The Chris Hennessy Podcast



Podcast documenting the business and growth journey of the digital marketing agency, Growth Technicians, along with valuable business advice for aspiring entrepreneurs.


  • SociFlux Review with BEST Bonuses

    28/12/2019 Duração: 16min

    SociFlux Review: Full Demo: What is SociFlux? Welcome to this SociFlux review. For those of you looking for an all in one tool that is going to help you create active viral websites, and active viral social media accounts without any of the heavy lifting, you should be excited about SociFlux. SociFlux is an amazing new tool that is going to help you do two things extremely quickly and with very low effort on your part, but two things that are guaranteed to lead to massive amounts of traffic. First, SociFlux allows you to create websites quickly and easily in any niche you want and quickly edit and set them up ready to produce content. On top of that, SociFlux allows you to search viral content in any niche and curate it to your blog. This means you  can appease Google's algorithm daily by posting content multiple times a day with very low effort and that is guaranteed to rank. Second, SociFlux offers you the ultim

  • Social Profit App Review with BEST Bonuses

    19/12/2019 Duração: 18min

    Social Profit App Review: Demo: What is Social Profit App? Welcome to this Social Profit App review. For those of you out there looking to gain more engagement and click-through rates from your social media content, this is definitely for you. Engagement is everything right now and those who are versed in complex design apps and are able to pump out the best media are winning on those skills alone. The people at the top are paying professional multimedia experts to run their content and it's only going to get more competitive. Which is where Social Profit App comes in. This incredible app has combined the design ease of use of platforms like Canva, and the automation and ease of posting of buffer, or BuzzBundle - allowing you to create your content and post it to your social media directly from inside one platform. This means, you're not only going to be posting way better content that is on par with t

  • Videract Review with MASSIVE Bonuses

    18/12/2019 Duração: 19min

    Videract Review:  Full Demo: What is Videract?  Welcome to this Videract Review. For those of you out there looking for a cool way to create more interaction between your audience and your videos, this is definitely for you.  Interaction or engagement is everything when it comes to leading your audience and holding their attention. There are multiple ways to do it, but with video, it is generally a passive thing.  In YouTube for example, leading people from your video has to be done with CTA's at the end of the video or calling viewers to a link in the description.  On landing pages and blogs, you had to keep people engaged with your words, and videos where just another extension of that with perhaps a verbal CTA to click a link etc.   WIth Videract you allow people to use video and complete your CTA right there on the video screen. And no, I'm not talking about complex video editing techniques.

  • DFY Video Agency Review with BEST Bonuses

    16/12/2019 Duração: 16min

    DFY Video Agency Review: FULL Demo: What is DFY Video Agency? Welcome to this DFY Video Agency Review. For those of you out there intrigued by the idea of running your own Agency based around the ever-in-demand Social media video creation industry, this is something you're going to love. Creating an Agency is something that has been taking off since around 2016. Social Media Marketing Agency programs started popping off all over the place showing that one could transfer their marketing skills into their own high-ticket business around something that was growing: Social Media Marketing. The truth is that within social media marketing you can go even deeper. There are so many moving parts that now you can specialized purely in Facebook ads, photography for social media and also Video. Up until now this was only lucrative to those who were actually editors and knew their way around huge platforms like Premiere and F

  • Hammock Suite with BEST Bonuses

    12/12/2019 Duração: 13min

    Hammock Suite Review: Full Demo: What is Hammock Suite? Welcome to this Hammock Suite Review. For those of you out there looking for the definitive tools and training to help you make money online, along with one of biggest methods of motivation that has ever existed, you're going to love this! The team behind Hammock Suite were inspired after finding out that almost as low as only 10% of all people who buy new platforms ever even open or use them. It's a funny statistic, but it also outlines a problem.... People don't stay motivated and then fail! So, the team decided to focus not only on training, not only on giving you access to multiple amazing platforms, but they're also literally going to send you gifts and prizes for milestones that you reach within the training! How nuts is that. Getting sent a gift to your actual address after completing a course. What that means is, win or lose, you're winning in somewa

