Ideas To Life With Kymone Hinds



Ideas to Life is a podcast for Ideators: people who are never out of ideas and not afraid to use them. This show will provide inspiration, instruction and motivation to help you utilize your underutilized skills and talents to make a greater impact and generate additional income. It will feature topic based shows and interviews with other Ideators.


  • Ep 50 - Doing the Most

    23/04/2019 Duração: 25min

    We celebrate reaching the milestone of 50 episodes of the podcast. Kymone shares his struggle with recording such a personal episode. We are taught to be humble and not boast about what we are good at. A lot of times we take it to extremes and we discount what we are good at. This episode challenges us to value what we are good at. We go through the process of Discovering what our creative genius is. Kymone helps us look at questions to ask ourselves and those close to us to help us figure out what we are good at. Then we look at the process of Developing what we are good at. We look at the tools and techniques for development. Then Kymone encourages us to Deploy our gifts, skills, talents to serve others. If you would like a FREE 1 hour coaching session email Kymone at Leave a rating and review for Ideas to Life

  • Ep 49 - Reclaiming my time with Kevin B. Jennings

    04/04/2019 Duração: 57min

    Kevin B. Jennings is back with us by popular demand after giving us so much value on Episode 47.  In this episode we talked about driving our schedules rather than having our schedules drive us. Kevin shared about a retreat he went to in October 2015 that changed his perception of planning his schedule. "Before anyone asks me, my schedule already reflects my priorities." We discuss the concept of an ideal week, which Kevin gleaned from Carey Nieuwhof.  "Energy is futile. Do I know when I'm at my best? You want to do what you're best at when you're at your best." Kevin challenged us to not let email and other people's priorities rule us. He shared this concept from Brandon Bruchard: "Your inbox and email reflects everyone else's priority for you not yours." We have to prioritize even the access we give to people. In our discussion, Kevin shared his goal setting process. This quote from Michael Hyatt was helpful: "If a goal no longer aligns with who you are, throw the goal away." "Strategic quitting is a fantas

  • Ep 48 - Be a student of people with Kevin M. Carrington

    28/03/2019 Duração: 49min

    Have you ever wondered if your unique way of looking at the world was wrong? Did you question the fact that you questioned things that others accepted? Kevin M. Carrington grew up in a family of entrepreneurs and learned from an early age that his different way of looking at things was actually an advantage. He saw his father build a business and picked up both entrepreneurial and technology skills. After suffering the greatest catastrophe of his life, the death of his dad, after graduating college, Kevin took time to heal and reassess his future. This led him into the professional work world. Kevin shares how he made strategic career moves and learned valuable lessons at each stop. One of his strengths is his ability to study people and see the needs and then work to find a solution for the problems. This comes out so much in this episode. The topic of risk was a big part of the conversation. "When all the risk is yours, there is pressure to perform." Kevin doesn't overlook risk. He just doesn't see risk as

  • Ep 47 - The Power of Quitting with Kevin B. Jennings

    12/03/2019 Duração: 51min

    Kevin B. Jennings has worked with some of the biggest influencers today. From Dave Ramsey to Tony Robbins to Oprah Winfrey and more, Kevin's work as a brand and marketing strategist and business designer has had great impact. He describes himself as a cheerleader, dreamer and a sinner saved by grace. Kevin was exposed to the music industry and devoted himself to being a professional song writer and producer. Through a desire to make money doing music outside the traditional industry, Kevin's path led him into marketing. Kevin is "passionate about helping people connect with what's inside of them and getting it out to add value to the lives of others." Kevin shared about the importance of making shifts in life and business.  "Quitting is not negative." He had to stop thinking quitting is always bad. "The greatest challenge to professional success is self-awareness. Our challenge is we don't know us." Kevin always gave a hard challenge to "follow your action not your passion." An acronym for continued growth an

