An Interview With Melissa Llarena



Welcome to “An Interview with Melissa Llarena” the podcast for executives who go after what they want with curiosity, creativity, and courage. Hi. I’m Melissa. I'm a career strategist. I want to help you shift YOUR focus from landing a job at a Fortune 500 company to finally figuring out how you can build YOUR own billion-dollar career. A billion-dollar career is one where you are in control of your destiny rather than one where an employer limits your career decisions. A career that let's you explore your potential -- fully.Sounds good? Then press play...


  • 235: This Austin-Based Community Builder Will Teach You How to Make Mom Friends

    18/06/2024 Duração: 47min

    Do you wish you had mom friends who would push you, who would get you out of a rut? Do you feel like you don't have a community that you belong in? I know this pops up oftentimes during the summer season. And so I wanted this conversation to soothe your soul and give you a chance to change that. Let’s connect if this resonates with you: Do you ever feel lonely? I can relate. As a mom in those early days, the feeling of loneliness was all too familiar. I remember nursing my son, waiting for my husband to get home, and feeling the weight of solitude. Similarly, when I launched my business, I found myself at my kitchen table grappling with business challenges without a sounding board. Loneliness is not uncommon for moms or entrepreneurs, but it has certainly been amplified by the pandemic. However, amidst these challenges, we now have the option to connect online. That's why today's conversation is so important. Allow me to introduce you to Cherie Werner, a proud Austini

  • 234: Need Outside Motivation for Your Business Growth This Summer

    11/06/2024 Duração: 18min

    Struggling to stay motivated and keep your business on track during the summer? Discover how you can transform these months into a powerhouse of productivity and growth. Join us as we dive into actionable strategies tailored for mom founders, ensuring you hit the ground running this fall. Don't let another summer slip by—tune in now to learn how to leverage this time for maximum business impact. Let’s connect if this resonates with you: And if this opportunity is what you need this summer then… Join My Exclusive Summer Group Coaching Program for Mom Founders This summer, I'm inviting five dedicated mom founders to join me in my exclusive group coaching program, Fertile Imagination to Networking Success. This program is designed to help you develop a clear, actionable plan to grow your business. You’ll know exactly what to do and how to do it, ensuring you’re on the right track for success. What's Unique About This Opportunity? Only the first five mom founders

  • 233: FOMO: Working Moms vs. SAHMs - Insights from Sharon Macey, Host of the Mom to More™ Podcast

    04/06/2024 Duração: 41min

    In this enlightening episode, we delve into the unique perspectives of stay-at-home moms (SAHMs) and working moms. Our special guest, Sharon Macey, host of the Mom to More™ podcast, shares her journey from being a SAHM for 20 years to reinventing herself professionally. This conversation offers working moms a chance to understand the other side of the coin and see that no matter the path chosen, there's no missing out or falling behind. This episode is perfect for you if you wish to uncover the profound wisdom that moms—both working and stay-at-home—can impart to each other to enrich their motherhood experiences. Do you want to ask me or this week's guest a question? Send in your question today: Key Points: Understanding Different Mom Experiences: Gain insights into the stay-at-home mom experience from Sharon Macey. Learn how SAHMs navigate daily challenges and find fulfillment, providing a broader perspective that can enhance your own parenting journey. No Right

  • 232: I said I would spend more time with my kids this summer

    28/05/2024 Duração: 54min

    In this episode, I'm here to help you tackle the challenge many mom entrepreneurs face: balancing business growth with family time during the summer break. I'll share practical strategies to maintain momentum in your business while spending quality time with your kids. Drawing from my experience and my signature three-step method, you'll learn actionable advice on leveraging the summer months to refine your company vision, boost energy levels, and enhance storytelling skills. By involving your children in these activities, you not only strengthen your bond but also tap into their imaginative perspectives. Together, let's ensure you feel empowered and supported as you navigate your entrepreneurial journey. Today's episode is my answer to this listener question below.  Q&A: It's time for growth in my business.  This fall I plan to hit the ground running. I know I will have to network more to take my business to the next level but I feel rusty and fear coming across as inept. What are some things I can focus

