




  • 真题听力 2014北京

    12/03/2015 Duração: 23min

    2014年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(北京卷) 第一节 短对话Text 1W: Anything to drink, Sir?M: What fruit juice do you have?W: We have apple, orange and lemon.M: OK, I'll have an orange juice. Text 2M: What have you been studying?W: Biology and chemistry.I like natural sciences.How about you?M: I prefer social sciences.I like history best. Text 3M: Hello, I'm John.Nice to meet you!W: Nice to meet you, too! I'm Natasha.Are you British?M: No, I'm an American.Where are you from?W: I am from Russia. Text 4M: Good morning.How can I help you?W: I'd like to buy a student bus pass.M: We have weekly, monthly and yearly ones.Which do you want?W: Monthly, please. Text 5M: Mary's birthday is coming.What shall we buy for her?W: Is a pen OK? M: Er… She has lots of pens.What about getting her a bicycle?W: Oh, no.We can't afford it.Let's get her a book.She loves reading very much.M: That's a good idea. Text 6M: Good morning.Anything wrong?W: I've been suffering from a fever since yesterday.M: Do you have any other problems? Like a headache or cough?W:

  • 高考3500词汇 301-330

    11/03/2015 Duração: 04min

    301 become 成为302 bed 床303 bedroom 卧室304 bee 蜜蜂305 beef 牛肉306 beer 啤酒307 before 在之前 在面前308 beg 乞求 乞讨309 begin 开始310 behalf 代表311 behave 行为312 behavior 行为313 behind 在后面314 being 存在 处于的状态315 belief 相信 信念 信仰316 believe 相信317 bell 铃铛318 belong 属于319 below 在...以下320 belt 腰带321 bench 长凳322 bend 弯曲323 beneath 在...之下324 benefit 益处 对...有益325 beside 在...旁边326 besides 除了...之外还有327 between 在两者之间328 beyond 在...范围之外329 bicycle 自行车330 bid 出价 竞标

  • 高考3500词汇 271-300

    11/03/2015 Duração: 03min

    271 bargain 讨价还价 便宜货272 bark 狗叫273 barrier 障碍274 base 基地275 baseball 棒球276 basement 地下室277 basic 基础的278 basin 脸盆279 basis 基础 根据280 basket 篮子281 basketball 篮球282 bat 球拍 蝙蝠283 bath 泡澡284 bathe 给某人泡澡285 bathroom 卫生间286 bathtub 浴盆287 battery 电池288 battle 战斗289 bay 海湾290 BC 公元前291 be 系动词292 beach 海滩293 bean 豆294 bear 熊 忍受295 beard 下巴上的胡子296 beast 禽兽297 beat 打 打败战胜 心跳298 beautiful 漂亮的299 beauty 美丽 美女300 because 因为

  • 高考3500词汇 241-270

    11/03/2015 Duração: 05min

    241 avoid 避免242 awake 醒着的243 award 奖项 授予244 aware 意识到245 away 离开 远离246 awful 糟糕的247 awkward 尴尬的 笨拙的 别扭的248 baby 婴儿249 back 后面 向后 后背250 background 背景251 backwards 朝后252 bacon 培根 咸肉253 bacterium 细菌 (复数 bacteria)254 bad 坏的255 badminton 羽毛球运动256 bag 包 袋子257 baggage 行李258 bakery 面包店259 balance 平衡260 ball 球 舞会261 balloon 气球262 bamboo 竹子263 ban 明令禁止264 banana 香蕉265 band 乐队 带子 箍 级别266 bank 银行 河岸267 bar 酒吧 横木 阻止268 barbecue 烧烤269 barber 理发师270 bare 赤裸的

  • 高考3500词汇 211-240

    11/03/2015 Duração: 04min

    211 association 协会 社团 联想 联合212 assume 假定 设想213 assumption 假定 设想214 astonish 使惊讶215 astronaut 宇航员216 astronomer 天文学家217 astronomy 天文学218 at 在点上 以...价格/速度/率219 athlete 运动员220 Atlantic 大西洋221 atmosphere 大气 气氛 氛围222 atom 原子223 attach 粘附224 attack 攻击225 attempt 企图 尝试226 attend 出席 规律的参加 照料227 attention 注意力228 attitude 态度229 attract 吸引230 attraction 吸引 吸引力231 attractive 有吸引力的232 audience 观众 听众233 aunt 婶婶 姑姑 姨姨234 author 作者235 authority 权威 当局236 automatic 自动的237 autumn 秋季238 available 可利用的239 avenue 大街240 average 平均的

  • 高考3500词汇 181-210

    11/03/2015 Duração: 05min

    181 arithmetic 算术182 arm 胳膊183 armchair 椅子184 army 军队185 around 周围 大约186 arrange 安排187 arrangement 安排188 arrest 逮捕189 arrival 到达190 arrive 到达191 arrow 箭192 art 艺术193 article 文章194 artificial 人造的195 artist 艺术家196 as 当(伴随着)因为 正如 作为 尽管197 ash 灰烬198 ashamed 感到惭愧的199 Asia 亚洲200 Asian 亚洲人(的)201 aside 在旁边202 ask 问203 asleep 睡着的204 aspect 方面205 assess 评估 评定206 assessment 评估 评定207 assist 辅助208 assistance 辅助209 assistant 助手210 associate 联想 联合

