Plausibly Live! - The Official Podcast Of The Dave Bowman Show



The Dave Bowman Show returns to podcast. The former Afternoons Live host joins you at least three times a week to give you his opinions, look at the historical angles of the the big stories and even throw in a sea story or two.


  • BA314 - The Stuff of Science Fiction

    01/07/2024 Duração: 29min

    In this thought-provoking episode of The Buffalo Alice Exit 314 Podcast, we dive into the realm of science fiction and explore the endless possibilities of futuristic technology. As our host battles through the symptoms of COVID, he ponders a tantalizing question: If you could have one piece of sci-fi gear, what would it be? From the practicality of a space elevator to the dream of faster-than-light travel, and even the whimsical notion of a hypnotoad from Futurama, listeners weigh in with their imaginative responses. Our host shares his own intriguing choice—a learning machine that could instantaneously impart vast knowledge, solving the frustrations of traditional learning and opening up new horizons of understanding. Tune in for a blend of personal anecdotes, science fiction musings, and a touch of humor as we navigate the intersection of technology and human ambition. Whether you’re a sci-fi enthusiast or simply curious about the future, this episode offers a captivating glimpse into the “stuff of scien

  • WTF - Whither Facebook?

    01/07/2024 Duração: 59min

    On this episode of “The What The Frock Podcast,” Rabbi Dave and Friar Rod dive into a spirited discussion about the frustrations and challenges of dealing with Facebook’s evolving policies and restrictions. They share personal anecdotes about their experiences with social media, touching on the broader implications for content creators and users alike. Amidst their social media woes, they also manage to weave in humorous tales, including a mix-up involving an albino grizzly bear and a polar bear. Tune in for a blend of serious discourse and light-hearted banter that keeps the conversation lively and engaging. Whether you’re a social media enthusiast or just here for the laughs, this episode has something for everyone.

  • BA314 - Nope. You Don’t Get to Do That…

    29/06/2024 Duração: 29min

    In this episode of “The Buffalo Alice Exit 314 Podcast,” Dave launches into a fiery and impassioned critique of the Democratic Party’s handling of President Joe Biden’s candidacy. With a focus on accountability, the episode dissects the decisions leading up to Biden’s current political predicament, the implications of those choices, and the broader impact on American politics. Listeners can expect a no-holds-barred analysis, highlighting the consequences of political maneuvers and the deep-seated frustrations within the political landscape.

  • BA314 - Road Rage

    27/06/2024 Duração: 30min

    In this episode we embark on a journey through the heart of America, tracing a memorable trip that began with a simple desire to explore and ended with the discovery of the whimsical and eclectic spirit of Exit 314, Buffalo Alice. Our host takes us through the vast stretches of North Dakota, reflecting on the peculiar charm and potential that the exit sign inspired. Along the way, we delve into the intricacies of social media frustrations, unexpected encounters with local authorities, and a bizarre incident on I-5 that leaves us pondering the absurdities of road rage. Tune in for a free-form, creative exploration of life’s peculiar moments and a glimpse into the mind behind Buffalo Alice 314.

  • DDH - What Would You Do?

    26/06/2024 Duração: 34min

    On June 25, 1876, General George Armstrong Custer and his troops faced a formidable alliance of Lakota Sioux, Northern Cheyenne, and Arapaho warriors led by legendary leaders Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse. This clash, often referred to as “Custer’s Last Stand,” has been etched into the annals of history not only for its dramatic and tragic outcome but also for its profound impact on the course of Native American resistance and U.S. military policy. Join us as we explore the events leading up to the battle, the strategies and decisions that defined it, and the enduring legacy that continues to shape our understanding of this pivotal moment in the American West….

  • WTF - Oil! Oil! Oil!

