Kelly's Talkshow

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 18:37:53
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  • Sending a package 如何寄快递

    19/07/2019 Duração: 06min

    Hey Niles, could you help me send some documents to the States?嘿Niles,你能帮我寄些文件到美国吗?Of course. I just helped Jim do it last week.当然可以。我上周刚帮Jim寄过。Great! Do you know how much it's going to set me back?太好了!你知道要花多少钱吗?That depends on a few things: what you want to ship, where it's going, and when you need it to be there.这取决于你要寄什么,寄到哪里,以及你需要何时送到。So we need to call them to get a quote?所以我们需要打电话问他们报价?No, we can just do it online. It's pretty straightforward.不用,我们可以就在网上完成。非常简单。And they schedule a courier to come over and pick up the package?然后他们安排一个快递员过来收包裹?They can, but there's a DHL drop-off point just down the street. It's up to you, really.也可以,但是在街边就有一个敦豪速递的投递点。都由你决定的。Okay. I'm not in a big hurry, so they can come here. And how do I pay?好的。我不是很急,所以他们可以来这儿取。那我该怎么付钱呢?I'll just use Wechat to pay the guy when he arrives. You can pay me back whenever.快递员到了我就用微信支付。你什么时候还我都行。These documents are pretty important. Do I have any way of keeping track of them after they've been sent?这些文件非常重要。寄出之后我有什么办法可以追踪订单吗?They give you a t

  • Fighting for the bill 抢着买单

    12/07/2019 Duração: 05min

    Well, it has been great catching up with you.能和你聚一下真开心。Likewise. We should do it more often. Should we get the bill?是啊。我们应该常聚聚。咱们现在买单吧?Sure. But this one is on me.好的。不过这顿饭我来请。No way. Let's split the bill.这怎么行?我们分摊吧。No. You are visiting. It's my treat.不行。你是客人,我来请。But I was the one asking you out. I can't let you pay.但是是我约的你。我可不能让你请客。No, don't worry about it. You are not going to win this argument.不,别担心。总之你是赢不了这场争论的。Ok, if you insist. Do you want to grab some drinks though? Drinks are on me.好吧,如果你那么坚持的话。你想喝点东西吗?喝的我来买单。Maybe another day. I should head home now. I still have some work left.改天吧。我该回家了。我还有点工作没做完呢。Ok then. But just so you know, I'm getting the next one.那好。不过先说定了,下一次我请。 Expansion | 知识拓展 The Bill: To split or not to split?账单:分不分?If you have foreign friends, you probably know that they like to split the bill at restaurants. This is not considered cheap or rude, but rather just part of the culture. If it is just two people eating, each person usually just pays for what they ordered. If a large group is e

  • How to Gain Control of Your Free Time 如何掌控你的空闲时间?

    05/07/2019 Duração: 06min

    "We don't build the lives we want by saving time. We build the lives we want, and then time saves itself."“我们不是靠节省时间来创造自己想要的生活。我们先要创造自己想要的生活,这样时间自然而然就会节省下来。”"Time is highly elastic. We cannot make more time, but time will stretch to accommodate what we choose to put into it."“时间具有高度的弹性。我们不能变出更多时间, 但是时间会自己伸缩调整,去适应我们做出的选择。”"Friday afternoon is what an economist might call a "low opportunity cost" time."“周五下午的时间被经济学家称为”低机会成本“时间。”"Most of us are not sitting there on Friday afternoons saying, 'I am excited to make progress toward my personal and professional priorities right now.' But we are willing to think ut what those should be."我们大多数人不会在周五下午坐下来说"此时此刻我很期待朝着我的个人和工作的首要目标而努力"。但我们都愿意思考什么事应该成为首要目标。"I truly believe this. There is time. Even if we are busy, we have time for what matters. And when we focus on what matters, we can build the lives we want in the time we've got."“我深深相信, 时间是够用的。即使我们都很忙, 我们仍然有时间去做自己觉得重要的事。当我们专注于重要的事情时, 我们就可以用有限的时间去创造自己想要的生活。” Expansion | 知识拓展 Extra time management tips from Laura Vanderkam

  • Could I have your WeChat?

