Relationships 101 Dr. Beth Erickson



Relationships 101 is a series of conversations about relationships ofall kinds: spouses, partners and singles, parents with children and grandchildren, siblings with each other, friendships, and mentors and the mentees whose growth they invest in nurturing. Its central theme emphasizes the importance of relationships to everyones quality of life and the problems that occur when they are fractured.


  • Relationships 101 – Secrets of the Teenage Brain, Travel Log of Newfoundland, Secrets for Finding Love


    Dr. Sheryl Finestein, author of Secrets of the Teenage Brain, talked with me about how teenagers’ brains are different from the adults they are going to become or the children they have been. Parents of teens and educators are urged to listen to this segment. Then I spoke with Carol Barrett about her native province […] The post Relationships 101 – Secrets of the Teenage Brain, Travel Log of Newfoundland, Secrets for Finding Love appeared first on

  • Relationships 101 – Pernicious Addictions, and When an Infant’s Mother Dies


    William Cope Moyers’ addiction to alcohol and cocaine began in his college years, although he had used before. When he admitted his problem, he stubbornly wanted to become clean and sober his way, which hampered his sobriety. His saga is detailed in his memoir Broken. Delia Moon’s mother died when she was two years old, […] The post Relationships 101 – Pernicious Addictions, and When an Infant’s Mother Dies appeared first on

  • Relationships 101 – Ed and Eddie Rinehardt talked about Ed’s 32-year search for his father who abandoned the family when Ed was 9.


    Despite this, Ed played a pivotal role in Eddie’s recovery when he was brain injured on the football field. These journeys are detailed in You’re OK, Kid. Dr. Jacqueline Olds, co-author of  The Lonely American, spoke about the loneliness woven into the fabric of the American psyche from our cult of busyness and belief in […] The post Relationships 101 – Ed and Eddie Rinehardt talked about Ed’s 32-year search for his father who abandoned the family when Ed was 9. appeared first on

  • Relationships 101 – Love for No Reason, and Is Marriage Obsolete?


    Best-selling author Marci Shimoff discussed her new book on finding unconditional love called Love for No Reason. Unlike love for good reason, which means you love because of certain traits and attributes, this is becoming the embodiment of love. Then Dr. Doug Welpton considered whether marriage is obsolete, in light of the social changes that […] The post Relationships 101 – Love for No Reason, and Is Marriage Obsolete? appeared first on

  • Relationships 101 – Promoting Healthy Marriages, and Job Interview Secrets


    People who are happily married are healthier, wealthier, and sexier, says Hillary Bravo, Program Coordinator of the Healthy Marriages Project in New Mexico. We discuss benefits to individuals and to our society. Tamra Nashman and I discuss the ways to stand out in job interviews, as well as some essential do’s and don’ts for landing […] The post Relationships 101 – Promoting Healthy Marriages, and Job Interview Secrets appeared first on

  • Relationships 101 – Mother’s Prenatal Stress and Her Child’s Developing Brain, and Tips for Beating the Holiday Blues


    My first guest, Dr. Gail Cloud, is not a typical chiropractor. She helps adult patients rework the effects on them of their mother’s stress when they were in utero. And Janet Pfeiffer and I talk about strategies for fending off depression and loneliness if the holidays don’t measure up to your childhood fantasy or if […] The post Relationships 101 – Mother’s Prenatal Stress and Her Child’s Developing Brain, and Tips for Beating the Holiday Blues appeared first on

  • Relationships 101 – End-of-Life Decisions, and Life in a Military Family


    Zoe FitzGerald Carter’s memoir, Imperfect Endings, details her conversations with and feelings about her mother’s final choice. It is an impactful talk about the moral and ethical dilemmas she faced in light of her mother’s decision. Then I talk with Joan Brown, author of Move and Other Four-Letter Words. It details her life as an […] The post Relationships 101 – End-of-Life Decisions, and Life in a Military Family appeared first on

  • Relationships 101 – Building Resilience and What Women Want from Men


    What is the nature of resilience? Is it nature or nurture? Is it possible for children to develop it and for parents to instill it in them? These are the questions my first guest, James Krehbiel, author of Troubled Childhood, Triumphant Life and I discuss. My second guest is Elliott R. Katz, author of Being […] The post Relationships 101 – Building Resilience and What Women Want from Men appeared first on

  • Relationships 101 – Single by Choice, and Conversations That Rewrite History


    Celeste Friedman is an award-winning singer who has tried marriage twice and has had many live-in boyfriends. Now she remains happily single, and she has written Single 101. When Cora Lonning’s parents divorced when she was 17, she held the divorce against her father for leaving her, deciding not to trust any men. But when […] The post Relationships 101 – Single by Choice, and Conversations That Rewrite History appeared first on

  • Relationships 101 – Rage-aholics, and the Ritual of Family Dinners


    Dr. Simon Casey, author of Couples in Chaos, spoke with me about road rage and rage-aholics. The primary fuel for this explosive rage is not power, as these people would like to believe, but fear and hurt which the rage covers. John Nowicki shared his nuclear family’s ritual of nightly dinners and his extended family […] The post Relationships 101 – Rage-aholics, and the Ritual of Family Dinners appeared first on

