Women Inspired! | Weekly Interviews With Some Of The World's Most Inspiring Women!

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 233:20:06
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A weekly podcast featuring interviews of truly inspiring women! Tune in to hear the stories and lessons from these incredible women. By signing up at www.aprilseifert.com, we'll give you access to our Spotify Power Playlist - comprised of power songs curated by the women featured on this podcast.


  • 0100 | Building a Sustainable Future with Melissa Rappaport Schifman

    30/01/2019 Duração: 50min

    “I’m not trying to save the planet, I’m trying to save our species as humans. Even if we continue on the path we’re on, the planet will still be here. We just won’t be able to survive her any longer.” This was the comment that this week’s guest uttered to me as she walked me out of her beautiful, sustainably-built. LEED certified home after we recorded this week’s episode. Talk about impactful. Melissa Rappaport Schifman is a sustainability expert and the author of the book Building a Sustainable Home: Practical Green Design Choices for Your Health, Wealth, and Soul. This week’s episode was so impactful for me in so many ways. Our discussion about sustainability made me feel hopeful that there are things we can do to save our environment and ensure that it continues to be a place that humans can live and thrive. Even beyond that, we had an incredible discussion about how we derive our self-value when you stop using your job title or salary to do so. This discussion happens toward the end of her episod

  • 0099 | LOVE: Live Open, Value Everything with Eva Payne

    23/01/2019 Duração: 01h01min

    When was the last time you were immersed in your work, a task, a hobby, a something, and time seemed to stand still? You know that feeling. The feeling of FLOW, when you feel like you could do something forever, simply because it brings you so much joy. This week, you’re going to meet a woman who went on an intentional quest to find FLOW, and now she’s sharing what she learned with the world in her new book: Kindle Your Flow Eva Payne is the founder of Project Kindle, a non-profit organization that supports kids who are infected with or affected by HIV/AIDS. After building that organization, she found herself at a crossroads when her marriage ended. She began searching for the next chapter of her career that would look and feel as joyful as she felt when she was building Project Kindle. That’s when the idea for Color Flow Life came to her, and she has been running with it ever since. In Eva’s interview, we talk about how important it is to SOCIETY for all of us to live in a state of flow as often as p

  • You are Capable of More Than You Think with Sam Basques

    16/01/2019 Duração: 56min

    Have you ever felt like you can’t go on? Or maybe that you can’t push any harder than you’re already pushing or do more than you’re already doing? This week’s interview will challenge that notion! This week, you’re going to meet the incredible Sam Basques. Sam is a skydive instructor and an indoor skydive tunnel instructor. A little over a year ago she set the goal to become a tunnel instructor, and in this interview, you’ll hear her journey and the transformation that followed. Not only that but Sam shares with us some incredible lessons she has learned from the sport of skydive that absolutely apply to all of us in our day-to-day lives. Specifically: You are capable of more than you think you are. Balancing your confidence level can help you succeed. Helping to balance your thinking by focusing on the positive can help you reach your goals Life should be lived as a series of discrete moments I’m so excited for you to meet Sam Basques! Life Design Lab enrollment is OPEN! I’m thrilled to announce th

  • 0097 | A Well-Designed Life with Courtney Mott

    09/01/2019 Duração: 59min

    Wow, this week’s interview is near and dear to my heart! Remember how I let you in on the secret that I’ve been working with people 1:1 to teach them my Life Design framework? Well, this week you get to meet one of them! Courtney Mott is a beautiful example of a person who took responsibility for her life and made incredible changes. She quit her job. She is building a new business. She advocated for herself and went on a dream beach vacation. And, most important of all, she changed her identity around what she was worth, which has allowed her to make the biggest shifts of all and has changed her financial situation. I’m thrilled to bring you this interview because it’s such a gorgeous example of what life design can do! YOU CAN DO IT TOO! I’m thrilled to announce that I’m accepting enrollments into the Life Design Lab! It is a 6-week live, online program where I’ll teach you a powerful Life Design framework that you can use to create the life YOU want to be living! Click here for more info!Advertising Inquir

  • 0096 | Create the life YOU want to live! with Colleen Gallagher

    02/01/2019 Duração: 42min

    Happy New Year friends! I’m sure you’re all seeing a ton of posts out there about how to start the new year off right. Let me put one more idea in your head. What if this was the year that you focused on yourself? What if this was the year that you were really honest about what you wanted out of life, took control, and put the right framework in place to begin steering your life into alignment with who you truly are? That is life design! This week, you’re going to meet another proponent of the life design process. Colleen Gallagher is an author, consultant, speaker, cancer-survivor, world traveler, and life enthusiast! If there is one thing I want you to take away from this episode it is this: soak in the joy you hear in Colleen’s voice. THIS is exactly how joyful you can be when you begin actively participating in your own life and living the life you actually want to live. Make 2019 the year you begin living by DESIGN and not by DEFAULT! YOU CAN DO IT TOO! I’m thrilled to announce that I will be holding a s

  • 0095 | What is life design?

