The Thomas Guide With John Thomas



The Thomas Guide with John Thomas is your weekly roadmap to navigating the world of news, politics, business, technology and culture. Every week this Political Strategist who is a native-Angelino and culture buff, will guide you through an entertaining road trip with plenty of surprises. Tune in to hear John's play-by-plays on President-Elect Trump's journey into the White House and beyond. Even though John is in the driver's seat as your guide to the world, he always wants to hear from you, his passengers! Let him know what you want to hear more of, what you think of his weekly political predictions with KFI's Bill Handel and more! #JohnsCrystalBall


  • John's 100th episode and the gloves are off as the candidates go negative.

    07/02/2020 Duração: 34min

    You won't want to miss John's 100th episode of the Thomas Guide where he unpacks the Democrats going negative on one another, what to expect going into New Hampshire and why Iowa still matters.

  • Biden's Sr. Advisor melts down on CNN and the DNC calls for a recount.

    06/02/2020 Duração: 16min

    John explains why Biden's team is in over their head as he dissects a CNN on air implosion. DNC calls for a recount in Iowa. Will it even matter? Pelosi is outed for having pre-torn the SOTU speech and a Calif wants to mandate voting? 

  • Trump's best day so far and Pelosi's snub.

    05/02/2020 Duração: 41min

    Trump had the best day of his presidency so far while the Democrats scramble to figure out their Iowa debacle. John breaks down the latest Gallup polling showing a trump surge. As the primary season is officially underway who is favored to win New Hampshire and what about Super Tuesday? John explains.

  • Iowa disaster! There's an app for that.

    04/02/2020 Duração: 22min

    After last night's Iowa disaster John breaks down what happened, what we know and what to watch for going forward. Do we have a front runner for the Dem nomination? John explains.

  • It's Election Day! Could Bernie pull it off and Bloomberg lies in his Superbowl ad.

    03/02/2020 Duração: 40min

    It is Election Day in Iowa. John breaks down the latest and what to watch for. Dueling ads: Trump vs. Bloomberg. JT explains each spot and whether or not they worked. John Kerry for President? John explains. The Des Moine Register poll was canceled. John explains what happened and why cancelling the poll was a mistake.

  • We don't want no stinking witnesses and Yang says his supporters will go to Bernie.

    31/01/2020 Duração: 20min

    Sen. Lamar Alexander announces he'll vote against witnesses essentially killing off the prospect of the trial extending much longer. John has a sneak preview of Trump's super bowl ad. Andrew Yang admits that if he doesn't win his supporters will go to Bernie.

  • The far left could take control of the LA DA's office and Bernie surges in California

    31/01/2020 Duração: 35min

    John goes through his visit to the rackuas LA District Attorney's debate. The incumbent has a real challenge from the far left. Bernie is surging in California. Could he win the nomination? John explains. And Bernie's superpacs unite to get him across the finish line.

  • John unveils Biden's biggest weakness and the establish goes after Bernie.

    29/01/2020 Duração: 35min

    John unveils Joe Biden's main weakness and the impact of it in a general election. The GOP congressional arm is in trouble financially, John has the details. Bloomberg awkwardly shakes a dogs mouth. Is he relatable enough to win over everyday americans? Will Bolton testify? John weighs in.

  • CNN jumps the shark attacking Trump and his supporters. Is this the new deplorables?

    28/01/2020 Duração: 33min

    CNN's Don Lemon and Rick Wilson unfairly attack Trump and his supporters in a Hillary Clinton deplorable like moment. This will serve to further damage the MSM's brand and help Trump's reelection. New polling in New Hampshire is showing Sanders surging. John walks you through the path for him to win that's become more real by the day. What's the impact of high impact in Iowa? John plays out the multitude of scenarios and teaches you how to analyze what's likely to happen.

  • Sanders surges in Iowa. Can he pull it off?

    27/01/2020 Duração: 27min

    Latest NYT poll shows Sanders taking the dominant lead but can he pull it off? John explains. Why despite Amy and Elizabeth winning major newspaper endorsements are they stuck in the doldrums? John explains the impact of newspaper endorsements on political races. Latest impeachment trial ratings are in and they continue to tank! John goes through the listener mailbag.

