Dr. Jim Richards



Podcast by ImpactMinistries


  • 7. The Law Fulfilled

    14/09/2023 Duração: 28min

    What does it mean when we say the law is fulfilled? It seems everyone has their own definition of that word! But if we say our dreams have been fulfilled, we understand it means they have finally arrived, we are enjoying them to the fullest. God had a dream when He gave the law. It wasn’t to enslave us to bondage and legalism. It was to set us free from the destructive power of sin and death and usher us into the greatest life imaginable. That’s what happens when the law is fulfilled. Join me this week in CyberChurch for great insight into how God used the law to bring us to Christ and to begin to live in the fullness of His love!

  • 6. The Spirit Of The Law

    07/09/2023 Duração: 27min

    We all know the letter kills, but the Spirit is life. We talk about being in the Spirit. Jesus even stated that His Words were Spirit and life. We all have some vague idea of what that means, but I don’t know if I’ve ever heard anything that made that terminology meaningful to my life. One thing we do know is; if the law is just the letter, it kills, but if the law is of the Spirit, it gives. But the law itself doesn’t change. Understanding this subtle difference between letter and Spirit will make a substantial difference in our ability to hear the voice of the Spirit and follow His direction. Join me this week as we explore The Spirit of the Law and what that means to our lives!

  • 5. God's Testimony

    31/08/2023 Duração: 27min

    God provided a testimony of His Son, the Messiah. Some of it was through types and shadows, some were written in detail, and of course, there were prophecies that gave graphic details of things He would do. He has gone to incredible lengths to make Himself known to us, prepare us to recognize Jesus when He comes the first and second time, and understand how we should live if we want to have the best life possible. Join me this week in CyberChurch as we seek to open our eyes to see Jesus on every page of the Bible as I share God’s Testimony!

  • 4. God's Goal For Your Life

    24/08/2023 Duração: 28min

    God has very specific goals for everything He has ever said or done. Those goals never change. They were established before the foundations of the world! When we align ourselves with His goals, life becomes effortless. This is what Jesus described as “taking His yoke.” Paul described it as getting in step with the Holy Spirit. Join me this week to discover God’s Goal for Your Life and how He has made it possible through His power!

  • 3. Unlawful Use Of The Law

    17/08/2023 Duração: 27min

    Since we know the law is good unless we use it unlawfully, maybe before we declare our opinion about it, we should discover what God says is “unlawful use!” When we use the law unlawfully, we exalt our works above the works of the Lord Jesus. We reject what He did for what we can do. This may well be one of the most blasphemous actions well-meaning Christians ignorantly engage in! Once we understand what it means to use the law unlawfully, we take one of the most significant steps into a faith for God that makes our entire journey exactly as Jesus described it: easy and light. Join me this week in CyberChurch for Unlawful Use of the Law!

  • 2. Consider The Source

    10/08/2023 Duração: 28min

    There is one final source to whom we must go to evaluate all our beliefs, doctrines, and personal opinions: the Lord Jesus Christ! He is the only person qualified to help us understand God’s true intentions. When He becomes our source, confusion evaporates; the veil is removed from our minds. We see clearly! Join me this week in CyberChurch as we consider the final authority on all things. This will give us a new way to understand the purpose of the law and how it has been misinterpreted, misused, and misapplied since Moses brought Israel out of Egypt. I want to take you directly to the only source!

  • 1. Looking Past The Veil

    03/08/2023 Duração: 28min

    No one looks at anything and sees it exactly as it is. We don’t actually see with our eyes; we see with our brain. It might be better said, our brain interprets what we see, hear, and experience. Jesus actually identified this very issue as one of the few things that could make the Word of God completely powerless in our lives. Join me this week in CyberChurch as we discover how our views concerning the Old Testament can distort how we understand the New Testament. More importantly, we will discover the biblical prescription for how to move past all the limitations and Look Past the Veil.

  • 9. Witness Of The Spirit

    27/07/2023 Duração: 28min

    The cancer to our faith is what the Bible calls condemnation. When we feel condemned, we expect punishment. Sometimes we experience guilt because of our behavior, and sometimes we have no clue. It doesn’t matter what the source is, condemnation is crippling. Join me this week as we discuss the work of the Holy Spirit Who witnesses to our hearts to pull us out of these times of guilt and shame!

  • 8. Have The Right Answer

    20/07/2023 Duração: 27min

    One of the greatest lies religion has ever told us is how hard it is to win our family and friends to Jesus. That is absolutely not true. In fact, they may be the people that will be the easiest to reach. The problem is that we don’t know how to reach them. Join me this week and we’ll discuss Have the Right Answers. I can promise you, if you have the right answers, anyone is easy to reach. But the secret is discovering their questions. When you know their questions, you can reach them!

  • 7. Loving Like Jesus

    13/07/2023 Duração: 28min

    The world needs to see Jesus but they can’t unless we show them. We are called to love people the same way Jesus loved them. When they experience God’s love from God’s people, we won’t have to ask them if they want to know God, they will ask us to tell them about the God we know. Join me this week as we discuss how experiencing God’s perfect love makes us love like Jesus!

