Create Your Magical Life Alana Sheeren



Do you want to experience more happiness, love, ease and magic in your everyday? Explore how body, mind, heart and soul all work together to help you be the person you want to be. Join Alana and expert guests as you learn to love yourself more, spend more time feeling joy and happiness, navigate lifes challenges with more grace and have compassion for everyone around you. Whether youre taking baby steps or giant leaps, a life that feels truly magical is within reach!


  • The Power of the Written Word on The Inky Path with Jena Schwartz and Cigdem Kobu

    13/06/2016 Duração: 01h41s

    We all know the power of the spoken word, but have you given much thought to the power of the written word? For some, the urge to write is as natural as breathing, while others would rather do ANYTHING else. If you’ve ever tried to write, then you know emotions that range from pure, pulling-your-hair-out frustration to unparalleled satisfaction and joy. If you’re a reader, then you know the magical emotions evoked by written words as you’ve connected with an author or carefully crafted characters that can become as dear as family. My two guests today are founders of The Inky Path, a writing and creativity community. It’s a supportive and cozy online space where writers--and those deeply in love with writing--can gather to develop and deepen their writing practice and connect with other creative souls. Jena Schwartz is a poet, writer, and writing group facilitator. Her cohort is Cigdem Kobu, a writer, awarded literary translator, digital publisher, and teacher. Let’s discover more about the wonderful world of

  • Pleasure is the Sign of Healthy, with Nia Technique Founder Debbie Rosas

    06/06/2016 Duração: 58min

    Do you ever find yourself feeling uneasy about your life? The farther we get from our values, the more we feel “off”. We may even find ourselves threatened by others who are living in alignment with their values. If you aren’t living in alignment with your values, maybe it’s time to re-evaluate. Don’t judge yourself and beat yourself up about it. Let’s find ways to move a bit closer to living according to your values.   Debbie Rosas is the founder and co-creator of Nia. Dedicated lifelong to self-healing and self-mastery, Debbie has been a pioneer in the body-mind fitness industry since 1976. Credited with establishing the mind-body fitness category, she is a leading fitness innovator, teacher, author, choreographer, performer, healer, and artist whose work greatly influences the lives of thousands of women and men worldwide. You can learn more about Debbie and the Nia Technique at   Also on the show, Ashton Sabo of Sivana Spirit, an online store dedicated to helping people live with spirit. Yo

  • The Simplest Way to Boost Wellness, with Nancy Hopps

    30/05/2016 Duração: 01h02min

    Did you know that by going into a state of deep relaxation you can boost immune function, lower your blood pressure, allow your body to heal from illness or surgery more quickly and so much more? The problem for most people is being able to access that state of deep relaxation with the busyness of every day life. Nancy Hopps is an internationally recognized author, speaker, performer and sound healer. Her award-winning Relax Into Healing™  series of spoken-word audio recordings have profoundly benefited thousands of listeners worldwide, in home, hospital and other healing settings. In this show she talks about her experience with the healing benefits of deep relaxation and sound, both as a professional healer and as a cancer survivor. Learn more about Nancy Hopps at Also in this show, Veronique Henry of Mirabelle Jewellery shares how her love of nature and travel inspired her to launch her own line of ethical jewelry made with love and soul.  Learn more and shop at

  • The Spiritual Workout®: Good for Your Mind, Body & Soul, with Steven Morrison

    23/05/2016 Duração: 54min

    Do you race from book to book, class to class and workshop to workshop, trying to figure out the secret formula to manifesting the life of your dreams? Unfortunately, all the knowledge in the world won’t change anything if you don’t put it into practice. In The Spiritual Workout® handbook and classes, former psychotherapist Steven Morrison takes the 15 most common spiritual principles and teaches you how to work with them so they work for you.  In this show we dive into some of the more challenging concepts and apply the Spiritual Workout® to issues like anxiety, chronic bad relationships and grief. Learn more about Steven and The Spiritual Workout® at

  • Create Your Magical Life – The Language of Color, with Bridget Pilloud

    16/05/2016 Duração: 01h45s

    Interior designers, Feng Shui practitioners, wardrobe stylists and marketing geniuses use color to influence our experience of a person, place or product. Color is also related to light, vibration and the human energy (chakra) system. Many of us use color unconsciously to reflect or lift our mood. Writer, designer and intuitive Bridget Pilloud believes that color can powerfully support us … Read more about this episode...

  • Create Your Magical Life – The Magic of Crystal Grids and Gem Elixirs with Hibiscus Moon

    09/05/2016 Duração: 54min

    Are you drawn to the beauty and energy of crystals but wonder what to do with them? Would you like help attracting or sustaining lasting love and prosperity in your life? Crystal expert Hibiscus Moon shares how crystal grids and gem elixirs can boost your manifesting abilities. A former science teacher and creator of the Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy, Hibiscus … Read more about this episode...

  • Create Your Magical Life – Beyond “Be the Change”: Empowerment and Activism with Kelly Diels

    02/05/2016 Duração: 01h04min

    Popular culture would have us believe that to be empowered women we must be thin, wealthy and meditate daily. Many lifestyle and spirituality teachers teach that our lives are completely within our control and there’s no need to look at the systems of bias and privilege that we live within. Writer Kelly Diels is currently working on a book about … Read more about this episode...

  • Create Your Magical Life – Understanding the Language of Animals with Carol Gurney

    25/04/2016 Duração: 01h03s

    Have you ever wondered what was going through your pet’s mind? Have you ever wished you could better understand your furry or feathered family and know with certainty they understand you? Today’s guest has been talking with animals for over 30 years and has taught thousands of people around the world to do the same. Carol Gurney is internationally known … Read more about this episode...

