Positive On Publishing Podcast



Welcome to the Positive on Publishing Podcast. Im your host, Kathryn Kemp Guylay. The Positive on Publishing Podcast features published authors and their stories about writing and the creative process. We cover book development, editing, distribution, and marketing for a complete perspective on the journey to bring a book to life. Each show highlights inspirational messages and positive advice for aspiring authors. Let the Positive on Publishing Podcast inspire you to transition from aspiring author to published author.


  • POP058: Manifest an Efficient Writing Style with Dr. David Krueger, MD

    12/01/2020 Duração: 48min

    In this episode, you’ll learn from an author (and a medical doctor) who has written 24 trade and professional books and 75 scientific papers. Now that is what I call, “Have fun while getting it done!” My guest is Dr. David Krueger, MD, who has a warm Texas voice and a style that will “rope you right in!”. Here are the episode’s “fun nuggets”: #1: Create the time to write (because you don’t have time to write) #2: Find a magical and comfortable “writers nest” where you can get your best work done #3: Write about what you most want to learn #4: Leverage dictation to be more efficient (Dave recommends a digital dictation device from his days as a medical doctor; see https://www.amazon.com/Olympus-DS-2500DT-Complete-Dictation-Transcription/dp/B00JFADJZ4 (I am really excited about these devices, as I spend a lot of money using other online transcription services). About Dr. David Krueger, MD Dave is an Executive Mentor Coach, and CEO of MentorPath®, an executive coaching, training, publishing, and wellness firm. H

  • POP057: Radical Reframes for Your Life with Sheri Salata

    29/07/2019 Duração: 39min

    In this episode, you’ll learn about how author Sheri Salata’s traditional publishing journey arrived at some fun radical advice for readers. I’ve organized the episode’s “fun nuggets” into two categories: 1) fun nuggets for the publishing journey, and 2) radical “fun nuggets” for a more beautiful life. The fun nuggets for the publishing journey: #1: Get an accountability system for your writing that works for you. #2: Remember that your Rolodex is your best trend on your publishing journey. #3: Realize not even the “big names” have self-doubt when putting their work out into the world. #4: Recognize that writing is a valuable avenue for pulling the gold out of our lives and allows us to process unprocessed emotions. Radical “fun nuggets” for a more beautiful life: #5: Work-life balance doesn't exist; it's about seeking an integrated and holistic life. #6: All of your time is free time because we live our lives from the standpoint of choice. #7: Appreciation is different from gratitude because appreciation is

  • POP056: Go from Unknown to Unforgettable with Ashley Crouch

    23/07/2019 Duração: 38min

    In this episode, you’ll learn how to avoid the biggest publicity mistakes many authors make. Publicity expert Ashley Crouch will teach you how to shout out your message to the world --and actually be heard-- through all that noise. Reach out to Ashley's team to get her free offer (the pitch templates) at: hello@AppleseedCommunications.co The fun nuggets from the episode are as follows: #1: Know your “why” for publicity: 1) exposure, 2) demonstrating expertise/authority, and 3) positioning #2: ROI is not always measured in hard dollars and cents. Publicity is a deposit into your personal brand bank account. #3: Publicity has never been easier because of the decentralization of the media. #4: The “how” of publicity requires some advanced planning; don't wait until your book is already published to start the process. #5: Don't “spray and pray”. #6: Ask “so what?” (and make sure that you're solving the pain point of your target customer) #7: Use the power of the subconscious in your messaging and story #8: Keep a

  • POP055: Create Your Audiobook (Why and How) with Tina Dietz

    20/06/2018 Duração: 39min

    Tina Dietz is a world class speaker, audiobook publisher, podcast producer and content marketing expert. Her podcast, the Start Something Show, was rated in Ink.com as one of the top 35 podcasts for entrepreneurs. In this interview for the Positive on Publishing podcast, Tina and I talk about why creating an audio version of a book is a very important step every author should take on their publishing journey. We also talk about how to tell your audiobook was professionally produced. Tina shares some FASCINATING info about how to use your voice to make more money, have more authority, and be more credible.  (Hint- listen for our discussion about 1) vocal fry and and 2) uptalk. Here are the fun nuggets for the show: 1) Our work as change agents is all about reaching more people;  we must always think about how our audience wants to consume our book.  Providing our content in audio form is a way to serve a portion of the audience that wants to listen, not read. 2) We have to be very aware of the quality standard

  • POP054: Get Paid to Create Order from Chaos with Adam Urbanski

    13/06/2018 Duração: 44min

    Adam Urbanski is the go-to guy for coaches, consultants, expert-preneurs and other successful service professionals who want to better monetize their unique brilliance, quickly attract more clients, convert more high-value sales, build an authority brand and grow a business that makes a bigger impact while generating more income. The fun nuggets from the interview are: 1) Sometimes a course or coach is not enough; however, some people need a very tangible, high-stakes deadline in order to finish their book 2) Benchmark from favorites on places like Amazon (you will save yourself a ton of time) 3) Sell first; create second 4) People will pay you to create order from chaos

