Holly Springs Bible Fellowship Podcasts



Weekly Bible teaching from Pastor Jim Thomas at Holly Springs Bible Fellowship in Hornick, Iowa.


  • Abraham 14 – 2023 0903

    03/09/2023 Duração: 31min

    I hope you can see God's generous provisions in your life.  I hope we will remain faithful and obedient when God tests our faith.  As God tests us, I pray that God will honor and bless your faithfulness and obedience.  Walk this week in faith and obedience regardless of your circumstances. 

  • Abraham 13 – 2023 0827

    27/08/2023 Duração: 29min

    Genesis 21:22-34 – This story reminds us that we will all face conflicts. Our responsibility is to stay current and deal with problems as they arrive. Wise believers focus on the impact they make for God's kingdom each week. They help prepare their family for the future they will never see. They plant trees for eternity. 

  • Abraham 12 – 2023 0820

    20/08/2023 Duração: 32min

    Genesis 21:1-20 - This week, may you take your eyes off your problem and focus on the solutions God has already provided.  May you see God's plan in your pain and situation as an opportunity to reveal himself and use your life.

  • Abraham 11 – 2023 0813

    13/08/2023 Duração: 32min

    We all fail God, but that does not mean God has abandoned you.  I pray that you stack your fears and worries this week at the foot of the cross and walk away.  May you understand that God has not abandoned you but forgives and continues to use you in His kingdom if you follow Him wholeheartedly. 

  • Woodbury County Fair - 2023 0806

    06/08/2023 Duração: 20min

    John 19:28 - I Thirst - It is our prayer and our purpose to make sure everyone hears and has an opportunity to trust Christ.  You are now responsible for what you do with it.  Everyone walks away from here one of 2 ways = Christ as your Savior or Rejecting Him – no other options.  He is the only way, the only truth and the only life – no one comes to the Father but through him. 

  • Abraham 10 – 2023 0730

    30/07/2023 Duração: 33min

    Genesis 19 - I pray that we each look at the direction of our lives.  Carefully look at your choices and the paths they lead you down.  Examine your heart before God and ensure it is in tune with Him. Live in such a way that you remember Lot's wife and keep your focus and goals pure before God. 

  • Abraham 09 - 2023 0716

    23/07/2023 Duração: 34min

    Genesis -18:16-33 = This week may you deepen your prayer and fellowship with God. May you develop a genuine intimacy with God. May you converse with him so your heart becomes in tune with His. May you learn what it is to intercede and be humble, sincere, and committed to what you take into His presence. May your heart be changed due to your prayer life this week.

  • Abraham 08 - 0716

    19/07/2023 Duração: 25min

     Genesis 18a - Jimmy Cockburn - Is anything too hard for God? 

  • Abraham 07 – 2023 0709

    09/07/2023 Duração: 34min

    Genesis 17 - This week, may you trust in the Almighty God. May you surrender your will and plans and allow Him to be in control. May you examine your heart and ensure that you have a heart that is circumcised and marked forever by devotion and a commitment to the almighty God.

  • Abraham 06 - 2023 0702

    02/07/2023 Duração: 30min

    Genesis 16 – I pray that we learn to realize it does not depend on us to figure it out. We have to learn to wait and do God's will God's way in God's time. God is watching and sees your situation. Often His answer comes in doing the hard things, but blessing follows genuine obedience.

  • Abraham 05 -2023 0625

    25/06/2023 Duração: 28min

    Genesis 15 - May you learn to sit and wait on God this week. May you do the hard things that God is asking you to do. May you give up all of your plans and follow God in what He desires for you to do this week

  • Abraham 04 2023 0618

    18/06/2023 Duração: 36min

    Genesis 14 – The story of Genesis 14 is about giving and taking. The pagan kings focused on taking what they wanted. Abram focuses on giving sacrificially of his time, resources, and money. He puts others first and seeks the glory of God. How will you honor God with your time, talents, and resources this week. It is what we are all called to do.  

  • Abraham 03 2023 0611

    12/06/2023 Duração: 34min

    Genesis 13:3-18 – Abram demonstrates the value and necessity of resolving conflict. He steps up and is the hero in the story. He puts the needs of others ahead of his self-interests.  Abram trusts God to care for his needs, and God honors his commitment and values. We must learn to do the same thing in our world.  

  • Abraham 02 2023 0605

    04/06/2023 Duração: 08min

    Genesis 13:1,2 – When Abram hits bottom, he goes back to God. He changes his focus from the famine to the Lord. Guard your focus when difficult times come. Allow God to display His power in your life.*The shorter message was due to a church meeting where we updated the church family on our plans for our growing Fellowship.

  • Abraham 2023 0521

    21/05/2023 Duração: 33min

    Genesis 12 – Abraham’s story reminds us that God requires His children to walk in Faith. It requires that we follow God and not stop. God will show himself along the way, but we must be obedient and focus on him. Following God will always involve a struggle between right and wrong, but we must always learn to choose the right things. 

  • Mother’s Day 2023 0514

    14/05/2023 Duração: 29min

    1 Samuel 1,2 = Hannah reminds us that we are not a victim of our circumstances. We can focus on God and His plans and purposes for our lives. We all need to be faithful and focus on the task God has called us to. It is our responsibility to model a consistent Godly example to our children. We have to pray and trust their care to our God.

  • Parents 04 – 2023 0507

    11/05/2023 Duração: 40min

    Psalm 127 – Parenting is like building a house. Your job is to develop and guard those God has given to you. Wise parents balance life and work and focus on measurable targets for their kids. Effective parents understand the value of letting go so their kids can grow into what God wants them to be. Parent well this week. 

  • Parents 03 - 2023 0430

    01/05/2023 Duração: 36min

    Luke 15:11-24 – God as a Father loves us and will not force us to serve Him. He will allow us to go our own way, but as His children, that way will not be easy. It will come at a cost. When we return, God welcomes us on His terms with love and acceptance. It is my prayer that we learn to parent the same way. 

  • Parenting 02 – 2023 0423

    23/04/2023 Duração: 37min

    The Genesis story gives us the basic principles of parenting. God set the example with His creation. Wise parents will follow God's standard and directions. Every parent will give an account for how they raise their children. Your children will give an account for the choices they make. Choose wisely.

  • Parenting 2023 0416

    16/04/2023 Duração: 35min

    The Genesis story reminds us that God teaches us how a good parent loves and cares for His children. Parenting involves teaching responsibility, restrictions, and a relationship. We all are responsible for raising the next generation of Christ's followers.

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