Pillowtok - Glimpse Of Brilliance



An Honest Survival Guide (formerly brough to you by Gossipist)


  • Superstitious?- Pillowtok #63

    26/12/2014 Duração: 51min

    Merriam-Webster says superstition is a belief or practice resulting from ignorance, fear of the unknown, trust in magic or chance, or a false conception of causation.  Do you suffer from it?  Many folks would say no, but let's remember, one gal's superstition is another one's spirituality. In this episode, we explore how we all seem [...] The post Superstitious?- Pillowtok #63 appeared first on Glimpse Of Brilliance.

  • Bye-bye Biceps, Adios Abs: Why machismo and muscles are becoming obsolete (RE-RUN)- Pillowtok #62

    16/12/2014 Duração: 55min

    We're re-running one of our favorite episodes, a debate on whether machismo is on its deathbed, with our delightful and opinionated guest Steve Faktor. With women increasingly succeeding professionally, Steve argues men are left without a defined role to play now that women are stepping into more roles once dominated by dudes.  Is this really [...] The post Bye-bye Biceps, Adios Abs: Why machismo and muscles are becoming obsolete (RE-RUN)- Pillowtok #62 appeared first on Glimpse Of Brilliance.

  • The Slippery Slope of Social Media Stalking – Pillowtok #61

    09/12/2014 Duração: 48min

    Come on.  We've ALL gone down that rabbit-hole of social media stalking. Whether it's an ex-lover, ex-friend, new girlfriend of an ex, ex of an ex, an acquaintance with a life that looks 'perfect' life or a total train-wreck...everyone's taken a voyeuristic stroll down that road. Is it ever okay to take that stroll, and [...] The post The Slippery Slope of Social Media Stalking – Pillowtok #61 appeared first on Glimpse Of Brilliance.

  • Hormone Horrors – Pillowtok #60

    02/12/2014 Duração: 49min

      HORMONES.  The word makes women nod their heads with grim understanding, and makes men run for cover. They've become synonymous with any kind of mood swings, anxiety, or rage that a women might experience--particularly during "that time of the month", or if they're incubating a bun in the oven. But what, exactly, ARE these [...] The post Hormone Horrors – Pillowtok #60 appeared first on Glimpse Of Brilliance.

  • Surviving the Holidays: Your Holiday Survival Guide – Pillowtok #59 (RE-RUN)

    25/11/2014 Duração: 44min

    With Thanksgiving approaching, we thought we'd treat everyone to a throwback episode from last year--Your Holiday Survival Guide, in which we discuss making the most of—or simply get through—these family/friend reunions. We discuss our roughest holiday memories, along with some of our nicer ones. Also, birthday spells and the pains of non-sleeping toddlers Listen to [...] The post Surviving the Holidays: Your Holiday Survival Guide – Pillowtok #59 (RE-RUN) appeared first on Glimpse Of Brilliance.

  • Want Better Sex? STOP Watching Porn (no, really) – Pillowtok #58

    18/11/2014 Duração: 53min

    Porn, and masturbating to it, is so widespread it's considered basically  a harmless vice. Right?  Maybe not.  Maayan and Lauren had their assumptions checked by the lovely and insightful Jeff Finley--artist, entrepreneur, fellow podcaster--and someone who's dabbled in what's known as the 'No-Fap' movement--where people (mostly men) opt to abstain from porn, and, at times, [...] The post Want Better Sex? STOP Watching Porn (no, really) – Pillowtok #58 appeared first on Glimpse Of Brilliance.

  • Pets On A Pedestal – Pillowtok #57

    11/11/2014 Duração: 46min

    Is there anything better than a purring cat curling up in your lap? Or a devoted dog flipping out with joy to see you walk in the door? Animals are awesome.  Or are they?  Maayan and Lauren discuss the love they've had for pets, and the limits that exist (or don't) for that love. Lauren [...] The post Pets On A Pedestal – Pillowtok #57 appeared first on Glimpse Of Brilliance.

  • Cat-Calling – We Sometimes Like It: What’s Wrong With Us? – Pillowtok #56

    04/11/2014 Duração: 39min

    Many of you probably watched the video that went viral last week that depicted a woman walking the streets of NYC, getting cat-called and harassed over 100 times in the span of ten hours. It's received a lot of attention--and some condemnation (the video's producers edited out most of the white guys that cat-called the [...] The post Cat-Calling – We Sometimes Like It: What’s Wrong With Us? – Pillowtok #56 appeared first on Glimpse Of Brilliance.