    28/06/2019 Duração: 05min

    It was great meeting you.很高兴认识你。Likewise. Let's keep in touch. Could I have your WeChat?我也是。咱们保持联系吧。我能加你微信吗?Sure. Just a sec. Let me pull up my QR code. Here you go.好啊,等一下,我把二维码找出来,来,给你。Great. Oops, that didn't work. Let me try scanning you again. Ok, here we go.好。哎,没扫上。我再扫一次试试。好了,可以了。Wonderful. I just accepted your contact request.好,我接受你的好友申请了。Great! Now we are connected. I'm in a great WeChat group for marketing professionals. Would you like to join?太棒了!现在我们有对方的联系方式了。我在一个很不错的营销专业人士微信群里。你想加入吗?Sure, I'd love to.可以啊,这样太好了。I'll send you an invite right away. I find it great for networking, keeping up with industry news and local events. The people in the group are also very helpful. I'll recommend a few great public accounts for you to follow, too.那我现在就发邀请给你。我觉得这个群对拓展人脉、追踪行业新闻、了解本地活动都特别有用。群里的人也都很愿意互相帮助。我也可以给你推荐几个特别好的公众号来关注。That's excellent! I really appreciate it.太棒了!谢谢你啊。No problem. Anytime!没问题。随时! Expansion | 知识拓展 WeChat and Facebook微信与脸书WeChat is often compared with Facebook. But many tech experts argue that

  • Ordering Thai Food 点泰餐不求人

    21/06/2019 Duração: 06min

    Hi there. Any questions about the menu, or are you ready to order?你们好,两位对菜单有什么问题吗?还是你们准备好点菜了?It's our first time here. Do you have any recommendations?这是我们第一次来你们饭店,你有什么推荐吗?Of course. To start, our appetizer platter is excellent.  It features some of our most classic appetizers, including satay, shrimp cakes and spring rolls.当然了。首先,我们的前菜拼盘很不错。里面包括了我们最经典的几款开胃菜,有沙爹烤串、虾饼和春卷。Oh, that sounds delightful. We'll get one to start.听起来很好吃!我们来一份吧。And would you like some salad?你们想点沙拉吗?Sure. I was debating between the papaya and the pomelo salad.可以啊。我在纠结是木瓜沙拉好、还是柚子沙拉好。I'd say go with the papaya salad. It's chicken, shrimp, mint leaves and cashews tossed with papaya.我更推荐木瓜沙拉。是鸡肉、虾肉、薄荷叶、腰果和木瓜拌在一起。Ok, we'll get that. And what's in the pad thai?好,那我们也来一份。这个泰式炒河粉里面有什么?That's a trademark Thai dish. It's fried noodles with tofu, eggs, peanuts, bean sprouts and chives. You'll love it.这可是必点的泰国招牌菜了。是河粉和豆腐、鸡蛋、花生、豆芽和韭黄炒在一起。你一定会喜欢。Oh, sounds delicious. We'll get that, too. And, maybe one more curry dish.噢,听上去很好吃。那这个也来一份。也许再点一份咖喱。I highl

  • looking for a roommate 合租找室友

    14/06/2019 Duração: 06min

    Hey Leah, do you know anyone who is looking for a place to rent?嘿 Leah,你认识的人有没有想租房子的?No, but I can ask around. Are you looking for a roommate?没听说,但我可以帮你打听一下。 你在找室友吗?Yes, I'd like someone to help me split the costs.是的,我希望能有个人帮我分摊费用。Good idea. How much is the rent?好主意。 房租是多少?It's $600 a person, plus utilities and internet. Oh, and it's month-to-month.一人600美元,再加上水电费和网费。 哦,而且这房子是按月租的。Ok. And are the kitchen and bathrooms shared or separate?好的。 厨房和浴室是共用的还是独立的?Shared. So, I'd like to find someone who is clean and quiet.共用的。 所以我想找一个爱干净而且安静的人。I'm with you on that one. But, what about rules?我也是这么想的。 不过,你有什么规定吗?Only two: take turns cleaning and keep it down after 11.只有两个:轮流打扫卫生,以及11点之后保持安静。Alright. I'll let you know if anyone is interested.好的。 如果有人有兴趣,我会转告你的。GRAMMAR | 语法 The phrasal verb “to ask around” means to ask many different people. You can imagine that your group of friends and colleagues are in a circle, and that you are going around to each of them to ask the same question. 短语动词“ask around”的意思是询问许多不同的人。 你可以想象你

