Dr. Laura Weekly Podcast



As one of the most popular talk show hosts in radio history, Dr. Laura Schlessinger offers no-nonsense advice infused with a strong sense of ethics, accountability, and personal responsibility; she's been doing it successfully for more than 30 years, reaching millions of listeners weekly. Now you can hear Dr. Laura's Weekly Podcast on iTunes, DrLaura.com or your favorite podcast directory. For even more hours of Dr. Laura, become a Family Premium member at DrLaura.com.


  • Adoption Part II - Adoption Challenges

    21/09/2023 Duração: 43min

    One of the reasons I do what I do on the Dr. Laura Program is to ultimately protect children. I wish there didn't need to be foster care because so many parents are abusive or neglectful ... Email questions or comments: drlaura@drlaura.comParticipate on the radio program: call 1-800-Dr-Laura / 1-800-375-2872 or make an appointment https://www.drlaura.com/make-an-appointment. Follow on social media:Facebook.com/DrLauraInstagram.com/DrLauraProgramX.com/DrLauraProgramPinterest.com/DrLauraYouTube.com/DrLauraBecome a Dr. Laura Family Member: https://www.drlaura.com/ See https://www.drlaura.com/privacy-policy for privacy information.

  • The Tumultuous Teen Years

    14/09/2023 Duração: 47min

    You thought surviving the terrible two's was tough? Well strap in, because the tumultuous teens can be at least as rough. Email questions or comments: drlaura@drlaura.comParticipate on the radio program: call 1-800-Dr-Laura / 1-800-375-2872 or make an appointment https://www.drlaura.com/make-an-appointment. Follow on social media:Facebook.com/DrLauraInstagram.com/DrLauraProgramTwitter.com/DrLauraProgramPinterest.com/DrLauraYouTube.com/DrLauraBecome a Dr. Laura Family Member: https://www.drlaura.com/ See https://www.drlaura.com/privacy-policy for privacy information.

  • Surviving A Miscarriage

    07/09/2023 Duração: 42min

    I believe losing a child is the most difficult tragedy any parent can go through. And that includes losing a child during pregnancy. Miscarriages are common...Email questions or comments: drlaura@drlaura.comParticipate on the radio program: call 1-800-Dr-Laura / 1-800-375-2872 or make an appointment https://www.drlaura.com/make-an-appointment. Follow on social media:Facebook.com/DrLauraInstagram.com/DrLauraProgramTwitter.com/DrLauraProgramPinterest.com/DrLauraYouTube.com/DrLauraBecome a Dr. Laura Family Member: https://www.drlaura.com/ See https://www.drlaura.com/privacy-policy for privacy information.

  • Choose Wisely

    31/08/2023 Duração: 46min

    When it comes to finding a love that will last, you need to be a little cold-blooded. I know that doesn't sound very nice. It may not even make sense to you at first, but hear me out.Email questions or comments: drlaura@drlaura.comParticipate on the radio program: call 1-800-Dr-Laura / 1-800-375-2872 or make an appointment https://www.drlaura.com/make-an-appointment. Follow on social media:Facebook.com/DrLauraInstagram.com/DrLauraProgramTwitter.com/DrLauraProgramPinterest.com/DrLauraYouTube.com/DrLauraBecome a Dr. Laura Family Member: https://www.drlaura.com/ See https://www.drlaura.com/privacy-policy for privacy information.

  • Stepparent Problems

    24/08/2023 Duração: 42min

    When Jenny called about her soon-to-be stepdaughter's bratty attitude, it wasn't too late for Jenny to avoid the mistake of becoming a stepmother...Email questions or comments: drlaura@drlaura.comParticipate on the radio program: call 1-800-Dr-Laura / 1-800-375-2872 or make an appointment https://www.drlaura.com/make-an-appointment. Follow on social media:Facebook.com/DrLauraInstagram.com/DrLauraProgramTwitter.com/DrLauraProgramPinterest.com/DrLauraYouTube.com/DrLauraBecome a Dr. Laura Family Member: https://www.drlaura.com/ See https://www.drlaura.com/privacy-policy for privacy information.

  • Should You Stay In Your Marriage For The Sake Of The Kids?

    17/08/2023 Duração: 40min

    Research shows that fifty percent or more of divorcees later say they regret their decision to split. In my opinion, most marriages careening towards divorce can be saved.Email questions or comments: drlaura@drlaura.comParticipate on the radio program: call 1-800-Dr-Laura / 1-800-375-2872 or make an appointment https://www.drlaura.com/make-an-appointment. Follow on social media:Facebook.com/DrLauraInstagram.com/DrLauraProgramTwitter.com/DrLauraProgramPinterest.com/DrLauraYouTube.com/DrLauraBecome a Dr. Laura Family Member: https://www.drlaura.com/ See https://www.drlaura.com/privacy-policy for privacy information.