  • POP053: Create a Blueprint for your Publishing Journey with Teresa Funke

    06/06/2018 Duração: 40min

    Teresa Funke is the author of six award-winning works of fiction set in World War II. She is the owner of Victory House Press, and she successfully produces and markets her own books. The fun nuggets from the interview are: 1) Define what "success" means to you 2) Follow the the 3 P's of publishing (practice, patience, persistence) 3) Have fun- writing and marketing is a constant cycle that you must keep up (prizes are a great incentive if they make you happy!) 4) Set realistic goals- daily, weekly, monthly; and primary and secondary

  • POP052: Build Your Tribe through Video with Simon Payne

    29/05/2018 Duração: 45min

    Simon Payne is the founder of both LeadPages and his newest company, ConvertPlayer. Simon is a serial entrepreneur, technical mastermind, hacker and now video marketer. In less than four years, Simon Payne’s company LeadPages grew from just two other founders and himself to 160 employees worldwide, with over $38MM in venture capital raised and over 50k active customers, while being profitable from the very beginning. In case that isn’t impressive enough for you, Simon would soon after that leave his company, challenging himself to do it all again with his second venture, ConvertPlayer. This time, all by himself.

  • POP051: Get out of the box to market your work with John Kremer

    22/05/2018 Duração: 42min

    John Kremer is an expert on book publishing and marketing. The owner of Open Horizons Publishing in Taos, New Mexico, he is the editor of the Book Marketing Tip of the Week newsletter. John is the author of a number of books on publishing and marketing, including 1001 Ways to Market Your Books, Book Marketing 411 for Authors, and Celebrate Today. He has also designed the Book Marketing Magic program and the Blog Tour Palooza program. His web sites include www.bookmarket.com, www.bookmarketingbestsellers.com, www.infographicaday.com, www.huganauthor.com, www.blogtourpalooza.com, www.askjohnkremer.com, www.myincrediblewebsite.com, and www.hottimescoolplaces.com. He is also founder of The Book Marketing Network at www.thebookmarketingnetwork.com

  • POP050: Build and Nurture Your Tribe with Amber Vilhauer

    15/05/2018 Duração: 39min

    Amber Vilhauer (formerly Ludwig) is an online business development expert who supports authors, speakers and coaches to establish a powerful, integrated online presence that gets results and empowers them to make a difference in their industry. Since starting her multi-six-figure company NGNG Enterprises (standing for No Guts No Glory) in 2007, she has spent her career impacting her community and building strong strategic alliances with industry leaders and game-changers across the web. Amber has supported thousands of entrepreneurs on six continents to get results. She is the launch manager behind several #1 bestselling books  including those for Mark Victor Hansen, Brendon Burchard, Joel Comm, Sandra Yancey, Lisa Nichols and Les Brown.

  • POP049: Be Creative About the Entire Book Journey with John North

    09/05/2018 Duração: 50min

    John North is a versatile and experienced entrepreneur with a solid background in Accounting, Banking, Finance, Personal Development IT, Marketing and Business Management. John currently holds a number of titles, including CEO of Evolve Systems Group, Associate Diploma in Business (Accounting) and Fellow of the Institute of Public Accountants. John’s passion is to help business owners become more strategic and smarter about their marketing efforts. He constantly pushes the envelope of what’s possible in this modern era and is widely regarded among his peers as very innovative and highly creative in his approach. John’s services include Evolve Instant Author to help new authors and business owners write their own books and Evolve Global Publishing for completed books.

  • E048: From Frustrated to Frickin' Awesome with Alissa Daire

    02/05/2018 Duração: 28min

    Alissa Daire Nelson is the founder of Daire Success Coaching and the author of "From Frustrated To Frickin' Awesome: 4 Steps to Achieve the Success You're Wired For". On this interview we will have the opportunity of learning from Alissa's own publishing process from the perspective of a mother that is bringing her own child, or book, to the world. Those are the fun nuggets from today's interview: 1) A book is just like a baby, things start to flow and you start to see some results on the second trimester. But things get real on the third semester where you start struggling with everything and questioning every word you write down; 2) Intellectual property, confidence, credibility, visibility, connection, branding and above all else, clarity. Those are the benefits of writing and publishing a book. "Thoughts disentangle as they pass through lips and fingertips" - Michael Hyatt; 3) You are perfectly lopsided. We were never meant to be well rounded and independent. Resources Website: https://www.daire2succeed

  • POP047: Find Balance with the Third Option (Shannon Miles)

    25/04/2018 Duração: 39min

    Shannon Miles is CEO & Co-Founder of BELAY, a virtual services company that supports busy leaders. She is also the author of the brand new book, The Third Option: Why a Woman Doesn’t Have to Choose Between a Career and Family, but Can Actually Have Both and Succeed. Here are the five fun nuggets from our interview: 1) To get to a yes, often times you must first go through many no's 2) Be intentional about how you spend your time 3) "No" is a complete sentence 4) There are no new ideas under the sun; however there is only ONE you (with your unique set of stories) 5) Writing a book requires that you get over your own self doubt and fear (so that you can help others).