    23/06/2024 Duração: 01h03min

    Welcome to “What the Frock,” the lively and thought-provoking podcast hosted by Rabbi Dave and Friar Rod. Each episode dives into current events, pop culture, and quirky stories with a unique blend of humor, insight, and unfiltered commentary. Whether they’re discussing space missions, classic films, or the latest political gaffes, Rabbi Dave and Friar Rod bring their distinct perspectives and dynamic chemistry to every conversation. Tune in for an entertaining and enlightening journey through the unexpected, the hilarious, and the downright baffling moments of our world. In this episode of “What the Frock,” Rabbi Dave and Friar Rod tackle a range of topics from the technical issues of Boeing’s Starliner spacecraft to the intriguing tale of skydiving mishaps. They share amusing personal anecdotes, including Rabbi Dave’s adventures with parachuting and the frustrations of podcast recording. The hosts also delve into the complexities of modern storytelling in popular culture, focusing on the latest Star Wars s

  • DDH - The War of 1812

    18/06/2024 Duração: 36min

    In this episode of Dave Does History on Bill Mick Live, historian Dave Bowman takes listeners on a deep dive into the War of 1812, examining the complex causes and significant consequences of the conflict. The discussion covers the war’s origins, including British impressment of American sailors, trade restrictions, and territorial disputes involving Native American tribes. Bowman explains how the war fostered a sense of national unity and identity, despite initial American setbacks such as the surrender at the Siege of Detroit. Key battles, including the naval victory at Lake Erie and the Battle of New Orleans, are highlighted for their strategic importance and impact on American morale. The episode also addresses the burning of Washington, D.C., and the eventual peace established by the Treaty of Ghent. Through this detailed exploration, Bowman illustrates the war’s profound influence on America’s diplomatic and military strategies, as well as its cultural legacy, including the inspiration for “The Star-Spa

  • WTF - Die Deutschen Sind Ein Skurriles Volk

    16/06/2024 Duração: 01h15s

    In the latest episode of the “What The Frock” podcast, hosts Rabbi Dave and Friar Rod dive into a mix of whimsical and thought-provoking topics, maintaining their signature blend of humor and insight. The episode kicks off with Rabbi Dave sharing his struggle with insomnia, leading him to discover a bizarre German TikTok sensation. He amusingly recounts how two men in Germany turned a tongue twister about a woman named Barbara and her renowned rhubarb pie into a viral hit, complete with millions of views and numerous dance copies. This quirky tale sets a light-hearted tone for the episode. Rabbi Dave and Friar Rod discuss the addictive nature of social media platforms like Instagram, which, according to Dave, has morphed into a version of TikTok. They humorously criticize their own late-night scrolling habits, underscoring the pervasive impact of these digital distractions. The conversation veers into the realm of German humor, with Rabbi Dave elaborating on the whimsical nature of German nursery rhymes an

  • The Saddest Thing to Be

    13/06/2024 Duração: 21min

    NOTE: This particular episode is focused mainly on the issue of Veterans and how they relate to the younger generation of Veterans and Active Duty personnel. If you are not a Veteran or Active Duty, you may find that it is not relevant to you. Or maybe you will. But it’s really aimed at the Veteran – and specifically Navy Submarine Veteran – community. – Producer Henri Yesterday was Women Veterans Day. Maybe you knew that, maybe not. It became a thing because it was June 12, 1948, when Congress finally enacted legislation to allow women to serve in the regular Armed Services, not just the Auxiliaries. It is NOT a holiday or even an official thing, but it’s a reminder that once upon a time, society changed. I made the mistake of making a post about it on The Sub Vet, the Facebook page I Admin, and the result was as predictable as the tides. Over the past weeks, I have noticed – as I mentioned on Bill Mick Live last week – that for whatever reasons, Veterans – and specifically Submarine Veterans – seem to hav

  • DDH - Revolutionary Doctor

    11/06/2024 Duração: 35min

    On February 22, 1770, eleven year old Christopher Seider was killed in the streets of Boston. He is generally considered by historians to be the first person to die in the American Revolution. The British Taxes imposed in 1767 under the Townsend Acts led a firestorm of Colonial protests, particularly - and to no one's surprise - in Boston. The Colonials had boycotted British imports since the implementation of the Acts, but it mean that Boston (and other) merchants were struggling to make any profit at all selling American made goods of rougher and lesser quality. In early 1770, one Boston merchant, Theophilus Lille, announced - very publically - that he had had enough and was breaking the boycott and would sell British goods. The resulting riot ended with the death of Seider, who would draw his final breath in the surgery of Dr. Joseph Warren. Two weeks later, snowballs hurled by angry Colonials would lead to shots being fire and the next five Americans will fall in the Revolution. Dr. Joseph Warren, seein

  • WTF: USA! USA!

