Duração: 01h06min

    CONTAINER PODCAST [48] GIULIO MARESCA Giulio Maresca born in mid 80′ started is journey in music as Sound engineer, dj, live performer, electronic music producer. He got interested in electronic music going often to Remix music shop in Rome where he learned djing and discovered techno music. In 2008 starts two new projects, Ableton trainer and Ipologica Recordings with Fabio Sestili. From september 2013 is dj resident at Container in Rome. His productions are various, the love for the music all brought Giulio exploring all genres in electronic music but now his research is focused on a wide techno sound without limits. He released on label such Biorecordings, Naked Lunch, Labrynth, M_Rec Digital, Resiliens, Crs, and many more.

  • Container Podcast [47] Ayarcana

    09/02/2015 Duração: 01h02min

    CONTAINER PODCAST [47] AYARCANA Il suono di Ayarcana impernia sull’utilizzo di suoni scuri e duri e metallici, punto di riferimento anche per una già lunga serie di collaborazioni in passato con artisti e realtà Europee. La svolta Techno lo porta a firmare un Ep su IER Recording (WareWolves&Warehouses) con i remix di Xhin ed Emmanuel. Nel febbraio del 2014 l'esordio all estero al Trouw Amsterdam al Life And Death Weekender. Nel 2015 rilascerà musica per Parachute Records(Life And Death techno sublabel), Vae Victis Records, e molte altre.Nel frattempo lo vediamocrescere veocemente tra i migliori club in Italia.

  • Container Podcast [46] Mad Alba

    21/01/2015 Duração: 01h05min

    CONTAINER PODCAST [46] MAD ALBA Mad Alba was born in July 1985 in Bari, Italy. From a very young age, her interest in different musical cultures such as house and dance music and also spread through rock and punk which eventually lead to techno and club-culture. At age 22 she approached the local scene as Djane with numerous performances in the club circuit of Bari. Through the years she has developed a continued and careful respect of the musical experience. She moved to Berlin and started DJing with only vinyl records. This helped build her strong reputation as an underground techno DJ. This provided opportunity for her to play in clubs such as Tresor, About Blank, Mikz and Tacheles in Berlin where she lives today. In September 2011, she moved to Detroit where she rocked some of the scenes most well known clubs like as The Works, Exodus and several others across the state in collaboration with DJ Seoul and Tom Linder of Detroit Techno Militia. This travel has definitely and radical

  • Container Podcast [45] Ida Mandato

    28/12/2014 Duração: 01h07min

    CONTAINER PODCAST [45] IDA MANDATO Idå Mandatø è una promettente DJ che si è fatta travolgere nella scena romana ,iniziando a collaborare,nella organizzazioni e realizzazione di eventi. Successivamente il suo grande amore per la musica l’ha portata a diventare DJ. Ida suona una musica Techno Underground con sfumature ipnotiche e noir. "La passione per la musica non è la sola a guidarmi nella vita, che sia uno scatto fotografico, un tatuaggio, una canzone, un quadro d’autore, qualsiasi forma d’arte per me è linfa vitale, un’emozione che ne suscita altre. Non appena ho un attimo di respiro mi catapulto nell’avventura di un nuovo viaggio, da immortalare nella mente e nei miei scatti."

  • Container Podcast [44] Roberto Bosco

    09/12/2014 Duração: 54min

    Container Podcast [44] Roberto Bosco Roberto Bosco is an artist of exceptional insight, characterized by a continuous research in his art and by covering a wide range of its applications. Since the beginning of his career as a DJ he was able to convey his personality to the dancefloor. A simple and effective rhythm, hypnotic sequences and harmonic twists are the main reasons why he arrived at the court of the great of the world electronic scene. At the end of 2007 he was selected by Orlando Voorn as a remixer for "Game One" track of the legendary Juan Atkins, subsequently recording with labels such as Shlomi Aber's Be As One, Len Faki’ Figure and the glorious Francois Kevorkian’s Wave Music. In 2011 he met Chez Damier and this meeting led to the start of the Introspective project, Roberto’s musical creation inspired by more warm and sensual sonorities. In 2012 he moved to Berlin to give further outlet to his creative impulses: during this period Roberto worked at the release of "State Of Mind" EP published

  • Container Podcast [43] Subjected

    02/12/2014 Duração: 01h29min

    Container Podcast [43] Subjected A young boy, faceless in the pallid light, entirely gripped by these machines, source of this brutal black noise. Dark, thundering bassdrums, distorted soundscapes and grooves start to emerge. He lives for the machines. The machines live for him. This is Subjected, an amalgam of darkness, distortion and aggression. Anomity as a fuction, mystical without usual clichés. No hiding behing masks, no digging in the past, no techno purism, no strive for fame - SUBJECTED stands for distinctly deep, idenfitiable techno. Designed in the shadows, to be consumed in the darkness. A label. Music, and nothing more. Born in Hoyerswerda in 1983, and brought up in the tristesse of Berlin-Hellersdorf, he was strongly socialised by the lower class suburb with its grey, oppressive tower blocks. The first musical attempts he made were in Hip hop and rap, but it wasn't long until he started to be aware of all the progress happening in Berlin in the mid 90's, and got infe

  • Container Podcast [42] Stanislav Tolkachev (Live PA)