  • VideoFlow Review with BEST Bonuses

    10/12/2019 Duração: 10min

    VideoFlow Review: Full Demo: What is VideoFlow Review? Welcome to this VideoFlow Review. For those of you out there looking to step up your social media video game, especially with regards to SPEED and how quickly you can pump out cool looking videos with animations and hard subs like you see on Instagram, this is for you! VideoFlow is a revolutionary new video editing software that has been built from the ground up to perform the specific task of making sure you can get cool looking videos out to the wold, FAST. No more adjusting of elements, graphics and boarders on your videos so that they fit perfectly on YouTube, Instagram and other platforms. Videflow has kept people who like to repurpose content for their social media platforms in mind. Any content creator out there knows that it's a pain in the butt to have to render the same video for multiple platforms and play around with how the video looks to match the diffe

  • PR Rage Review with BEST Bonuses

    07/12/2019 Duração: 13min

    PR Rage Review: Full Demo: What is PR Rage? Welcome to this PR Rage Review. For those of you looking for an untapped way to make some real money online by buying and selling online real estate, or profitable domains, this is definitely for you. PR Rage takes the heavy lifting out of what is already making some people 7-figures. Up until now, domain flipping has had an air of mystery around it. It makes sense on paper, but how on earth do you even go about starting? Where do you find domains that are just sitting there like some second hand car? The curtain has been lifted here by the team behind PR Rage with an awesome platform that enables you to find those domains that are being sold, some for as low as $5 but with the potential to be worth thousands. Imagine that? A single tool that allows you to quickly by and sell assets online and turn a profit with almost no work. Also, as a Self Made Newbie viewer, you're also en

  • VidAlta Review - VidAlta Review with BEST Bonuses

    07/12/2019 Duração: 08min

    VidAlta Review: Full Review: What is VidAlta? Welcome to this VidAlta Review. For those of you out there looking to take your social media content and micro content to the next level, especially on Facebook and Instagram, this is definitely for you. VidAlta is a library of customizable templates and animations that you can use on Instagram, Facebook and Stories in order to help you boost user engagement and have an overall professional quality feel to your content. A lot of businesses have been stepping their game up when it comes to improving their content, and tools like this are becoming mandatory if you want to stand out. Luckily, you don't need photoshop skills or anything like that in order to create awesome looking visuals. VidAlta is here, which allows you to customize everything super easily in powerpoint. As a Self Made Newbie viewer you’re also getting my exclusive bonuses, so make sure to click the link at th

  • MaxConvert Review with BEST Bonuses

    05/12/2019 Duração: 10min

    MaxConvert Review:  Full Demo: What is MaxConvert?  Welcome to this MaxConvert Review. For those of you out there looking to increase conversions using proven methods that most, if not all, top markets use, but don't like monthly payments, you're in luck!   MaxConvert is a 5-in-1 page elements builder than includes all of the common marketing tools used that have been proven to boost conversions. Things like, countdown timers, popup pages, splash pages, and high converting templates.   The problem is that up until now, you had to generally pay a monthly fee on EACH of these items, whether you wanted to use them on a Wordpress, Shopify, or any other site.  Now, you you can waver monthly payments and get all of those proven-to-convert tools for a one time price with MaxConvert.   Also, as a Self Made Newbie viewer, you're also entitled to some very high-end bonuses that I've hand-picked and that go

  • Webbymate Review with BEST Bonuses

    22/11/2019 Duração: 12min

    Webbymate Review: Full video : What is Webbymate? Welcome to this Webbymate review. For those of you out there looking to increase their conversions, whether it's to a landing page, blog, or offer - Webbymate might just be what you're after. It's common practise and knowledge that a solid, proven way to improve conversions is to build trust in people, and the best way to do that online is to show your face and be face-to-face or exposed to someone for a long period of time. This allows you to not only build trust over the Internet with a stranger, but it also enables you to sell to many people at once in what is perceived to be a personal conversation.  Webbymate allows you to create amazing webinar pages and automation surrounding it, such as email capture, countdown timers, signups, and redirections. Not only that, Webbymate comes with pre-made proven webinars along with their products, so you are able to run w