  • Ep 46 - Getting Unstuck with Nadia Pitter

    05/03/2019 Duração: 35min

    Nadia Pitter is a certified women's empowerment life coach. She is the owner of Life Cycle Life Coaching Services. In this episode we discuss how Nadia felt stuck after accomplishing her goals of graduating college and getting a job in her field of study. She had that feeling that "there must be something more." Nadia went through a process of introspection and personal development. One thing that helped her get unstuck was engaging the services of a life coach. Nadia realized her purpose was to help other women who were facing similar challenges. Nadia has created various products out of the tools that she uses for her own growth. This will inspire you to think about the things you use for yourself as opportunities to build your business. Nadia can be reached via her website - or on instagram @lifecoachnadia To sign up for the FREE 15 minute call with Kymone mentioned in this episode go to Leave a rating and review for Ideas to Life  

  • Ep 45 - Make it happen with Latisha Stephens

    27/02/2019 Duração: 31min

    Latisha Stephens is a Personal Life Coach, Money Management Builder, Mompreneur and property management professional. She has always had confidence in herself to get it done. Latisha stepped out and applied for a major property management job soon after college. Latisha's first business was a tax preparation business she launched with skills she developed while in college. Life many times comes with challenges and Latisha went through her own share of them. After a divorce, she benefited from using a Life Coach. She turned her own painful experience into a passion to help other women like herself. Latisha began a Life Coaching business. Things all came together when Latisha began doing Money Management Coaching for women. She has used social media to share her expertise and market her business more. "Just take the step and go for it." You can connect with Latisha on her website - or on instagram at @coachlatisha To sign up for the FREE 15 minute call with Kymone mentioned in this episo

  • Ep 44 - Keep it Moving with Bianca Shellie-Robinson

    18/02/2019 Duração: 39min

    Bianca Shellie-Robinson is a business architect. She is the CEO of Cayden Cay Consulting, an Operational Management Firm. Bianca started making real money in her business when she started being transparent with her life and what was going on. "People buy people not businesses. If you want to make money on social media you have to be social." She realized early on that she wanted to own her own business. To do that, Bianca knew she needed a diverse set of skills. She was a professional temporary worker, working 80 different jobs.  "The business that you start doesn't have to be the business that you keep." "You don't need to figure out anything before you make a move. I learned everything I've learned through my movement." Bianca emphasized the importance of using the small pockets of time we do have.  She shared her struggle of being a mom in entrepreneurship and people's expectations. Bianca had the mindset that she was going to do it no matter what. Her biggest lesson learned was "just be me. Take my person

  • Ep 43 - Changing the World through Business with Ryan Moor

    13/02/2019 Duração: 34min

    Ryan Moor is the CEO and founder of Ryonet, the biggest screen printing equipment manufacturer and supply company. He has always had an entrepreneurial mind. Ryan started at a young age and has had multiple gigs. On the mindset you need: "You need a goal that's bigger than what you are doing right then. You need an incredible amount of drive. Understand that the small job you are doing is not where you are going." Ryan got into the screen printing business with his band and it has expanded to an international company. He reflected on the different phases of what his business: "Businesses that do well know how to serve their customers needs holistically. We found a customer we identified with then how can we serve them more." Ryan talked about the power of business in the world.  "Business is the most powerful tool to change the world." You can find out more about the companies Ryan shared about on this episode: Follow Ryan on social media platforms @ryanmoor

  • Ep 42 - Too Dope to be Broke with Eboni Green

    06/02/2019 Duração: 41min

    Eboni Green is the CEO and Founder of Twenty Twenty Visionary. Both of her degrees are in media and technology and as a teen she wanted to start her own radio station. Eboni on what it takes to start a business - "Sometimes we make things harder than they need to be." She shared a quote with us: "You approached it like it was heavy and so it was." Eboni has always had a great sense of finished product. A turning point for her came when she realized she was "Too dope to be this broke," and she believed! Another gem from Eboni was this: "A freelancer builds their business on what they can do. A business owner builds their business on what their team can do." In building a team, she shared that the baseline for selecting team members should be excellence in their stated field of expertise. Eboni can be reached at or you can follow her on instagram.

