National Cyber Security By Gregory Evans



National Cyber Security, the only "Daily" Cyber Security news show in the world.The show is has been designed for the laymen person who may not be technical, but also informative enough for all of the computer geeks of the world. Think of it like the CNN Headline News of Cyber SecurityOur daily news includes the latest news in hacking, id theft, IT Jobs, Government Security, Risk Management and 60+ other categories. Execute Produced by one of the worlds most known and respected Ex-hacker Gregory Evans ( National Cyber Security is guaranteed to deliver the news you the people want to hear and see.If you have a show idea please email it to


  • NCS 6/20/11

    20/06/2011 Duração: 05min

    The hackers still don't appear to be slowing down.   This time they targeted the Japanese company Sega.  It is just one of several companies to become victims of hackers in the last couple of months.  A group called Web Ninjas hopes to put the brakes on at least some of the hacking problems around the world.  The group says it has very valuable information about the hacking group LulzSec.  We'll tell you what they know and how it could help law officers.  Plus, cyber security is becoming a hot sale for some in Paris.   Security companies there are taking advantage of all of the recent hackings and using it to make a profit.  And as always, we will have the job of the day.  Tune in.

  • NCS 6/17/11

    17/06/2011 Duração: 07min

    Medicare is turning to technology to make sure it doesn't pay fraudulent claims.  The upgrade is a screening technology much like what's used by credit card companies to stop fraud.  Also, the Japanese are beefing up their security just like the United States.  The country made it illegal to create or distribute computer viruses but some critics say the new law could infringe on privacy.   And software widely used in China to help run weapons systems, utilities and chemical plants has bugs that hackers could exploit to damage public infrastructure.  Sunway has developed software patches to plug the holes but it could take months for customers to install it.  And as always we will have the job of the day.

  • NCS 6/16/11

    16/06/2011 Duração: 05min

    In the news today, the Senate server was hacked yet again.  The first attack took place over the weekend.  Law officers say no personal data was taken in this latest hack.  The Cybercrime Identity Bureau made 26 arrests, charging the suspects with using the internet to pass around graphic pictures of children.  The ages of those arrested range from 18 to 63 and include a Harvard graduate and a piano tutor.  Also, the Big Blue turns 100 today.  IMB started off selling things like punch cards.  It now makes super computers, among other things. 

  • NCS 6/15/11

    15/06/2011 Duração: 06min

    The hacking group LulzSec is now taking requests to hack into systems.  LulzSec has setup a hotline that you can call to suggest who they hack next.  Google is stepping up its features to make the search engine easier for you to use.  It will now offer voice recognition.  Right now it is only offered on its Google's Chrome web browser.  And good news for some iPhone users.  Apple began selling an unlocked version of the GSM iPhone 4 in the United States.  And as always, we have your job of the day.  Make sure you listen in.

  • NCS 6/14/11

    14/06/2011 Duração: 06min

    The hacking group LulzSec has been busy, allegedly hacking into a Senator server in Washington, DC.  The Army has come up with another way to train its soldiers.  It will use a game-like system to train and ultimately cut costs.  Also, an Indian billionaire wants to provide i-Pads to people in his country for just $32.  And as always we will have the job of the day.

  • NCS 6/13/11

    13/06/2011 Duração: 07min

    Today on National Cyber Security Radio, hear more about the most recent hacking.  This time the hackers targeted The IMF.  We'll tell you how that could impact the market and your money.  Plus Anonymous claims to have struck again as well.  This time they say they hacked into a Spanish Police website.  More on that and the latest arrests from that group.  And Verizon Wireless is pushing further into the mobile payments game with the announcement of a new partnership with Payfone.  We'll give the details of that potential deal.  And as always we will feature the job of the day. 

  • NCS 6/10/11

    10/06/2011 Duração: 06min

    The Spanish police say they have made arrests in the Sony PlayStation Network hacking.  Police identified the tree men as the local leadership of the international network of computer hackers called Anonymous.  We'll tell you what they have been charged with and how much prison time they face.  Also, the FBI is beefing up its staff to stop cyber crimes.  The FBI security squad saw cyber crime surpass conventional crime in terms of its economic impact.  Tune in to hear how many agents are now working to fight cyber crime.  And, The cost of cyber crime is on the rise.  Experts say it could potentially cost businesses and consumers as much as $1 trillion.  And as always we will have the job of the day.  Make sure you check it out.

