Go Hunt Life



Inspiring stories of people that pulled the ripcord on their 9-to-5 lives to reinvent as an entrepreneur, digital nomad and adventurer. From employees turned industry influencers or just people stuck in a life that wasnt what they had dreamed of and made the seemingly impossible decision to reinvent their life. From epic life changers like Roz Savage, Helene Godin and that guy that sold his entire life on eBay to normal people making extraordinary life reinventions.


  • Ep63 Airstream, Camera and Family. All You Need for a Wandering Lifestyle – Joe Hendricks

    22/08/2017 Duração: 30min

    Joe Hendricks is living the wandering lifestyle living out of an airstream and building his portfolio as a landscape photographer. Him and his wife and five year old son have been traveling the U.S. in an Airstream for the last year and a half.  Prior to this, they had a successful wedding photography business in Nashville a house and all the normal stuff when they went on a vacation visiting the National Parks out west. The switch flipped and hit Joe in his wandering heart.  He wanted to see the joy that he saw in his wife and son during that trip ALL of the time so within six months after returning to Nashville they had bought that Airstream, sold their house and everything in it, and they started their journey literally driving away from the closing on their house sale into their wandering lifestyle. "If you are considering this lifestyle, do it. It will change you forever." But it hasn't gone quite as planned. It's been a lot more difficult making a living as a photographer while on the road. Joe is compl

  • Ep62 Exiled Himself from California to Explore the World 4 Months at a Time – Colin Wright

    15/08/2017 Duração: 50min

    Colin Wright is an author, podcaster, speaker and full-time traveler that set out to explore the world 4 months at a time but to do this he had to exile himself from his lifestyle in California. For the last 8 years he’s traveled to 60 different countries and all of the lower 48 states and he’s done this in 4 month increments. He truly enjoys the uncomfortable situations that his chosen lifestyle puts him in. Another interesting point to this is that the places that he moves to are chosen by his readers. They vote on his next destination and that’s where he goes to explore the world. But back in 2009 he was running his own branding studio in LA, working a crazy amount of hours and making a ton of cash when he took a hard look at his mentors. His life path was following theirs and realized they were miserable so inside 4 months he completely transformed his world and got on a plane leaving the US for the first time in his life. Where did he go? His readers said Argentina so that’s where he began. In this episo

  • Ep61 World Schooling Family of 4 Hits 23 Countries in 19 Months - Karen King

    08/08/2017 Duração: 47min

    Karen King and her husband and two kids left their traditional lives in Australia 19 months ago and have since hit 23 countries house sitting, airbnbing and World Schooling. In this episode we dig into two specific areas: How have the kids adapted to a new way of learning and how are they paying for their adventures? What are the steps that she’s taken to transition their kids from a traditional school to learning on the road. An interesting point that she brings up is that for every 1 year a child is in a traditional school it will take them 1 month to get acclimated to a new way of learning and that timeframe also applies to the parents. What is World Schooling vs. traditional schooling? That second area that we get into is of course the money. 2-3 years ago they knew very little about making money online but it took a 7 week vacation and for Karen to read the 4 hour work week for the switch to flip and pointed her to an entirely new way to live. "Life on the road has been incredible and I wish I would have

  • Ep60 "Living Deliberately" With 7 Kids, 30+ Countries, 5 Continents in 10 Years – Greg Denning

    01/08/2017 Duração: 46min

    Greg Denning and his family of 9 are living deliberately. He is a world traveler, mentor and a father of 7 kids. Him and his wife Rachel left their normal lives in Utah in 2007, packed up the then family of 6 in the car and drove south into Mexico and central America to embark on a journey that has taken them to 30 countries and 5 continents around the world. Their attempt at living deliberately hasn’t been easy and we get in to that too because 2 years after their launch, the housing crisis hit the US forcing them to come back and start over with nothing in bank and they really questioned if their vision of living deliberately around the globe was even possible. What they’ve found is yes, living deliberately is possible but it takes work. Greg is also a teacher. He teaches people how to transform their own lives but it’s not just talk. at one point in our conversation we go tactical on how he helps people in 3 very specific steps on how to change their situation and live a massive, extraordinary life. We dig

  • Ep59 Why This Brooklyn Girl Quit Her 20 Year Teaching Career to be a Chef in Jamaica – Lisa Binns

    25/07/2017 Duração: 40min

    Lisa Binns is a Brooklyn girl born and raised and she was a teacher for 20 years in the New York public school system but she just reached a point in her teaching career where she wanted to do something different, she just wasn’t sure what she was going to do next so she put it out there into the universe and it conspired to help her find her new path. “It is a complete 180 because 360 just lands you right back where you were.” 7 years later, she’s is now a Chef and Founder of Stush in the Bush, where rustic meets gourmet in the hills of Jamaica. Her and her husband Chris started and have built an organic farm and a curated experience for their guests but at the base of it all is a love story. Their story built around the love of their land, of each other and the beauty of the experience. “Think about, what are the things that move you? What are the things inspire you?” In this episode we discuss... What took her to the point of ending her 20 year teaching career in the New York public school system. The step