    24/11/2014 Duração: 55min

    Estratto del live di Stanislav Tolkachev al Container [9] del 11.10.2014 Dal più lontano angolo dell’Europa orientale arriva il fotografo, designer e produttore techno ucraino Stanislav Tolkachev. Così come per le sue fotografie, anche per le sue produzioni Tolkachev esplora le più scure frange surreali della musica elettronica nella sua forma più pura e cruda. Le sue ultime produzioni si sono distinte a livello di tecnica e stile. Suoni grezzi e distorti si contrappongono a musicalità entusiasmanti, tutto minuziosamente ed accuratamente scelto al fine di esprimere un eleganza unica. Un ritmo incessante e la voglia di ricontestualizzare il passato con il sentimento moderno come specchio di una realtà musicale che è in continua evoluzione. 。 。

  • Container Podcast [41] Antonio De Angelis

    17/11/2014 Duração: 57min

    Antonio De Angelis dj, producer and remixer in constant evolution, is always looking for new targets and more challenges, experimenting uncommon paths and inventing innovative languages. Eclectic, creative, curious and involving, has a unique style which transmits passion and adrenaline, dreams and emotions. His sets are marked by the art of sound manipulation and style pollution, challenging standards and prejudices, playing wisely with technology and everything that enables him to change and produce music reworks. Antonio doesn’t aim to classify his sound within precise boundaries, but it’s quite easy to perceive strong house roots with contemporary techno and deep inflections.

  • Container Podcast [40] Fabrizio Lapiana

    04/11/2014 Duração: 01h06min

    Submerged in both Djing and production, the Techno music born Fabrizio Lapiana looks at the future with his label "Attic Music". He started his career as a Dj back in 1994 influenced mainly by the early 90's sound of Rome and Detroit as well by the first european pioneers of electronic music. In his DJ sets, Fabrizio makes a precise and intimate techno flow who seduces the dancefloor mixing new and old vinyls range from deep, intricate techno, through an acid and groovy darkness with some melodic gems along the way. His residency at Alchemy in Rome is a way to offer its right vibrations in the last years. The energy created by Fabrizio's sets worth living! With his label, founded in Rome in 2008, Fabrizio grow up his sound combining deep aesthetics and techno grooves often allowing ambient or industrial elements.

  • Container Podcast [39] P.E.A.R.L.

    27/10/2014 Duração: 01h08min

    During eight years was half of the Techno duo: Agony Forces. Until the project was stopped in 2013, he was playing live concerts in the most important clubs and festivals in Spain, as Moog, Fabrik, Pagoa or Aquasella Festival among others. He is currently based in Berlin and owner of the record label: Falling Ethics. Order / Decay was the first delivery, having a great reception inside the international Techno scene. Besides working on his own label, he has published on labels like Tsunami Records, Audio Assault, Planet Rhythm UK, Rising Label or Subsist among many others. His restless and innovative nature often leads him to look for sounds far beyond the dance club, bringing him closer to the most electronic and experimental projects. Also he has released in 2011, as his other aka Basqiam, a mini LP on Detroit Underground. Tracklist 01. Psiloc - Quantum [Artificial Domain] 02. Von Grall - STHS [Annulled Music] 03. BLNDR - HyperMental (Diving Mix) [Annulled Music] 04. Edit Select & Teste - Ascend [Edit

  • Container Podcast [38] Exal

    06/08/2014 Duração: 01h19min

    Container Podcast [38] Exal Exal, Dj resident of BLOC party in Paris. What is BLOC about ? Influenced by the sounds of Berlin and London, BLOC is a showcase for local Paris artists in collaboration with our international guests. Follow BLOC activities on Tracklist: 1-Dj Skirt-Tumulto 2-Sigha (Locked Groove) 3-Eshaton - Seven Signs 4-Eomac-RACKTS 5-Device Control - You and Others 6-Lewis Fautzi - Sick 7-Milton Bradley-Far Beyound The quiet Inductive Dimension 8-Relay-Untilted 9-Ctrls-Shift 10-The Noisemaker - Processing 11-Hound Scales - Odile 12-Delivery-B.A.H.G.T.F.O. 13-Paul Birken -Acid Malibu (Blawan Remix) 14-Gaja-B2 15-UVB - Quiet Life 16-Domenico Crisci - Russian Torrent Version 17-British Murder Boys - Father Love Us 18-Traversable Wormhole - Subliminal Warp (Northern Structure Remix) 19-Karenn She Works 001 20-Headless Horseman - Cannonbal 21-AW&PB - 209 22-Bill Yougman - Teardrops Turn To Solid EXAL soundcloud : BLOC soundcloud : https://s

  • Container Podcast [37] Distant Echoes

    28/07/2014 Duração: 01h06min

    Container Podcast [37] Distant Echoes Despite being from Italy’s sun-blessed southern coast, Distant Echoes developed his passion for the darker side of electronic music at a very early age. When he was only 14 years old, he already owned a turntable and a mixer. It was only a few years later that he had become a passionate record collector and a DJ who would organise his own local parties. Setting up his first own studio was just a matter of time. After leaving his hometown his way led to Milan, later to Berlin which to him feels like a “musical home”, nevertheless he resettled in Italy. Those who watched attentively might know the House and Techno tracks the skillful producer has released under various monikers. In the studio he is a real workaholic, untiringly working on the music he’s so passionate about: Techno filled with melancholic melodies, hypnotic patterns and strong grooves. Tracklist: Massimiliano Pagliara - Unfocused Deadbeat - Open My Eyes That I May See Deepbass & Ness - Portal Brian Eno &

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