Phd Career Stories



PhD Career Stories is a podcast where PhD:s share their stories and experiences in life after a PhD, inspiring you to take the next step in your career development!


  • #010: Tips&Tricks Tina Persson: how to prepare for your next job interview

    25/11/2016 Duração: 13min

    In episode ten of “PhD Career Stories”, Tina Persson returns for a another “tips & tricks”-themed episode. In this podcast, we learn more on how we can prepare ourselves for our next interview. 

  • #009: Ania Gruszczynska Story

    11/11/2016 Duração: 21min

    Dr Ania Gruszczynska completed a PhD in sociology at Aston University in Birmingham, UK in 2009 and has since worked in a variety of project management roles in higher education sector. She is currently working as an IT project manager at Birmingham City University where she is responsible for software projects and developing good project management standards. In addition, she is a qualified coach and brings her understanding of post-PhD transitions into her part-time coaching practice ( where she supports people who have big goals such as finishing a PhD or transitioning into a more fulfilling job. She is also a keen runner and a yoga fan, and tweets about her passions at @akgruszczynska.

  • #008: Tips&Tricks Paulius Mikulskis: how to get started with your job search

    28/10/2016 Duração: 02min

    Paulius Mikulskis is a Computational Chemist with a PhD in Theoretical Chemistry from Lund University, now working as a Research Fellow at the University of Nottingham. In this “tips & tricks”-themed episode, Paulius shares two tips which he found useful in his job search.

  • #007: Samer Yammine Story

    13/10/2016 Duração: 04min

    Samer Yammine has a PhD in Cancer Epigenomics from Karolinska Institutet. He is professionally passionate about design, user experience, innovation and business development and has extensive experience in problem-solving and creative solutions within the biotech sector. Nowadays, Samer have one foot in academia as a project leader at the Unit for Bioentrepreneurship at Karolinska Institutet with the main task to develop graduate courses for PhD students and the other foot within biotech industry and the startup world as Director, Co-Founder/CTO of and Chairman, Co-Founder/CTIO of

  • #006: Tips&Tricks Philipp Gramlich: how to get a map of the job landscape

    30/09/2016 Duração: 08min

    In episode six, Philipp Gramlich will show you that there are many more jobs out there for you to put Tina Persson's inventory from episode four to best use. He will bring in his experiences from industry, academia and as co-founder of NaturalScience.Careers along to enrich the "landscape" of jobs you will see in front of you.

  • #005: Kyriaki Liadaki Story

    16/09/2016 Duração: 13min

    Kyriaki Liadaki finished her PhD in Immunology at the University of Thessaly, Greece, and then continued postdoctoral studies at Harvard Medical School and Karolinska Institutet. In this episode of PhD Career Stories, Kyriaki tells her story on how she came to make the life changing decision to leave academia and become a Math/Science Teacher at a bilingual school in Stockholm.

  • #004: Tips&Tricks Tina Persson: how to rewrite your CV

    29/08/2016 Duração: 09min

    In episode four of “PhD Career Stories” Tina Persson returns for a “tips & tricks”-themed episode. In this podcast, we learn more on how we can prepare ourselves for our next career move by making an inventory of our skills and rewriting our CV:s.

  • #003: Michele Manzo Story

    19/08/2016 Duração: 10min

    Michele Manzo started his career change in April 2015, after completing his PhD in Applied Physics at KTH in Stockholm, Sweden. In this episode of “PhD Career Stories”, Michele tells the story about his journey from academia to industry, which lasted almost a year. We learn how Michele, after a few hundreds of applications and with a little reverse engineering of the job hunting system as well as the willingness to completely reinvent himself, was able to land his current position as Electronic Design Engineer.

  • #002: Tips&Tricks Maria Sjögren: how to boost your online presence

    05/08/2016 Duração: 03min

    The second episode of our new podcast “PhD Career Stories” features Maria Sjögren, the researcher who left academia to become a change agent and digital evangelist. In this “tips & tricks”-themed episode, we learn more on how we can take control of our online presence and manage our digital reputation.

  • #001: First episode by PhD Career Stories: Tina Persson Story

    22/07/2016 Duração: 19min

    On this very first episode of our new podcast “PhD Career Stories”, Tina Persson talks about her career story and how her experiences inspired her to start this podcast. We learn how Tina, after 20 years in academia, finally found her dream job as an Professional Academic Career Adviser and Coach supporting PhD students, researchers and professionals to find career possibilities.

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