  • Friendship With Exes – Pillowtok #55 (Re-Release)

    28/10/2014 Duração: 49min

    Journey back in time to one of our earlier Pillowtok episodes--an oldie but a goodie, if we dare say. We pose the tricky question:  is true friendship with an ex possible? Maayan and Lauren represent different sides of the spectrum (as we tend to do), with Maayan having a veritable bevy of bosom pals who [...] The post Friendship With Exes – Pillowtok #55 (Re-Release) appeared first on Glimpse Of Brilliance.

  • Why Men Are Such “Lazy” Dads – Pillowtok #53


    Most mothers of young children have some things in common: exhaustion, guilt, sacrifice, and periodical, all-consuming rage at their husbands. If not rage--then some serious resentments and complaints.  What the hell is going on here? Why the universal failure of one half of the parenting partnership?  We thought it was only fair to bring a [...] The post Why Men Are Such “Lazy” Dads – Pillowtok #53 appeared first on Glimpse Of Brilliance.

  • Surviving Survival Mode – Pillowtok #52

    30/09/2014 Duração: 33min

    We've all been there. The deadline's fast approaching. Someone's expecting you to deliver. You've heard the dreaded words 'we have to talk'...Whatever your triggers are, we're pretty sure you've been in survival mode, just like us--that state where you become nothing but a machine, an animal, reacting on programming or instinct. Maayan and Lauren have [...] The post Surviving Survival Mode – Pillowtok #52 appeared first on Glimpse Of Brilliance.

  • Just Be Superwoman! Mommy Expectations – Pillowtok #51

    23/09/2014 Duração: 49min

    This week, we're talking mommy stuff (again).  Specifically, the insane level of expectations many mothers place on themselves. Lauren, a working mom of a 2.5-year old, has been struggling with an extra dose of mommy guilt lately, so she's turning to Maayan, as a child-free (and happy to be so) source of insight.  Sometimes, it [...] The post Just Be Superwoman! Mommy Expectations – Pillowtok #51 appeared first on Glimpse Of Brilliance.

  • The Perils of People Pleasing- Pillowtok #50

    16/09/2014 Duração: 43min

    WE'RE BACK!  It's been a relaxing break, but we're excited to delve back into our Pillowtok conversations...we hope you are too. This week is all about one of our biggest addictions--people-pleasing.  Maybe you're familiar?  That drive to make sure everyone you interact with likes you?  Well, we're here to tell you to cut it out.  [...] The post The Perils of People Pleasing- Pillowtok #50 appeared first on Glimpse Of Brilliance.

  • A Date with David Garrett – Pillowtok #32 (Re-Release)

    04/08/2014 Duração: 38min

    This week, Maayan gets a backstage interview with international violin virtuoso David Garrett--a musician who has garnered both critical accolades and a fervent fanbase with his classical and pop-crossover music. Maayan and Lauren discuss David's surprising shyness and depth, and their discussion eventually veers away from unbiased reporting towards starry-eyed gushing.  Also, does a defective [...] The post A Date with David Garrett – Pillowtok #32 appeared first on Glimpse Of Brilliance.

  • Porn – An Outdated Taboo Pillowtok #49


    Porn is one of those topics that polite society shies away from. Yet society, when it's not bothering to be polite, seems pretty darn into porn. That huge gap between what we do and what we talk about and what we do seemed worthy of a Pillowtok, and thus Maayan and Lauren share their thoughts [...] The post Porn – An Outdated Taboo Pillowtok #49 appeared first on Glimpse Of Brilliance.

  • For Crying Out Loud – Pillowtok #48

    21/07/2014 Duração: 32min

    There's nothing quite like a good cry. As babies, we cried whenever we needed something--but as adults, most of us try to keep those tears bottled up no matter what. In this episode, Maayan and Lauren explore this basic emotional expression that's so often banished behind locked doors and bathroom stalls. Why do we cry?  And why [...] The post For Crying Out Loud – Pillowtok #48 appeared first on Glimpse Of Brilliance.

  • After 20 good years of marriage, I want a divorce – Pillowtok #47

    14/07/2014 Duração: 52min

    Summer is when Deb got divorced and she saw it as her Independence Day. What does divorce mean to us all? Is it the end of a contract? Does it mean we never loved at all? Did we fail? Deb, A Wiser Woman who got a divorce, explains how it saved the relationship with her [...] The post After 20 good years of marriage, I want a divorce – Pillowtok #47 appeared first on Glimpse Of Brilliance.

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