  • Flickstr Review with BEST Bonuses

    21/11/2019 Duração: 09min

    Flickstr Review: Video Review: What is Flickstr? Welcome to this Flickstr Review. For those of you out there looking to push your social media content up a notch and get involved with some awesome, and easy-to-create video creation, Flickstr is definitely for you. It's not secret now that video is the most preferred medium by Social Media platforms, and it's video that is being given the right of way and more organic traffic. Quite simply, video is the future and is definitely where both Instagram and Facebook have been heading over the past 3-4 years, not to mention the emergence of platforms like TikTok being toted as a possible "Instagram killer." The team behind Flickstr has seen that the opportunity is there, but that also, people simply aren't all experts at creating awesome, inspiring videos that create engagement. Flickstr enables you to do it all, with an easy to use interface, premade video templates, and cus

  • DashNex PowerTech Review with TOP Bonuses

    20/11/2019 Duração: 21min

    DashNex PowerTech Review: FULL Video: What is DashNex PowerTech? Welcome to this DashNex PowerTech Review. For those of you who are looking to get into the lucrative world of ecommerce stores and/or dropshipping, but you're deterred by the monthly payment plans of Shopify and Hosting, this is definitely for you! DashNex PowerTech is a 2-in-1 Package that includes the hosting platform,DashNex Pages, and the online store platform Instant Ecom Stores. Think Bluehost coming along with Shopify together, and that's what you get here. The difference being is that for a low one-time payment you get hosting AND the platform in a ONE TIME Payment. So with Bluehost you might pay around 3.95 per month, and Shopify $39+ per month (without plugins) DashNex PowerTech is being made available for a fraction of that, and you get to keep your hosting and stores FOREVER. It really is a No Brainer! As a Self Made Newbie viewer,

  • Videoseeder Review with BEST Bonuses

    20/11/2019 Duração: 16min

    Videoseeder Review: FULL Video DEMO: What is Videoseeder? Welcome to this Videoseeder Review. For those of you out there who want to save time sharing your videos to all of your social media platforms, as well as protect your content from spammers, this is going to be for you. When creating and editing videos, a lot of people don't realize that that is only half of the battle. Make sure that your videos are shared, ranking, and are being noticed is as hard as putting the video together itself. Videoseeder is a content syndication tool that is going to help you to blast out your video on each platform correctly as well as at the right time ensuring you don't need to waste time doing it manually. As well as that I've sourced some really great bonuses for you that will go hand in hand perfectly with Videoseeder so you get the absolute most out of it, and you learn even more tricks of the trade revolving around content s

  • Rejackr Review with BEST Bonuses

    13/11/2019 Duração: 13min

    Rejackr Review: Full Review: What is Rejackr? Welcome to this Rejackr review. Rejackr is an awesome new platform that allows you to hijack traffic going from one place to another by intercepting it with an affiliate offer of your own that will be directly targeted towards anybody looking at it. In practical terms, Rejackr works by looking for viral content in a niche, or that people are sharing. Usually people share in this way on social media or wherever. However with Rejackr, the traffic clicking on the link gets intercepted and sent to your bridge page, which they can view first on a timer, or skip, and go directly to the viral content. This saves you time on creating content yourself AND you don't get pinged for posting affiliate links because it will still appear that you're sharing viral content. It's super ninja, and super effective! As a Self Made Newbie viewer, I've also hooked you up with some massive bonuses

  • MugJam Review with HUGE Bonuses

    11/11/2019 Duração: 19min

    MugJam Review:  Full Review: What is MugJam?  Welcome to this MugJam Review. For those of you out there looking to add a nifty (and a little whacky) new tool to your marketing arsenal, then you might want to check this out.  MugJam is the first of it's kind facial recognition software that can take a picture of someone and turn it into a 3D avatar that will follow your voice and speak for you.   While it might seem a little gimmicky, this could really be something that helps you stand out from the crowd, especially if you understand the ever increasing power of video marketing, but aren't yet ready to take that step and putting your actual face on camera.   I've also sourced some amazing bonuses for you that i've hand picked to go hand in hand with mugjam that are going to enable you to get a full grasp of video marketing, as well as automatically help you generate these video landing/squeeze pages. &