  • Ice Cream and Gelato 爱上冰激凌·爱上夏天

    06/06/2019 Duração: 06min

    Hi there, what can I get for you?你好,想吃什么?Um, this is my first time trying gelato. What's good?这是我第一次尝试意大利冰淇淋。你有什么好推荐吗?Well, if you want something more Italian, Tiramisu, salted caramel, pistachio and Neapolitan are our best sellers. If you like more traditional flavors, try cookies and cream, mint chocolate chip and cookie dough. And if you are in the mood for something lighter, the sorbets are excellent!如果您想体验意大利风味,那提拉米苏、海盐焦糖、开心果和三色冰淇淋都是我们的畅销品。如果你喜欢传统口味,那奶油曲奇、薄荷巧克力片、曲奇面团都不错。如果您想要清淡一些的口味,那果味冰沙很不错!Can I mix flavors?我可以混合口味吗?You sure can. We can do up to 3 scoops of different flavors.当然可以。你最多可以选择三种不同口味的冰淇淋球。Hmm. In that case, I'll have a scoop of salted caramel, a scoop of cookies and cream and a scoop of pistachio.好呀,那我要海盐焦糖、奶油曲奇和开心果。Great choices! Now, would you like that in a cup or waffle cone?好选择!您想要纸杯还是华夫筒?Cone please.甜筒吧。 GRAMMAR | 语法 Up to 最多。At the ice cream shop, the store clerk told us they could serve "up to three scoops of different flavors", which means the customer had the choice of getting one,

  • Mobile Banking 如何随身携带你的银行?

    24/05/2019 Duração: 06min

    Hey, Mick. Would you mind transferring me the money on your phone?嘿Mick,你能在手机上转钱给我吗?Right now? To be honest, I don't have mobile banking.现在吗?但是,我没有手机银行。Really? You are behind! Why don't you just download the bank app now?什么?你太落伍了!你为什么不现在就下载一个银行APP呢?I would but I'm kind of paranoid about security. What if someone hacks my account?但是我特别担心安全问题。万一有人盗我的账户呢?It'll be fine! Bank apps are pretty secure. Besides, it makes it so much easier to manage your finances and make credit card payments on the go.不会的!银行的应用程序还是很安全的。而且,用手机App理财、信用卡还款都特别方便。That's true. Could I also use it to check on my investments?那倒是。我也能用它随时查看我买的投资产品吗?For sure. You can also track your spending, deposit cheques and pay off all sorts of bills. The only issue is that it's sometimes a bit laggy.当然了,你还可以追踪自己的消费记录、存支票、支付各种账单。唯一的问题是,有时可能有点延时。Ok. I'll test it out. But, if I get robbed, I'm coming after you!好的。那我试试。但是,如果账户被盗了,我可要来找你!Trust me! You won't get robbed!你放心,不会的! GRAMMAR | 语法点 "Pay something off” means to pay a debt completely. It is generally use

  • Office Lunch Ideas 办公室一族午餐计划

    10/05/2019 Duração: 06min

    Daniel, do you want to grab some lunch?Daniel,你想去吃午饭吗?Oh, is it noon already? I'm swamped this morning. Didn't realize it was so late.噢,已经中午了吗?我今天早上忙死了,都没意识到已经这么晚了。Yes. I'm starving. Where do you want to go?对啊。我都快饿死了。你想去哪儿?Um, my brain isn't working this morning. What do you think?我脑子今天不够用。你说呢?Well, we've pretty much tried everything around the office. There's nothing exciting.哎,我们办公室周围的差不多都吃了个遍。实在没什么新花样。I know. I hate eating in the same food court everyday.是啊。我特别烦每天都到同一个美食街去吃。And that's if you can get a seat. Maybe we should just get take-out.而且还不一定有座位。要么我们叫外卖吧。No, it's too late to place an order. Hey Lisa, do you want to join us for lunch?不行,现在下单太晚了。嘿,Lisa,你想跟我们一起吃午饭吗?Sure, actually I saw a great deal on a group buy app. It's a new Thai restaurant just around the corner. Wanna give it a try?好呀,我刚好在一个团购app上看到一个很划算的促销。就是附近一家新开的泰国餐厅。想试试吗?Sure, let's do that.可以,咱们去那儿吧。EXPANSION | 知识拓展 Office Lunch Idea: Brown-bagging办公室午饭新主意:自带午饭In today's dialogue, our co-workers are all trying to decide where to go to eat. Of