  • NCS 6/9/11

    09/06/2011 Duração: 08min

    A Mac technician is behind bars after police say he installed spyware programs on laptops he fixed.  According to police, 20 year old Trevor Harwell watched clients while the women took showers or changed their clothes.  Police say they found thousands of images on Harwell's computers.  Despite an onslaught of hacking of major companies, law officers remain largely stumped when it comes to catching those responsible.  The FBI wants businesses to take extra precautions when offering internet services for customers.  And Facebook's computer systems will soon be able to recognize familiar faces.  Facebook is making changes to the process for tagging friends in photos uploaded to the social network.  As always we will have the job of the day.  Check it out.

  • NCS 6/8/11

    08/06/2011 Duração: 07min

      Topping cyber and technology news today, social media can have a huge impact on your future and technology.  Experts expect information collected on the internet could lead to businesses tracking and storing your information.  It might give you less privacy but it could also make life easier for you.  We'll tell you how.  Also, hackers have been very busy this year.  A recent report shows that six million new malicious software programs were unleashed on the internet in the first three months of this year.  Hear what that means for businesses, especially those in the healthcare industry.  And new technology is helping pave the way to understanding history better.  Hear more about the first 700 years of England’s history and how experts were able to draw that timeline.  As always we'll have the job of the day.  Make sure to tune in.

  • NCS 6/7/11

    07/06/2011 Duração: 07min

    Making news today, believe it or not but one in four criminal hackers turn to snitching for the government.  US law officers are using those turncoats to put an end to hacking in general.  Hear why it is still an uphill battle.  Apple CEO, Steve Jobs says that PCs could be a thing of the past.  His company, along with others, are looking to the clouds, or iClouds to make PCs obsolete.  Hear more on what the company has planned and the future of technology.  Thieves are turning to the dead to cash in.  There is typically a six month window for financial institutions and government agencies to find out that someone has died.  We'll tell you what you need to know to protect your loved one's identity.

  • NCS 6/6/11

    06/06/2011 Duração: 06min

    The attacks just keep coming from the group Lulz Security.  This time they claimed responsibility for hacking into a website that the FBI uses to share information between the government and businesses.  Also, the US and UK hope to team up to fight cyber crimes.  The two say the many attacks in the recent weeks is a sign that hackers are getting bolder.  For them, they say that means they need to be prepared.  And a new bill could make it a little easier for some teens accused of sexting.  New York lawmakers are pushing a bill called Cyber Crime Youth Resuce and it would give judges more leeway in sentencing teens convicted of sexting.  As always, we will have your job of the day.  Make sure you check it out.

  • NCS 6/3/11

    03/06/2011 Duração: 06min

    Hackers have done it again to the Sony Corporation.  This time the hackers claim to have stolen customer data to show that the company's system is still vulnerable to attack.  We'll have the very latest.  Plus, Americans want the government to crack down on hackers.  A recent poll says most of the country wants cyber attacks to be considered an act of war.  Tune in to find out exactly how many people support that movement.  And the co-founder of Apple says that humans will live the life of leisure in the future.  Tune in to hear why.

  • NCS 6/2/11

    02/06/2011 Duração: 06min

    Coming up today, Google is the latest major company to announce that it was the target of hackers.  It tapped into the e-mails of several hundred people including senior government officials, Chinese political activists, military personnel and journalists.  We'll have more information coming up.  Plus, we will have more on the hacking of Congressman Anthony Weiner.  Hear what he has to say about where the photo may have come from.  And Lake Michigan officials are turning to technology to keep people safe in the water.  Tune in to hear exactly what they are doing and how it's keeping you healthy this summer.  And as always, we will have the job of the day.  Make sure you listen. 

