Receiving Rachael ~ Rachael O'brien



Inspired Choices Network Receiving Rachael! Receiving You!! Is it about time to get out of the judgement of you and step into gratitude for you? Do you judge you as never good enough no matter what you do? Are you just never enough! Rachael O'Brien


  • Trusting The Kids In Your Life, with Kim Weckley Cooper


    This weeks show Kim (who is 5 months pregnant with twins )and I openly discuss the challenges we both have had and continue to have with the kids in our life. We talk about seeing the kids in the world as infinite beings, and honouring their knowing. Whether you are parenting, teaching, work with children or your friends have kids, this topic touches all of our lives. What if we could empower kids and show them that anything is possible! What if we could be the space to give them what they require not what we think they need! What if kids could teach us and show us the magic of being and the willingness to be all energies with no point of view. I am so excited to be chatting with Kim, if you would like to join us live click on the below link! Thank you for listening! Hugs Rach

  • Joy Of Sexualness With Rachael O’Brien and SaraLove StarWalker


    This week show my orgasmic friend SaraLove StarWalker is going to join me to talk about bodies and how absolutely scrumptious they are. Sexualness is the energy of healing caring and nurturing. It is a space where our bodies are gifted everything they require with absolutely no judgement, just a joy of being and receiving. Sara and I spent some time together recently and her communion and kindness to her body just blew me away. Have you every asked yourself how come I have a body? What if your body is your antenna to how you taste this world? What if your body could be orgasmic 24/7? What if life and living could be fun? Say hello to your sweet body and thank it for always being there for you no matter what! Would you like to hear more? If so join me live on the below link! Thank you for listening! Hugs Rach

  • Body You Are My Buddy!! with Graziano Dominici


    So this week we are going to be talking about you & your yummy body! Do you treat your body like your buddy? Are you grateful for your body, do you honour it? My amazing friend and gifted body worker Graziano will join me to talk about how we can open up to a life of ease when we are in communion with our yummy body and receive it with kindness?? This is going to be orgasmic! Body if it was just me and you what would you choose?? How does it get any better & what else is possible when we are in communion with our bodies!! Cant wait to have fun with Grazi and you all! Come play! Hugs Rach? Thank you for listening! http://www.glanmmireholisticc…

  • Potency Of Vulnerability with Diva Diaz


    So this week Diva Diaz is joining me to discuss the potency of vulnerability!! Potency is the ability to change anything thats not working for you in your life, and vulnerability is you completely dropping your barriers and acknowledging and receiving what is! So if something isn't working for you in your life, are you willing to use whatever energy is required in that 10seconds to change it? And are you willing to look after you and put you first! Are you in allowance of your potency no matter how it shows up! What if your potency is the gift you have been hiding? Is your potency a capacity to change everything in your life thats not working for you?? This is going to be a juicy one! Come play with your potency! Hugs Rach ? Thank you for listening!

  • Sick Of Playing Small With Rachael O’Brien


    Did you ever just get sick of playing small? Are you done with choosing small, playing small in your relationships, playing small in your life, playing small in the world! Are you done with contracting yourself so much that its becoming painful!! Well what if you could choose something different, a different possibil ity? What if you could have the courage to be you? Would you like to step up and choose the greatness of you? Are you willing to see you as the gift you truly be and what if its as simple as just choosing it? If you are done with squeezing yourself and you are ready for a change, join me live on the below link! Thank you for listening! Hugs Rach ? If so join me live on the below link! Thank you for listening!

  • Gratitiude The Fifth Element of Intimacy With Rachael O’Brien


    The 5th element for creating great intimacy is gratitude! Join me this week as I talk about Gratitude! What if gratitude is the gift of joy you receive when you are being you! Gratitude is the place where everything in your life opens up with greater possibility and greater choice. What if gratitude for you is receiving you with no judgement and just being willing to just say thank you for just being on the planet! Would you like to have gratitude for you body? After all it is there for you every morning no matter what! Would you like to start developing your gratitude? What are you grateful for about the person you are with right now? In that gratitude for them you expand their life and yours! How much choice does gratiude create? Would you like to hear more? If so join me live on the below link! Thank you for listening!