  • Ep 41 - The Discipline of Celebration

    18/12/2018 Duração: 21min

    Many times in life we don't take the time to celebrate our own accomplishments.  We don't celebrate because We haven't reached the final goal We don't think what we have done is significant We don't think we are worthy of celebration In this episode we learned that celebration boosts our well-being, reinforces good behavior, prepares us for future accomplishments and draws others to us. "If I celebrate the small, it helps me to look forward to the big." "People like people who like themselves." We explored how to celebrate: Notice the moment Move out of our routine Commemorate the action Finally, this episode teaches us what to celebrate: Milestones, progress, achievements, events and others' success. Visit our podcast website - Leave a rating and review for Ideas to Life

  • Ep 40 - How to make adjustments

    11/12/2018 Duração: 19min

    In this episode we talk about three things numbers don't do.  Numbers don't lie. We look at evaluating our progress - how far have we gotten with our measurable goal.    Numbers don't tell the whole story. We need to study our success and our struggles. We explore looking at what habits, routines etc contribute to our progress and what takes away from it.   Numbers don't stay the same. After we look at our progress and what is behind it, we make adjustments. We looked at making adjustments to our approach, to our time (deadlines and use of time) and to our goal.   To purchase the $7 e-book on podcasting go to Visit our podcast website - Leave a rating and review for Ideas to Life  

  • Ep 39 - The Power of Collaboration

    07/12/2018 Duração: 19min

    "To go fast, go alone.  To go far, go together." - African Proverb Many times we face our own limitations as we move toward our goals. We have a lack of time, expertise, experience and even money that threaten to stop our progress. In this episode we explore the concept that our relationships help us to overcome our personal limitations. We talk about the people you need to collaborate with: Advisors - those who can give you guidance   Contributors - people who can make what you do better   Laborers - those who do the work needed better than you or find it easier than you   Teammates - people who are invested in the same goal you are invested in. To sign up for the Ideas to Life facebook group go to - Visit our podcast website - Leave a rating and review for Ideas to Life  

  • Ep 38 - Embracing the Prospect of Failure

    27/11/2018 Duração: 21min

    "To achieve the greatest success you have to embrace the prospect of failure." In this episode we deal with something we like to avoid - failure. Failure is usually associated with negatives emotions such as shame, and embarrassment. Many times we miss out on the possibility of success because we are avoiding the possibility of failure. We learned healthy ways to deal with failure that will still keep us moving toward our goals. Don't internalize it Don't run from it Learn from it Try again. Listen and be challenged to embrace failure and push toward your realizing your potential. To sign up for the Ideas to Life facebook group go to - Visit our podcast website - Leave a rating and review for Ideas to Life

  • Ep 37 - How to conquer your fears

    21/11/2018 Duração: 21min

    Fear! It keeps us paralyzed from going after our goals. It stops us from stepping out and trying new things. In this episode we discuss how to face our fears and conquer them. We discuss the effect fear has on us and some simple steps to combat it. "We suffer more often in imagination than in reality." - Seneca This episode walks through an exercise that Tim Ferriss describes as "Fear Setting." It helps us to define, prevent and repair things we are afraid of happening. You will also be challenged to look at what happens if you do nothing and what happens if you pushed forward despite your fear. To get the fear setting worksheet, send an email to To sign up for the Ideas to Life facebook group go to - Visit our podcast website - Leave a rating and review for Ideas to Life

  • Ep 36 - Why you need to change your mindset

    15/11/2018 Duração: 20min

    Success is very much dependent on our mindset. In this episode we talk about what mindset is, and how it affects us. We talk through some of the healthy mindsets we need to cultivate in order to handle challenges and obstacles the right way. Learn how to use thoughts, words, emotions and community to adjust the lens through which you see life. This episode gives some practical steps to daily have a healthy reset of our mindset. To sign up for the Ideas to Life facebook group go to - Visit our podcast website - Leave a rating and review for Ideas to Life

