Derek Prince Legacy Radio International



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  • Restoration (15)

    15/05/2024 Duração: 11min

    Today, Derek talks about our response to the nation of Israel…the part we as individuals play as end-time prophecy unfolds. One of our major responsibilities as believers is to pray for Israel and Jerusalem. Derek pointed out this is the only way to for peace to be established in the world.

  • Restoration (14)

    15/05/2024 Duração: 11min

    God’s principles are always the same. He is going to re-gather Israel based on a covenant. The covenant will establish a new relationship of God to Israel as a husband. And it will bring Israel into a direct personal relationship with God where no mediator is needed.

  • Restoration (13)

    15/05/2024 Duração: 11min

    Summary: Today we look at the process of restoration for Israel. We see how biblical prophecy not only predicts the re-gathering of Israel, but it also gives very accurate pictures of how that re-gathering will be accomplished. What a tremendous teaching.

  • Restoration (12)

    15/05/2024 Duração: 11min

    Today we look at the process of restoration for Israel. We see how biblical prophecy not only predicts the re-gathering of Israel, but it also gives very accurate pictures of how that re-gathering will be accomplished. What a tremendous teaching.

  • Restoration (11)

    15/05/2024 Duração: 11min

    As Derek has explained during this series, that very fact that restoration is needed indicates that the things to be restored have not been in their right place and condition. And, today he will deal primarily with the “Restoration of Israel” and talk about specifically about “prophecies” concerning the nation of Israel.

  • Restoration (10)

    15/05/2024 Duração: 11min

    Learn how in the New Testament Church there was in general a lifestyle that sharply distinguished believers from the unbelieving world around them. The church brought authority, peace and prosperity.

  • Restoration (09)

    15/05/2024 Duração: 11min

    When the Bible speaks about kingdom, it infers government. The gospel of the Kingdom of God is the Good News of the Government of God. That is the good news of the New Testament. If we meet God’s conditions, we can come under His government.

  • Restoration (08)

    15/05/2024 Duração: 11min

    Paul, in the book Ephesians, tells us that God “gave gifts to men.” What were those gifts? They were people – leaders who demonstrated the fivefold ministry gifts: apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. The church needs these ministries to function effectively.

  • Restoration (07)

    15/05/2024 Duração: 11min

    Summary: Derek points out that the first essential thing in the process of restoration is for the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit to be in operation in the Church as it was in the Book of Acts. We must be absolutely dependent on the Holy Spirit to do this.

  • Restoration (06)

    15/05/2024 Duração: 11min

    Does the Church today measure up to the New Testament account? If it does not, it is in need of restoration. But in what areas exactly? Derek tackles this topic using scriptural references – and comparing the Western church with the New Testament pattern.

  • Restoration (05)

    15/05/2024 Duração: 11min

    Today Derek helps you see that God’s final purpose is not just to bless His people but to make His people a blessing. God sees the agony and confusion of our modern world. He’s not indifferent. He’s concerned. But what is He doing? He’s working in a very systematic and methodical way.

  • Restoration (04)

    15/05/2024 Duração: 11min

    Today Derek speaks about the vine as presented in the book of Joel – and that is the Church. The restoration of the church is on a parallel with the fig tree: Israel. It’s part of God’s intervention on behalf of His people at the close of the age.

  • Restoration (03)

    15/05/2024 Duração: 11min

    At the Western Wall in Jerusalem, Derek looked at all the scraps of paper inserted in its cracks and crevices and thought that sometimes there seems to be no answer to our needs. The Lord responded that one day He would answer all those prayer requests. So look up.

  • Restoration (02)

    15/05/2024 Duração: 11min

    Today Derek dives into the prophecy found in the book of Joel and draws out with great clarity God’s end-time plan to restore the people with whom He has established a covenant—both Israel and the Church. Today’s message about the restoration of Israel was very clear and easy to understand.

  • Restoration (01)


    In the midst of all the turmoil around us, we can have confidence that God is working out His master plan and His plan centers in His people. As people committed to Him we can have confidence that God's ultimate purpose restoration. And, our participating in God's program for the close of the age hinges on one word-the word "repentance."

  • Fruit of the Spirit (10)


    Today's topic covers the last remaining form of spiritual fruit-the fruit of self-control. In some versions of the Bible, the word used is temperance, but that word is over 350 years old. In contemporary English today, "temperance" is often associated with abstinence from alcohol. However, the Greek word includes abstinence in every area of our lives. It not merely prohibits excessive indulgence in alcohol but just as much excessive indulgence in food, that is, gluttony or overeating.

  • Fruit of the Spirit (9)


    Today's fruit of the Spirit Derek is speaking about is the fruit of gentleness. The word in the original Greek can equally well be translated as meekness. Some versions use one word, some the other. We need to bear in mind that gentleness includes meekness and meekness includes gentleness. But meekness is not weakness, as many people think. But, the exact opposite is the true: meekness is the demonstration of strength.

  • Fruit of the Spirit (8)


    Today Derek will speak about the fruit of faith or faithfulness. There are three types of faith: faith to live by, the gift of faith, and the fruit of faith, which is an aspect of character, something that must be carefully cultivated. In some versions of the Bible this is translated "faith," in others it's translated "faithfulness." These are like the two sides of one coin. On one side is depending-that's faith. On the other side being dependable-that's faithfulness.

  • Fruit of the Spirit (7)


    Today Derek Prince will be talking about the fruit of goodness. To understand this fruit, Derek first looks at the word good itself. One of the most common words in the English language, we have watered down this word by using it very cheaply and carelessly. In Scripture, however, the word denotes excellence, especially moral excellence. And in its strictest use, it applies only to God Himself.

  • Fruit of the Spirit (6)


    The fruit of kindness is the first fruit of the Spirit Derek will speak about today. The essential nature of kindness is treating other people the way we would wish them to treat us. That makes kindness practical, easy to comprehend and, in a certain sense, easy to apply, because we usually know how we would like other people to treat us. In fact, we're very clear about that in our minds.

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