  • NCS 6/1/11

    01/06/2011 Duração: 06min

    First up, with the country turning to technology more and more, it's also setting itself up for more chances to become targets of cyber criminals.  A North Carolina professor is working to fight the crooks with digital ants.  Also, be careful if you go shopping online.  It can be a potential den for criminals.  We'll tell you what you need to know to protect you and your information.  And believe it or not, there are children out there with credit card bills, mortgages and car loans.  Hear how they managed to rack up those bills and what law officers are doing to keep children from becoming victims.  And as always, we will have the job of the day.  Make sure you check it out!

  • NCS 5/31/11

    31/05/2011 Duração: 06min

    There's plenty to talk about in technology news today.  Lockheed Martin was the latest victim of hackers.  We will tell you when the company found out and what information the hackers took away.  Plus, it's Apple vs. Samsung.  The two companies are battling it out in court to make sure the other isn't taking technology or packaging ideas.  We'll have the latest on that feud.  And the second largest computer show in the world is happening this week.  Listen in to find out what's the hottest item that manufacturers are itching to promote.  And as always we have the job of the day.  Make sure you tune in.  It will be a great show.

  • NCS 5/27/11

    27/05/2011 Duração: 05min

    Today on National Cyber Security Radio, Microsoft says it has patched a bug in its hotmail e-mail service that attackers were exploiting to silently steal confidential correspondences and user contacts from unsuspecting victims.  Hear how Microsoft fixed the problem.  Hackers have come up with another way to try and take you for a ride.  We'll tell you what they are trying to do this time and how you can protect yourself.  Plus, you've heard the term brainy baby.  Well some researchers hope to take that term to a new level and use what they've found to improve future technology.  Make sure you check us out.

  • NCS 5/26/11

    26/05/2011 Duração: 07min

    Making the news today, criminals who commit tax fraud have milked victims out of millions of dollars since 2008.  We will tell you how they did it and what some victims had to say to members of the US Senate.  Plus, a Bank of America insider who sold customer data to criminals cost the bank at least 10 million dollars in losses.  We'll tell you how that trickled down to customers and what the bank is doing to prevent it from happening again.  Also, President Obama's cyber bill is still getting mostly positive reaction but there are concerns.  Tune in to hear who's complaining and what they want to do about it. 

  • NCS 5/25/11

    25/05/2011 Duração: 08min

    Tune in today to hear more about Black Diamond and its latest invention.  It released the final version of its wearable computer for military use.  It works even when you drop it.  Plus identity theft is rampant these days.  We'll tell you what you need to know to protect yourself.  You'll even hear more about how identity theft isn't just on the internet.  And there will be news on the latest in a lawsuit against a major rent-to-own company.  Software that allows you to monitor and shutdown computers if customers don't pay is in the spotlight.  Hear what the designer of the software had to say about his invention that's catching a lot of heat.  And as always we will have the job of the day to help you land that perfect IT job.  Make sure you check us out.

  • NCS 5/24/11

    24/05/2011 Duração: 06min

    Today on National Cyber Security Radio, Sony apparently has been hacked again.  This time the hacks happened mainly overseas but it is causing the company to take a beating.  Hear what happened and what the company is trying to do to stop it.  Also, this new invention could blow your mind.  A California company is working on headset technology that you control with your mind.  Hear what they have planned and when you can have one in your hands.  Plus, President Obama is getting some positive feedback from some US Senators for his Cybersecurity Plan.  Hear what they have to say and how soon the proposed legislation could become law.  All that plus your job of the week.  Tune in!

  • NCS 5/23/11

    23/05/2011 Duração: 05min

    In today's news, it's faster and could change the way you download on your computer.  It's called Thunderbold and it allows you to connect everything from displays and keyboards to hard drives and digital cameras to you computer at a fraction of the time.  Plus, KOBO announced that it has a new product as well the E-Reader Touch edition.  It is small and can fit in the back pocket of a pair of jeans.  The company says it allows for easier access to the touch screen device.  And if you are looking for a job, technology may be the way to go.  IT jobs are becoming in high demand.  Tune in to find out which states are looking to hire the most people.  And as always we will have the job of the day so make sure you tune in.

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