  • Vulnerability – The 4th Element Of Intimacy with Diva Diaz


    The 4th element for creating great intimacy is vulnerability. Join me and my guest Diva Diaz as we talk about dropping our barriers and being vulnerable! ! Vulnerability means being an open would. There is no scab on it, theres no bandage over it and there's just total sensitivity, which means you receive all the the information! Vulnerability is you with no barriers and in this place just being totally present, this space is where everything is possible! If you would like to create extra-ordinary relationships, vulnerability is just such a gift in creating amazing relationships! Its the place of infinite possibilities and infinite receiving! Come play with Diva & I as we ask lots of questions and see what else is possible?

  • Clarity with Choice with Lisen Bengtsson


    Choice, Its the big C word! Sometimes in my world I choose something and then its like I don't allow myself to have it with total ease! What if Choice is you opening the door to receiving a different possibility? What if choice is like being in a restaurant and ordering the food you would like in that moment! What if it could be that easy to choose! This Weds Lisen and I will look at clarity in choosing what is light for you! What if choice is not significant at all and its like being a kid, changing all the time, now I d like to skip, now I d like to eat bread and jam! Sooo fun and easy! Would you like to join in the fun! Come play! Hugs Arch LIVE WEDS 3PM IST (Irish Standard Time) 10 AM EST/9CT/8MT/7PT Receiving Rachael Radio Show with Rachael O'Brien

  • Allowance – The Third Element Of Intimacy with you Host Rachael O’Brien


    Allowance is the attitude that everything that goes on around you is just an interesting point of view! When you are in allowance then thoughts, ideas, beliefs, attitudes and emotions come at you, and they go around you and you are still you! Youdont buy the idea that the things the other person is talking about have to affect you, its just their point of view! When you are in allowance, you're in awareness and you don't have to do anything at all. You just simply allow them to have their point of view and you are in allowance of what they're doing and how they're doing it. You allow them to be everything they are without any expectation of them! And Allowance of you is being you with no point of view!! Wow, so excited about this weeks show! Hugs Rachael

  • Honoring You – The Second Element of Intimacy!!


    Honor! - To Hold In Regard! There are five elements of intimacy that create a great relationship with you! This week I'll be talking about Honoring You! What does that mean, well it means to hold in regard! Wow, can you imagine actually taking you into regard first? We often say yes or no to someone and something without asking ourselves a question! Does this work for me?? We tend to be really good at giving other people what they want and delivering that! What would it take to honor you and choose what works for you! Thats what this weeks show is all about! Come Join me and begin to honour you!! So excited about this topic! What else is possible? Hugs Rachael

  • Trust In You – The First Element of Intimacy!!


    Trust in You!! There are five elements that create the great intimacy you are looking for in your Life! The first is Trust! To trust you is to always know that you will never replace the loo roll until it runs out or that your bedroom is always going to be a mess! Trust is knowing that you tend to do this, this & this and that your probably always going to do that! In order to trust you you have to be willing to perceive, know, be and receive you! You don't have to change to fit somebody else's point of view! You just choose to be you and receive you in totality!!

  • What if there is no Separation between Life & Business??? with Guest Laura Borland


    This week Join me and my friend in Consciousness Laura Borland!!! We are going to chat about creation and business from a different possibility! What is business in this reality based on? Mmm judgement, hard work, stuck in front of a computer all day?? Well what if there's a different possibility? What if you could do business from anywhere even the beach? What if business could be an expansion of your life, with no loss of your time and you? Are you willing to change the way you look at and do business! Well Im changing it all!! Would you like to hear some more then come along and listen! How much fun can we have with yummy business? What else is possible with business that we haven't considered? Hugs Rachael

  • Friends in Consciousness with Rachael O’Brien


    What is friendship in this reality based on? Mmm judgement, well what if there's a different possibility? What if you could build friendships and relationships where you could be you? I asked 8 yrs ago for kind caring people to show up in my life? People that didn't want to do separation and judgement and guess what my life is full of amazing friends that honour and celebrate life & living with me! Like to hear some more Join me!! LIVE WEDS 3PM IST (Irish Standard Time) 10 AM EST/9CT/8MT/7PT Receiving Rachael Radio Show with Rachael O'Brien

  • 5 Steps to Changing Your Financial Reality! with Rachael O’Brien


    Would you like to change your financial reality? What if you could do that with Ease? Would you like tools and processes to facilitate you choosing ease with money? Well thats what this show is all about! LIVE WEDS 3PM IST (Irish Standard Time) Find more about Rachael at

  • Hakuna Matata! It means no worries!


