Susan Hyatts Rich Coach Club



Susan Hyatts Rich Coach Club is packed with inspiring ideas, pep talks, interviews, and all kinds of good stuff to help you build a coaching business that is strong, solid, and super profitable. Whether youre a life coach, health coach, fitness coach, writing coach, any type of coach, you will hear some gems on the show that apply to YOU. Master Certified Life Coach Susan Hyatt combines old-school business savvy with new-school technologies and general bad-assery to teach coaches how to significantly increase their income AND build their dream practice! Download 3 Things You Can Do Right Now to Get More Clients worksheet with audio and lets get those daily deposits rolling into your bank account at


  • Quitting Can Make You Wealthy

    15/08/2021 Duração: 19min

    Fifteen years ago, I walked away from a lucrative career in residential real estate. When it came to my real estate career, I knew it was time to give up and walk away. But when it comes to other things in my life, I know it’s NOT my time to give up. Get the full show notes and more information here:

  • Are You Living Your Former Self's Dream?

    08/08/2021 Duração: 14min

    In today’s episode, I’m diving into how to handle the crummy days, the setbacks, and disappointments by digging into your past. When you’re having a bad day, take a moment and CELEBRATE that growth instead of wallowing in negativity. Get the full show notes and more information here:

  • Haters Can Help You Earn More Money

    01/08/2021 Duração: 16min

    If you’re doing important work in the world, then you’ve gotta handle the haters.   In today’s episode, I’m sharing with you my best advice on dealing with the trolls that keeps you emotionally resilient and protects your joy.   Get the full show notes and more information here:  

  • Weirdos Make More Money

    25/07/2021 Duração: 16min

    Have you ever done something for your life, or business, that someone called “weird?” I’ve been called “weird” many, many times in my life. And I can say with confidence that WEIRD... is what gets it done. I stumbled upon this quote the other day that brought me such joy: “Being weird is like being called a limited edition. It means you’re something people don’t see that often.” The next time you’re tempted to dim your shine, lean into being a “limited edition.” Get the full show notes and more information here:

  • How to Use Joy to Create Wealth

    18/07/2021 Duração: 20min

    Joy isn’t always the easy choice. As humans, we are wired to choose drama. Drama is a powerful drug, releasing endorphins and dopamine-meaning that you’ll feel an intoxicating pleasure high when indulging in it. But when you choose JOY over DRAMA, incredible things happen. You’ll experience emotional wealth. And that richness pays off for your mind, body, and bank account.   Get the full show notes and more information here:

  • Treat Yourself Every Day

    11/07/2021 Duração: 10min

    Have you ever owned something completely luxurious- like a designer dress, a jaw-dropping pair of Jimmy Choos, or a diamond encrusted watch, and then…. Only wear it once? There’s an insidious little thing going around that I call “special-occasion-itis.” Those who suffer from special-occasion-itis believe that they only “deserve” things on special occasions. They can only slip on that dress for a fancy anniversary dinner. Or, they only deserve flowers on Valentine’s Day. You get the gist. Well... no matter the occasion it’s time to… GO ALL OUT.

  • It's The Right Time

    04/07/2021 Duração: 21min

    Do you want to do something but feel like it’s just not the “right time. You’re not alone.  Over the years, I’ve heard thousands of clients dish out the “right time” excuse when it comes to pursuing something they really want. You can spend the rest of your life saying “it’s not the right time”-or you can listen to this episode and ditch that noise so we can get you creating what you crave. - Click on the full episode up above and learn how you can combat and clear those pesky blocks.  There’s never going to be the perfect time, so the right time is now!

  • How Boundaries Make You Richer

    27/06/2021 Duração: 14min

    Have you heard of Naomi Osaka?  If you haven’t- THIS is a woman to know.  Naomi is the number two ranked women’s tennis player in the entire world. During the last French Open, her anxiety was at an all-time high -particularly around tournament’s press junkets, where they have a history of asking women tennis players unnerving questions.  She decided not to participate in the press junket after her match early on in the competition…. And the tournament fined her $15,000 in response.  So what did Naomi do? She upgraded her boundaries. Click on this week's full episode so you can hear how I upgraded my boundaries with a family member and learn how you can create boundaries which will better serve you.  Upgraded boundaries will always give you a surge of power and pride. So, let’s get to work!