    21/12/2018 Duração: 24min

    Over the past few weeks, you’ve likely heard me talk about the notion of life design and how powerful these tools and techniques are in helping people create the life they want to live, aligned around who they truly are. The fact of the matter is that you’re only getting one shot at life. It is your responsibility to make your life experience as vibrant and aligned as possible. Today I’m going to take you through what life design actually is. You’ll learn: What life design is How it was developed How you can apply it to your own life to create powerful shifts in your life experience The additional impact that the field of Psychology adds to the process How you can get a hands-on taste of the life design approach! YOU CAN DO IT TOO! I’m thrilled to announce that I will be holding a series of live webinars in the first 2 weeks of January, and I want you to be there! Click here to grab your spot, and make 2019 the year that you began to live by DESIGN not by DEFAULT!Advertising Inquiries: https://red

  • 0094 | How one physician is designing the next chapter of her life with Melissa Kwak

    19/12/2018 Duração: 55min

    Every once in a while, I hear from a listener whose story is so inspiring that I absolutely have to have them on a podcast episode. This week’s episode came about in exactly that way! This week, you’re going to hear from Melissa Kwak. She is a family physician, but more importantly, she is a perfect example of someone who is following the principles of life design to create the next chapter of her life. The thing is, she began feeling the burnout that so many physicians experience. She knew that she could be of more value to the world, and she had the audacious goal of changing the healthcare industry for the better. This week’s episode is so special because it is a perfect example of someone who hasn’t yet “made it.” Melissa is at the very beginning of her journey, but you can absolutely feel how much intention and thought she’s putting into her next steps. I hope Melissa serves as an example of the power of life design to transform your day-to-day life experience. YOU CAN DO IT TOO! I’m thrilled to announce

  • 0093 | Life Design: Regret is More Powerful than Fear with Sara Grey

    12/12/2018 Duração: 59min

    It’s a very special time of year. As the year winds down, we all naturally begin taking stock of our lives and thinking about the direction we want to go in the year to come. What do you want to do? Not the little things. The BIG thing? What’s the thing you know you want but are afraid to do? What if you could get to a place where the regret of not doing that BIG thing was greater than the fear you feel about trying it? What if you just didn’t look at the entirety of that BIG thing and simply focused on the next step you needed to take? What if you decided that THIS WAS THE YEAR? This week, I had such an amazing time chatting with Sara Grey, the founder of FiTonic. In her 20s, Sara was a broke single-mother, working as a waitress on welfare insurance, sleeping with her infant son in her arms on a family member’s couch. When her son was 5-months old, she enrolled in law school, determined to provide for him. After graduating with honors, she joined a prestigious law firm as a litigator and developed a successf


    12/12/2018 Duração: 11min

    I’m holding my very first set of webinars during the first 2 weeks of January!! Just in time for the new year! During this webinar, I’ll guide you through a life design exercise that combines the powerful fields of psychology and human-centered design. When applied to your own life, the techniques I have been developing can help you gain clarity on the areas of your life that you want to change and begin to steer your life into alignment with who you truly are. I have kept this information and these techniques bottled up for way too long, and I am so excited to share them with you! Stop over to aprilseifert.com/webinar to register! The hard truth is that you don’t have the luxury of time to waste. When I was in graduate school, I was doing just that. Going through the motions. It all changed one day. After having lost my dad to cancer and having battled the blindness and paralysis of multiple sclerosis, I asked myself an important question. What would my dad give for the day I just wasted? What would I have g

  • 0092 | You Are Not Your Thoughts: Unlocking Your LIMITLESS Potential with Debi Maldonado

    05/12/2018 Duração: 55min

    This week’s episode is POWERFUL. I can confidently say that if you really put to work the items I suggest in this week’s interview summary, your life will change. Do I have your attention yet? Have you ever paid attention to how much chatter goes on in your own mind? How supportive and encouraging are your thoughts? Have you ever stopped to really think about how that near constant mental chatter impacts the way you see yourself and your own abilities, as well as how you show up in the world and even the goals you go after? I want you to let one fact sink in: YOU ARE NOT YOUR THOUGHTS. Even though our thoughts feel like such a central part of our identity, it’s simply not true. You are not your thoughts. That is an incredibly powerful notion when you think about how much our own thoughts and beliefs hold us back. Our thoughts about our abilities, skills, and what others might think. They all constrain our behavior and make us believe that we’re less than we really are. You are not your thoughts. For you to be

