Mohamed Ghilan

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 102:13:47
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Commentary on religion, philosophy, science, society and culture, and the like.


  • Ep 73. Prohibitions of the Tongue (محارم اللسان) Part 2 of 6

    01/04/2019 Duração: 01h27min

    A heavy emphasis is placed in Islam on the dangers of the tongue. The Beloved ﷺ warned against heedlessness over speech and guaranteed Paradise to the one who is watchful over their words, which indicates the difficulty of attaining that level of consciousness. Indeed, the most difficult fast during Ramadan is not that of the stomach, but that of the tongue. Prohibitions of the Tongue is a didactic poem composed by the great Mauritanian sage Sidi Muhammad Maulood. I translated and offered commentary on this work during a weekend intensive with al-Hikam Institute in Brisbane, Australia in September 2018, the audio recordings of which will be released over episodes 72 to 77 in this podcast. JOIN Andalus Book Club Become a Supporter through Patreon: Website Facebook Page Twitter iTunes Podcast…lan/id1093009815

  • Ep 72. Prohibitions of the Tongue (محارم اللسان) Part 1 of 6

    25/03/2019 Duração: 01h31min

    A heavy emphasis is placed in Islam on the dangers of the tongue. The Beloved ﷺ warned against heedlessness over speech and guaranteed Paradise to the one who is watchful over their words, which indicates the difficulty of attaining that level of consciousness. Indeed, the most difficult fast during Ramadan is not that of the stomach, but that of the tongue. Prohibitions of the Tongue is a didactic poem composed by the great Mauritanian sage Sidi Muhammad Maulood. I translated and offered commentary on this work during a weekend intensive with al-Hikam Institute in Brisbane, Australia in September 2018, the audio recordings of which will be released over episodes 72 to 77 in this podcast. JOIN Andalus Book Club Become a Supporter through Patreon: Website Facebook Page Twitter iTunes Podcast…lan/id1093009815

  • Ep 71. On Toxic Masculinity

    10/03/2019 Duração: 01h22min

    With the increasing number of Muslim women speaking out against what they perceive to be not so much a double standard because that presumes sameness between men and women, but an injustice in terms of what's expected from them compared to Muslim men, we now have men pushing back and crying foul. What is toxic masculinity? And how does it manifest in marriages and intimacy? How did the social conditioning of men lead to this? These questions form the points of discussion in this episode dedicated to Muslim men. JOIN Andalus Book Club Become a Supporter through Patreon: Website Facebook Page Twitter iTunes Podcast…lan/id1093009815

  • Ep 70. Listener Interactions (Part 5): Creation Of Adam And Why Islam Is The Truth

    17/02/2019 Duração: 01h10min

    Can we believe Adam peace be upon him refers to the first cell and Eve peace be upon her refers to the amniotic division? Can the subjective experience of spiritual elation serve as proof for claims of truth in religion? How do we raise children to love prayer when we sometimes have to discipline them if they don't perform it? These questions and others are addressed in this 5th installment of Listener Interactions. Brisbane Muslim Conference: Social Activism and Rewriting the Narrative Become a Supporter through Patreon: Website JOIN Andalus Book Club Facebook Page Twitter iTunes Podcast…lan/id1093009815

  • Ep 69. I Was Blessed with Her Love

    13/01/2019 Duração: 01h01min

    Lady Khadijah RA was the first and while alive the only wife of the Beloved ﷺ. Their relationship was of immense significance and the love the Beloved ﷺ had for her did not diminish with her passing. Lady Aisha RA said she was never jealous of any of the wives of the Beloved ﷺ as she was of Lady Khadijah RA despite having never met her. In this episode are highlights about Lady Khadijah RA and lessons to be drawn from her marriage and relationship with the Beloved ﷺ. Become a Supporter through Patreon: Website JOIN Andalus Book Club Facebook Page Twitter iTunes Podcast…lan/id1093009815

