Christine Upchurch



The Christine Upchurch Show Stellar Conversations To Illuminate Your Journey Fridays 11am pacific / 2pm eastern Over the course of my career, I have had the privilege of interacting with some of the most amazing visionaries within the fields of spirituality, self-empowerment, and science. I’ve had some fascinating conversational exchanges with them, both in-person and on-air. Their wisdom has helped me to expand on my journey, and I feel fortunate to be able to share some of these imp ...


  • Wisdom from a Recovering Skinhead with Frank Meeink


    Is it possible for a white supremacist to heal his hatred? Former skinhead gang member Frank Meeink did exactly that and now lectures against racism. In this conversation with Christine, Frank explains how he rose from the depths of the Nazi underground movement, healed his hatred and addiction, and went on to become a leader in the peace movement encouraging people to open their hearts and minds and embrace all races.

  • Tickled: A Commonsense Guide to the Present Moment with Duff McDonald and Matt McButter


    Often people view spirituality as a serious pursuit, but is seriousness the best way to nurture our conscious growth? In this conversation with Christine, author and journalist Duff McDonald and his long-time friend and fellow podcaster Matt McButter address how self-realization and spiritual expansion are often best approached with a good dose of light-heartedness.

  • The Missing Link in Self-Care: Fascia Decompression with Deanna Hansen and Sabrina Fritts


    When thinking about self-care, how often do we consider the health of our fascia? In this conversation with Christine, Certified Athletic Therapist and Block Therapy founder Deanna Hansen and intuitive healer and advocate Sabrina Fritts share why the health of our fascia greatly affects our overall wellbeing including how quickly we age. They explain how fascia decompression is the often overlooked missing link to both full diaphragmatic breathing and cellular health and how properly addressing our fascia can be an absolute game-changer.

  • The Desire Factor with Best-Selling Author Christy Whitman


    We often think that being materialistic automatically conflicts with being spiritual. Yet New York Times bestselling author and transformational leader Christy Whitman says that the two can be perfectly intertwined. In this conversation with Christine, Christy shares how you can mold your outermost desires for things such as wealth, power, or fame into the building blocks for creating a more valuable sense of self, deeper purpose, and more expansive spiritual power.

  • Remote Viewing: Seeing into Other Locations and Different Times with Psychic Medium Patricia Monna


    Is it possible to see into other locations, even going back in time? In this conversation with Christine, internationally known psychic medium and remote viewer Patricia Monna discusses how she uses remote viewing to help her clients in their personal lives as well as to help law enforcement find missing persons. Patricia explains that remote viewing isn t just a natural gift, but also a learnable skill that anyone can train to do.

  • Embody Your Spiritual Power with Consciousness Hacker Damien Wynne


    During this time on our planet, releasing what no longer serves us and stepping into our power has become ever-more critical. In this conversation with Christine, international consultant, workshop leader and consciousness hacker Damien Wynne explains why spiritual empowerment equates with energetic embodiment, and offers insights for bringing more of your true essence into the physical realm. Watch LIVE on FB! Go to

  • The Dangers of Genetic Altering Therapy with Dr. Lee Merritt


    For the past year, our world has been focused on a health crisis. To keep people healthy, does it make sense to use gene-altering therapy as a preventative? In this conversation with Christine, physician and surgeon Dr. Lee Merritt shares knowledge and wisdom from her decades-long career about the risks both short-term and long term associated with inoculating the masses with experimental technology.

  • Savoring Life’s Spiritual Moments with Storyteller Colleen Foye Bollen


    Sometimes life can seem like an endless to-do list, with each day being spent performing repetitive tasks in order to check things off that list. In this conversation with Christine, author, healer, and storyteller Colleen Foye Bollen shares how you don t have to live like that that you can turn everyday experiences into magical moments. Through stories and insights, Christine and Colleen discuss ways to transform even mundane activities into opportunities to connect with the spiritual side of life.

  • Pause. Breathe. Choose.: Become the CEO of Your Well-Being with Author Naz Beheshti


    Far too often our lives are marked by a singular focus on achievement, often prioritizing doing well over being well. But the truth is that we can have both success and well-being. In this interview with Christine, author and executive wellness coach Naz Beheshti offers straightforward, actionable strategies that you can use to create lasting, positive change.