  • 0091 | Focus on Your EFFORT, Not on the OUTCOME with Amy B. Butler

    28/11/2018 Duração: 43min

    I want you to think back to a time that you had to do something truly hard. A time when you found yourself in really difficult circumstances. A time when a ‘successful’ outcome wasn’t guaranteed, or even at all likely. How did you judge yourself in that situation? Did you do what I, and so many other people, tend to do and judge yourself by the outcome of that situation? If things didn’t go smoothly or end up in a good place, did you judge yourself accordingly? How different would you have felt if you would have judged yourself based on your EFFORT, rather than on the OUTCOME? That notion came up in this week’s podcast interview with Amy B. Butler, and it stopped me in my tracks. You see, Amy is a Mitigation Specialist/Dispositional Advisor that provides criminal defense attorneys with assistance in some of their most difficult cases. She helps uncover the whole story behind what an accused person may have done, and she has the difficult responsibility of recommending to the judge how the person should be han

  • 0090 | Change Your Life by Taking Small Daily Steps with Dr. Beth Westie

    21/11/2018 Duração: 54min

    As we wind down toward the end of the year, many of us begin taking stock of how things are going. Does our life look and feel the way we want it to feel? Have we made the progress we wanted to make? What changes do we want to make in the coming year? Many times, the changes we want to make or the barriers we want to get over can feel too big to tackle. We find ourselves feeling stuck because we can’t see a path forward. If you’ve ever felt like that, this is the episode for you. In this week’s episode of the podcast, I’m reintroducing you to Dr. Beth Westie. I had the pleasure of interviewing Beth for episode 0025 of the podcast, and in that episode, we focused on her work helping women eat in alignment with their monthly hormonal cycle. This time was more personal. This time, Beth and I focused on her personal path from hitting rock bottom in her marriage toward rebuilding her relationship and her thriving business at the same time. We got into an incredibly powerful discussion about the notion of radical r

  • 0089 | It’s Never Too Late to Design the Life of Your (Halcyon) Dreams with Jessica Dawson

    14/11/2018 Duração: 44min

    The barriers you believe stand in the way of you going after your dreams are merely untested assumptions. BOOM. That was my massive take-away from this week’s podcast interview with Jessica Dawson, otherwise known as Halcyon Dreams. Let that sink in for a second. ' You’re not moving forward because you think other people will judge you? That’s just an untested assumption. You don’t know what other people are going to think (nor should you care, btw). You’re not moving forward because you think some aspect is going to be too hard to learn? Another untested assumption. This week, as you listen to my interview with Jessica, I urge you to bring forward that big goal you have filed away in the back corners of your mind. Think about the barriers that you believe are standing in your way. Then, ask yourself this: How many of those barriers are simply untested assumptions? Then go one question further: What am I missing out on by assuming I’m going to fail? This week, you’ll be inspired by Jessica’s story of rein

  • 0088 | The Winding Path of Intentional Life Design with April Seifert

    07/11/2018 Duração: 24min

    Friends, the Women Inspired podcast is turning 2! I released my very first episode on December 4, 2016, and wow has a lot happened in the past 2 years. On this week’s episode, I’m going to recap a big transformation that has been happening behind the scenes. This week’s episode is a conversation among friends. I want to fill you in on the direction I see the podcast and my broader work going. Bottom line: a HUGE announcement is coming toward the end of the year, and I can’t wait to tell you about it. Leave me a rating or a review on iTunes by clicking here!Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brandsPrivacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy

  • 0087 | How a Non-Tech-Savvy Group of Friends Created a Technology Company to Serve Others with Acacia Sieling

    31/10/2018 Duração: 41min

    Tell me if this sounds familiar: You’ve taken on a big project at work or have decided to chase after a big goal. (Hooray! GO YOU!) As you’re going, you inevitably run into snags, barriers, and your own limitations along the way. You find yourself floundering because you aren’t sure how to move past those barriers….and the self-doubt kicks in. “See, you aren’t cut out for this. There’s no way you’ll get there - you can’t get past this obstacle.” Or, maybe you persist and reach out to others for help! Maybe they help you, and you continue to make progress….but the self-doubt kicks in. “See, you aren’t cut out for this. You didn’t have what it takes and had to rely on other people to keep you going.” We’ve all been there. This week, I’m going to urge you to take your victory lap anyway! This week, I’m featuring the incredible story of a group of friends who started a technology company, even though they admit that they aren’t tech-savvy. This week, I’m chatting with Acacia Sieling and Bre Blakely of Mindful Men