  • Ep 68. The Reliever (al-Munfarijah) Part 3 of 3

    22/10/2018 Duração: 01h26min

    The Reliever (al-Munfarijah) is a poem composed by the great Tunisian scholar Yusuf ibn Muhammad at-Tawozari at-Tilimsanī (d. 1119 AD/513 AH). He was known for his mastery of the various Islamic sciences but his erudition and rhetorical abilities became his defining feature to the degree that he was known as ibn an-Nahawi (Son of the Grammarian). al-Munfarijah is one of the most famous poems recited in North Africa and generally in the Islamic world. ibn an-Nahawi composed it in response to a request from his family who were living under an oppressive ruler. Ever since this poem has been taken up by Muslims and it became widely known for its efficacy. The poem is a combination of applied theology, spiritual counseling, and prayer. Reciting this poem in times of difficulty with a proper understanding of its meanings is known to bring relief. This 3-part series was recorded at Mīzān Avenue in Sydney, Australia on August 12, 2018. Become a Supporter through Patreon: Website www.anda

  • Ep 67. The Reliever (al-Munfarijah) Part 2 of 3

    15/10/2018 Duração: 01h49min

    The Reliever (al-Munfarijah) is a poem composed by the great Tunisian scholar Yusuf ibn Muhammad at-Tawozari at-Tilimsanī (d. 1119 AD/513 AH). He was known for his mastery of the various Islamic sciences but his erudition and rhetorical abilities became his defining feature to the degree that he was known as ibn an-Nahawi (Son of the Grammarian). al-Munfarijah is one of the most famous poems recited in North Africa and generally in the Islamic world. ibn an-Nahawi composed it in response to a request from his family who were living under an oppressive ruler. Ever since this poem has been taken up by Muslims and it became widely known for its efficacy. The poem is a combination of applied theology, spiritual counseling, and prayer. Reciting this poem in times of difficulty with a proper understanding of its meanings is known to bring relief. This 3-part series was recorded at Mīzān Avenue in Sydney, Australia on August 12, 2018. Become a Supporter through Patreon: Website www.anda

  • Ep 66. The Reliever (al-Munfarijah) Part 1 of 3

    10/10/2018 Duração: 02h02min

    The Reliever (al-Munfarijah) is a poem composed by the great Tunisian scholar Yusuf ibn Muhammad at-Tawozari at-Tilimsanī (d. 1119 AD/513 AH). He was known for his mastery of the various Islamic sciences but his erudition and rhetorical abilities became his defining feature to the degree that he was known as ibn an-Nahawi (Son of the Grammarian). al-Munfarijah is one of the most famous poems recited in North Africa and generally in the Islamic world. ibn an-Nahawi composed it in response to a request from his family who were living under an oppressive ruler. Ever since this poem has been taken up by Muslims and it became widely known for its efficacy. The poem is a combination of applied theology, spiritual counseling, and prayer. Reciting this poem in times of difficulty with a proper understanding of its meanings is known to bring relief. This 3-part series was recorded at Mīzān Avenue in Sydney, Australia on August 12, 2018. Become a Supporter through Patreon: Website www.anda

  • Ep 65. Radical Skin, Moderate Masks – Book Analysis

    03/10/2018 Duração: 01h50min

    I usually reserve book discussions and reviews for Andalus Book Club. However, in this episode, I chose to go through a particular book, "Radical Skin, Moderate Masks" by Yassir Morsi, because it’s a good representation of how a new generation of Muslim activists and Muslims in academia are thinking about the world and our place in it. Topics addressed in this episode include the definition of autoethnographic writing, qualitative vs quantitative research, rationality, how to think about power dynamics in the world, critical race theory, the racialization of Islam and the construction of Muslim identity in the West, and the search for an authentic Islam. Become a Supporter through Patreon: Website JOIN Andalus Book Club Facebook Page Twitter iTunes Podcast…lan/id1093009815

  • Ep 64. Rethinking Edutainment with ImanWire

    19/09/2018 Duração: 02h11min

    Islamic edutainment has failed in many respects to engender an Islamic ethos within the average Muslim. Are celebrity speakers, the culture of Muslim fandom, and sound bytes of curated content just a hollow shell of education, with more style than substance? In this far-reaching conversation on the ImanWire Podcast, we discussed the phenomenon of Islamic edutainment, the impact of a media-centric culture on both education and the soul, and several other topics. Become a Supporter through Patreon: Website JOIN Andalus Book Club Facebook Page Twitter iTunes Podcast…lan/id1093009815