    09/06/2024 Duração: 01h01min

    In the latest episode of “What the Frock,” hosts Rabbi Dave and Friar Rod delve into an array of topics with their characteristic blend of humor and insight. From the outlandish cricket wars to personal anecdotes about car troubles in Seattle, this episode offers a rollercoaster of discussions that are both entertaining and thought-provoking.

  • Codename Nemo - Charles Lachmann Interview

    06/06/2024 Duração: 49min

    In this episode of Plausibly Live, host Dave Bowman sits down with acclaimed author and executive producer Charles Lachmann to discuss his riveting new book, “Codename Nemo.” Lachmann delves into the captivating true story behind the capture of the Nazi U-boat U-505 during World War II, revealing the intense research and dedication that went into bringing this historical thriller to life. Listeners will discover the extraordinary feats of bravery by the American sailors who undertook this daring mission, the meticulous process Lachmann followed to uncover their stories, and the broader implications of this remarkable naval operation. Tune in for an engaging conversation that brings history to life in a gripping narrative style.

  • WTF- Bored Teenage Orcas

    02/06/2024 Duração: 01h02min

    In the latest episode of “What The Frock,” Rabbi Dave and Friar Rod dive into the absurdities and peculiarities of current events, blending humor with sharp commentary. From whimsical anecdotes to deep dives into geopolitical issues, this episode keeps listeners entertained while provoking thoughtful reflection on the state of the world. This episode kicks off with Rabbi Dave’s humorous monologue about the world’s absurdities, leading into discussions about the recent conviction of Donald Trump and its lack of anticipated societal impact. The hosts explore the media’s portrayal of the economy and touch on geopolitical tensions, including the Dutch F-35 nuclear capabilities. The conversation takes a whimsical turn as they discuss teenage orcas causing havoc off the Iberian Peninsula. The episode concludes with personal anecdotes, including Rabbi Dave’s post-surgery experiences and his son’s struggles to understand global conflicts, underscoring the complexities of modern life.

  • DDH - Rogue Island

    28/05/2024 Duração: 35min

    We have this… myth… in our heads. It’s born from a combination of Manifest Destiny and the desire to see ourselves in a certain light, but the truth is that the Constitution of the United States was highly radical, highly controversial and absolutely not universally proclaimed as the best way of governing ourselves in 1787. Not only were there vicious and lengthy diatribes in newspapers and town meetings, even the conventions called in twelve of the States were divided and contentious. But one State in particular, held itself so against the Constitution and its ratification, that when a group of citizens gathered at a BBQ to celebrate the ratification of the Constitution by a neighboring State, it called out a brigade of militia troops to stop the celebration. At. Gun. Point. The story of tiny Rhode Island’s road to ratification is both amusing and at the same time, a little unnerving. It’s not something that we today like to think about and we never talk about it. The idea that the smallest State in the Un

  • WTF: Memorial Day

    26/05/2024 Duração: 01h02min

    Welcome to another compelling episode of “What The Frock,” where the spirited duo, Rabbi Dave and Friar Rod, weave through the intricacies of Memorial Day, reflecting on its solemn history and contemporary relevance. Amid their engaging banter, they explore how this day intersects with personal anecdotes, cultural observations, and the lighter side of life, ensuring an enlightening dialogue that resonates with veterans and civilians alike. Join us as we delve into a conversation that challenges the norms, tickles the funny bone, and honors the essence of Memorial Day, promising not just another podcast episode, but a journey through the depths of respect, remembrance, and reality.