  • 0086 | You Are Here For a Reason with Mettie Spiess

    24/10/2018 Duração: 01h02min

    Have you ever met someone who stopped you in your tracks? Someone who made you think about and appreciate life more fully? That happened to me when I recorded this week’s podcast episode. This week, I’m talking to an incredible woman who has an appreciation for life that is unmatched by almost no one I’ve ever met. And, if you know me, you know how big of a statement that is. Mettie Spiess lost two brothers to suicide. Now, as you can imagine, these two events shook her family to its core. However, Mettie did something that many of us probably wouldn’t do. Rather than shutting down, she channeled her love for her brothers into a movement to remove the stigma around mental illness to rid the world of suicide. I won’t lie, this episode is a heavy one. However, more than that, this episode is one of hope. Mettie delivers such a powerful message about how precious life is and how important it is that we love and support one another. Sign up at www.aprilseifert.com to get instant access to April's Life Bluepri

  • 0085 | Vote Like a Mother and Change Our Society with Sara Berliner

    17/10/2018 Duração: 55min

    Let me ask you a basic question: how important to you are the values of compassion, empathy, and kindness? Pretty important, right? Here’s another question: when you watch our political process on the news, to what degree do you think our elected leaders are acting out of compassion, empathy, and kindness? Do you realize that you have the power to impact that? No really. You actually do! What would this country look like if women got LOUD about the issues we are passionate about? What if we spoke with our voices, our money, AND OUR VOTES? What if we held our elected officials to a standard slightly higher than we all hold our toddlers to? “No, you can’t just take someone else’s things.” “We don’t make fun of people and call them names.” “When you see someone who needs help, go ask them how you can help them.” How would this country look if we all voted in alignment with those values? How would it look if we kept in mind the benefit of the entire country, not just the benefit of a few people? So many t

  • 0084 | The Beauty of Imperfection with Nicole Hogan

    10/10/2018 Duração: 01h03min

    How many hats do you wear on a daily basis? How much responsibility do you shoulder as a result? Do you find yourself rushing from task to task, feeling harried, stressed, and stretched thin as you attempt to get it all done? So many of us feel this way. We strive to perfectly get everything done, and as a result, we run ourselves ragged. But, let me ask you this: What are you missing out on because of it? What if you’re missing out on the small, truly meaningful moments that happen each day? Moments with your family. Moments in nature. Moments when you’re alone. We each only get 1 life, and those small, meaningful moments are the ones that truly make us feel alive. Yet, we rush past them without giving them the attention they deserve, because we have no attention left to give after we’ve given all of it away to the million tasks we try to single-handedly accomplish on a daily basis. In this week’s episode, I’m urging you to rebalance. This week, you will meet a woman who reached her breaking point within her

  • 0083 | Discover Your Desire & Ask For It with Jamie Thompson

    03/10/2018 Duração: 57min

    Few topics make grown women clam up like an open, honest discussion about sex and intimacy. What’s more, a recent study showed that 62% of women are unsatisfied with their sex lives. Whaaaaaat?! It’s terrible to think that a topic that is so basic to the essence of being human is one that we’re so uncomfortable with! This week, we’re tackling that topic with Jamie Thompson. Jamie is a sex and intimacy expert, and she helps women figure out what it is that they desire and helps them get more of it in their intimate relationships. Score! Here’s the thing though, this episode goes way beyond sex. As it turns out, the ability to figure out what you want and then ask for it is a pretty useful and powerful skill for nearly every aspect of our lives. I’m so excited for you all to hear this open, honest, candid conversation. I know it’ll motivate you to start thinking about what it is that you desire. Sign up at www.aprilseifert.com to get instant access to April's Life Blueprinting tool! Gain clarity on the area

  • 0082 | Permission to Know, Be, and Do You with Stephanie Pierce

    26/09/2018 Duração: 54min

    Is this all there is? How many of you have examined your life and asked yourself that exact question? Be honest. The thing is, many of us shared at least some of the following life goals: Graduate from college Score a great job & start climbing the corporate ladder Get married Buy a house Have a/some kid(s) Maybe you didn’t have all of those goals, but you certainly had your own list. And, after we achieved our list of goals, many of us found ourselves looking around wondering, is that it? Is there no more to life? So many of us can easily fall into that trap of thinking, “I’ll be happy when…” but the thing is, many times, it’s the journey that makes us happy. It’s the feeling that we have something we’re striving for. It’s the passion that comes from working toward something meaningful. This week, we’re talking about that very topic. As it turns out, we never stop searching for meaning in our lives. As soon as we achieve a goal, many times, we feel the void open because, we never lose the urg

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