  • 231: How to Answer Your Calling featuring Non-Profit Co-Founder Michelle Valiukenas of the Colette Louise Tisdahl Foundation

    21/05/2024 Duração: 01h20min

    What's your calling? Ever thought you might be called to something more? What if your calling is waiting to be answered today? This could be the most inconvenient time for a calling to come your way, yet it can also be the perfect time for you to rise up and show up for yourself and others. If this resonates with you, then this is the episode you won't want to miss. Join us as we dive into a conversation with Michelle Valiukenas, a mom founder who answered her calling and created an incredible impact through The Colette Louise Tisdahl Foundation. I'm thrilled to introduce you to Michelle Valiukenas, an extraordinary mom founder whose journey and accomplishments are nothing short of inspiring. Michelle is the founder of The Colette Louise Tisdahl Foundation, a nonprofit dedicated to improving outcomes in pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum, and infancy, as well as supporting grieving families through financial assistance, education, and advocacy. But this episode is about more than just Michelle's impressive ac

  • 230: How to Increase Mental Bandwidth: Mindful Maycember

    14/05/2024 Duração: 19min

    Hello, fellow mom founders and corporate executives!  Before we dive into today's episode, let me paint a picture for you: it's Maycember, and life is throwing everything it's got at us—projects, unexpected snafus, and plans shifting faster than we can keep up. But amidst this chaos, there's a beacon of hope: a way to navigate this month with more presence, less stress, and a whole lot more emotional and mental bandwidth. Today, we're going to explore how to increase your mental bandwidth through mindfulness, drawing from valuable insights and personal experiences. From the power of loving awareness to the neuroscience benefits of mindfulness, we'll uncover practical tools to help you thrive in both your personal and professional life. So, grab a cozy spot and let's dive in! Be sure to find me First off, let's talk about the power of loving awareness. In our fast-paced culture, it's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of trying to reach our goals. But

  • 229: Zibby Owens, BLANK: Revealing Leadership Secrets Learned Through Motherhood: Lessons Business School Misses

    07/05/2024 Duração: 44min

    What if your everyday mom moments could fill the pages of a book? What if motherhood has taught you leadership skills unmatched by any book or top-tier business school? What if the only thing holding you back from sharing your message with the world was simply not recognizing and appreciating your own value and the support others can offer once you do? These personal topics, especially if you're a bookworm or entrepreneurial mom, are discussed in today's episode with Zibby Owens, bestselling author of "Blank". Zibby is also the award-winning podcast host of "Moms Don't Have Time to Read Books" and the founder and CEO of Zibby Media. With four children and a Harvard Business School graduate, Zibby's journey is nothing short of inspiring. Check out her full bio below. In the meantime, don’t forget to say hi on Instagram: to let me know who else you’d like me to have as a guest. I love guest and topic ideas. This episode is sponsored by my book, "Fertile Imagination," A

  • 228: 3 Time and Money Traps Mom Founders Must Dodge!

    30/04/2024 Duração: 24min

    Attention, mom founders! With summer on the horizon and the impending chaos of kids being out of school, there's no better time to reclaim control over your precious time and accelerate your business growth. In this episode, Melissa dives deep into three common time wasters holding mom entrepreneurs back from reaching their full potential. But fear not, because she also provides actionable strategies to replace these obstacles with productivity and profit. Say hi, I want to know if you agree or vehemently disagree with these three? Time Waster #1: Second-Guessing Yourself It's time to kick self-doubt to the curb! Melissa shares valuable insights into overcoming the hesitation that often holds mom founders back from reaching out to potential leads and seizing opportunities. Learn how setting a timer and taking decisive action can transform your approach to networking and business growth. Time Waster #2: Fixating on Gender Disparities in Funding Don't let the fact or my