  • Katherine’s Quest: One Woman’s Journey to Elation with Author Pat Alva-Kraker


    Everyone faces significant challenges in life, as #1 bestselling author Pat Alva‐Kraker can attest. But is it possible to transform obstacles and pain into fulfillment? In this conversation with Christine, Pat shares her hard-earned wisdom about how each of us can lead our lives with courage in order to create empowerment, peace, and elation.

  • Regaining Balance and Purpose in the Midst of Uncertainty with Debra Silverman


    During these uncertain times, many are looking for a way to regain stability and discover a new sense of purpose. In this conversation with Christine, psychotherapist and astrologer Debra Silverman shares ways you can assess your own personality in order to understand your life lessons within the context of your current circumstances. Silverman offers insights and tools from her decades-long practice, utilizing Jungian psychology, astrology, and the four elements.

  • The Spark: Igniting Your Best Life with Stephanie James


    We all face many challenges. According to author and psychotherapist Stephanie James, those challenges can become the match point that ignites something amazing within that becomes the gift we share with the world. In this conversation with Christine, James shares tips for developing resiliency when dealing with those challenges, and offers ways to rev up your relationship with yourself and others so that you can cultivate a true sense of joy.

  • The Creative Cure with Jacob Nordby


    The Creative Cure is a call for a revolution, fostering change where all change must begin: within. In this conversation with Christine, author and creative coach Jacob Nordby shares why developing a creative practice will not only allow you to express your own creative gifts, but it will also help you cultivate happiness and experience a unique sense of fulfillment.

  • Tap your Soul Chakra to make 2021 YOUR Year with Cyndi Dale


    You have a choice facing you in 2021: Do you want any say in your journey? In this conversation with Christine, internationally renowned author, speaker, energy healer and professor Cyndi Dale says that If you want to have a say, you must choose who you want to become during this transitional year. Dale also explains that its not enough to simply make a decisionthat you must also tap into energy and purpose in order to turn your choice into a reality.

  • Life Beyond Breath: Lessons from a Near Death Experience with Author Jacob Cooper


    Those who have a near-death experience often gain deep insight and inspiration from the other side. But it can be difficult to integrate that spiritual awakening into daily life. In this conversation with Christine, author and clinical social worker Jacob Cooper talks about how his near-death experience opened him up to a greater reality, but how it took him years to embrace the gifts from that experience. He offers some of the lessons he learned along the way to help each of us in the here and now.

  • Discover Your Dharma with Sahara Rose


    Do you ever feel as though your soul is calling you for some greater purpose? In this conversation with Christine, bestselling author, speaker, and successful podcaster Sahara Rose offers a step-by-step approach to help you explore this. She discusses her book Discover Your Dharma: A Vedic Guide to Discovering Your Purpose, and shares how you can transcend your fears that block you, empowering you to make a bigger imprint in the world.

  • Do Unto Earth: It’s Not Too Late with Authors Penelope Jean Hayes & Carole Serene Borgens


    Can you imagine receiving answers to your most thought-provoking questions about life on Earth, spanning topics from historical events to present-day environmental issues? Thats what happened when author and viralenologist Penelope Jean Hayes communicated with the Divine Wisdom Source who self-introduced as Pax, channeled through intuitive Carole Serene Borgens. In this conversation with Christine, Carole and Penelope share what is an urgent message to humanity about planetary healing.

  • Are We Truly Living? Professor David E. Martin


    This past year has highlighted a number of systemic failures in how we live. According to author, businessman, and global foresight advisor Professor David E. Martin, near the top of that list of failures is that few of us actually have a clear picture of life and its value. In this conversation with Christine, David shares the role that fear plays in creating this dysfunction and offers insight about how we can shift into living a more purposeful life.

  • My Big Toe: A Trilogy Unifying Philosophy, Physics and Metaphysics with Tom Campbell


    What do you get when a brilliant nuclear physicist spends a lifetime exploring the frontiers of reality, consciousness, and psychic phenomena? Mind-blowing results! In this conversation with Christine, physicist Tom Campbell discusses what research has shown about the properties, boundaries, and abilities of consciousness. Campbell also shares insight about how this research helps to unify science and philosophy, physics and metaphysics, mind and matter, purpose and meaning, and the normal and the paranormal.

  • Help from Angelic Attendant and Medical Intuitive Julie Ryan


    During these challenging times, wouldnt it be helpful to have extra support from the angelic realm? In this conversation with Christine, author and psychic Julie Ryan shares how she went from being an inventor and businesswoman to a medical intuitive. She offers guidance so that you, too, can discover ways to tap into your higher support system and get some much needed psychic help.

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