  • Dr. Laura LIVE II at SiriusXM Los Angeles Studios

    10/08/2023 Duração: 50min

    Hear my latest Dr. Laura LIVE at SiriusXM Los Angeles Studios event on this week's podcast. Participate on the radio program: call 1-800-Dr-Laura / 1-800-375-2872 or make an appointment https://www.drlaura.com/make-an-appointment. Follow on social media:Facebook.com/DrLauraInstagram.com/DrLauraProgramTwitter.com/DrLauraProgramPinterest.com/DrLauraYouTube.com/DrLauraBecome a Dr. Laura Family Member: https://www.drlaura.com/ See https://www.drlaura.com/privacy-policy for privacy information. 

  • Are You Ready To Have A Baby?

    03/08/2023 Duração: 53min

    I love to get calls from women asking me how will they know when they're ready to have a baby? Well just thinking about what it takes to be a parent is an important step to few take.Email questions or comments: drlaura@drlaura.comParticipate on the radio program: call 1-800-Dr-Laura / 1-800-375-2872 or make an appointment https://www.drlaura.com/make-an-appointment. Follow on social media:Facebook.com/DrLauraInstagram.com/DrLauraProgramTwitter.com/DrLauraProgramPinterest.com/DrLauraYouTube.com/DrLauraBecome a Dr. Laura Family Member: https://www.drlaura.com/ See https://www.drlaura.com/privacy-policy for privacy information.

  • Stay-At-Home Moms Are Necessary

    27/07/2023 Duração: 44min

    Don't Buy The Feminist Lie! - Parents, you've been lied to. You've been told that it's not a problem putting your career above your babies ... Email questions or comments: drlaura@drlaura.comParticipate on the radio program: call 1-800-Dr-Laura / 1-800-375-2872 or make an appointment https://www.drlaura.com/make-an-appointment. Follow on social media:Facebook.com/DrLauraInstagram.com/DrLauraProgramTwitter.com/DrLauraProgramPinterest.com/DrLauraYouTube.com/DrLauraBecome a Dr. Laura Family Member: https://www.drlaura.com/ See https://www.drlaura.com/privacy-policy for privacy information.

  • Marital Sex Matters

    20/07/2023 Duração: 45min

    It may have stopped mattering to you, but, 99.9999 percent of the time, it doesn't stop mattering to your husband. Even when your lives are uber-busy with children and responsibilities.Email questions or comments: drlaura@drlaura.comParticipate on the radio program: call 1-800-Dr-Laura / 1-800-375-2872 or make an appointment https://www.drlaura.com/make-an-appointment. Follow on social media:Facebook.com/DrLauraInstagram.com/DrLauraProgramTwitter.com/DrLauraProgramPinterest.com/DrLauraYouTube.com/DrLauraBecome a Dr. Laura Family Member: https://www.drlaura.com/ See https://www.drlaura.com/privacy-policy for privacy information.

  • The Inheritance Wars

    13/07/2023 Duração: 45min

    One of the most upsetting types of calls I get on my program are those about inheritance. There are two schools of thought, and in my opinion they're both right.Email questions or comments: drlaura@drlaura.comParticipate on the radio program: call 1-800-Dr-Laura / 1-800-375-2872 or make an appointment https://www.drlaura.com/make-an-appointment. Follow on social media:Facebook.com/DrLauraInstagram.com/DrLauraProgramTwitter.com/DrLauraProgramPinterest.com/DrLauraYouTube.com/DrLauraBecome a Dr. Laura Family Member: https://www.drlaura.com/ See https://www.drlaura.com/privacy-policy for privacy information.

  • Preparing Your Child for a Sibling

    06/07/2023 Duração: 44min

    I thought being mommy to one child was terrific...amazing...wonderful...and EXTREEEEEEMELY challenging – especially in the early years! So, I admire all you parents who choose to do it more than once! When a new baby comes into the family, everyone has to adjust.Email questions or comments: drlaura@drlaura.comParticipate on the radio program: call 1-800-Dr-Laura / 1-800-375-2872 or make an appointment https://www.drlaura.com/make-an-appointment. Follow on social media:Facebook.com/DrLauraInstagram.com/DrLauraProgramTwitter.com/DrLauraProgramPinterest.com/DrLauraYouTube.com/DrLauraBecome a Dr. Laura Family Member: https://www.drlaura.com/ See https://www.drlaura.com/privacy-policy for privacy information.

  • Dr. Laura's Dating 101

    29/06/2023 Duração: 46min

    Have you ever heard me say, “Choose Wisely, Treat Kindly”? It's one of the phrases I'm best known for. I say it frequently because it's the essence of what makes a relationship work.Email questions or comments: drlaura@drlaura.comParticipate on the radio program: call 1-800-Dr-Laura / 1-800-375-2872 or make an appointment https://www.drlaura.com/make-an-appointment. Follow on social media:Facebook.com/DrLauraInstagram.com/DrLauraProgramTwitter.com/DrLauraProgramPinterest.com/DrLauraYouTube.com/DrLauraBecome a Dr. Laura Family Member: https://www.drlaura.com/ See https://www.drlaura.com/privacy-policy for privacy information.