  • 227: Empathy Expert Michael Tennant Discusses The Transformative Power of Empathy in Business and Family Life

    23/04/2024 Duração: 44min

    Have you ever stopped to consider the significant role empathy plays not only in our personal lives, but also in our professional environment? That's exactly what we did in our recent conversation with Michael Tennant, the founder and CEO of Curiosity Lab. Michael, a new dad, shared with us his deep respect for his wife and all mothers, and how becoming a parent has forced him to remain present and lead with empathy. We explored how empathy can be a secret weapon for anyone - be it moms, founders, entrepreneurs, or creators - and how it can shape healthier, happier lives.  Our exploration into the world of empathy didn't just end there. We dug deeper into our emotional understanding. You know those butterflies you feel in your stomach when you’re nervous or that lump in your throat when you’re sad? We discussed how our bodies physically respond to our emotions and how we can mindfully navigate these sensations. We also delved into the five core emotions - joy, fear, anger, shame, and sadness - and the three t

  • 226: Unmasking Imposter Syndrome: The Hidden Costs for Mom Founders

    16/04/2024 Duração: 18min

    In this episode, you'll delve into the insidious impact of imposter syndrome on mom entrepreneurs. Discover the toll it takes on your confidence, time, and financial opportunities, and learn why confronting it head-on is crucial. I emphasize the necessity of breaking free from societal norms and embracing expansive thinking, a key component of your journey with my Imagination to Impact to Income Method™. We'll explore the risks of not addressing impostor syndrome, especially regarding missed networking opportunities and stalled career growth. Through a strategic blend of personal anecdotes and actionable steps, I offer you a roadmap for overcoming imposter syndrome and maximizing your networking potential. Plus, I'll highlight the urgency of seizing the opportunity to enroll in my "Fertile Imagination to Instant Access" masterclass, available now at a beta rate with limited spots remaining. You're encouraged to sign up for a 30-minute breakthrough session with me to explore how

  • 225: Don't Let Mom Guilt Stop You! Meet Alisha Fernandez Miranda, (Mom 2.0 Speaker)

    09/04/2024 Duração: 31min

    Ever feel that pang of guilt when you finally score a kid-free getaway with girlfriends? How about when you go away to a conference and that means missing your son's trumpet solo? Big confession. I recently went to a conference and missed my kid’s solo. Yep, I felt mom guilt especially while I watched the livestream, but as a mom of three, I knew I was doing my best and that this conference (ironically the Mom 2.0 conference) was a big deal for my book and business. And (further justifications) it wasn't an on-stage solo in front of an was a Saturday morning classroom solo in front of a teacher. All of this to say, yes, mom guilt still continues to pop up for me when I pick career over family (and it doesn’t even happen a lot!), and yet it's a constant juggle. So imagine this: what if you had a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to live in another country without your family to explore your childhood career dreams? Sounds impossible? Would that make you feel guilty? This episode tackles the monster

  • 224: Craft a Killer Elevator Pitch & Own Networking Events Like The Mom 2.0 Summit (Free Slides, Sample, and Playbook Included!)

    02/04/2024 Duração: 27min

    Welcome to episode 224. Tired of sounding like everyone else at networking events i.e. boring? Wish you could stand out and really put yourself and your business out there in a way that will make an impact? This episode equips you with the tools to transform your elevator pitch and turn those events into meaningful connections, even if finding and sharing the essence of who you are and why your business is unique has been harder in the past! This is a special episode especially for my fellow mom business owners who are making the trek to in-person networking events like Mom 2.o in Nashville or the like! You are spending time, money, and changing up your family's logistics so tune in to ensure you make these big networking moments worth your time! Elevator pitch prep here we go!!!!!!!! In this podcast, you will learn: The 3 Powerful Ideas to revolutionize your elevator pitch - the slides for this can be grabbed here for FREE: Be Brief & Tailor Your Pitch: Consider the person,