  • Relationships 101 – Secondary Stress Disorder Among Reporters Who Cover Disasters, and The Unheard Voice of Aging Parents


    Kathleen Koch was a broadcast journalist for CNN sent to the Gulf Coast to cover Hurricane Katrina. She was based in her Mississippi hometown, so her job was all the more emotional. She suffers from regrets even today. Dr. Barbara Kaplan and Carol Ball-Teplin, authors of The Unheard Voice of Aging Parents, addressed what aging […] The post Relationships 101 – Secondary Stress Disorder Among Reporters Who Cover Disasters, and The Unheard Voice of Aging Parents appeared first on

  • Relationships 101 – How to Become a Recovering “Control Freak,” and A Program to Help Abused Men


    My first guest, Dan Walker, is a self-confessed “control freak.” When his life as he had known it collapsed, he had to face how his personality style was sabotaging his whole life. My second guest, Jan Elizabeth Brown, runs a national helpline which is based in Maine, for male victims of domestic abuse. Their number […] The post Relationships 101 – How to Become a Recovering “Control Freak,” and A Program to Help Abused Men appeared first on

  • Relationships 101 – Parenting Your Parents, and Adopting a Challenging Child


    My first guest, Lori La Bey, has been the care giver for her father for the 4 ½ years he had brain cancer and for her mother who has late stage Alzheimer’s. We discussed the risks and rewards of care giving. Then I spoke with Stephanie Roth who adopted two children ages 10 and 6 […] The post Relationships 101 – Parenting Your Parents, and Adopting a Challenging Child appeared first on

  • Relationships 101 – 21st Century Relationships, and Parental Alienation


    My first guest was Dr. Billy Kidd. His cutting edge research with 20-somethings is detailed in Low Stress Romance. He has concluded that 21st century relationships have changed so much that there are no rules and much confusion. My next guest, Dr. Amy J. L. Baker, is a nationally recognized expert whose book is Adult […] The post Relationships 101 – 21st Century Relationships, and Parental Alienation appeared first on

  • Relationships 101 – Effects of Your Internalized Family on Work, and Extricating Yourself from a Borderline Personality Disordered Spouse


    It is impossible not to bring your family to work with you in the form of internalized patterns you learned from your childhood family. Dr. Sylvia Lafair spoke with me about her book Don’t Bring Your Family to Work, examining how vestiges appear at work. Lynn Melville, author of Boomerang Love, talked about being in […] The post Relationships 101 – Effects of Your Internalized Family on Work, and Extricating Yourself from a Borderline Personality Disordered Spouse appeared first on

  • Relationships 101 – Parenting Grown Kids Who Go Sideways, & Mother/Daughter Business Collaboration


    Collaboration Elle Mansfield, co-author of Cutting the Cord, discussed how and why some parents inadvertently enable their adult kids to remain irresponsible and stuck. Christine Marie Peters and her daughter, Julie, described how they happily share their business and their lives. At first, Dr. Beth was a bit skeptical that things may not have been […] The post Relationships 101 – Parenting Grown Kids Who Go Sideways, & Mother/Daughter Business Collaboration appeared first on

  • Relationships 101 – From Failure to Fearless, and Clergy Killers


    Killers I talked with Susanna Abbott about the skills and mindset required to move from being undone by life’s setbacks to making lemonade from them. People need to learn to use their feelings as a data source for sound decision making. In the news, there are a plethora of articles about clergy abuse of congregants. […] The post Relationships 101 – From Failure to Fearless, and Clergy Killers appeared first on

  • Relationships 101 – How the Internet Is Restructuring Our Brains and End of Life Ethical Dilemmas


    I spoke with Dr. Madelyn Blair, author of Riding the Current, about what is happening to America’s creativity and how TV and Internet use are diminishing our creativity and sense of community. Deb Savage, R.N. then spoke with me about the increasing ethical dilemmas that families and health care providers experience because of modern medical […] The post Relationships 101 – How the Internet Is Restructuring Our Brains and End of Life Ethical Dilemmas appeared first on

  • Relationships 101 – Marital Arguments and Advocating for a Child with ADHD


    Sharon Rivkin, marriage and family therapist and author of two books on managing marital arguments where one or both spouses has gotten hooked into old or painful material was my first guest. Then Karen Lowry, a pediatric nurse whose son has Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder which makes it very difficult for him to learn, talked […] The post Relationships 101 – Marital Arguments and Advocating for a Child with ADHD appeared first on

  • Relationships 101 – : Why Long Term Marriages End, and Marital Conflict Sparked by Sibling Positions of Spouses


    Spouses Dr. B. Janet Hibbs, author of Try to See It My Way, and I spoke on why couples who have managed to stay together for a long time end their marriage. Then marriage and family therapist, Dr. Karen Gail Lewis, shared how spouses’ sibling positions can work for or against couples, particularly when conflict […] The post Relationships 101 – : Why Long Term Marriages End, and Marital Conflict Sparked by Sibling Positions of Spouses appeared first on

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