  • Ep58 Brain Hemorrhage Ends Pilot's Career So He Lives Out His Dream On A Sailboat - Sailing Doodles

    18/07/2017 Duração: 39min

    Bobby White had an 18 year career going as a pilot flying corporate jets all over the world. He was livin’ the dream when one day he woke up with a horrible headache. That headache was actually a brain hemorrhage which forced him to surrender his pilot’s license.  His career and way of life ended just like that. Instead of feeling sorry for himself he sold everything he owned and bought a sailboat to embark on another one of his dreams of sailing the oceans. "You will never be ready. Just set a date and make it happen." Just one year ago, him and his friend Megan and their two Labradoodles jumped on that boat, sailed out of Galveston and started filming their journey and they’ve gone from zero to over 40,000 YouTube subscribers and now racking up over a million and a half views per month and along the way they are inspiring others to pursue dreams of their own. In this episode we discuss... Life as a corporate pilot. What lead up to the brain hemorrhage. What were his plans after surrendering his pilot's lice

  • Ep57 Stopped Following the Rules of Corporate America to be a Serial Entrepreneur - Jeff Chrisman

    11/07/2017 Duração: 44min

    Jeff Chrisman is a Serial Entrepreneur and he’s the founder of Print Dirt Cheap, a printing company built on technology, startup hustle and grind. Jeff also has a really interesting story that takes us from Bakersfield California to the beaches of Belize and a colonial city in Mexico. This episode details how a well structured business can be run from anywhere in the world, it just takes systems that work and a great team. "There were so many rules in corporate America. I just thought different and I didn't fit." He’s ripcorded and reinvented multiple times and he’s done it by not following the corporate world rule book. He’s designed his business that now enables him to live part of the time in Bakersfield CA where they are headquartered and part of the time outside of the US and his business is thriving along with his lifestyle. In this episode we discuss.. Going from a huge corporate job to bootstrapping a startup. His serial entrepreneur drive to move to Belize and start a business with the largest DVD co

  • Ep56 The Great Unburdening of the American Dream - Cree Koria

    04/07/2017 Duração: 40min

    Cree Koria and her family were living the American Dream in the suburbs of Atlanta. Cree and her husband both working, 2 boys in school, house full of stuff and a jam packed normal schedule. They had always talked about leaving the so called American Dream and moving to Mexico but every time they started to move forward with that path, life got the way. "It didn't feel like we were living our own authentic life." Until one day Cree had a headache and not just any kind of headache one that was excruciating for month and on a visit to an urgent care clinic, she sat up from the examination table and said, “I can’t see.”  Everything had gone black, she was blind and at that moment life got real. "Get the Doctor, I can't see." A lot has transpired in their lives since then and I talked to Cree while her and her family are living in Ajijic Mexico living their authentic life. In this episode we discuss... What it's like to come to the realization that you felt like you were living someone else's life. How do you han

  • Ep55 Attorney Quits 6 Figure Job for Global Travel & Digital Nomad Lifestyle – Andrea Jordan

    27/06/2017 Duração: 52min

    Andrea Jordan is a location independent Business Strategist with a global list of clients and her area of expertise is helping people that feel stuck. She’s built her business around the pain that she went through because she was once, right there but she's now living the digital nomad lifestyle. "I looked at my boss and thought, do I really want to be him when I grow up." She was a corporate attorney for 17 years working long hours and making big money, 6 figures, when one day she looked at one of the partners in the firm and thought, do I really want to be him when I grow up. She saw how much that job took away from the rest of his life and she actually go queazy and sick to her stomach. That’s what she needed to make the change. In this episode we discuss... The grind of a 17 year law career. The defining moment that finally pushed her to start building a new life. The transition phase of planning for her exit and launching a digital nomad lifestyle. The tools that she developed when she began building her

  • Ep54 Former Special Agent Goes Off The Grid - Gary Collins

    20/06/2017 Duração: 57min

    Gary Collins is a former Special Agent and he built a career in the military going to places around the globe where everyone hated him. The stress of the job, the bureaucracy of the government and the physical toll it was all taking on his body forced him to simply walk from his only career that he had ever known to save his own life and go off the grid. "They created the 40 hour work week because they realized that's about as much as they can get out of you before you snap." In the conversation we cover government corruption, pharmaceutical drug addiction, cashing out his retirement, and his pursuit of living a simpler and happier life. We also discuss his latest book Going Off The Grid which is his personal account of buying a small plot of land in the state of Washington and building a self-sustaining house that is in fact, off the grid. In this episode we cover... What its like being a career military guy and the pressure that he was under to perform. The tipping point in his health that forced him to mak

