Still Standing With Valerie Silveira



Podcast by Valerie Silveira


  • Things You Never Wanted To Know

    26/06/2024 Duração: 18min

    We all experience things we wish we didn't. We learn about things we could have gone our whole life without knowing. There is so much about my daughter's addiction that I wish I never had to learn. The details of her murder, I would like to have just been a crime drama. There are things about our journey you wish you didn't know. But here we are. What can we do with those "things you never wanted to know?" Let's talk about that in this episode. Link arms with Valerie at

  • Have We Made The Nest Too Comfortable?

    19/06/2024 Duração: 22min

    In modern society, there is a growing concern that we may be making our children too comfortable, hindering their ability to develop courage and confidence. Providing them with a safe and secure environment may inadvertently shelter them from challenges that could help them grow and thrive. This idea is echoed in eagles' behavior, who deliberately make their nests uncomfortable as their young ones grow. By layering their nests with sticks, thorns, and other sharp objects, eagles create a sense of discomfort that ultimately motivates their offspring to venture out and learn to fly. If we are past the point of changing this situation, there are still ways we can make a difference.

  • Stop Waiting For Our Recovery: You Deserve to Live Your Life

    10/06/2024 Duração: 35min

    This insightful episode is a discussion with a Warrior in recovery from addiction. It's also a powerful message to moms (and other family members impacted by addiction). Sandy has done the work to beat the odds and is living a life she never imagined, but what I am most impressed with are the following: - Her "no victim" mentality. - She shows compassion for what family members go through and how they deserve to live their lives. - How she vigorously works on her recovery. As family members, we need to do the same - fight vigorously for our recovery! We have to stop waiting for someone else and get on with the business of living our lives. We have to do the work!! Our process of creating a courageous life filled with peace, purpose, and hope. I am so proud of Sandy for many reasons, but also because she made it out of Jamie's life. Sandy was Jamie's friend in addiction, and now Jamie is her angel in her new life. P.S. Warning - a couple of 4-letter words, but if you have been living with a Beast as a r

  • Time To Take On The Family Of Beasts

    29/05/2024 Duração: 15min

    Everyone is living with a Beast. Some are twins, and others have MANY siblings. I have discovered that this family is close-knit and has many of the Sam characteristics! They love to get us down on the mat and force us to believe lies about ourselves and others. This fun episode is a bit tongue-in-cheek, but it's also serious. Let's link arms and take on this family of horrid creatures! Connect with me at:

  • Live Above Their Addiction

    27/05/2024 Duração: 15min

    When a loved one falls victim to the Beast that is addiction, its claws dig deep into our own lives, intertwining our struggles. The overwhelming mix of love and fear drives us to fixate on saving them, especially when it is our son or daughter. The sorrow, anguish, and agony that addiction brings to a family are undeniably profound, but they need not define our existence. It is crucial to hit the brakes on the Roller Coaster From Hell, taking the first steps towards reclaiming our own well-being. Even as our thoughts and actions are consumed by our loved one's struggles, we must realize that we can still stand strong and work on our recovery journey. Separating ourselves from their addiction allows us to focus on our healing without abandoning hope for theirs.

  • Nobody's Bringing A Casserole When Addiction's Involved

    15/05/2024 Duração: 19min

    When addiction is involved, the dynamics of support and care often shift. Unlike other situations where neighbors and friends may rally around with loving gestures like bringing a casserole to symbolize their support, addiction can elicit feelings of fear, shame, blame, and stigma. The isolating nature of addiction for us moms and other family members can make it challenging for loved ones to know how to help or express their concerns in ways that are meaningful. It is time for us to all come together because addiction is no longer a family problem but a community problem. If you know someone who needs to understand what you are going through, have them listen to this episode. And be courageous enough to help people not on your journey to know how to bring you those metaphorical casseroles! We are all in this thing called life together. If you are a mom or another woman with an addiction in your family, please join us at