  • Create Your Magical Life – Is Unconditional Self-Love Possible? What Does it Really Mean? And Why Does Loving Ourselves Unconditionally Matter?

    18/04/2016 Duração: 01h05min

    Today’s guest, Blake D. Bauer, is an internationally acclaimed counselor, alternative medicine practitioner and author of the bestselling book, You Were Not Born to Suffer. Blake’s work centers around unconditional self-love as the path to fulfilling your purpose and living the life of your dreams. In this show he talks about the power of unconditional self-love and the most … Read more about this episode...

  • Create Your Magical Life – The Healing Power of Reiki with William Lee Rand

    11/04/2016 Duração: 54min

    What is Reiki? Where does it come from? How does it work and what does it do? Listen in as one of America’s leading Reiki healers answers these questions and more. William Lee Rand, founder of The International Center for Reiki Training, Reiki News Magazine and shares his personal Reiki story, explains how Reiki came to America from Japan … Read more about this episode...

  • Create Your Magical Life – Transforming Your Life Through Art, with Cat Caracelo

    04/04/2016 Duração: 59min

    Art is one of the most powerful ways to deepen our understanding of our experiences, our stories and the world around us. But so many of us feel paralyzed by a lack of artistic ability that we don’t know where – or how – to start. Depth coach and transformative artist, Cat Caracelo, created the JourneyCircles™ process so that anyone … Read more about this episode...

  • Create Your Magical Life – Respect, Relationship & Being Seen with Lianne Raymond

    28/03/2016 Duração: 01h01min

    There is what feels like an epidemic of disrespect in the world right now, as evidenced by the way we treat ourselves, each other and the earth. How do we change this? What are we really talking about when we use the word “respect”? What does it have to do with allowing ourselves to be seen? I invited popular life … Read more about this episode...

  • Create Your Magical Life – Transform Your Space, Transform Your Life with Feng Shui expert, Tanya Jahnke

    21/03/2016 Duração: 01h01min

    How do you feel the moment you step into your home? Are you overwhelmed by clutter or the desire for a house-cleaning fairy? Maybe it feels beautiful but you’re having health challenges or family conflicts or you’d like to boost your income. Feng Shui practitioner Tanya Jahnke has spent the last 20 years helping families and small businesses create tangible … Read more about this episode...

  • Create Your Magical Life – Money Magic with Financial Therapist – Bari Tessler

    14/03/2016 Duração: 01h03min

    How is your relationship with money? Is it abundant and easy, comfortable and safe, or fraught with worry, stress, and frustration? Being in right relationship with money is an essential key to living a magical life. But most of us aren’t 100% happy with our money situation, no matter how much we have in the bank. Financial therapist and founder … Read more about this episode...

  • Create Your Magical Life – The Magic of Sound Healing with Ted Winslow

    07/03/2016 Duração: 59min

    At our very core, we are all vibrating energy. It makes sense then that we are impacted by the vibrations around us. One of the most powerful vibrations is that of sound and it can be immensely stressful (hello noise pollution!) or deeply relaxing and healing. Using sacred tunings, different sound healing instruments and his SoundSyncTech™ technology, musician and sound … Read more about this episode...

  • Create Your Magical Life – Calling in Your Love with Liesel Rigsby, the Energetic Matchmaker

    29/02/2016 Duração: 53min

    Are you ready to call in your soul mate? Or deepen the love you already have? Over the last decade Liesel Rigsby has helped hundreds of women fall in love with themselves so they can fall in love with their true partner. Known as the Energetic Matchmaker, Liesel shares her wisdom on how to uncover the blocks to love that … Read more about this episode...

  • Create Your Magical Life – Finding Magic Alongside Illness and Disability with Grace Quantock

    22/02/2016 Duração: 01h05min

    Are you suffering from chronic pain, illness or long-term disability? Do you feel like a magical life is out of reach because your day-to-day is so filled with challenges? Learn how to go from sick chick to trailblazer with Grace Quantock, wellness warrior and award-winning founder of the non-profit Healing Boxes. Grace shares her gentle wisdom from years of living … Read more about this episode...

  • Create Your Magical – Curvy Yoga: a Mission, a Movement, a State of Mind, with founder Anna Guest-Jelley

    15/02/2016 Duração: 51min

    Have you ever felt intimidated walking into a yoga class? Have you struggled to find the “right” class for your body? Do you wonder why everyone’s doing yoga anyway? Anna Guest-Jelley founded Curvy Yoga to create a body positive yoga experience for everyone, no matter your shape and size. In this show, she explains different styles of yoga, shares the … Read more about this episode...

  • Create Your Magical Life – Loving Your Way to Your Ideal Body with Michelle Hastie

    08/02/2016 Duração: 57min

    Do you have strict ideas about how your body should look? Do you catch sight of yourself in a mirror or shop window and feel frustrated, disappointed or ashamed? Have you tried every diet out there only to end up exactly where you started? Author and health coach Michelle Hastie is ready to help you heal your relationship with food, … Read more about this episode...

  • Create Your Magical Life – Understanding Tarot Cards with Theresa Reed – The Tarot Lady

    01/02/2016 Duração: 57min

    If you’re looking to strengthen your intuition so that it becomes a trusted, magical force in your life, it’s helpful to pick a specific tool to work with.  Tarot cards are one of the oldest intuitive tools around. In this show, tarot reader, astrologer and teacher Theresa Reed, a.k.a. The Tarot Lady, dispels misconceptions about tarot, shares what to look … Read more about this episode...

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