Dr. Brie Gibbs

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
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Silver Gaia Radio with Dr. Brie Gibbs - The Goddess Emergence. Starting February 1st and Every Thursday at 1pm pt / 4pm et. Join Brie and Master Teachers for inspiration and education Silver Gaia Radio was formed to bring forth new information supporting the ascension process happening on the planet now. Our goals are to explain what is happening and why, share new knowledge and truths, teach the Goddess Light, and show others how to live an enlightened and authentic life by standing in their own power.Each show is designed to share and discuss timely key messages and truths from Brie as well as those coming forth from God/Goddesses working as one, Ascended Masters, Elven world, and others wishing to communicate. Guest speakers will also join many of the shows sharing their experiences and knowledge specific to each show, and answering listener questions. You will learn about Gaia - the Mother of Earth, and how even our words can affect the planet and the universe Learn the true meaning of the word Goddess, and what it means that we are Diving Beings. We are here to help the planet raise its vibration - will you rise to the occasion We are always evolving as part of the planet and Silver Gaia Radio is here to help guide you on your spiritual journey. You will learn about Gaia - the Mother of Earth, and how even our words can affect the planet and the universe Learn the true meaning of the word Goddess, and what it means that we are Divine Beings. We are here to help the planet raise its vibration - will you rise to the occasion More About Dr. Brie -Dr.Brie is here to inform us of the ascension happening on the planet now. She shares new messages from the God amp Goddesses working as one, Ascended Masters, Elven world and others. She is the founder/teacher of Goddess Light Lemurian Shamanic Healing and Goddess Light Crystal Healing, creator/host of the Silver Gaia Show on alternative talk radio stations. Having been aware of the Ancient Goddesses since early childhood, she has fully embraced her Goddess Light and is passionate about teaching, leading by example, and helping others in their spiritual journeys as they embrace their true authentic selves. Join Brie as she brings forth this new knowledge, truth and light. She offers seminars, workshops and private sessions using her impressive skill set as a 4th generation High Priestess, master channel and medium, published author, planetary worker, certified crystal healer/instructor, certified color energy practitioner, Reiki master, Advanced ThetaHealer, .Her diverse subject areas include: elven knowledge and why they are here now truth of the Goddesses and Ascended Masters Lemurian Goddess Light and shamanic healing, ceremony, mentoring and prana breathing the power of forgiveness walking without fear crystals and stones planetary work and many others needed at this time on Earth. Brie grew up in Tacoma Wa and has lived in Arizona, Hawaii, Idaho and other states to help enlighten others. She is passionate about teaching, spending time with her animals, and living an authentic lifeDr. Brie is a licensed broadcaster and holds an undergraduate degree in Journalism, masters in Theology, and a doctorate in Metaphysical Sciences.


  • Stand in your Own Power through the Vibration of Goddess Isis and The High Priestess


    Carmel Glenane Owner/Director of Atlantis Rising Healings Centre and Mystery School, has studied esoteric and psychological disciplines since 1975. Atlantis Risings Healing Centre is one of only 16 Crystal Tones singing bowl Temples in the world. Carmel now has available on iTunes her Channelled Meditation with these singing bowls. A channelled writer, esoteric teacher and sought after visionary healer, Carmel teaches the wisdom of the Ancients through books: The Alchemies of Isis Embodiment through The High Priestess, Awaken You Immortal Intelligent Heart a Blue Print for Living in the Now, Embodying The Divine Masculine of All Truth, through The High Priest, The Miracle of the Mysteries Revealed through the Hearts Secrets, and her 5th book to be released in 2017: The Final Secret. Carmel will be attuning to the listeners Group Heart where Isis will Manifest.

  • Internationally acclaimed artist Ted Winslow is back


    Ted Winslow is here today with his new album Sovereignty. Learn how this beautiful healing sound came to life by the wonderful gifted Ted Winslow.

  • Healthy boundaries with Toni Green


    On this show Dr. Brie and Toni Green will be discussing why we all should have strong and healing boundries. As the continuation of the new earth evolves "Ancient Energy of the Divine Feminine" we are facing very personal sitiuations and feeling this loving energy. Some of us are facing past issues that has come to life. How to clear them and move forward. Come and listen to Toni Green as she helps us to heal and move forward in our Goddess Light.

  • Dr. Brie's personal journey of healing with Dr. Pat


    In the last few months many changes have been happening on the planet. Dr. Brie will be explaining her personal journey of healing How it started to manifest and continue to grow till she finaly faced it. Also How this effected not just herself but others! Here Dr. Brie how she saved her Spiritual Journey. Join Brie with her Very special guest Dr.Pat as they discuss Brie's healing journey.

  • Ascension is about awakening to the presence of the Divine with in us. Kathryn Leeman


    Ascension is about awakening to the presence of the Diine within us. As we raise our consciousness, and see things from a more unified field, it changes our reality and heightens all our intelligences (physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually). The process of Ascension literally begins to light up the "junk" DNA that scientists have not been able to figure out what is it's purpose. Join Dr. Brie Gibbs Kathryn Leeman, Ph.D for a very interesting discussion about process of Ascension, and some of its "side effects". How to begin and not be afraid. We look forward to sharing with you, and answering your questions you may have to the best of our abilities.

  • Remembering a Goddess that walked this planet with Dr. Brie


    In my travels, I have met amazing talented people. There have been a few that have become a mentor and friend of the Goddess Light. When I moved to Washington, I found a metaphysical store called Crystal Voyage which is located in Tacoma WA. I had the privilege to meet the owner Crystal Stone. Crystal and I began a friendship in which she became a mentor to me and many others in the Goddess Light and the Christ Consciousness. On this show, we'll be remembering Crystal and how she has taught many to stay in the GODDESS LIGHT.