  • Don't Allow Your Story To End With Addiction

    08/05/2024 Duração: 12min

    Addiction is not the final chapter of your story; it is a challenging plot twist that can be overcome with resilience and determination. Whether you are personally struggling with addiction or witnessing its impact on a loved one, remember that there is always hope for a brighter future. Instead of letting addiction define your story, choose to stand up and fight back against its grip. Remember, you are not alone in this battle. Countless individuals have faced similar challenges and emerged stronger on the other side. Your story is not defined by the addiction Beast but by your resilience, courage, and willingness to confront adversity head-on. Embrace the journey towards healing and recovery, knowing each step forward is a victory. With perseverance and determination, you can rewrite the ending of your story, transforming it into a tale of triumph over adversity. Stand tall, face the challenge, and write a new chapter filled with hope and strength. Connect with Valerie:

  • Addiction Changes Everything

    30/04/2024 Duração: 22min

    In this compelling podcast episode, Valerie bravely delves into the harrowing experience of seeing her life and everything she held dear being dismantled by the clutches of her daughter's addiction. Her perspective gives listeners raw and honest insight into the profound impact that addiction can have on a mother's life. Valerie's journey poignantly reminds us of the challenges and struggles faced by mothers who find themselves entangled in the grip of their son or daughter's addiction. Her resilience and determination to overcome the Beast, as she aptly calls it, are both inspiring and empowering. Listeners are encouraged to fight their Beast and find the courage to fight back. The podcast episode highlights the transformative power of resilience, hope, and perseverance in adversity. It offers a message of strength and solidarity to mothers who are grappling with their child's addiction, reassuring them that they are not alone in their struggles. Through Valerie's narrative, she invites listeners to join h

  • The Power Of Our Circle Of Strength.

    24/04/2024 Duração: 43min

    In the latest episode, Valerie, Sean, and Rich discuss relationships, expectations, disappointments, and the importance of family unity. Through candid exchange, listeners gain valuable insights into personal connections and diverse viewpoints. The trio's conversation highlights the complexities of human relationships, emphasizing communication, understanding, and support within a family—especially when experiencing something as difficult as addiction or the loss of a loved one. Listeners are encouraged to reflect on their own experiences and navigate the intricacies of relationships based on shared wisdom and reflections. Connect with Valerie at

  • Battling The Control Freak Beast - Again

    17/04/2024 Duração: 12min

    Just when I thought the Control Freak Beast was at bay, he stormed the gates of my life! If you have experienced the need to control (we all have), this episode is for you.

  • Coming Back From Social Burnout

    10/04/2024 Duração: 16min

    Have you experienced social burnout? In this age of "social" media, I have especially experienced serious social media burnout. Join me for this chat about my experience and ways in which we can combat and come back from burnout.

  • You Can't Afford To Burn Yourself Out On One Situation

    03/04/2024 Duração: 16min

    Wouldn't it be good if we only had ONE big challenge, loss, or heartbreak in life? It would seem fair if there were a limit. But that is not the case. We will all face multiple hardships, so we cannot afford to burn ourselves out in one situation. A great place to start is reading Still Standing After All the Tears. Link arms with Valerie and start living courageously. Your recovery matters, too! But first, enjoy this episode!

  • Valerie & Sean's Law Enforcement Appreciation Story

    19/03/2024 Duração: 30min

    In this episode, Valerie and Sean recount their experiences with law enforcement, shedding light on the positive ways officers have shown up for them. Their stories highlight the importance of recognizing and appreciating the dedication and service of our men and women in blue. Valerie shares her deep gratitude for the officers who ran toward the gunfire (while the rest of us would be running away) twice when her daughter Jamie was shot. Sean recounts his interaction with law enforcement on a professional level and his appreciation for them. These encounters have left a lasting impact on both Valerie and Sean, fostering a deep appreciation for the individuals who serve in law enforcement. Their narratives emphasize the significance of the relationships between communities and law enforcement, showcasing the positive impact that officers can have when they go beyond their call of duty. By sharing these personal stories, Valerie and Sean aim to humanize law enforcement officers and highlight the importance of

  • When Will The Rubber Meet The Road For You?