  • Ep 63. Muslim Activists on the Path of Lot’s Wife

    19/08/2018 Duração: 02h36min

    Muslim activists involved in social justice movements are navigating a scene in which they ally with groups such as those promoting LGBQIT practices to be normalized and some have become voices for same-sex marriage campaigns. In doing so, they have abandoned an essential Islamic duty to command good and forbid evil and reversed it. Topics addressed in this episode include the responsibility that comes with being a Muslim, paradigms of intellectual thought underpinning social justice activism in light of the Quran, changing attitudes towards homosexual practice and same-sex marriage, and a survey of the Quran's account of what happened with Lot and his people who rejected him.   Become a Supporter through Patreon: Website JOIN Andalus Book Club Facebook Page Twitter iTunes Podcast

  • (Rebroadcast Episode) Living with Purpose

    06/08/2018 Duração: 01h09min

    What is the point of what you do? Whether it's educational, career, or business pursuits, life is filled with transitions that end with the ultimate transition from this stage of our existence to the next. As we pass from this world we take nothing with us, and when we meet the angels in the grave we get hit with the reality that none of our titles, accolades, and material wealth meant nothing in and of themselves. Arriving at this realization before our death can trigger an existential crisis. This is not a matter of addressing our specific purpose, but a matter of answering the larger question of life's purpose. Topics addressed in this episode include the conception of Islam as a state of being as opposed to a religion, what makes humans different from animals, and the Quranic conception of how knowledge of God is attained. Become a Supporter through Patreon: Website JOIN Andalus Book Club Face

  • Ep 62. Romanticizing Islam: Arabic, Sufism, and Hadras

    30/07/2018 Duração: 01h58min

    The approach to the Islamic Tradition in general and to Sufism in specific that is adopted by Western Muslims drives many to partake in practices and in some cases life-altering life decisions that make one fall victim to a classic deception of Iblees packaged as a spiritual calling. The previous episode garnered a polarized reaction that called for further commentary on the topic.  Topics addressed in this episode include the need to study Arabic, what a tariqa and following a shaykh entail and how it can become problematic, as well as the nature of Hadras and why I'm against it. Become a Supporter through Patreon: Website JOIN Andalus Book Club Facebook Page Twitter iTunes Podcast

  • Ep 61. Tariqa or Cult? When Spirituality is Pathology

    23/07/2018 Duração: 01h36min

    The religious drive and desire for spiritual attainment can be exploited if one doesn't know how to distinguish between the pursuit of Truth and the pursuit of experiencing a high. In this episode, the issue of pledging allegiance to a shaykh and a tariqa is discussed within the context of psychology and Islamic learning. Articles discussed in this episode: 1996 Davis – Joining a “Cult”: Religious Choice or Psychological Aberration? 2007 Buxant et al – Cognitive and emotional characteristics of new religious movement members 2007 Murken and Namini – Childhood Familial Experiences as Antecedents of Adult Membership in New Religious Movements

  • (Bonus Episode) Friday Khutba: Shadows, Moonsighting, and How to Know God

    29/06/2018 Duração: 37min

    Ritual acts of worship in Islam are intimately linked with natural phenomena, and with the current reliance upon technology, many have created an artificial division that has resulted in the deprivation of the spiritual dimension of these rituals. This bonus episode features a Friday khutba delivered on the first Friday after Ramadan 1439/2018 was concluded with the usual debates about how to determine what day Eid fell on. This is not about whether calculations or moonsighting is valid. Rather, it's about recognizing the spiritual ramifications of the decision to follow calculations and how that impacts our knowledge of God and in turn our relationship with Him. Become a Supporter through Patreon: Website JOIN Andalus Book Club Facebook Page Twitter iTunes Podcast