  • Mailvio Review with MEGA Bonuses

    08/11/2019 Duração: 18min

    Mailvio Review: FULL Video Demo: What is Mailvio? Welcome to this Mailvio Review. For those of you out there looking to get into growing a mailing list but don't want to fork out monthly payments that seem over the top, this is definitely for you. With big names out there like Active Campaign, Clickfunnels, and GetResponse charing monthly payments of anywhere between $15-$297 per month, it can be frustrating for people starting out and who aren't yet making money to fork out this monthly expense. The creators of Mailvio have tactfully seen this gap in the market and decided to do something about it by offering an all in one solution to email gathering and list management, but for a one time price that blows the competitions price out of the water. You get exactly the same, if not more, than the aforementioned platforms without the monthly fee draining your pockets. As a Self Made Newbie viewer, you're also privy to over

  • Traffic Ivy Review with MASSIVE Bonuses

    07/11/2019 Duração: 15min

    Traffic Ivy Review: What is Traffic Ivy? For those of you having trouble getting traffic, and leads to your online business, blog, lead magnet page, or offer this is going to blow your socks off. Up until now there were only two real ways to get traffic. 1) Pay for it with expensive ads, and 2) Optimize your SEO and over type hope that Google likes you enough to rank you ahead of everyone else. While both can work with the right expert execution and know-how, what are beginners supposed to do? At the end of the day, all we want is traffic that is targeted and that is likely to convert one whatever direction we want that traffic to go in. Traffic Ivy solves that problem by creating a points purchasing system that allows you to spend credits in order to get highly target traffic in any niche to your offers. Exactly what you want. By utilizing communities, as a newbie you can get points that go towards getting authorit

  • VidScratch Review with BEST Bonuses

    06/11/2019 Duração: 16min

    VidScratch Review: Full Video: What is VidScratch? Welcome to this VidScratch review. For those of you out there having problems with generating leads from your landing page, VidScratch is an awesome new gamification tool that is really going to get people to sign up to your list or offer. VidScratch is an awesome new tool that creates scratch-card like gamification to pop-up boxes, email, discount, or other boxes that are fun for visitors and encourage a lot more sign-ups. How does it do this? 1. People like fun and games 2. People are painfully curious 3. People love being rewarded for doing something 4. The consistency bias means if someone starts something, and it's manageable enough and fun, they will want to complete it. VidScratch hits on all of these psychological triggers amazingly well, and it's this lollapalooza effect that is the underlying reason people sign up. Remember that people buy on emotion. As a

  • AffiliView Review with BEST Bonuses

    29/10/2019 Duração: 08min

    AffiliView Review: View FULL Demo: What is AffiliView? Welcome to this AffiliView Review. For those of you looking to build product review pages on the fly, with videos, countdown timers, affiliate buy buttons, and pre-built in bonuses for the TOP Products on the market today, this is definitely for you. Up until now creating landing pages, with good copy, video marketing, and worthy bonuses has been a manual ordeal. Reviewing products manually, creating the pages, sourcing relevant bonuses. It can take a lot of time to put a solid review together, and then you need to worry about whether the product is even worth reviewing... With AffiliView all of the heavy lifting and guesswork is handled for you. No design skills or landing page building skills necessary. Not only that, the makers behind AffiliView have found the top performing products of the year, and created all the necessary deliverables, images and copy that

  • DFY Profit Suite Review with BEST Bonuses

    25/10/2019 Duração: 14min

    DFY Profit Suite Review: Full Review Video: What is DFY Profit Suite? Welcome to this DFY Profit Suite Review. For those of your out there looking for the ability to create one-click websites for either yourself or clients this is definitely for you. Building websites is still an extremely lucrative thing to get into online and a quick look at any freelance services such as fiverr, upwork, or legiit will show you that that not only is the demand high, but a lot of freelancers are making money from creating sites. The problem with creating a website though is that it's time consuming. You get the job, and then you have to get to work, finding a theme and then customizing the site in order to make it look good. This is essentially the "heavy lifting" when it comes to web design. And, they can take a lot of time. DFY Profit Suite has taken this concept of freelancing and creating websites and removed the time-spen

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