    13/03/2024 Duração: 25min

    When you become empowered, you truly begin to see results. While inspiration may spark initial motivation, true empowerment comes from possessing the tools to drive change. The 9 Weapons of Hope can be pivotal in this journey towards empowerment. These tools, when utilized effectively, have the potential to be life-changing. They serve as a guide, offering concrete actions to make a positive impact in your life and the lives of others. By embracing these Weapons of Hope, you are equipping yourself with the means to overcome obstacles, face challenges head-on, and ultimately achieve your goals. It's crucial to understand that empowerment is not a passive state. It requires active engagement and a willingness to take charge of your circumstances. With the 9 Weapons of Hope in your arsenal, you can navigate life's complexities with resilience and determination. You can harness your inner strength and drive towards success by leveraging these tools. This episode will inspire and motivate you, but it will be up t

  • Stop Self - Destructing In The Name Of Love

    12/03/2024 Duração: 23min

    We must stop self-destructing in the name of love. When a loved one is impacted by the addiction Beast (especially a child), we kick into high gear fix it mode. Most of the time, it doesn't work, and we are left devastated and wiped out mentally, physically, emotionally, and even spiritually. You are just as valuable as your loved one, and your purpose is not to self-destruct. That is not why you are on this earth. In this candid episode, you will be motivated to stand up and fight for your life because when you do, everyone wins. Connect with Valerie at

  • Valerie & Sean: Managing The Impact Of Our Tramaa

    06/03/2024 Duração: 44min

    Valerie and Sean's journey through trauma is a testament to resilience and courage. As they navigate the lingering effects of their shared experience, they demonstrate the power of vulnerability and connection in healing. In their candid discussion, they open up about their struggles and triumphs, offering a glimpse into the complexity of trauma and the various ways it can manifest in their lives. Valerie and Sean create a space for understanding and empathy through their honesty and willingness to share their story. They show that trauma is not a singular event but a journey of healing and growth, filled with challenges and moments of strength. Having lived through a fifteen-year addiction with Jamie (Valerie's daughter and Sean's sister), the trauma of her being a victim of a near-fatal gunshot wound when she was eighteen, and ultimately her murder, they have learned more than they ever wanted to about the devastating impact of trauma and the courage we all have to rise and overcome. Their story reminds

  • The So-Called Comfort Zone

    28/02/2024 Duração: 12min

    The so-called comfort zone is usually anything but. Often, we are really in the uncomfortable zone. Learn different perspectives on these states and a NEW zone!

  • Even Warriors Feel Like Giving Up Sometimes

    21/02/2024 Duração: 16min

    Even warriors, strong and courageous as we may be, experience moments of doubt and thoughts of giving up. The weight of battles fought, and the toll it takes on us can leave us feeling weary and questioning our ability to continue the fight. Yet, through these challenging moments, we discover the true strength within ourselves. It is important to remember that feeling like giving up does not make a warrior weak. On the contrary, it is a testament to our immense challenges and humanity. These moments of doubt are opportunities for growth and self-discovery. By embracing our vulnerabilities and rekindling our inner fire, warriors can rise above adversity, further shaping our relentless and resilient spirit. Ultimately, the warrior's journey is not without obstacles and doubts. If you are feeling this way, you are not alone. Valerie shares her struggle with this issue in another honest and transparent episode! Connect with Valerie at:

  • Marriage & Life: The Journey Through Our Daughter's Addiction & Murder

    13/02/2024 Duração: 49min

    Join me and my husband Rich (his first Podcast appearance) as we discuss some of our journey through the unimaginable. Life is filled with unexpected twists and turns; sometimes, those twists can lead us down a path we never anticipated. Our daughter, Jamie's addiction, was undoubtedly a twist we would never have wanted to imagine. Marriage is often described as a partnership, a union between two people who promise to support and love each other through thick and thin. When our daughter's addiction came to light, it tested the strength of our marriage like never before. We faced challenges and decisions we never imagined we would have to make. Addiction is a powerful force that can tear families apart. It can drive a wedge between spouses, causing blame, resentment, and anger to fester, especially when one is a step-parent. However, my husband and I consciously decided to stand united in the face of adversity. Navigating our daughter's addiction also forced us to reevaluate our own lives and become less

  • When Nobody Understands

    07/02/2024 Duração: 17min

    Does it ever feel as if nobody understands how you feel? They can't seem to comprehend your painful journey. In this episode, Valerie will discuss helpful perspectives so you can feel less abandoned and why it helps other people when you give them the gift of learning how to reach out to you and others in situations foreign to them.

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