  • 6. Our Greatest Need

    06/07/2023 Duração: 28min

    Jesus said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive!” Evidently, we don’t really believe that. When faced with crisis or hardship our first thought is, “God needs to do something. He needs to give me what I need!” If we believed it is better to give than receive, we might actually pray, “Father, help me to freely give that which I need to others who are in need.” When Jesus was in need, He always gave because He knew it was more blessed to give than receive. To be blessed means to be more fortunate, to have greater benefit, and to be happier and more fulfilled! Join me this week in CyberChurch as we talk about Our Greatest Need, and begin to experience the secret blessing of giving first!

  • 5. Love Or Narcissism

    29/06/2023 Duração: 28min

    How is it possible that anyone could confuse love with narcissism? It’s something that probably happens every day in millions of marriages, when someone looks into the eyes of their spouse and says, “If you love me you’ll do……!” In our corrupt world, we have somehow come to believe that love is when someone does something for us and we are not expected to respond. This is the way far too many believers attempt to relate to God. I don’t really want to know you, spend time or do what it takes to have a great relationship; I just want you to prove you love me! God does love us, and He does prove it every single day in thousands of ways. But His love is no benefit to us if we do not believe it, experience it, and respond to it. If we do not respond to His love by loving Him and loving others, it becomes a problem that can lead us into extreme spiritual narcissism. Join me this week in CyberChurch as we explore whether our relationship with God is leading us into love or selfishness!

  • 4. The Goal Of God's Love

    22/06/2023 Duração: 28min

    God has a goal in everything He does for us. That goal is to draw us into a deep personal connection with Him through the Lord Jesus so that we can have heaven on earth. He also has a motive for everything He does. His motive is to express the incredible value He has for you. The word “love” in the original language means to value, to hold in high regard, and to consider precious. That is what He wants you to experience in all He does with you and through you. Join me this week as we explore the Goal of God’s Love for you. You will be pleasantly surprised!

  • 3. The Eternal Nature Of Truth

    15/06/2023 Duração: 28min

    God is The God of Truth! His truth is eternal; it doesn't change with time or circumstances. Knowing the dependability of God’s truth gives us confidence in times of trouble. It shines light into the mysteries of life. Hidden in the Hebrew language are secrets that help us understand the depth and riches of God’s truth. Join me this week as we discuss the Eternal Nature of God’s Truth.

  • 1. What Is Perfect Love

    13/06/2023 Duração: 29min

    I often hear great messages about love driving out all fear. But that’s not what the Scripture actually says. It says that PERFECT love casts out fear! It seems the one thing that is seldom clarified in these messages is, “What is perfect love?” Join me this week as I begin a new series entitled, The Power of Perfect Love. This series will affect every area of your walk with God and your relationship with people! This week, we will begin by discussing the difference between the “love of God” and the “perfect love of God.”

  • 2. Activating The Power

    08/06/2023 Duração: 29min

    Sometimes it seems that our faith has been reduced to intellectual assent. We are not opposed to the Word of God, yet it isn’t producing power in our lives! Even when our mind agrees with the Word of God we find that our faith isn’t alive and powerful. The Apostle Paul tells us that our faith must be activated to be effective. Join me this week in CyberChurch and discover the secret to activating your faith so you can experience The Power of Perfect Love.

  • 8. Jesus My Passover Lamb

    24/05/2023 Duração: 28min

    We cannot fully grasp or exercise faith for what Jesus did on the cross beyond our understanding of the Feasts of Israel. The Bible says Jesus is our Passover Lamb. So what does that mean? Understanding Jesus as our Passover Lamb is the starting place for our entire journey with God. Everything about walking with God hinges on our knowledge of Jesus as our Passover. Join me this week in CyberChurch, as we discover the truth of Jesus, My Passover Lamb.

  • 7. Am I Supposed To Be Afraid Of God

    18/05/2023 Duração: 28min

    Is the Bible contradicting itself when it tells me there is no fear in God’s perfect love, but then tells me all the benefits of having the fear of the Lord? So, am I supposed to be afraid of God or not? Religion has always used fear as a means of coercing believers into serving God. But it never produces the kind of peace and joy promised to the believer. In the original language of the Bible, it becomes very clear that fear never produces faith or love. Join me this week in CyberChurch as we answer the question, “Am I supposed to be afraid of God?” You will be pleasantly surprised at the answer!

  • 6. Six Sources Of Fear

    11/05/2023 Duração: 28min

    The Bible describes Six Sources of Fear; each one has its own deceptive, destructive properties. More than one source of fear can happen without us even realizing that we are initiating it, yet the consequences are equally destructive. To discover the Six Sources of Fear and the one solution that can overcome them, join me this week in CyberChurch.

  • 5. Help I'm Afraid

    04/05/2023 Duração: 28min

    Sometimes we are simply afraid to trust God. We are afraid He’ll let us down; we’re afraid of His rejection; we’re afraid we are not worthy. The list is endless. How did we get so afraid of God? It’s all pretty easy. We believed a lie! Join me this week in CyberChurch as we consider the freedom to let God know we are afraid in “Help, I’m Afraid.” Then we can take the crucial first step in moving past our fears.

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