  • Brand stories Lonely Planet 品牌故事之孤独星球

    09/05/2019 Duração: 06min

    In 1972, when newlyweds Tony and Maureen Wheeler traveled from Europe to India, along what was called the Hippie Trail, they had little to guide them.1972年,当新婚夫妇Tony和Maureen Wheeler从欧洲到印度旅行的时候, 当时这条路线被称作嬉皮士之路,旅行导游书籍少得可怜。Travel books in those days were stale reads, providing exhaustive details on historical sites with little mention of the things that young, independent and budget-conscious travellers were seeking: beaches, bars and hostels.那个年代的旅行书大多是沉闷的读物,提供巨细靡遗的历史遗迹信息。但是很少提及年轻人、独立旅行者、和预算有限的游客所关心的信息,例如海滩、酒吧和青年旅社。After so many young people inquired about their trip, the Wheelers wrote "South East Asia on a Shoestring" which quickly became the backpackers' bible.在很多年轻人询问他们的旅程后,Wheeler夫妇写下了《勒紧裤腰带游东南亚》一书。并很快成为背包客的旅行圣经。The book eventually evolved into Lonely Planet, the world's most beloved travel guidebooks informing and inspiring travellers around the globe.这本书最终演变为《孤独的星球》,即全球最受欢迎的旅行指南丛书。它影响并激励了世界各地的旅行者。Ever wondered where Lonely Planet got its name? It actually started as a mistake when Tony Wheeler misheard a

  • Zodiac series Pisces 星座系列之双鱼座

    26/04/2019 Duração: 06min

    Pisces is the "old soul" of the zodiac: As the final sign it is said to have experienced the energy of every other sign before it.双鱼座是十二星座里“老成的灵魂”:因为它是最后一个星座,所以据说双鱼座经历了前十一个星座所有的能量。Pisces are sensitive and intuitive, and can become easily overloaded by crowds or overstimulating environments.双鱼座敏感、直觉敏锐,人群和环境的过度刺激容易让他们感到不堪重负。It's often hard to pin them down, since they're so keen on swimming away to a place where they can experience some downtime and R&R.双鱼座很难被琢磨透,因为他们偏爱游离到那些能让他们放松、休息的地方。They may gain a reputation as flaky due to the way they swim in and out of your life.他们可能会让人觉得有些不靠谱,因为他们时常喜爱游离在你的生活之外。Pisces make charming and magical friends, especially because they view life through rose-colored glasses.双鱼座作为朋友是魅力四射的,因为他们看世界的眼光是如此美好。At their best, Pisces are attentive and inspiring. Compassionate and empathetic, they absorb and reflect the feelings of everyone they come into contact with.双鱼座最好的一面是:细心周到、会鼓励激发人。他们也很有同情心,会设身处地为别人找想、会吸收并回应周围人的感情。However, they can be gullible, self-pitying, out of touch with r

  • Ordering Japanese Food 日本美食の點餐小知識

    19/04/2019 Duração: 07min

    Honey, we haven't had Japanese for so long!亲爱的,我们好久没有吃日本菜了。That's right. Do you want to split a sashimi platter with tuna, salmon, and sea urchin?是呀,要不要来一个刺身拼盘,拼金枪鱼,三文鱼和海胆?Sounds good. What about sushi?好呀。那寿司呢?Let's get a California roll. Love those!我们点份加州卷吧,我超爱吃!Sure. Do you want some udon or soba noodles?好的,你想吃乌冬面还是荞麦面?Let's go with cold soba.我们点荞麦冷面吧。Ok. Um, everything we've ordered so far is cold. Let's get some hot dishes.可以,嗯,但是我们点的所有的东西都是冷食,我们点些热菜吧。How about chicken teriyaki?照烧鸡行吗?Sure. Shall we also order some gyoza?好的,要不再点一份煎饺吧?I think that's too much food. Maybe just some miso soup.我觉得太多了。要不再点个味增汤吧?I'll pass on the miso and get chawanmushi instead.我不要味增汤,我要鸡蛋茶碗蒸。 EXPANSION | 知识拓展 Some Japanese foods taste and look totally different in Japan and in the U.S.一些日本菜的口味和外观在美国跟在日本本地完全不同。Sushi vs. California Rolls寿司 vs. 加利福尼亚卷Sushi and California rolls are two different things. This is what authentic Sushi should look like. No cream cheese, no avocado and definitely nothing crunchy in or around it.寿司和加利福尼亚卷

