Mariners Church Irvine



Media at Mariners Church in Irvine, CA


  • Confidence in Crisis


    Can we have confidence in Christ, in the midst of crisis? Pastor Steve Bang Lee teaches us on the importance of remembering God's faithfulness, and how doing so gives us the confidence to stand through any storm.

  • Faith in Fear


    Even in a season of waiting, we never have to wait for God’s grace. Kenton Beshore shows us in the Psalms that when we seek God’s face, our fears are driven out and the grace and peace of Christ fills our spirit.

  • Forgiveness In Guilt


    It’s not our burden to carry the weight of our sins, Jesus has paid it all! As we look to the Psalms, Eric teaches us that when we uncover our sins and shame, that God covers it through our surrender to Him.

  • Calm In Chaos


    How do we calm and quiet our soul in the midst of a storm? We look to God’s word and discover that it’s not on our own strength that we find peace, but through surrendering to The Lord that we can rest in the calm and quiet of His spirit.

  • Security In Insecurity


    How do we find security in the midst of insecurity? Pastor Doug Fields teaches us the importance of looking to God’s promises, connecting with others, and finding stillness with our Father.

  • Gladness in Sorrow


    When we experience difficulties, we are reminded that our joy comes from The Lord. That He is our cup, and that His promises to never leave us are true.

  • Easter For You


    Through the outline of the cross, we see the light of the new life offered in the resurrection, and through the outline of the cross, God now sees us as sinless.

  • Where To Look In a Crisis


    In the midst of a crisis, our natural instinct is to look inside ourselves or outwards to others for help. It works temporarily, until we discover the disappointment of leaving it all up to us or another person to carry the weight that overwhelms us. God’s Word gives us a better place to turn—upwards towards our Heavenly Father where we discover a reliable, endless source of peace in Him.

  • How To Think In A Crisis


    When chaos hits, it feels impossible to think clearly. What do we turn to, to ground our minds and hearts? We may not have certainty over the future, what will happen tomorrow, or how things will turn out; but with God’s Word and love as our foundation, we can have absolute clarity that our unchanging Father is with us.

  • How to Talk to Yourself in Crisis


    In the middle of a crisis, we need to talk to ourselves to remind ourselves of the truth of who God is and who we are in Him. We must put our hope in God and praise Him still because He is our savior.

  • Where to Run in Crisis


    Where do we as Christians run in the middle of a crisis? Psalm 57 tells us that instead of running to things and circumstances that change, we can run to God's everlasting love which never changes. Ultimately, where we run to reveals what we worship.

  • Overcoming the Enemy of Gluttony


    What does Philippians 3:18-21 say about the vice of gluttony? It shows us three problems about it: 1) Both body abuse and body adoration make gods out of good gifts, 2) neither body abuse or body worship leaves you satisfied, 3) both body abuse and body adoration are focused on the temporary. It also shows us three solutions to remedy gluttony: 1) You were knit together by God, 2) you are a child of the King, 3) you are a temple of the Holy Spirit.

  • Overcoming the Enemy of Greed


    What does Luke 12:13-21 show us about greed and contentment? It shows us that greed is unquenchable, shortsighted and foolish. We can fight and overcome greed with the virtue of contentment and generosity.

  • Overcoming the Enemy of Pride


    What does Luke 18:9-14 say about humility? It illustrates the difference between the prideful and the humble. Prideful people, like the pharisee, look to themselves and their righteousness to justify them. Humble people, like the tax collector, look to Jesus' sacrifice to justify them.

  • Relationships for Growth


    What’s the point of the relationships in our lives? Genesis 1:26; 31-2:2 shows us that God created relationships for us to be like Him and grow to be more like Him. Healthy relationships display His character and develop His people.

  • Forgiveness


    What does Matthew 18:21-35 show us about forgiveness? The parable illustrates the freedom we experience when we release someone from the debt they owe us. Ultimately, by forgiving others and settling relational accounts, we reflect on how Christ forgave us and seek to share that forgiveness and love with others.

  • How to Fight


    What do Matthew 5: 21-22, Proverbs 29:11 and Galatians 5 say about conflict in relationships? They give us three ways we can resolve arguments with people in a way that reflects Christ by: 1. Naming our anger: I do this so I can move forward, grow, change, (if necessary) and love. 2. Delaying our anger: I do this so I don’t hurt others and damage relationships. 3. Studying our anger: I do this so I can learn, improve my relationships, and grow closer to Jesus.

  • How To Live New


    What does Ephesians 4:17-19 say about our new life in Christ? It gives us three ways we should live now that we're transformed by Jesus. 1. Remind yourself who you are. 2. Replace old with new, continually. 3. Remember what Christ has done for you. As people with new lives, we can remember that, “God takes our sins – the past, present, and future, and dumps them in the sea and puts up a sign that says, 'No fishing allowed.'" -Corrie ten Boom

  • New Heart


    What do Ezekiel 36:25-27 and John 3:1-5 show us about our new hearts as Christians? It tells us that transformation doesn't come from religious commitment, knowledge about God, or doing your best in this life. Instead, Jesus needs to give us a new heart to completely remake us.

  • New Community


    What does Ephesians 2:14-22 say about our new community as Christians? It shows us that we're united to Christ and each other through the work Jesus did on the cross. What He did gives us new communities such as: New kingdom: we serve the King together. (John 18:36) New family: we belong to one another. New temple: we seek God together. (1 Corinthians 6:19a and Psalm 27:4)

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