    Have you ever asked yourself is it possible to live stress and worry free? Have you every seen a worried or stressed out cat, bird or dog! What would it take for us to live with no worry for the rest of our days? What would it take for us to have a problem free life just like the animals? Animals are constantly showing us the magic of creation, the joy of embodiment and living in the moment with total ease! What if animals are contributing to us to show us whats possible beyond our programming! In this weeks show we will gift you with tools and processes to live a life of ease, joy and glory! What else is possible?? Hugs Rachael

  • Out Creating the Conclusionary You with Rachael O’Brien


    In this reality, we are told at 5 to go to school, and then we go to college, get a job, buy a house, have a relationship, have kids and then retire!!! Where is the choice and creation in that? What if all of that is a life full of conclusion that doesn't even work or isn't an invitation for you or your life? Would y... ou like to out create the conclusion of you? Would you be open to choosing a life of spontaneity and fun? Would you like to create a life that works for you not everyone else? In this week’s show Rachael will gift you tools and processes that make it easy for you to choose a life beyond the conclusion of this reality! Would you like to be surprised by the gift of this wild and wonderful life? What else is possible for you that you haven't even considered? Hugs Rachael

  • Living in the Possibility with Rachael O’Brien


    This week join me Rachael O'Brien and Geraldine Woessner as we discuss the topic Living in the Possibility! Have you ever wondered why we are attracted to places of natural beauty or to swimming with dolphins? What if it is because it reminds us of the expansive acoustical energy that exists for us beyond all the judgement, solidity and conclusions of this reality? What if the tools and questions were a similar reminder of our greatness, not something separate from us that we keep in our tool box for when we need them? When we live as the question we are choosing in every moment to make a commitment to the joy and expansiveness that is truly us, to go beyond the heavy, solidity of this reality and create something greater. What would it take for you to create a life that works for you? What would have to change for your life to work? Join us as we explore and gift you tools to change anything that’s not working for you!   Receiving Rachael Radio Show with Rachael O'Brien

  • What if Separation is a Lie?


    This weeks show, join me and my amazing friend Graeme Crosskill, where we will discuss the topic What if separation is a lie?? Do you ever feel separate from everyone and everything? Have you ever considered that separation is a lie? Are you open to a different possibility? So truth what if separation is a lie? What if you could include everything and judge nothing? How much ease would you have in your life? How often do you separate from this reality? And really can you receive in this reality if you are separating from it? What if including EVERYTHING will allow you to receive what you been asking for? Join us this week to explore and gift you tools to burst the lies of separation!! In Gratitude Rachael & Graeme   Receiving Rachael Radio Show with Rachael O'Brien All time posting on the radio show website is in EST.

  • Creating from Spontaneity


    Do you find you create from necessity and conclusion rather than just for fun? Would you like a different possibility? We create our life in every moment? What if we were to choose to create life and business just for fun, like little children at play? What is crazy possible for us as creators that we have never considered from this fun energy? Well that is what this weeks show is all about! Creating from spontaneity is the freedom to do and be whatever makes you come alive!! We all have talents and abilities within and the word spontaneity means a creation or happening arising from within! What would it take for you to create beyond this reality? Would you like tools and proccess that would open you to that possibility, if so join Rachael O'Brien and Matt Barber for this weeks show!   Follow me on and

  • Bursting out of Victim-Hood


    This week on the receiving Rachael radio show, I am joined by my friend ,Nila Nima Nirmala Raju "Everything I think, everything I be, everything I do is my creation. Whatever occurs in my life is what I have created," says Gary Douglas, the founder of Access Consciousness. What if this is true for all of us? What if we create everything in our lives through our choices - little or mega choices? What if we are part of the collective consciousness that breathes through the plants, planets and everything? What if each one of us is a unique piece that completes this ever expanding, infinite universe? As an infinite being, can you be a victim? What if you create everything to have fun just like the wild rides of a theme park and forget that you have the choice to change the game? What if victim hood is a lie? Are you willing to explore that possibility? LIVE WEDS 3PM IST (Irish Standard Time) 10 AM EST/9CT/8MT/7PT Receiving Rachael with Rachael O'Brien All time posting on the radio show website is in EST.

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