  • 223: My Kid Left Her HW at Home, Should I Take It to School for Her? Jessica Lahey, a NYT Bestseller Weighs In

    26/03/2024 Duração: 39min

    Welcome to episode 223. Do you rush to fix your child's mistakes, shielding them from failure?  Many moms do!  Maybe it's a forgotten homework assignment or a missed deadline.  This episode is your guide! New York Times bestselling author Jessica Lahey shares a relatable story of when she had to decide: intervene and save her daughter, or let her face the consequences of forgetting homework.  In this episode, you'll learn: •    How Jessica handled the homework situation (and the surprising lesson her daughter took away!) •    The #1 thing moms can do to avoid over-parenting or under-parenting •    How to create situations where your child feels empowered to solve their own problems •    Techniques to raise a confident, capable child who embraces challenges •    Empower your child, not enable them!  Listen to this episode now! This podcast is perfect for you if: •    You want your child to learn from mistakes and build resilience. •    You're worried you might be preventing your child from developing independe

  • 222: Contact to Connection: Go First Networking & Follow-Up Playbook for Mom Entrepreneurs

    19/03/2024 Duração: 32min

    Ever think to yourself, "Sure, I can network with strangers confidently... as long as they go first?" Do you ever wish you had the chutzpah and perfect words to break the ice as a mompreneur, even if you're introverted? Want access to my frameworks and easy-to-use follow-up insights – the exact ones I've used to land big-name podcast interviews with people like Suzy Batiz or GaryVee? Welcome to episode 222. Bookmark this episode to learn exactly how to go first to strike a conversation with a contact and find your most authentic way to turn them into a real connection!  Free Resource: From Contact to Connection: The Go First Networking & Follow-Up Playbook for Mom Entrepreneurs SIGN-UP for playbook: •    Easy to follow steps to craft your networking outreach goal •    Research necessary to not ask silly questions or feel awkward •    Unconventional follow-up ideas and timing that will not come across as thirsty/   pushy •    Templates that you can tailor based on your busine

  • 221: What’s the REAL Secret to Scaling,? Meet Angela Middleton MBE

    12/03/2024 Duração: 35min

     What if you don’t want to be a solopreneur forever? What if one day you want to exit from your business or you want to run a fully functioning business that can operate without you in it? Welcome to Episode 221. This conversation is perfect for you if these are the questions on your mind as a business owner, especially one who is a mom (or mum). Meet today’s guest Angela Middleton, MBE.  Angela is the chairman of The Limitless Group, comprising several companies in the workforce and careers development space. A detailed bio is below. This Episode Covers: ·      Unexpected strategies for achieving peak business success: Learn unconventional approaches to reach your full potential as an entrepreneur. ·      The connection between health and business: Discover how prioritizing your well-being fuels your entrepreneurial journey.      Delegation mastery: Explore effective strategies for delegating tasks and hiring the right people to support your business growth.      Risk-averse hiring: Learn how to build a s

  • 220: Is Your Company Vision Failing You? (Mom Founder Masterclass)

    05/03/2024 Duração: 28min

    It's starts with a vision and if yours lacks any of these criterium then it will be HARD to stay up as a chronically exhausted mom or leader of any sort! It's also important that you articulate your vision in a way that generates goosebumps, inspired actions, or plants an audacious visual in the mind of someone else....THIS transaction of language is what will mobilize your network. It's WAY easier if your vision is true to you. It's impossible if you don't buy-into a vision....this stuff is hard to fake people....hence I love serving mom entrepreneurs. We are not out here pretending to love our businesses....there's more than meets the eyes behind every single mom LLC....way more! Any who, so excited to bring to the world my Fertile Imagination in Action Group Coaching program! SO SO SO thrilled because now what I learned from you (my podcast guests, every boss I've ever had, my angels, clients, mom, Abuela) I'm teaching to my fellow moms in business. Let's talk if you want to learn more this program.  My s