  • You Are The Most

    23/06/2021 Duração: 44min

    Me and my entrepreneurial powerhouse besties, Robert Hartwell and Rachel Rodgers have joined forces to create the most epic mastermind experience: THE MOST.   That’s right, we’re coming together to help you unleash what you have to offer to the world.  THE MOST is a luxe, weekend mastermind experience for 50 pioneering entrepreneurs, ambitious professionals, authors, or artists who are ready to electrify their life, business, and relationships.  But, how did THE MOST come to be? Listen to this episode and you'll hear all of the details! Visit: to learn more about THE MOST and why deserve the absolute most.   

  • Burn It Up

    20/06/2021 Duração: 11min

    In today’s episode, we’re going to be burning what isn’t serving us.  It’s time for those low-quality thoughts to BURN Baby BURN! When was the last time you had a fiery desire to burn something to the ground? Well for myself, it was when I hosted a completely over-the-top dinner party for fifty people in my own backyard in Evansville, Indiana.  My idea was to host an impromptu dinner party at my home, for free. This felt pleasurable and exciting for me, and re-invigorated the ways in which I wanted to be doing business.  However, this idea also kicked up some nonsense and negativity, and my mind suddenly became filled with doubt. If you find yourself spiraling and wallowing in thoughts that don’t serve you, I want you to eavesdrop on yourself- and burn up those thoughts. Let’s welcome those fiery new high-quality thoughts and watch your entire existence sizzle and shine!  Head over to for more information and the full show notes!

  • Environmental Detox: What Are You Taking In That's Costing You?

    13/06/2021 Duração: 12min

    What are you taking in? Whether you know it or not, your environment impacts you. Everything from your physical environment (like your home office), your media environment (like the shows you watch or the people you follow online), and your social environment (like friendships) influence how you move through the world. It’s so important to evaluate what things in your environment are toxic and sweep that hot mess out of your life.  My friend Melissa is a writer of Lifetime Movies. You know those terrifying thrillers about stalking, or kidnapping, or other horrific happenings.  Melissa is a huge fan of my book, BARE, and when she got to the chapter on environmental detox she had a sinking feeling of dread. She’s good at compartmentalizing her movies from her real life. But, Melissa realized that the research phase of her movies, specifically coming up with new ideas was quite toxic.  Hunting for new ideas, Melissa would spend hours consuming horrifying forums on Reddit, constantly listening to true crime podca

  • How To Create a Wealthy Mindset

    07/06/2021 Duração: 11min

    - Are you stuck in a cycle of low-quality thought patterns?  - Do you have some outdated stories playing on repeat in your mind? - How many times a day do you have thoughts about yourself that simply aren’t true? Even as a Master Certified Life Coach- I still have thoughts that don’t serve my ass. It’s something I need to work on all the time.  What you tell yourself - about yourself - can energize you…. Or drain you.  Today’s show is all about doing your own thought work. When I say “work on your thoughts” - I mean paying close attention to the thoughts that come into your head throughout the day. I want you to think and reflect about what you tell yourself. If your thoughts are draining, negative, exhausting, they’re not serving you, and it’s time to challenge them.  What You’ll Learn from this Episode: - How working on your thoughts improves your energy and happiness. - How to identify low-quality thought patterns.  - How to reframe your thoughts, and change what you say to yourself.  I encourage you to p

  • How To Scale Your Business Successfully

    30/05/2021 Duração: 17min

    One of the biggest issues I hear from my clients is that there's no time to scale when their schedule is completely full. I get it. I've wrestled with scaling in the past. It's time to stop trading hours for dollars, stop standing in your own way, and start making money moves. -- Scaling businesses and helping women earn more money is my specialty. Apply today to join one of my Masterminds this summer. You'll get 12 months of support, empowerment, and expert training on everything from course creation to marketing.

