Seducing Beyond Limitations ~ Yuryra Guzman & Rachel Silber



Inspired Choices Network How much force and effort have you used in creating your life? What if your life is so much greater than the limitations youve bought as real? YURYRA GUZMAN   Facebook RACHEL SILBER  Facebook


  • CREATING with Children ~ Guest Lauren Marie


    Almost as funny as Married with children... just more... creative!  Join Yuryra and Rachel and their special guest, Lauren Marie, an Access Consciousness and Joy of Business Facilitator and a mom of beautiful twin babies. How do you incorporate kids into your creations? What can they contribute to our creations when we don't use them as an excuse to stop? And how do you balance babies with business? Would you like to tune in and find out more? Play more with Lauren at Email us @ Play with us on Facebook at the Seducing Beyond Limitations group. YURYRA GUZMAN   Facebook RACHEL SILBER  Facebook

  • How Does It Get Any Better Than This?


    How much of your life and future are you trying to create from your past?  When things don't go as planned, are you asking for more difficulty to show up?  Or more possibilities? Enjoy this show in Spanish once a month as well (disfruta de este show en español una vez al mes – el tercer programa de cada mes). Email us @ Play with us on Facebook at the Seducing Beyond Limitations group. YURYRA GUZMAN   Facebook RACHEL SILBER  Facebook

  • Abrazando tu Cabrona Interior ~ Embracing Your Inner Bitch


    ¿Estás dispuest@ a ser todo tu? ¿Para ser cualquier energía que se requiere en cualquier situación? ¿Qué pasa si estar dispuest@ a SER todo esto es el primer paso para estar dispuesto a TENERlo todo? Are you willing to be all of you? To be whatever energy is required in any situation? What if being willing to BE it all is the first step in being willing to HAVE it all? Enjoy this show in Spanish once a month as well (disfruta de este show en español una vez al mes – el tercer programa de cada mes). Email us @ Play with us on Facebook at the Seducing Beyond Limitations group. YURYRA GUZMAN   Facebook RACHEL SILBER  Facebook

  • The Joy of Birthdays


    We've got a double-header birthday celebration with your hostesses - would you like to join the party? Birthdays... what are they? what do they mean? how mean do we make them? If there is no over the hill or under the hill - what else is possible? Enjoy this show in Spanish once a month as well (disfruta de este show en español una vez al mes – el tercer programa de cada mes). Email us @ Play with us on Facebook at the Seducing Beyond Limitations group. YURYRA GUZMAN   Facebook RACHEL SILBER  Facebook

  • Questions Don’t Work For Me at All!


    When is someone going to give me the answer? What the heck are all those questions for anyway? You just ask.... and then what? Wait? For what? Really? Questions can truly create magic in your life - will you join us and explore how you can use them? Enjoy this show in Spanish once a month as well (disfruta de este show en español una vez al mes – el tercer programa de cada mes). Email us @ Play with us on Facebook at the Seducing Beyond Limitations group. YURYRA GUZMAN   Facebook RACHEL SILBER  Facebook

  • When Did You Choose to Fail?


    When did you decide that there is no other way for you? That to fail is the only option? What if something else truly is possible? Join us in exploring tools and questions that take us beyond failure.... and into possibilities! Enjoy this show in Spanish once a month as well (disfruta de este show en español una vez al mes – el tercer programa de cada mes). Email us @ Play with us on Facebook at the Seducing Beyond Limitations group. You can click here to join in the Fun day of Seduciendo la Consciencia for FREE on March 31st! Rachel and Dawn's Specialty class on Friday, April 1, 2016 - Beyond the Tyranny of Perfectionism YURYRA GUZMAN   Facebook RACHEL SILBER  Facebook

  • Are You an Aware-Wolf?


    What if you are far more aware than you've ever imagined or even acknowledged? What would it be like to use the awareness as a tool in creating your life rather than a weapon against you? Enjoy this show in Spanish once a month as well (disfruta de este show en español una vez al mes – el tercer programa de cada mes). You can click here to  join in the Fun day of Seduciendo la Consciencia for FREE! Email us @ Play with us on Facebook at the Seducing Beyond Limitations group. YURYRA GUZMAN   Facebook RACHEL SILBER  Facebook

  • ¿Debilidad o fortaleza?