  • Zodiac series Taurus 星座系列之金牛座

    12/04/2019 Duração: 05min

    Cathy, are you free for dinner on Friday?Cathy,你周五晚上有空吃饭吗?Sorry, I can't make it. It's my husband's birthday. We made plans.不好意思,我来不了。周五是我先生的生日。我们有安排了。Oh, no worries. Friday's his birthday. That makes him a Taurus.哦,没关系。周五是他的生日,那他是金牛座的。Yes, indeed. He's got every characteristic of a Taurus, the good and the bad.对,没错。他具备了金牛座所有的特点,好的、坏的,都有。I like Taurus men. They're ambitious, independent and reliable.我喜欢金牛座的男人。有野心、独立、可靠。But they could also be very stubborn and possessive at times.但是他们有时候也会很顽固、很有控制欲。I don't really believe in horoscopes. I don't even know which month is which besides that of my own and my family members. Are you into it?我不太信星座。除了我自己和家里人的星座,我都不知道哪个月是哪个星座。你信星座吗?I used to be. I spent so much time reading about it when I was younger. Well, hope you guys have a great birthday celebration. We'll catch up another time.我原来信。年轻的时候花了很多时间看这方面的书。总之,祝你们生日庆祝愉快。我们改天再约吧。We will. Thank you.好的。谢谢。 GRAMMAR | 语法 If you want to say you are particularly interested in something or someone, you can use the phrase "into

  • Age discrimination 职场中的年龄歧视

    05/04/2019 Duração: 07min

    Hey, Ben. Did you see all the fresh recruits HR just hired?嘿,Ben。你看到人力资源部新招的人了吗?Yeah. They look really ... young. 是的。他们看起来真的……很年轻。Tell me about it. I'm not accusing anybody of ageism, but it seems like half our workforce is under 30. 就是说啊。我不是在指责任何人年龄歧视,但似乎我们一半的员工年龄都在30岁以下。I agree. I'm only pushing 40 and already feeling like an old geezer around here.我同意。我才刚近40岁,就已经觉得自己在这像个老家伙了Well, at least they can't let us go for us being too old?好吧,至少他们不能因为我们太老而让我们走吧?Once upon a time, companies could do that, actually. We only got the ban on age discrimination in 1976. Before that, companies fired workers as early as 45 to replace them with more youthful counterparts.很久以前,公司真的可以这么做。我们直到1976年才禁止年龄歧视。在那之前,公司在员工45岁时就将他们解雇,用更年轻的员工取而代之。Yikes! 45!? My poor grandparents! Well, we've come a long way.天呀!45岁?!我可怜的爷爷奶奶们!好吧,现如今还是进步很多了。EXPANSION | 知识拓展What is age discrimination in the workplace?什么是工作场合中的年龄歧视?Age discrimination is an adverse work treatment of an employee based on a class or category that the employee belongs to—employe

  • Zodiac series Cancer 星座系列之巨蟹座

    29/03/2019 Duração: 06min

    Happy birthday, Nick! 生日快乐,Nick。Thanks! You remember it's my birthday! 谢谢你记得我生日!Yeah. I'm good with birthdays. You know, I'm also a Cancer. 对啊。我很会记生日的。而且,你知道吗,我也是巨蟹座。So, two Cancers. That explains why we hit it off right away and work so well together.啊,我们两都是巨蟹座。怪不得我们很投缘、而且配合得这么好。But I've also heard people say that you don't necessarily get along with those who share the same zodiac as you. I'm glad that's not the case in our situation.但是我也听说同样星座的人不一定合得来。还好我们不是这种情况。Me too. To be honest, you don't strike me as a Cancer. And to the same extent, I don't even think I'm that representative of a Cancer either.就是。老实说,我不觉得你很像巨蟹座。同样程度,我也不觉得我自己是很典型的巨蟹。In what ways?怎么说?They say a Cancer is emotional, pessimistic, and clingy. I don't think that's true of me at all!人家说巨蟹座的人很情绪化、悲观、又爱粘人。我根本不是这个样子的!Um, you're right. That's totally not me either. But I do think I have some of the other traits such as creativity, loyalty and generosity.嗯,对。我也完全不是这样的。不过我觉得自己还是有些巨蟹特点的,比如有创意、对人忠诚、然后大方。Yes, all the good traits are so true.对,这些优点都

  • Morning Coffee 早餐咖啡怎么点?