  • DDH - Brandywine

    22/05/2024 Duração: 37min

    Among the memories I have from my time in New London, CT, at US Navy Submarine School, is a few moments on a bright but very cold January afternoon, listening to an audio tape. The problem with such memories is that I remember the sounds more than I recall the technical details. We were told that this was a highly classified recording of the direct loss of USS Scorpion on May 22, 1968. For all I know, it was a tape of a powered screwdriver spinning. I was very young and easily influenced, and the instructors were trying to impress upon us the dangers involved with what we were training to do. In the subsequent years, I have come to believe that no such tape actually existed, but on that day, it was a sobering reminder that the ocean – and everything in it (including the Soviets) was trying to kill me. The year 1968 was a very bad year for submarines. The Soviets, the French, the Israelis and the United States all lost boats in those months. The French and Israeli boats would not be found for many years, and

  • WTF: May 19, 1726

    19/05/2024 Duração: 59min

    Welcome to a new episode of “What the Frock,” where we dive deep into a blend of historical curiosities, personal memories, and spontaneous musings. Join Rabbi Dave and Friar Rod as they navigate through a fascinating discussion that spans volcanic eruptions, the poignant reminiscence of past days, and a quirky exploration of a conspiracy that might just rewrite our understanding of time itself. Whether you’re here for a light-hearted reflection or a thought-provoking discussion, today’s show promises to offer insights with a sprinkle of humor, all wrapped in the enigmatic charm of our hosts’ dynamic banter.

  • DDH - You're Killing Me, Smalls!

    14/05/2024 Duração: 35min

    Around three in the morning on May 13, 1862, the lookouts aboard a Union Naval vessel blockading Charleston Harbor was surprised to see a vessel bearing down upon his ship. Sounding the alarm, the gun ports were opened and all was brought to preparation to open fire. It was then that the lookout noticed that the ship approaching wasn’t coming on too fast and flying from it’s mast appeared to be a white… bed sheet? When the vessel came up to the Union ship, it was clear that it intended to surrender. What became clear at that moment was the incredible man piloting the vessel was not your average Confederate looking to get away. It was a black man – in fact an escaped slave – who had escaped, along with his entire crew, their families and this valuable vessel. And that was really only the beginning of the story…

  • WTF: Patterns

    12/05/2024 Duração: 58min

    The latest episode of “What the Frock” presents a medley of conversations that traverse personal anecdotes, nature’s marvels, and profound sociopolitical commentary. Rabbi Dave and Friar Rod, the show’s hosts, delve into a range of topics that encapsulate both the mundanity and complexity of daily life intertwined with broader societal issues. The episode kicks off with Rabbi Dave sharing a personal narrative about his struggle with short-term memory issues and the challenges of navigating public events, particularly mentioning his participation in an irrigation festival in Sequim, WA. This segment sets a tone of introspection and vulnerability, as Rabbi Dave also touches on the limitations imposed by his health. A significant portion of the dialogue revolves around the natural phenomenon of the Aurora Borealis. The hosts reflect on the unpredictability of nature, sharing their experiences and disappointments when attempting to witness this celestial spectacle. The discussion broadens into a critique of how

  • DDH - That Pesky 2nd Amendment

    07/05/2024 Duração: 34min

    Perhaps the most prescient act of the framers of the US Constitution was the establishment of an amendment process by which the document could be modified. Not in some instant, light and transient way, but with involvement of the peoples representatives, the States and the people themselves. It’s not easy to do, and, in fact, it should not be. As George Washington himself once said, any amendment can only be performed by an “authentic and explicit act” of the American people. Twenty-seven times the constitution has been amended*. There remain countless other attempts which failed to pass Congress. Six further times amendments were proposed and passed by not ratified by the requisite number of States. Each and every time Congress gathers there are proposals and calls for amendments, most of which are little more than attention gimmicks, bound to go nowhere except a few interviews on media and garner campaign funding. Why is it so difficult to get an amendment passed and ratified? Well… first off all, it shou

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