  • Ep 60. Listener Interactions (Part 4): Hijab, Intention, and Tribulations

    26/06/2018 Duração: 01h36min

    Is covering the hair for women really obligatory as part of the Hijab? How can one make their intention for the sake of God for everything without making it exhausting to continuously do so? Is working to improve one's situation a sign of lacking acceptance of God's tests to us? These questions and others from the listeners were included in this wide-varying episode. Become a Supporter through Patreon: Website JOIN Andalus Book Club Facebook Page Twitter iTunes Podcast  

  • Ep 59. The Inner Dimensions of Fasting (Part 5 of 5)

    04/06/2018 Duração: 01h27min

    Fasting is a practice that according to the Quran has been prescribed upon Muslims as it has been prescribed upon those who have come before. At the external superficial level, it's described as the abstaining from eating, drinking, and having intimate sexual relations from the break of dawn until sunset. However, there is much more to this practice that one must be mindful off lest they risk being included in the Hadith stating that many who fast get nothing from it other than hunger and thirst. This 5-part series explores the inner dimensions of fasting through covering two texts from Imam Abu Hāmid al-Ghazaālī's magnum opus "Ihya' Uloom ad'Deen" (Revivification of the Religious Sciences". The first text covered was "The Book of Breaking the Two Desires", and the second was "The Book of the Secrets of Fasting".  Become a Supporter through Patreon: Website JOIN Andalus Book Club Facebook Page htt

  • Ep 58. The Inner Dimensions of Fasting (Part 4 of 5)

    28/05/2018 Duração: 01h33min

    Fasting is a practice that according to the Quran has been prescribed upon Muslims as it has been prescribed upon those who have come before. At the external superficial level, it's described as the abstaining from eating, drinking, and having intimate sexual relations from the break of dawn until sunset. However, there is much more to this practice that one must be mindful off lest they risk being included in the Hadith stating that many who fast get nothing from it other than hunger and thirst. This 5-part series explores the inner dimensions of fasting through covering two texts from Imam Abu Hāmid al-Ghazaālī's magnum opus "Ihya' Uloom ad'Deen" (Revivification of the Religious Sciences". The first text covered was "The Book of Breaking the Two Desires", and the second was "The Book of the Secrets of Fasting".  Become a Supporter through Patreon: Website JOIN Andalus Book Club Facebook Page htt

  • Ep 57. The Inner Dimensions of Fasting (Part 3 of 5)

    21/05/2018 Duração: 01h38min

    Fasting is a practice that according to the Quran has been prescribed upon Muslims as it has been prescribed upon those who have come before. At the external superficial level, it's described as the abstaining from eating, drinking, and having intimate sexual relations from the break of dawn until sunset. However, there is much more to this practice that one must be mindful off lest they risk being included in the Hadith stating that many who fast get nothing from it other than hunger and thirst. This 5-part series explores the inner dimensions of fasting through covering two texts from Imam Abu Hāmid al-Ghazaālī's magnum opus "Ihya' Uloom ad'Deen" (Revivification of the Religious Sciences". The first text covered was "The Book of Breaking the Two Desires", and the second was "The Book of the Secrets of Fasting".  Become a Supporter through Patreon: Website JOIN Andalus Book Club Facebook Page htt

  • Ep 56. The Inner Dimensions of Fasting (Part 2 of 5)

    13/05/2018 Duração: 01h14min

    Fasting is a practice that according to the Quran has been prescribed upon Muslims as it has been prescribed upon those who have come before. At the external superficial level, it's described as the abstaining from eating, drinking, and having intimate sexual relations from the break of dawn until sunset. However, there is much more to this practice that one must be mindful off lest they risk being included in the Hadith stating that many who fast get nothing from it other than hunger and thirst. This 5-part series explores the inner dimensions of fasting through covering two texts from Imam Abu Hāmid al-Ghazaālī's magnum opus "Ihya' Uloom ad'Deen" (Revivification of the Religious Sciences". The first text covered was "The Book of Breaking the Two Desires", and the second was "The Book of the Secrets of Fasting".  Become a Supporter through Patreon: Website JOIN Andalus Book Club Facebook Page htt

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