  • No one cares! Viewers tune out of day 2 of impeachment and Joe Rogan votes for Bernie.

    24/01/2020 Duração: 17min

    The ratings are in and viewers are tuning out. John explains why viewers are likely tuning out of impeachment. Joe Rogan endorses bernie and with good reason. What's the real impact of Trump's twitter and how are most americans learning about his tweets? John explains. Plus, ultra woke dems reach a ceasefire with the Democratic Congressional committee at last. Lastly, what are the candidates doing with 10 days before Iowa. John explains.

  • Special edition: John strategy secrets for Trump to win and Dems to beat trump.

    23/01/2020 Duração: 30min

    John unveils his strategic advice for Trump to defeat democrats and puts on his dem strategist hat to give them advice on how to beat trump. You're not going to want to miss it. Hillary attacks Bernie but are her attacks truthful or spiteful? John Explains. John goes into the strategic reasoning behind Tulsi suing Hillary. MSNBC gets upset because dem senators aren't willing to fake their interest in being jurors.  

  • Biden pulls the Obama card but will it backfire?

    23/01/2020 Duração: 30min

    John breaks down the latest Biden ads for their messaging secrets and discipline to message. Plus can Biden overcome his enthusiasm gap?

  • CNN's misleading impeachment poll & will Biden win Iowa?

    21/01/2020 Duração: 19min

    John unpacks the misleading new CNN poll and a new survey shows Biden might win Iowa but will he? John explains. What's the real impact of Bloomberg's massive ad spend? It'll be on the down ticket races and John explains why. Pete B. makes a major general election gaffe that'll haunt him.

  • Bloomberg ups the pandering but will it work? And Bernie and Warren attack Biden.

    20/01/2020 Duração: 31min

    Bloomberg apologizes for his white privilege. It is heartfelt or cheap pandering? Most importantly will it work? Bloomberg is set to spend $2 billion to win. Is it enough? Bernie and Elizbaeth team up to sack Biden over the third rail - social security. John weighs in. NYT endorses Warren and Amy but does it even matter?

  • John Thomas with Mo Kelly on KFI

    20/01/2020 Duração: 21min

    Trump's new legal team what does it mean? What's the real solution to California's homeless problem? John Explains.

  • Did the Dem debate move the needle?

    15/01/2020 Duração: 17min

    In the home stretch before Iowa did the DNC debate matter? John breaks it all down.   Van Jones calls it right, no one on the stage demonstrated an ability to beat Trump. Why? John explains.

  • Warren attacks the Bern and Dem SuperPAC goes negative against Trump but will it work?

    14/01/2020 Duração: 21min

    A day after it's leaked that Bernie's campaign had a volunteer phone script contrasting Warren, Bernie goes on the defense over a 2018 meeting in which he allegedly told Warren a woman couldn't win. Bernie claims it's all a lie. Who planted to story? John will explain.   Plus, John takes a victory lap over predicting Cory Booker dropping out of the race.   Major Dem SuperPAC is preparing to spend over $150 million to attack Trump before the Convention but will it work?

  • The gloves are off! Bernie attacks Warren and Biden. Why and will it work?

    13/01/2020 Duração: 37min

    Bernie goes negative against his bestie Elizabeth Warren and she responds. John breaks down her response and why Bernie went negative. Sander also goes negative and John foreshadows what we are likely to see going into the next DNC debate.   John predicts Cory Booker to be the next to drop out. He even announced how he will drop and what he'll say.   Thomas examines each leading candidate's closing arguments with the latest ads.

  • Will Bolton actually testify or is it all a rouse? Plus new shock polling has Steyer on the rise in South Carolina

    10/01/2020 Duração: 23min

    John explains Pelosi's impeachment game is backfiring while even her fellow democrats are saying put up or shut up. What's her next move? John predicts. Plus will John Bolton testify or is it all a rouse?   New state by state polls are out and while Steyer is  on the rise in South Carolina Sanders remains a close second in almost every state. Could he just pull it off? John opines.

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