  • Day33 - 2014朝阳二模 中

    10/03/2015 Duração: 15min


  • Day32 - 2014朝阳一模 易

    10/03/2015 Duração: 10min
  • Day31 - 2014朝阳期末 易

    10/03/2015 Duração: 14min
  • Day29 - 2014东城一模 中

    10/03/2015 Duração: 19min
  • 真题听力 2013北京

    10/03/2015 Duração: 18min

    短对话1W:Good evening. How can I help you? M:Do you have any rooms?W:Yes, would you like a single room, a double room, or a twin room?M:Single, please.2M:I’m going to the shops in a minute. What do we need?W:We are ok for vegetables and meat, but we need some bread. Can you go and get some?M:No problem. I’ll go and get it.W:Ok, see you later then.3W: I’m so glad the weekend is finally here. So where are you going?M: Me? I’m thinking of going fishing in the river nearby. How about you?W: I’m going to go camping in the mountains. I want to go jogging while I am thereM: That sounds exciting.4W: Hello, is this everything for you today?M: YesW: Ok. The total is 8 dollars.M: Can you break a fifty?W: No problem. Here’s your change, 42 dollars.M: Thank you5M: It’s so good to see the sun again.W: Yes, much better than the rain we’ve been having.M: But it is supposed to be cloudy this afternoon.W: Oh, what a pity!长对话6.7题A:I’d like two tickets for the movie on Friday, pleaseB:For which movie ,madam?A:Oh, that’s right. Dark

  • Day30 - 2014东城二模 易

    09/03/2015 Duração: 16min
  • 高考3500词汇 121-150

    06/03/2015 Duração: 04min

    121 ambulance 救护车122 among 在...之中(三者或三者以上)123 amount 数量124 amusement 娱乐125 analyse 分析126 ancestor 祖先127 ancient 古代的 古老的128 and 和 并且129 anger 愤怒130 angle 角度131 angry 生气的132 animal 动物133 ankle 踝134 anniversary 周年纪念日135 announce 宣布136 annoy 使烦137 annual 每年的138 another 再一个 另一个(非两者间的)139 answer 回答 答案140 ant 蚂蚁141 Antarctic 南极142 anxiety 焦虑143 anxious 焦虑的 渴望的144 any 任何 一些(用于否定疑问)145 anybody 任何人146 anyhow 不管怎样 无论如何147 anyone 任何人148 anything 任何事149 anyway 不管怎样 无论如何150 anywhere 任何地方

  • 高考3500词汇 151-180

    06/03/2015 Duração: 05min

    151 apart 分开152 apartment 公寓153 apologize 道歉154 apology 道歉(名词 可数)155 apparent 明显的156 appeal 呼吁 吸引157 appear 出现158 appearance 外表159 appendix 附录160 appetite胃口 食欲161 applaud 鼓掌 称赞162 apple 苹果163 application 应用 申请164 apply 应用 申请165 appoint 任命 委派166 appointment 预约 约见167 appreciate 欣赏 感激168 approach 靠近 方法 途径169 appropriate 恰当的 合适的170 approval 赞同171 approve 赞同172 approximately 大概173 apron 围裙174 architect 建筑师175 architecture 建筑物 建筑学176 Arctic 北极177 area 区域178 argue 争论179 argument 争论 论点180 arise 出现

  • Day27 - 2014西城二模 易

    05/03/2015 Duração: 21min
  • Day28 - 2014东城期末 易

    05/03/2015 Duração: 16min
  • Day26 - 2014西城一模 易

    04/03/2015 Duração: 13min
  • 高考3500词汇 91-120

    04/03/2015 Duração: 03min

    91 airspace 上空 领空 空间92 alarm 警报93 album 相册 专辑94 alcohol 酒精95 alike 相似的 同样的96 alive 活着的97 all 所有98 allergic 过敏的99 allow 允许100 allowance 津贴 零用钱101 almost 几乎102 alone 独自一人 单独103 along 沿着 一起104 alongside 在...旁边105 aloud 大声106 alphabet 字母表107 already 已经108 also 也109 alternative 替代物110 although 虽然...但是111 altogether 总共112 always 总是 永远113 a.m. / am / A.M. / AM 上午114 amateur 业余的115 amaze 使惊讶116 amazing 令人惊异的117 America 美国118 ambassador 大使的119 ambassadress 大使夫人 女大使120 ambition 雄心壮志

  • 高考3500词汇 61-90

    04/03/2015 Duração: 04min

    61 advocate 提倡62 affair 事务 暧昧的事63 affect 影响64 afford 负担的起65 afraid 担心害怕66 Africa 非洲67 African 非洲的 非洲人(的)68 after 在...之后69 afternoon 下午70 afterwards 后来71 again 再次72 against 反对 依靠着73 age 年龄 时代74 agency 代理处 政府机构75 agent 代理人 代理商 特工76 aggressive 有侵略性的77 ago 多久以前78 agree 同意79 agreement 同意 一致 协议80 agriculture 农业81 ahead 在前 向前82 aid 帮助 援助83 AIDS 获得性免疫功能丧失综合症84 aim 瞄准 目标85 air 空气 给...通风86 aircraft 飞机87 airline 航空公司 航线88 airmail 航空邮件89 airplane 飞机90 airport 机场

  • 高考3500词汇 31-60

    03/03/2015 Duração: 05min

    31 act 行动 举动 表演32 action 行动 动作33 active 积极的 活动的34 activity 活动35 actor 男演员36 actress 女演员37 actual 实际的38 AD 公元后39 ad 广告40 adapt 使适应41 add 添加42 addition 添加43 address 地址 写地址 演说 处理解决44 adequate 充足的45 adjust 调整 使适应46 administration 管理 行政部门47 admire 羡慕 钦佩48 admission 承认 入场费49 admit 承认 准入50 adolescent 青少年 青春期51 adopt 收养 采纳52 adore 爱慕 崇拜53 adult 成人54 advance 前进55 advantage 便利性 优势 优点56 adventure 冒险57 advertise 做广告58 advertisement 广告59 advice 建议60 advise 建议

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