  • The Adoption Option

    22/06/2023 Duração: 42min

    Think of adoption this way– a father doesn't get a 9-month connection by carrying the baby in utero, but he still falls in love the first time he sees it. And that's what happens for both parents when you adopt. My latest Deep Dive episode is up, and it's all about the wonderful option of adoption.Email questions or comments: drlaura@drlaura.comParticipate on the radio program: call 1-800-Dr-Laura / 1-800-375-2872 or make an appointment https://www.drlaura.com/make-an-appointment. Follow on social media:Facebook.com/DrLauraInstagram.com/DrLauraProgramTwitter.com/DrLauraProgramPinterest.com/DrLauraYouTube.com/DrLauraBecome a Dr. Laura Family Member: https://www.drlaura.com/ See https://www.drlaura.com/privacy-policy for privacy information.

  • Getting Along With Your In-Laws

    15/06/2023 Duração: 55min

    In-law problems are no laughing matter. You've inherited these people as part of your family through marriage, and if you can't fnd ways to communicate and get along, at least superficially, the problems with your extended family will likely become problems right in your very own home.Email questions or comments: drlaura@drlaura.comParticipate on the radio program: call 1-800-Dr-Laura / 1-800-375-2872 or make an appointment https://www.drlaura.com/make-an-appointment. Follow on social media:Facebook.com/DrLauraInstagram.com/DrLauraProgramTwitter.com/DrLauraProgramPinterest.com/DrLauraYouTube.com/DrLauraBecome a Dr. Laura Family Member: https://www.drlaura.com/ See https://www.drlaura.com/privacy-policy for privacy information.

  • Dealing with the Death of a Pet

    07/06/2023 Duração: 47min

    Life with a pet is bittersweet because, when they die --- which they inevitably do --- they take a piece of our hearts with them. Email questions or comments: drlaura@drlaura.comParticipate on the radio program: call 1-800-Dr-Laura / 1-800-375-2872 or make an appointment https://www.drlaura.com/make-an-appointment. Follow on social media:Facebook.com/DrLauraInstagram.com/DrLauraProgramTwitter.com/DrLauraProgramPinterest.com/DrLauraYouTube.com/DrLauraBecome a Dr. Laura Family Member: https://www.drlaura.com/ See https://www.drlaura.com/privacy-policy for privacy information.

  • Preparing Your Kids to be "ME-Sponsible"

    31/05/2023 Duração: 50min

    For decades I've dealt with parents frustrated by kiddos who won't get out of bed on time for school, lie about brushing their teeth, argue about doing their chores and so on ... Email questions or comments: drlaura@drlaura.comParticipate on the radio program: call 1-800-Dr-Laura / 1-800-375-2872 or make an appointment https://www.drlaura.com/make-an-appointment. Follow on social media:Facebook.com/DrLauraInstagram.com/DrLauraProgramTwitter.com/DrLauraProgramPinterest.com/DrLauraYouTube.com/DrLauraBecome a Dr. Laura Family Member: https://www.drlaura.com/ See https://www.drlaura.com/privacy-policy for privacy information.

  • Are You Ready To Retire?

    24/05/2023 Duração: 46min

    Regular listeners of my program know that I spell retirement D-E-A-D. My plan is to never retire. Why would I?Email questions or comments: drlaura@drlaura.comParticipate on the radio program: call 1-800-Dr-Laura / 1-800-375-2872 or make an appointment https://www.drlaura.com/make-an-appointment. Follow on social media:Facebook.com/DrLauraInstagram.com/DrLauraProgramTwitter.com/DrLauraProgramPinterest.com/DrLauraYouTube.com/DrLauraBecome a Dr. Laura Family Member: https://www.drlaura.com/ See https://www.drlaura.com/privacy-policy for privacy information.

  • Dr. Laura LIVE at SiriusXM Los Angeles Studios

    17/05/2023 Duração: 53min

    This past Friday, I did a special live show at SiriusXM Los Angeles studios. Guess who joined me on stage to show off her tricks?!Email questions or comments: drlaura@drlaura.comParticipate on the radio program: call 1-800-Dr-Laura / 1-800-375-2872 or make an appointment https://www.drlaura.com/make-an-appointment. Follow on social media:Facebook.com/DrLauraInstagram.com/DrLauraProgramTwitter.com/DrLauraProgramPinterest.com/DrLauraYouTube.com/DrLauraBecome a Dr. Laura Family Member: https://www.drlaura.com/ See https://www.drlaura.com/privacy-policy for privacy information. 

  • Helping Kids Cope with Anxiety

    10/05/2023 Duração: 44min

    Anxiety in kids is a serious problem, in part because they're not being taught how to cope with life's inevitable challenges. In today's podcast we'll look at what's hurting our kids and how parents can help. Email questions or comments: drlaura@drlaura.comParticipate on the radio program: call 1-800-Dr-Laura / 1-800-375-2872 or make an appointment https://www.drlaura.com/make-an-appointment. Follow on social media:Facebook.com/DrLauraInstagram.com/DrLauraProgramTwitter.com/DrLauraProgramPinterest.com/DrLauraYouTube.com/DrLauraBecome a Dr. Laura Family Member: https://www.drlaura.com/ See https://www.drlaura.com/privacy-policy for privacy information. 

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