  • Ep53 Literally Skateboarded Out of a Perfectly Reasonable Job Towards a World Record - Dave Cornthwaite

    13/06/2017 Duração: 54min

    Dave Cornthwaite is a Yes Man. He is also an Ultra Endurance Adventure Traveler, a Film Maker, an Author, a world record holder and a Global Public speaker. He’s built his life around sharing his stories of self-propelled travel but Dave started his life after college as a Graphic Designer. Unfortunately, he was terrible at graphic design and reached a point where he was miserable with his choices, but he didn’t know how to start the daunting task of building a new life. He started the daunting task of changing his life by doing two things: He made the simple decision to say yes more. He bought a skateboard. "Don't Be Afraid of the Unusual. The world is a good place and it always works out if you give it a chance to." He quit his job and literally skateboarded out of the office and continued for 3,618 miles breaking the Guinness world record and that was just the beginning… Since then he’s continued to travel for 10s of thousands of miles completely self-propelled. Kayaks, bikes, swimming, anything that keeps

  • Ep52 Dissecting One Year of Ripcords, Lightning Strikes and a Life Hunting PhD - Todd Nevins

    06/06/2017 Duração: 59min

    I'm your Host, Todd Nevins of the Go Hunt Life podcast and I've interviewed 51 guests over the past year including world record holders, entrepreneurs, digital nomads, environmentalists, activists, minimalists, ultra-endurance athletes, travelers and overall life-hunting badasses. It’s been an incredible life redirecting ride that I have loved every step of the way. This episode is dedicated to you for listening and to all 51 of my guests so far that have allowed me to ask them questions about some of their most personal life decisions and then given me the privilege to share those stories. Pull the Ripcord. Go Hunt Life. I’ve learned more than I ever could have imagined and feel like I’m in the middle of getting my PhD on how to hunt life and I have each and every one of my guests to thank for that, so thank you. I asked fellow podcaster Moby from the Austin Fire Show to interview me about the ripcord moments and lightning strikes that I've personally experienced since launching the show, what I've learned a

  • Ep51 Tech Startup Pioneer Launches Epic Minimalist RV Lifestyle - Michael Sitarzewski

    30/05/2017 Duração: 41min

    Michael Sitarzewski is a technology startup pioneer, a minimalist lifestyle Ambassador and has lived his life around the motto of doing things you can’t. He’s built a bunch of different tech companies and has rallied the startup community in Dallas around helping one another. He has built his career as an innovator, risk taker and boostrapping entrepreneur. His current startup launch isn't about going big. It's about going small. Michael and his wife Heather have embraced frugal living with a minimal impact. As an example, he has lived in Dallas Texas for the last year without a car. They also have made it their mission to make and eat meals that cost less than $2/person and I caught up to him right as they were pulling the ripcord on the life they had built in Dallas for one on the road pursuing the unknown and living out of an RV. They have just launched Epic Mini Life which means they are going small, selling everything down to a pickup truck and an RV, and heading out of Dallas to travel the US in their t

  • Ep50 JT McCormick - One Man's Unstoppable Pursuit of the American Dream

    23/05/2017 Duração: 49min

    JT McCormick is the CEO of Book in a Box and they are completely changing how authors write and publish books but that's only a small part of the story. JT spent his childhood in the slums of Dayton, OH suffering incredible poverty, abuse and racism. JT's teenage years were spent in and out of the juvenile justice system when 18 months with his strict Uncle Bobby would redirect his life. From that moment on to to his first job scrubbing toilets, JT proved over and over again that it's not where you begin your life that matters. In this episode we discuss... Growing up in the slums of Dayton with a pimp and drug dealing Father and a Mother trying to raise him the the welfare system. The embarrassment on waiting in line for food stamps and using them at the grocery store. How his Uncle Bobby's guidance for only 18 months when he was a teenager taught him discipline, faith and getting rewarded for hard work. A high school janitor handing him his diploma. Cleaning toilets and bussing tables at his first full-time

  • E049 Narrowly Escaping Dubai Debt Jail Broke But Not Broken – Nat and Jodie

    16/05/2017 Duração: 53min

    What would you do if you were down to your last $300, had no savings and no income trapped in a foreign country? Nat Smith and Jodie Burnham had visions of success when they moved to Dubai to start a new life together. They were two women in their 40s in their first same-sex relationship having just left their comfortable, old lives in Australia pursuing a new lifestyle in Dubai built around entrepreneurship, adventure and new beginnings. It didn't go as planned. "You are put in jail for not being able to pay your debts but with no way to pay them since you are behind bars. It was terrifying." In this episode we discuss... Leaving the comforts of home in Australia in their first same-sex relationship in their 40s. Putting down $40,000 to start a business and signing a 12 month lease...an UNBREAKABLE lease. Having their Dubai business partner bail on them in the first 3 months. Liquidating everything and narrowly avoiding being imprisoned in debt jail. Escaping the country with only $300 but determined to not

