Concrete Gang



Local and national building issues presented by the CFMEU Building Union Division.


  • Concrete Gang


    Weekly update from the CFMEU Construstion & General Division (Vic/Tas). A report on the Retired Members do (finally after some technical difficulties), Tradies Day success and industry news. First rate scallywags and sooks this week.

  • Concrete Gang RADIOTHON Show


    An hour long show for RADIOTHON for the longest running radio show in the world the Concete Gang. Here is the evidence that construction workers and their supporters have the biggest hearts - a mighty $18,000 raised to 3cr and the Concrete Gang on-air for another year. Donate online now

  • Concrete Gang


    Weekly update from the CFMEU (VIC/Tas). Report on the successful conference held at the Casino over the last week. Important information about upgrades to qualifications for road traffic members. Some opportunities for pre-apprentice training in brick-laying and carpentry if you have anyone who is looking in that area. Radiothon reminder - next Sunday a live show running from 9:30am to 10:30am. Scallywags and sooks

  • Concrete Gang


    Weekly update from the CFMEU (VIC/Tas) Construction Division. Gorilla is back and he is spruiking the Borough and the upcoming Tradies Day on June 23rd with Port playing Geelong. A great family day. A bit of footy chat with special guest Billy, best on ground for Port over the last few games. Industry news, a few laughs, a 3cr radiothon reminder (Sunday June 16th 1 hour LIVE!!!!!), sooks and scallywags.

  • Concrete Gang


    Weekly update from the CFMEU Construction & General (Vic/Tas). Cold weather is on us. Lots of news from sites, the Victorian Labor Conference, upcoming delegates conference and the scallwags and sooks aplenty.

  • Concrete Gang


    Weekly update from the CFMEU Construction & General (Vic/Tas). Campo & Golden Sparrow have the mic this week (with a late entry from Black Panther), back from an overseas jaunt. Plenty of news, scallywags and sooks.

  • Concrete Gang


    Weekly update from the CFMEU Construction & General (Vic/Tas). Today a report on a terrible accident affecting two of the members. Gorilla and Warren will be replaced by the larger team next week. Stay tuned for Radiothon live on June 16th at 9:30am to10.30am. Scallywags and sooks to end the show.

  • Concrete Gang


    Weekly update from the CFMEU Construction & General (Vic/Tas).Gorilla and Warren relive old memories, give some important dates for your social calendar and give some industry news. Sooks and scallywags.

  • Concrete Gang


    Weekly update from the CFMEU Construction & General (Vic/Tas). Warren has been dusted off while the boys have flown the coop for Cuban, leaving Gorilla with the mess. A short week but a scallywag/ sook double.

  • Concrete Gang


    Weekly update from the CFMEU Construction & General (Vic/Tas). Some footy, some crane news and site clean ups; a near miss; and scallywags and sooks

  • Concrete Gang


    Weekly update from the CFMEU Construction & General (Vic/Tas). Chris Cain, CFMEU national secretary, gives us the load down on the situation of 5 delegates that have been stood down while returning to work after mental health leave on the wharfs. A very scary tale about a crucial bolt flipping out of a crane - a near miss which is a count down to something more serious - be vigilant to keep safe. Scallywags and sooks aplenty.

  • Concrete Gang


    Weekly update from the CFMEU Construction & General (Vic/Tas). Zac Smith, National Secretary of the divison joins the boys for a chat. Footy, industry news, scallywags and sooks. What could be better????

  • Concrete Gang


    Weekly update from the CFMEU Construction & General (Vic/Tas). The boys are joined by an old team members Giovanni reliving the glory days of radio on the Concrete Gang while the Gorilla is enjoying his Easter Break. Scally wags, sooks and chat a-plenty.

  • Concrete Gang


    Weekly update from the CFMEU Construction & General (Vic/Tas). Gorilla and Campo are away so the B Team have taken over the mics. Better watch out they might be after your job!!! Goes to show Unionism and the Concrete Gang is a team sport. Plenty of news, scallywags and sooks.

  • Concrete Gang


    Weekly update from the CFMEU Construction & General (Vic/Tas). Most important Happy Saint Paddies Day!!! The recent delegates meeting heard from Zach Smith, National Secretary, with a rap about the new IR laws and other important issues. Some dirty dealing and less than worker centred actions by some parties in parliament with the passage of the new legislation. Welcome to new members working at local councils and finishing with scallywags and sooks.

  • Concrete Gang


    Weekly update from the CFMEU Construction & General (Vic/Tas). Campo and Three Tenors are joined by Lisa Zanatta, CFMEU's  Womens Organiser for an update on the wins and struggles this International Women's Day. Happy long, long Labour Day Weekend.

  • Concrete Gang


    Weekly update from the CFMEU Construction & General (Vic/Tas). Plenty of chat the boys are on fire today. Scallywags and sooks abound.

  • Concrete Gang


    Weekly update from the CFMEU Construction & General (Vic/Tas). Campo's at a wedding so Brocky has turned up to improve the ratings. Weather shenanigans with the Melbourne heat wave, crane news and a call to be careful. Scallywags and sooks.

  • Concrete Gang


    Weekly update from the CFMEU Construction & General (Vic/Tas). Out-going SecretaryJohn Sekta joins the gang for a chat. 

  • Concrete Gang


    Weekly update from the CFMEU Construction & General (Vic/Tas). Gorilla and Three Tenors take the show by storm with laughs and news and some pretty low scallywags and sooks this week. 

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