  • TED WINSLOW International Best Selling Sound Healer & Vocal Coach


    Ted Winslow joins Dr. Brie as they discuss the energy of the planet right and how Ted's music of sound will help you acclumate to the current changes.

  • Healing Codes with Linda Jollo


    Have you known there are healing codes. Linda Jollo has been gifted the code's to present to others. Weight Loss, Healing, Spiritual Awakening, and much more. Join Dr. Brie and Linda as they discuss the enlightenment of codes. How are they used and what should we do with them.

  • The Inner Journey to You! Join Dr. Brie and Nancy Byrne Author of "Choices"


    Nancy Byrne is the Author of "Choices"; a cutting edge book that brings empowering "Choices" back to your life. Utilizing humor and personal anecdotes Nancy delivers a message of encouragement, empowerment, and self-renewal. She guides listeners to transcend the limits of common thought, REMEMBER WHO THEY ARE, and choose to be that person again. We will show you how to listen to the guidance of your soul, rather than to the mindless chatter of people around you, and realize you have "CHOICES" available to you in shaping the course of your life.

  • Generation in Sound Healing Music with Ted Winslow


    Ted Winslow is internationally acclaimed for his pioneering work through research and development of sound healing and it's positive effect on the human energy field. Ted's music features SOUNDSYNCTECH and a customized brainwave technology developed through bi-natural beats, compositions, sacred geometry, numerology, tunings,state-of-art recording technologies, and frequencies to create Theta Alpha brainwave states. Ted is a best-selling recording artist, producer, vocal coach, and composer with an international following.

  • The 5th light is here: Standing in your goddess light with love ONLY


    On this show Dr. Brie and Master Teacher Shawna Michels will be discussing the 5th light. Why is it here? Why many of us are having emotional outbursts. What we can do to control our emotions and how to release them without hurting others and ourselves. Call us at 800-930-2819 with your questions.

  • Terri Strauss Medium is back! You never know what Dr.Brie and Terri will discuss next plan to laugh


    Medium Terri Strauss is here to help us understand the other side after our loves have left us. Plan to laugh with Terri and Dr. Brie as we are here to understand and find the humor in the messages

  • Dr. Brie Gibbs with Astrologer Leah Mueller


    Leah has has worked with many different type of clients. She conducts all of consulatations with humor, wisdom, and compassion, as well as respect for your unique spiritual path.

  • Listen to author- Toni Green, The Ever-Evolving Journey For The Soul


    Toni uses her skills and gifts to help people live the life they want to live. It's Toni's mission to help as many people as she possibly can with the time she has here! She will leave as many books, tools and guides as she can.

  • Hear messages from the Divine Mother


    Kathryn Leeman has brought messages to other's from The Divine Mother. Kathryn will be sharing her experience with The Divine Mother and how she became a channel to deliver these beautiful messages.

  • True authentic self: Join Dr. Brie as she speaks her truth with Shawna Michels


    If we want to live and love with our whole hearts, and if we want to engage with the world from a place of worthiness, we have to talk about the things that get in the way-especially shame, fear, and vulnerability. My commitment to LOVE: will continue to be challenged by folks who are stuck in PROFESSING and not PRACTICING. Shawna will explain indepth. Dr. Brie will bring out her personal issues of shame and how she healed from them. This is a show no one should miss.

  • The Reemergence of The Green Goddess! Have you heard of her?


    The Green Goddess is an ancient aspect of the Great Mother in her many forms. Humanity, now in adolescence, is ready to receive assistance from the Green Goddess who has returned to help us authentically connect with Gaia. In the last few months, Susan Harmon has helped facilitate the transformation as the Green Goddess has slowly been merging with Brie who is now able to come forward and speak with the voice of The Green Goddess. On February 16th, The Green Goddess will guide Brie and Susan in sharing with the listeners what they need to know to understand the spiraling leap humanity is about to take. Knowing will prepare us for the up coming mass ascensions and mass landings. Remember there is only appearance of darkness; The light shines brightly.

  • A Goddess putting her foot down. CAN YOU RISE TO THE OCCASION


    On this show Dr. Brie and Kathryn will be discussing very strong women that stood firm in their Goddess Light centuries ago. Brie will also discuss: How love is the answer to all. In the 5th dimension we were about love, working in unity and oneness. If you remember your Lemurian (Times unconditonal love for all) That is the vibration we are at now. SO YOU CAN YOU RISE TO THE OCCASION!

  • Embrace Spirit, Discover the Afterlife with Maria Halvorsen


    The energy and compassion of renowned spiritual medium, Maria Halvorsen, draws audiences in as she delivers messages of love, hope, and faith. Her extraordinary ability to link directly with spirit and her unique, down to earth approach creates an uplifting and authentic experience that extends far beyond what the eye can see. Join Dr. Brie and Maria as they delve into this loving energy.

  • The Lost Library of Alexandria, a channeled message from Mikos by Judy Cali


    Hollow Earth has a Universal Library called The Library of Porthologos the Head Librarians name is Mikos. (This Library is The Lost Library of Alexandria) We store our records on Telonium Plates. The living Library is located inside you, our portals lead to All Star Systems, our Water is alive with consciousness talks, We live in Inner Earth Caverns - Humanity's New Home. Our Earth herself is a Crystal. A New Golden Age the return to Christ Consciouness. You will continue to receive exciting and amazing information that inspires you also assists you to realize that, Love is the Key Peace is the Answer. Judy will Channel a message from Mikos. You will be opening new widows of opportunities by experiencing what The Telosians share with you in this call. Put your hand on your Heart and thank yourself for paying attention, following your guidance to join us in feeling the truth for you knowing your divine Mastery is awakening perfectly. You are the answer you have been looking for:

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