  • E048 20 Year Veteran Transitions From Military Life to Freedom on the Road - Eric Highland

    09/05/2017 Duração: 47min

    Eric Highland lived the military life for 20 years and retired at the age of 40 after being told what to do for his entire career. He retired from the US Coast Guard and landed a job with a company where he soon got the taste of corporate life by being laid off. After being laid off, Eric and his wife Brittany decided to move from Seattle to Austin to reinvent their lives. Eric set out to prove that deciding to make a life reinvention meant nothing. It was taking action on that decision that's made all of the difference. Since his retirement, Eric and Brittany have become self-made entrepreneurs having built a successful marketing agency and a lifestyle news site around the events happening in Austin, but that's not the entire story. They have recently decided to live a minimalist lifestyle and take their business and lives on the road living out of a 40 foot motorhome. To add the final wrinkle to their journey, they are also new parents with a 5 month old. In this episode we discuss... Retiring from the mili

  • E047 Skillshare Teaching Expert Details How To Launch a Side Hustle Business - Rich Armstrong

    02/05/2017 Duração: 54min

    Rich Armstrong has built a side hustle business around his passion for web development and his expertise in teaching online classes to others using the massively popular online platform, Skillshare. Rich and his wife were living in South Africa and they had everything going for them. They had lived in the same town their entire lives, had a nice house and lived close to family but they yearned for a ripcord out of the normal to pursue a bolder life with adventures traveling and living abroad. They said goodbye to their hometown, their house that was 5 minutes from the beach and their comfort zones to seek a different life filled with travel and living abroad but too accomplish their dream, they had to first pay for it. In this episode we discuss... The support from his family and friends to sell all of their possessions and live and work abroad. Why they chose Amsterdam to build their location independent lives and their side hustle business on Skillshare. What is the first step is creating a course around we

  • E046 Professional Adventurer Travels the World on $1,000/month - Derek Loudermilk

    25/04/2017 Duração: 49min

    Derek Loudermilk is a Professional Adventurer, World Record Holder and has the badge of honor for being fired from nearly every 9 to 5 job he's had. The realization that he was a bad employee motivated him to pursue a digital nomad life that required minimalist living while traveling the world and figuring out a way to make money around his areas of expertise. Derek has a very diverse set of skills. He earned a Masters Degree in Microbiology and while completing his degree he discovered a virus in the boiling acid hot springs of Yellowstone National Park that may represent one of the most ancient forms of life. In basic terms, he discovered a new species. "Be comfortable with the uncomfortable." He's also raced bicycles professionally while living in Spain and he's a constant world traveler. His newest area of expertise is also being a new Dad with a 5 month old but this addition to the family isn't slowing down his pursuit of traveling and adventure. Derek has figured out how to build his profession and inco

  • E045 $325K Online Entrepreneur Shares His Strategies and Travels the World - Johnny FD

    18/04/2017 Duração: 52min

    Johnny FD is an online entrepreneur, location independent and the Boss when it comes to working like crazy building online businesses while traveling the world full-time.  Last year made $325K and the month before this conversation he made $39,000 but in 2013 he was down to his last $1,000. He is an impassioned online entrepreneur and digital guinea pig when it comes to learning how to make passive income online and build digital businesses from anywhere in the world. If you've researched ways to make money online then you've probably come across the terms dropshipping, Amazon FBA(Fulfillment By Amazon), affiliate marketing, eBook publishing, teaching courses on Udemy and Skillshare and even making money podcasting. Become a Patron for Go Hunt Life for as little as $1/episode, get behind-the-scenes action and a shout out! But even if you are new to these terms and how to make money online you've found the right episode because Johnny is an incredibly good teacher and he spells out how he's amassed his fortune

  • E044 Brain Injury Transforms Prominent Attorney into Impassioned Artist - Patrick Fagerberg

    11/04/2017 Duração: 45min

    Patrick Fagerberg and he was making national headlines as a hired gun, hotshot defense attorney and he had his personal and professional life going full throttle but one evening in 2011 it all came to an abrupt stop due to a fluke accident and a life altering brain injury. A night in March, 2011 he was attending a concert in Austin Texas and was standing a few feet in front of the stage when a 400 pound camera boom came crashing into the crowd and it hit him right on the top of the head. His law career was ended and who he was as a person up to that moment was gone. As he describes it, that Patrick died. "It felt like the entire building fell on me." He suffered an extensive brain injury but in the process developed what doctors call savant syndrome where people acquire savant like skills in art, music and/or mathematics. Patrick went through extensive rehab to reclaim his life and in the process, developed the ability and passion to paint and paint he did. He voraciously learned a lifetime of art education a

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