  • 219: Trust Your Intuition!: Tips from the Host of That’s Total Mom Sense Kanika Chadda Gupta

    27/02/2024 Duração: 37min

    Welcome to Episode 219. As a mom, have you ever asked yourself? Am I doing it right? Am I ruining them? Am I going to be responsible for them needing therapy when they grow up? As moms, especially in the early days, we need so much reassurance and being able to rely on our intuition is tough. Yet, that is exactly what today's guest shares with us and helps us to learn to trust! Meet Kanika Chadda Gupta. She is a seasoned CNN television journalist podcaster and mom of three. And in that three, they're twins. Her goal is to give credit where it's often overlooked which is the lasting impact of living your purpose and modeling that for the next generation. She hosts the popular podcast That’s Total Mom Sense.   This episode is brought to you by: A Mental Health Break for Mom Business Leaders, a FREE 30-minute webinar, for mom business owners who want to be both present moms and focused business owners. Sign-up today: Key takeaways: Listen to your intuition (it's not just for moms!) Kids ar

  • You are Invited to a Mental Health Break for Mom Business Leaders, Special Episode

    21/02/2024 Duração: 06min

    Attend a mental health break for mom business leaders on March 1st. Sign-up today for free meditation prompts fit for mom business owners who want to be both present moms and focused business owners - Details (sign-up and get the prompts instantly): Learn the exact process that meditation practitioner, bestselling author, business coach, and mom to three young boys, Melissa Llarena, follows to have a consistent meditation practice despite no longer having privacy, time, nor a meditation closet. You will walk away with a step-by-step approach for designing your own ritual and you will get a mental break to THINK more strategically about your business and mom life too. Live Webinar March 1, 2024 10:00am Central Time   Includes: Instantly receive upon sign-up Free meditation prompts (get centered in two minutes or fewer) Mindfulness i.e. meditation ritual ideas to become a more present mom and business leader 30 minute Q&A with Melissa Join LIVE to enter a drawing for a guest spot

  • 218: Has adding the RIGHT things to your plate ever lit a GOOD fire under toosh?

    20/02/2024 Duração: 22min

    In this episode you will uncover why this is an important change in perspective: The answer is not always about taking things off of your plate. It depends on what drives you. Ever wanted to gain self-awareness around what makes you go, stop, or bounce back up faster? Listen with an open mind to this episode.  Some moms with their own businesses rise to the occasion when a business challenge arises. Going after worthy goals clears up a busy life like no other thing has for me. You might be the same way? Have a think about it. ​ Other moms implode when a business challenge arises. Your anxiety hijacks your thinking brain and you go into a perpetual fight or flight. Dishes crash to the ground like a traditional Greek wedding except with little dancing. Is that your truth? ​ The key is in knowing who you are and what makes you do things that you may have never witnessed another mother do ever in your lifetime. This week I am seeking 5 visionary mom entrepreneurs who rise up when put in a position to accept a bus

  • 217: Mom-Friendly Ideas For Random Acts of Kindness That Boost Your Mental Health

    13/02/2024 Duração: 27min

    Welcome to Episode 217. Did you know that February 17th is Random Acts of Kindness Day? My plea is to count yourself in! Moms can perform random acts of kindness and be the recipient of them too! Did you know that when you are kind or generous to others that you can feel a helper’s high? I bet you have oodles of ideas of things you can do with your kids and today’s guest shares her thoughts on those too. However, what I found fascinating is that, despite being a busy mom of two, Jennifer Klein a seasoned philanthropist and author on the topic of giving, has cracked the code on how to be an everyday philanthropist and reap the rewards of exuding a generous spirit! She’s getting that boost in her mental health every week and as a mom I’m know you can use this unstoppable feeling on any given day to change your energy for the maximum! In today’s episode, there are also a ton of practical insights and giving ideas fit for a mom with her own business. You’ll hear about your options – should you go all in on cause

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