Alright, Let's Do A Podcast



with Kevin Kittridge & Ralph Apel


  • Summer Goulash


    EPISODE 144 – Ralph and Kevin are chatting about a WHOLE lot of stuff on this episode, including: San Diego Comic Con, Doctor Who, LOST, Aquaman, Shazam!, AppleTv 4, The “All In” wrestling event in Chicago, The Star Wars VR experience, changes to their work, Ant-Man & The Wasp and a whole lot more… and […]

  • Sonic Piledriver


    Episode 143 – Kevin and Ralph are here to chat about a WWE Raw Live show, the new Sonic Screwdriver, upcoming events such as the Friday the 13th VHS Dude show and SDCC2018! Listen Here

  • 12 Parsecs


    Episode 142 – Ralph and Kevin are catching up! On the episode they chat about Avengers: Infinity War, Deadpool 2, Solo: A Star Wars Story and more!! Listen Here

  • Method Men


    Episode 141 – Kevin and Ralph start off the new year with a conversation about Dr. Who’s regeneration, the upcoming Royal Rumble, the future of Star Wars, Jim & Andy and a whole lot more! Listen Here

  • The Last Jedi


    Episode 140 – Ralph and Kevin just saw Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi! Follow them as they give their immediate reactions to the film! The positives, the negatives, the theories and SPOILERS are all discussed!! Listen Here

  • Talk Like Us


    Episode 139 – Kevin and Sick Ralph are discussing Baby Driver, Too Funny to Fail: The Life and Death of the Dana Carvey Show, Shazam, Halloween Spooks, Stan Lee’s Comic Con, what makes The Orville more accessible than Star Trek and a WHOLE LOT MORE!! Listen Here

  • Beef Harvey


    Episode 138 – Ralph and Kevin are catching up on the things they have been doing over the summer. Including going to SDCC 2017, seeing Valerian, New Doctors, Old Summerslam and one of the guys dislikes a host of a certain game show. Listen Here

  • 4th of July Spectacular Episode


    Episode 137 – Kevin and Ralph are celebrating the United States of America’s Independence the only way they know how! Talking about Doctor Who, James Bond and more!! Listen Here

  • Amazon Covenant


    Episode 136 – Ralph and Kevin are chatting about Wonder Woman, Alien Covenant, Patreons, VHS Heads, Laserblast, Saving Charlie Chaplin, The Black List and a whole lot more! Listen Here

  • A Dark Turn


    Episode 135 – Kevin and Ralph cover a lot of ground. They get into audition and work stories, then talk about four films that take a dark turn. F8 of the Furious, Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 2, Tickled and I Don’t Feel at Home in this World Anymore! Listen Here

  • Name Drop


    Episode 134 – Ralph and Kevin are catching up on a months worth of stuff. Including VHS Dude, Kaiju Pod, Set Stories, our Fantastic Listeners, and more. They also dive into Skull Island, Hunt for the Wilderpeople, Wrestlemania, Michael Bolton’s Valentine Day Special and a whole lot more! Listen Here

  • Busy Beavers


    Episode 133 – Kevin and Ralph have some stories about what they have been up to lately, they are also discussing The Beaver Trilogy Part IV, The Greatest Friendship in WWE history, Horror All-Nighters, Black Mirror: Nosedive and a lot more! Listen Here

  • Junipero Report


    Episode 132 – Ralph and Kevin are discussing a bunch of bad news, Royal Rumble 2017, Europa Report, Black Mirror: San Junipero (in full detail) and a bunch more! Listen Here

  • Rogue One


    Episode 131 – Kevin and Ralph are discussing Rogue One, the first Star Wars story! Listen Here

  • The Orange Menace


    Episode 130 – Ralph and Kevin are discussing Elstree 1976, Dirk Gently, Mr. Plinket’s episode VII review, the election and MORE! Listen Here

  • Shin Raiders!


    EPISODE 129 – Kevin and Ralph talk about Raiders! The Greatest Fan Film Ever Made, Shin Godzilla, East Coast Spoilers, Scaring People, John Williams’ Original Imperial Theme and much much more! LISTEN HERE

  • The War Shrimps


    EPISODE 128 – Ralph and Kevin chat about the Deadly Prey show, Clash of Champions, Hollywood Horror Nights, War Room, Pistol Shrimps and MORE! LISTEN HERE

  • Pro Wrestling Guys


    EPISODE 127 – Kevin and Ralph discuss PWG, Documentary Now, The Nice Guys, WWE, a little bit of The Get Down and MORE! LISTEN HERE

  • Bummer Slam


    EPISODE 126 – On this episode, Ralph and Kevin are discussing Summer Slam 2016, Sin City: A Dame to Kill For, WWE Rivalries: Matt Hardy vs Edge. NXT Takeover and more! LISTEN HERE

  • Freaks and Peaks


    EPISODE 125– On this episode, Kevin and Ralph are discussing Suicide Squad, Stranger Things, To Catch a Thief, the new Rogue One trailer, Wrestling and a whole lot more! LISTEN HERE

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