    ¿Que tal que lo que juzgas como tu debilidad fuera de hecho, tu mayor fortaleza? ¿Que has mantenido siempre escondido sobre ti, que si por fin lo sacarás del closet a la luz, crearía más dicha, facilidad y abundancia en tu vida? Las cosas nunca son como parecen, ¿verdad? What if Your Wrongness is Your Strongness? What have you always kept hidden about you - that if you take it out of the closet and into the sunlight - would create more joy in your life? It never looks like we think it does, does it? Enjoy this show in Spanish once a month as well (disfruta de este show en español una vez al mes – el tercer programa de cada mes). Email us @ Play with us on Facebook at the Seducing Beyond Limitations group. YURYRA GUZMAN   Facebook RACHEL SILBER  Facebook

  • He Says – She Says: Speaking Between The Lines


    What if what seems like plain speaking, really isn't? Ever had someone say one thing and mean another? What's between the lines?  What if you could translate between woman's English and men's English? Would you like to tune in and find out? Enjoy this show in Spanish once a month as well (disfruta de este show en español una vez al mes – el tercer programa de cada mes). Email us @ Play with us on Facebook at the Seducing Beyond Limitations group. YURYRA GUZMAN   Facebook RACHEL SILBER  Facebook

  • Singing Your Song


    What if your life is your song? What if it is your creation and your expression? Who are you being when you don't choose to sing your song in the world? What if you choose to be unstoppable and unmutable - would that create a difference in your life and living? Enjoy this show in Spanish once a month as well (disfruta de este show en español una vez al mes – el tercer programa de cada mes). Email us @ Play with us on Facebook at the Seducing Beyond Limitations group. YURYRA GUZMAN   Facebook RACHEL SILBER  Facebook

  • Intimidad: Mito o realidad Intimacy: Myth and Reality


    ¿Que significa intimidad para ti?  ¿Te has pasado tu vida buscandola? ¿La has buscado en sexo? ¿Te has esforzado for ser "intimo" de alguien? ¿Como te funcionado hasta ahora? ¿Te gustaría finalmente saber los secretos para crear intimidad con todos y contigo mismo? Vamos a develar los mitos y realidades sobre la  intimidad, de una forma pragmática, intuitiva y claro... ¡divertida!. What does intimacy mean to you? Have you been looking for intimacy your whole life? Have you ever looked for it with sex? How did that work? Would you like to know the secret to create real intimacy with anybody including yourself? Email us @ Play with us on Facebook at the Seducing Beyond Limitations group. YURYRA GUZMAN   Facebook RACHEL SILBER  Facebook

  • Inconceivable Relationships – Guests Joanne Darrach & Snježana Gottstein


    This month is all about relationships! but what about inconceivable relationships? What is that you are not willing to ask for, demand or imagine possible because you decided is inconceivable in this reality? How can we create  relationship out of definition, out of structure and out of significance with our enjoyable other, family, body, money and our selves? How different are the relationships around the world? What is truly possible now in this planet? Join this outrageous conversation with our special guests, experts in relationships Joanne Darrach  from Canada and Snježana Gottstein from Croatia; both Right Relationship for You® Facilitators. Enjoy this show in Spanish once a month as well (disfruta de este show en español una vez al mes – el tercer programa de cada mes). Email us @ Play with us on Facebook at the Seducing Beyond Limitations group. YURYRA GUZMAN   Facebook RACHEL SILBER  Facebook www.fac

  • Bring on the Sexualness


    What would the world be like when you roar your sexualness? What if sexualness is the ultimate receiving - and stepping into it - invites you to step into way more joy, way more flow and way more of you? Would being alive become a giddy, exhilarating - even relaxing experience? Enjoy this show in Spanish once a month as well (disfruta de este show en español una vez al mes – el tercer programa de cada mes). Email us @ Play with us on Facebook at the Seducing Beyond Limitations group. YURYRA GUZMAN   Facebook RACHEL SILBER  Facebook