    22/03/2019 Duração: 06min

    Morning, what can I get you?早上好,想点些什么呢?Can I get a medium iced latte with soya milk? 能来一杯中杯的冰拿铁加豆奶吗?I'm sorry. We're out of soya milk. Would you like skim milk instead? 对不起,没豆奶了。可以用脱脂牛奶吗?Sure. Let’s try skim.当然。那就脱脂牛奶吧。Would you like a breakfast wrap or pastry to go with your latte?你想要早餐卷或者糕点来搭配拿铁吗?Um, I think I'll try the blueberry muffin.嗯,我觉得可以试试蓝莓麦芬。Okay, your total is $7.50. And could I get your name for the order?好的,一共是7.5美元。请问您怎么称呼?Mina.Mina.EXPANSION | 知识拓展How do you like your coffee?你的咖啡要怎么做?There are many different ways to enjoy coffee but how do you like yours? Here are some words and expressions to help you the next time you are at a cafe.咖啡有很多种喝法,你喜欢什么样的呢?这里有一些下次你在咖啡店可以用到的词和表达。Black coffee is coffee without milk. You can order an espresso, americano, or brewed coffee without milk. 黑咖啡就是不加奶的咖啡。你可以点浓缩、美式或者不加奶的现磨咖啡。Brewed coffee or filtered coffee is coffee that is made by pouring water over ground coffee beans. If you order "a coffee" in North America, your barista will give you brewed coffee.现磨咖啡和

  • Zodiac series Leo 星座系列之狮子座

    14/03/2019 Duração: 05min

    Leos are ambitious. Their strength and sense of purpose allow them to accomplish a great deal in life. 狮子座野心勃勃。他们的力量和目标意识让他们在人生中成就不凡。They love being the center of attention and have the charisma to pull it off. 他们喜欢成为万众瞩目的焦点,而且他们也的确有这种吸人眼球的魅力。Warmth and enthusiasm seem to seep from Leo's every pore, making them a pleasure to be around. 温暖和乐趣充斥在狮子座身上的每一个毛孔,有他们在身边一定是妙趣横生。Just like the lions who rule the jungle, Leos are natural leaders. However, they may ruffle a few feathers along the way since they can be overbearing and autocratic at times.就好像狮子统治丛林一般,狮子座也是天生的领导人。但是,因为他们有时候的强势与专横,他们也会得罪一些人。That said, they are well-organized, idealistic, and have a knack for inspiring others.尽管如此,他们很有条理、理想主义并且有鼓舞他人的天赋。GRAMMAR | 语法To pull something off is an idiom with a few different, but related, meanings. It involves doing something difficult, or something that not everyone is able to do. In today's dialogue a Leo is described as someone who can pull off being the center of attention: Not everyone can (or wants to) do that.

  • Cherry Blossom Season 桜の季節

    08/03/2019 Duração: 05min

    Hi, Mina, I'm going to Japan next week. Is there anything you want me to bring back for you? 嗨,Mina,我下周要去日本。你有什么东西要我帮你带回来吗?Thanks, Lisa! You are the best! Are you going there to see the cherry blossoms? 谢谢 Lisa,你最好了!你是去那儿看樱花吗?Yes, I've always wanted to experience the romantic cherry blossom season in Japan. Finally, my dreams are coming true this year! 是呀,我一直都想去感受一下日本的浪漫樱花季。今年总算实现了!That's great. Make sure to take some beautiful pictures and share them with me. 太棒了!一定要多拍漂亮的照片和我分享哦。Of course,I will. I just wish there weren't so many people visiting there during this time of year. 那当然啦。我只是希望在每年的这个时候没有那么多人去就好了。Well, enjoy your trip,I’ll see you when you come back. 好好享受你的旅程,我们回来见。 BackGround Music:桜の木の下で Artists:ハンバート ハンバート

  • 12 rules for life 生命的12法则

    01/03/2019 Duração: 03min

    "Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today."“你比较的对象应该是昨天的自己,而不是当下的其他人。”"Pursue what is meaningful (not what is expedient)."“追求有意义的事,而不是做出权宜的选择。”"People who are not aiming up will do the opposite."“没有目标的人会迷失自己。”"You must determine where you are going in your life, because you cannot get there unless you move in that direction. Random wandering will not move you forward."“你必须对人生的方向做出抉择,因为只有你按照既定的方向前行,你才能最终到达。漫无目的的游荡不能使你向前。”"The successful among us delay gratification. The successful among us bargain with the future."“我们当中的成功者是那些延迟眼下享乐,先苦后甜,认真筹谋未来的人。” BackGround Music:Five Card Shuffle  Artists:Kevin MacLeod  

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