Zoe Code Podcast With Mike Q. Daniel



Helping you discover, cultivate, and share Christ as Life by grace. The Zoe Code reveals the Life breathed into Adam, lost at the Fall, unattained by the Law, restored at the Cross, breathed anew upon the disciples, and lived by faith as new creation saints! For you died & your life is NOW hidden in Christ with God!


  • What does it mean to rest in Christ?

    04/06/2014 Duração: 31min

    In this episode of the series, Tough Issues and Unanswered Questions about Living our Life in Christ by Grace," Mike Daniel and Darrell Lindsey discuss the question, “What does it mean to rest in Christ?” The discussion includes such issues as what it means to come to Christ for rest from your burdens; what is Christ’s “yoke”; and how difficult circumstances can be the perfect venue to know and experience Who He is and find true rest in the midst of those circumstances. To submit a question for future episodes, email Mike Daniel at: mike@ZoeCode.org.

  • What does “I can afford it” mean in the grace life?

    02/06/2014 Duração: 19min

    In this episode of the podcast series, Tough Issues and Unanswered Questions about Living our Life in Christ by Grace," Mike Daniel and Darrell Lindsey discuss the question, “What does ‘I can afford it’ mean in the grace life?” This episode includes a discussion on how we can afford to trust God to meet our needs His way through our relationship with Him rather than our trying to get our needs met through circumstances or from others. We cannot do both; what we want is never as good as what God wants for us. To submit a question for future episodes, email Mike Daniel at: mike@ZoeCode.org.

  • Msg: Ephesians - Life with & in Christ - Week 1

    28/05/2014 Duração: 53min

    Mike Daniel discusses Eph. 1:1-14, including how we are blessed because we are in Christ; how His value in us gives us worth; how we are made holy and blameless in our deepest parts by His Presence in us and not our performance; how He has made us sufficient; and how we are set apart for His purposes to live a life that speaks of Him because of all He’s done. God will bring us a greater revelation of Himself as we increasingly acquire what we already possess. We are holy chosen ones in Christ.

  • MSG: Father’s Lavish Love

    26/05/2014 Duração: 35min

    Mike Daniel continues his discussion of the lavish love of our Heavenly Father, including the Father's desire for you to know how loved you are, how we now have the same relationship available to us that Christ had with the Father, your choice to walk as a child of the Father in the assurance that your needs will be met by Him, and our great worth because of the price God paid to make us His children. 

  • MSG: Father’s Lavish Love

    23/05/2014 Duração: 25min

    Mike Daniel talks about how very lavish the love of our Heavenly Father is that He would make us his children (1 John 3:1), including who you are is defined by being a child of God, if you are feeling unloved or insecure you are believing a lie, and the Father’s love, holiness, righteousness, security, and sufficiency are yours through Christ.

  • MSG: Where Do You Draw the Line--Part 2

    15/05/2014 Duração: 30min

    Andrew Farley & Mike Daniel discuss where you draw the line in the context of Phil. 3:6-11, including knowing your identity and acceptance in Christ; concentrating on Christ and not on your flesh; recognizing that there is no life outside of Christ; and learning to rest in the truth that His grace is enough and that you are loved.

  • MSG:Where Do You Draw the Line?

    07/05/2014 Duração: 30min

    Andrew Farley & Mike Daniel discuss where you draw the line in the context of Phil. 1 & 2, including such topics as Universalism, Mormonism, whether it makes a difference if you live or die as a believer, and to what degree should we humble ourselves.

  • MSG: The God Trip

    05/05/2014 Duração: 45min

    Mike Daniel first discusses what the Gospel is and then the issue of whether we are pursuing God to get our needs met our own way or whether we are willing to just come to Him to let Him live His life through us for His purposes.

  • MSG: Living a Whole Life

    01/05/2014 Duração: 31min

    Make Daniel discusses 1 Thess. 5:16-22, including how you can rejoice and be thankful when God is your Source despite your circumstances.

  • MSG: by Darrell Lindsey

    29/04/2014 Duração: 47min

    Harvest Fellowship Community Church Pastor, Darrell Lindsey, discusses Matthew 21:10-19, explaining Jesus's clearing the temple and cursing the fig tree. He also discusses parallels between the Temple and the grace illustration of body, soul and spirit.

  • MSG: The Passion - Escaping the Grave

    23/04/2014 Duração: 54min

    Mike Daniel discusses how when Jesus walked out of the grave, He walked out with you and how there is no obstacle to His being sufficient in your life but you never get to dictate the terms of His sufficiency and how He meets your needs.

  • MSG: The Passion, 7 Last Words

    18/04/2014 Duração: 14min

    Mike Daniel discusses Jesus’ last words, “Into my hands I commend my spirit,” and how all Jesus could do while separated from God is to commit His spirit into His Father’s hands, and what we need to do is commit ourselves to God to do whatever He wants to do. Mike also discusses Jesus’ last words, “It is finished,” and how we cannot add anything to Jesus’ work. Spiritually we have all that we need from Him and we are growing in our experience of that reality in our souls.

  • MSG: The Passion, 7 Last Word

    17/04/2014 Duração: 10min

    Mike Daniel discusses how Jesus' words on the cross, "I thirst" shows how Jesus experienced the insufficiency of life apart from God. Jesus chose the cross that He did not want because He wanted you and that was of greater value than the moment of separation from His Father, suffering and death. Our only reasonable response to neediness of Christ is to receive what He died for us to have.

  • MSG: The Passion - 7 Last Words

    16/04/2014 Duração: 11min

    Mike Daniel discusses the significance of Jesus' words on the cross, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me," and the implications of His becoming sin for us so we would never be forsaken by God.

  • MSG: The husband's role in marriage

    10/04/2014 Duração: 53min

    Mike Daniel discusses 1 Pet. 3:7 and how a husband's role as leader in their home should be lived from the perspective of his wife, and the value of elevating the relationship above the issues.

  • MSG: The husband's role in marriage

    09/04/2014 Duração: 49min

    Mike Daniel discusses 1 Pet. 3:7 and how a husband's role as leader in their home should be lived from the perspective of his wife, and the value of elevating the relationship above the issues.

  • Message: The Passion, "7 Last Words"

    03/04/2014 Duração: 16min

    Mike Daniel explores the 7 last words of Christ on the cross as showing not only what Christ went through in the Passion on our behalf but what it looks like today for us to walk as He walked because the very Christ we’re looking at on the cross is living in us today.

  • Message: The Passion, "7 Last Words"

    02/04/2014 Duração: 32min

    Mike Daniel explores the 7 last words of Christ on the cross demonstrating not only what Christ went through in the Passion on our behalf but what it looks like today for us to walk as He walked because the very Christ we’re looking at on the cross is living in us today.

  • Message: The Passion, "Crown"

    26/03/2014 Duração: 47min

    What does it look like to truly REIGN in life? How do our circumstances, emotions, and lying beliefs NOT determine our experience, identity, & value in life? Mike Daniel discusses how grace affords us the experience of Christ's life even in the midst a fallen and broken world.

  • How does grace life work when you’re depressed?

    21/03/2014 Duração: 23min

    In this episode of the podcast series, Tough Issues and Unanswered Questions about Living out our Life in Christ by Grace," Mike Daniel and Darrell Lindsey discuss the question, “How does grace life work when you’re depressed?” To submit a question for future episodes, email Mike Daniel at: mike@ZoeCode.org.

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