  • Get Naked


    Will you get naked with us? Sure we are on the radio - just use your imagination. And would you be willing to bare it all? What can being naked contribute to your life? What can it contribute to creating a life of joy, pleasure and possibility? Come explore with us! Enjoy this show in Spanish once a month as well (disfruta de este show en español una vez al mes – el tercer programa de cada mes). Email us @ Play with us on Facebook at the Seducing Beyond Limitations group. YURYRA GUZMAN   Facebook RACHEL SILBER  Facebook

  • Sex and Biz


    Sex in this world has many and different meaning, and points of view.  How many of them don't allow you to receive from every way? What if your willingness to receive with ease would be the key for something greatness in your business? Is your business about to receive? What are you not willing to receive from all directions? What choices would you have? How much money would you have? Email us @ Play with us on Facebook at the Seducing Beyond Limitations group. YURYRA GUZMAN   Facebook RACHEL SILBER  Facebook

  • El dinero no es tu problema


    ¡El dinero puede tener muchos usos! "No tengo dinero", es una de las mas grandes excusas que usamos para no hacer algo, nadie discute esta excusas. ¿Estas creando la falta de dinero para tener la excusa perfecta para no elegir? ¿Y si lo único que te impide tener mas dinero fueras tu y tus puntos de vista limitantes? Exploremos juntos las mentiras que nos contamos sobre dinero, riqueza y abundancia con un enfoque seductor. Email us @ Play with us on Facebook at the Seducing Beyond Limitations group. YURYRA GUZMAN   Facebook RACHEL SILBER  Facebook

  • Shake Your Magic Wand


    How many times have you looked for someone or someone else to change something in your life as if by magic? What if you are the only one with the magic that could create the change you are looking for? Find the magic you are and shake your sexy, seductress, beautiful magic wand to create a joyful, outrageous, inconceivable reality. Email us @ Play with us on Facebook at the Seducing Beyond Limitations group. YURYRA GUZMAN   Facebook RACHEL SILBER  Facebook

  • De-clutter your body


    What can you let go of, that you've been holding on to forever? And how many commitments to fit in and belong have you created as your body? And what would your sweet sexy body enjoy? Ever included your "buddy" in your life? The energy of seduction is the invitation that you could step into, that will create your life with ease, elegance and joy beyond any limitation. Join your seductresses, Rachel and Yuryra, for a playful exploration of enamored living and fall in love with your life. Enjoy this show in Spanish once a month as well (disfruta de este show en español una vez al mes – el tercer programa de cada mes). Email us @ Play with us on Facebook at the Seducing Beyond Limitations group. YURYRA GUZMAN   Facebook RACHEL SILBER  Facebook

  • Baby, you’re a firework!


    Baby, you're a firework! There is a spark in you - will you ignite it? Each of us is unique. Each of us is a gift. What gift of being have you come to share in the world? What are you inviting us to experience? The energy of seduction is the invitation that you could step into, that will create your life with ease, elegance and joy beyond any limitation. Join your seductresses, Rachel and Yuryra, for a playful exploration of enamored living and fall in love with your life. Enjoy this show in Spanish once a month as well (disfruta de este show en español una vez al mes – el tercer programa de cada mes). Email us @ Play with us on Facebook at the Seducing Beyond Limitations group. YURYRA GUZMAN   Facebook RACHEL SILBER  Facebook

  • Ho-Ho-Holidays


    Is it possible to have a holiday beyond expectation? Beyond limitation? Beyond the stories of yester-years? Add a touch of HO-HO-HO and let go of the old Ho-Hum.... The energy of seduction is the invitation that you could step into, that will create your life with ease, elegance and joy beyond any limitation. Join your seductresses, Rachel and Yuryra, for a playful exploration of enamored living and fall in love with your life. Enjoy this show in Spanish once a month as well (disfruta de este show en español una vez al mes – el tercer programa de cada mes). Email us @ Play with us on Facebook at the Seducing Beyond Limitations group. YURYRA GUZMAN   Facebook RACHEL SILBER  Facebook

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