  • How to Set Goals That Make Money & Generate Joy

    23/05/2021 Duração: 12min

    You do not need to cling to a goal for dear life. I don’t care if your goal is professional or personal. Or if it’s something you’ve sunk a lot of time and energy into. It’s never too late to take a good hard look at your goals. No more excuses. Apply to my On the 6 Mastermind and kiss the money blocks goodbye! No more wasting time on moves that never seem to work. Is your goal to help build a more equitable world? Learn how you can become a Certified Life Coach in 6-months, become a successful entrepreneur, and receive training that's rooted in diversity, equity, and inclusion with The University for Life Coach Training.  

  • How to Give Your Business A Spring Cleaning

    16/05/2021 Duração: 44min

    No offense to winter, but it is time to THAW OUT. Spring is here, and I’m betting that your coaching practice needs a good ole cleaning. And I’m not talking about checking your website for typos (though, that’s fine, too.) Join Susan Hyatt's Rich Coach Club on Facebook. Follow Susan Hyatt on YouTube. Hang with Susan Hyatt on Instagram. Learn how you can work with Susan Hyatt.

  • How to Get Rich by Taking Ownership of Your Work

    09/05/2021 Duração: 43min

    Taking ownership means putting in the work to create a unique system of your own that will attract more clients, enable you to help them get better results, and hone your unique perspective. Take ownership of your coaching practice today! Apply to join On the 6, my 12 month Mastermind program to grow your income without the hustle. ACCESS INSTANTLY: Get essential tools to level up (or begin) your coaching practice! Download here.

  • Why You Don't Need Hustle Culture to Succeed with Master Certified Life Coach Susan Hyatt

    02/05/2021 Duração: 14min

    Society teaches us that if we work hard, sacrifice sleep, ignore our family, pass out at our desk — That THESE are the success markers we should aim for. But here’s the thing - hustling to a point where you’re sacrificing your life and well-being will actually take you FARTHER AWAY from achieving your goals.  FREE RESOURCE: Snag my free coaching toolkit right here.   ENROLL TODAY: Quick Start is an 8-week Mastermind program where I help coaches, services providers, and entrepreneurs grow their business. Learn more here and enroll today.

  • What Makes You Feel Like a Badass with Master Certified Life Coach Susan Hyatt

    25/04/2021 Duração: 10min

    As a coach, it’s so important to share your victories publicly. If you’re making an impact on your clients’ lives, if you’re really good at what you do, then you need to let the world know. This needs to become a regular practice, something you do all the time, part of your weekly and monthly routine. Let’s #NormalizeBragging FREE RESOURCE: Get the exact resources & tools you need to clarify your work & start bragging! Download The Ultimate Coaching Toolkit. GET IN DEMAND: Build a business you can't help but brag about! Get my digital training program to help you create and sell your programs & services online. Get In Demand here!

  • How to Go From Performative Allyship to Lifelong Allyship with Susan Hyatt

    18/04/2021 Duração: 12min

    Are you “hoping” and “wishing” and “thinking about” making an impact, or are you actually DOING it? There is nothing wrong with posting a supportive message on Instagram. That’s fine. If you wanna do that, great. It’s good to create awareness. But I wanna know…what are you doing AFTER that? What are you doing IN ADDITION to that?  -- KEEP UP- Get weekly reminders and pep talks straight to your phone. Text RCCUpdate to +1 (812) 408-1823 The University for Life Coach Training- Are you interested in becoming a Certified Life Coach? Apply here: FREE RESOURCE: 30 Ways You Can Educate Yourself, Stand in Solidarity with your BIPOC friends, Fight Racism, and Build a Better World

  • What To Do After A Disappointing Launch with Master Certified Life & Business Coach Susan Hyatt

    11/04/2021 Duração: 11min

    You pour your heart and soul into launching your new product or service, and the last thing you want is... crickets. But the avalanche of sales you'd hoped for is more like a flurry. The next steps you take are crucial to your future success, so let's discuss what to do after a disappointing launch. Hint: Don't give up. -- ENROLLMENT ALERT: Quick Start is an 8-week Mastermind program for new and experienced entrepreneurs who want to overcome obstacles and watch PayPal payments flow in on the daily. Learn more right here. Are you a member of Rich Coach Club on Facebook? Joining is free, and the value is priceless! Click here to join.

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