  • Ep 35 - One BIG Reason you don't reach your goal

    31/10/2018 Duração: 20min

    We need to be passionate about the goals we set for ourselves. But even with our own passion their are times our motivation wanes. In this episode we go beyond our "why" to our "who". We examine "who are you doing it for." We are challenged to find one person who will benefit from us achieving our goal.  We learn how to find even greater motivation to go for our goals. To sign up for the coaching mentioned in this episode visit - Visit our podcast website - Leave a rating and review for Ideas to Life

  • Ep 34 - How to get stuff done

    24/10/2018 Duração: 22min

    Do you ever encounter obstacles after setting your goals? What usually stops you from achieving what you set out to do? Maybe procrastination or lack of motivation or other causes. Well it all comes down to what to do with the time we have. It won't stop the feelings but proper use of time will help us move incrementally toward our destination. This episode deals with how to use the time we do have to get done what we need to get done. We discuss the importance of setting up routines and habits. We look at some ways to win the day before it begins. We talk about the Pomodoro method to help improve our focus and discipline. Finally this episode challenges us to do a "stop-doing" list. To sign up for the coaching mentioned in this episode visit - Visit our podcast website - Leave a rating and review for Ideas to Life  

  • Ep 33 - Goal-Getters

    16/10/2018 Duração: 21min

    We are in the 4th quarter of 2018. The temptation is to put off going for our goals and take it easy till the end of the year. This series "Finish Strong" challenges us to do just that...end 2018 with a bang by going for our goals. In this first episode we talk about goal-setting and goal-getting. We start out looking at creating a Vision for our lives that compels us to action.  Next we explore how to make our goals SMART. You want to take notes on this as you shape your goal that you want to achieve by the end of 2018. This episode explores how to create action steps, set deadlines and create lists that will ensure success. To sign up for the coaching mentioned in this episode visit - Visit our podcast website - Leave a rating and review for Ideas to Life  

  • Ep 32 - Be who you needed by Eve Hudson

    08/10/2018 Duração: 47min

    Eve Hudson, PhD is an entrepreneur, author, speaker and podcaster. Her company The Purpose Professor, LLC focuses on helping people to live with intentionality. Personal Shifts Eve holds a Bachelor's degree in Mass Communication and initially wanted to be a radio DJ. Her Master is in Student Affairs Administration. And her PhD is is Higher Education Administration. She wanted to be a college professor and eventually university president. Eve shares how her purpose came into focus. "Finding your purpose is really about living intentionally because your purpose comes to you."   When you don't see it, create it Dr Eve received her PhD at 28 years old. She is a first generation college graduate. On her journey post college graduation she realize there were less people who were able to help her navigate the transition into adulthood. That's when it became clear to her that first generation college graduates needed support and this launched her into meeting that need. Eve had to get comfortable serving a small nich

  • Ep 31 - Stewards of Content with Ryan Becker

    12/09/2018 Duração: 36min

    Ryan Becker is a pastor of two churches in South Carolina. He shares his journey of starting the Absurdity Podcast. Starting the Podcast Ryan left college to pastor two older congregations. He realized he had a lot of free time and not a lot of structure. He wondered what he would do with all this free time and how he could use his passion outside of his location. After the pulse night club shooting in Orlando, his home city, Ryan wanted to speak to the issue. Podcasting became the way to do that.   Love it or Hate it Ryan shares how podcasting has helped to improve his speaking. One challenge with podcasting was the lack of feedback from listeners. He realized quickly that people don't respond to or share what they "like." They share and respond to what they love or hate. Ryan is not afraid to discuss controversial topics on his podcast.   Growing his podcast The key to growth of his listenership has been consistency. He shares how he has used social media, websites and having people to share on their platfo

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