  • POP046: Create Transformational Courses and Content with Chris Kyle

    16/04/2018 Duração: 45min

    Chris Kyle is a speaker, teacher, and business coach that specializes in online learning and launching transformative courses. The takeaways, or fun nuggets from the interview are: 1) There is a difference between being a baker and running a bakery (check out the E-myth). 2) Pushing the reset button can take some time. 3) The entrepreneurial journey does not have to be the story of the lone wolf. 4) The network is your net worth 5) Entrepreneurs need to be open to opportunities that you might not expect 6) one-on-one coaching is an easier way to start 7) walk the talk first (and isn’t always easy)

  • POP045: Leverage the Power of Audiobooks with Krystal Wascher

    11/04/2018 Duração: 45min

    Krystal Wascher is an audiobook producer and online educator who helps aspiring narrators and self-published authors leverage the power of audio to reach new audiences. In addition to offering full audiobook narration and editing services, Krystal is also the creator of "Audiobook School," an online learning center that teaches aspiring audiobook narrators, authors and bloggers how to create high quality audio products.

  • POP044: Know that the Gates to Publishing are Opening (with Rob Price)

    04/04/2018 Duração: 47min

    Rob Price is one of my "go to" people I trust in the world of hybrid publishing. Rob began his career as a self-published author at the age of 19 with 200,000 copies sold and subsequently founded the small traditional house, Price World Publishing. Seeing a shift in the industry towards self-publishing, Rob launched Gatekeeper Press in 2015. Gatekeeper authors earn 100% of their net proceeds, retain 100% of their rights, and their books reach readers all over the world.

  • POP043: Increase Your Visibility - Eight Steps with Stephanie Chandler

    28/03/2018 Duração: 48min

    Today's guest is Stephanie Chandler is the author of several books, including The Nonfiction Book Marketing Plan: Online and Offline Promotion Strategies to Build Your Audience and Sell More Books. Stephanie is also the founder and CEO of the Nonfiction Authors Association, a vibrant educational community for writers, and the Nonfiction Writers Conference, an annual event conducted entirely online.

  • POP042: Create a Professional Standard for Your Books with Abbe Rolnick

    14/03/2018 Duração: 46min

    Abbe Rolnick offers 6 fun nuggets on this interview:   Fun nugget #1: To publish successfully, you must combine your creativity with some business sense Fun nugget #2: In today’s world of publishing, youas the aspiring author are the one that decides if your work is worthy Fun nugget #3: When you write for the public (as opposed to writing for yourself), you have to hold yourself to professional standards Fun nugget #4: You have to budget for your books (we talked about $5-10K to budget for a book) Fun nugget #5:  Try not to be emotional about your budget and your financial decisions (your book is NOT your baby) Fun nugget #6: Find your collaborative tribe to keep yourself safe (and have FUN!) in the industry. We talked about the Independent Book Publishing Association, the Pacific Northwest Book Association, and writing groups that can help you.

  • POP041: Discover the Joys and Benefits of Children's Books with Mira Reisberg

    07/03/2018 Duração: 43min

    Children's Book Academy Director, Dr. Mira Reisberg, is a multi-published, award-winning children’s book illustrator and author whose books have sold over 600,000 copies. She has helped and continues to help many children’s book writers and illustrators get published. Mira has worked as an editor, art director, designer, university professor teaching kid lit writing and illustration, as well as a literary agent. She has a PhD in Education and Cultural Studies with a focus on kid lit.

  • POP040: Be Your Own Publicist with Wayne Kelly

    28/02/2018 Duração: 47min

    Wayne is a radio host - who helps experts become their own publicists - connecting with Radio and TV shows across the country. He's on the air weekday mornings from 6-9am hosting the Wayne and Jayne Show in BC Canada. As a man of many talents, he puts on THREE different hats with complete fluidity and grace during our interview.  I've arranged the fun nuggets based on the hat Wayne's wearing at the time: 1. Wayne as Marketing Guy/Content Creator 2. Wayne as the Radio Show Host/Producer 3. Wayne as the Media Coach

  • POP039: Let Good Things Happen When You Hit Publish with John Tighe

    21/02/2018 Duração: 40min

    John Tighe is the bestselling author of Crush It with Kindle and host of the top-ranked business and marketing podcast "Publish Position Profit." John is an online marketing expert, entrepreneur, speaker and business coach. Before striking out on his own John had a career as a corporate lawyer but decided he wanted more from life. Today, instead of being chained to his desk at a law firm, John works with experts and entrepreneurs from around the world helping them to strategically position themselves so that they can rapidly grow their businesses by attracting more of their ideal clients and by being able to charge what they are truly worth.

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