Contributor Podcast: Open Source Rva



Contributor Podcast: Open Source RVA Sat, 17 Feb 2018 14:10:26 PST


  • RVA Report: RVA Report, Segment 1


    What's it gonna take to break the glass ceiling for Virginia women in politics? Or has the glass already been shattered, with a wide-open sky just waiting for women to step up and take charge?

  • RVA Report: RVA Report, Segment 1


    The Henrico Meals Tax is hard to swallow for some, but this $18 million snack is something county leaders hunger for.

  • RVA Report: RVA Report, Segment 1


    Mayor Dwight C. Jones made Richmond proud by making the New York Times with his plan to take a bite out of poverty in Richmond ... but what if nobody in Richmond had much of a clue about his plans?

  • Open Source RVA: Richmond Public Media Special Report, Segment 1


    Richmond Mayor Dwight C. Jones is making food security a priority as part of his initiative to curtail poverty in the city. The development of a food hub, a metro-regional clearing house for growers to connect with wholesale buyers, seeks to ensure stability in the local supply chain and to perhaps provide better access to fresh food for low-income Richmonders. RPM News Editor Brittany Tracy Reports.

  • Open Source RVA: Open Source RVA, Segment 1


    The 6th Annual Richmond Folk Festival comes to town. Also, the legacy of Charles M. Robinson, architect, on Richmond's public schools.

  • Open Source RVA: Open Source RVA, Segment 1


    Richmond CenterStage, the city's premier theater venue, is a boon or a boondoggle, depending on who you talk to. We hear from journalist Garry Kranz about his recent investigative piece for Richmond magazine.

  • RVA Report: RVA Report, Segment 1


    The Virginia governor's race is a many splendored thing -the gift that keeps on giving for pundits in this off-year election. It's kind of a mess. Our pundits take a whack at cleaning it all up.

  • Open Source RVA: Open Source RVA, Segment 1


    Molly Vick fought the law and the law is now having to reconsider its earlier win. Specifically, she challenged a law putting new restrictions on state abortion clinics without also applying them to hospitals. Now the state is scrambling to play catchup.

  • RVA Report: RVA Report, Segment 1


    Baseball in the Bottom is back.

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